God of Fishing

Chapter 1444: Battle of Ten Thousand Monsters Valley

Han Fei looked down on everyone in a half-king attitude. After all, Han Fei killed several venerables in a short time. This strength does not allow them to have any doubts.

In fact, many venerables believed that this power must be Han Guanshu or Ren Tianfei, or whoever left it to Han Fei.

Because Han Fei's power reached a half-king level, and he was extremely overbearing, no one dared to fight for Han Fei's passage underneath the star tortoise.

Suddenly, in the pursuit of life and death, I saw Old Monster Chu making a move. Covering the sky with a big hand, across the void, successively projected the three primary masters of the Black Brake Snail King and shot them to pieces.

However, this behavior released the half-king body of the Black Chaluo King. When everyone else saw Old Monster Chu's reaction, they were also violent. Someone dragged the opponent, waiting for the friendly forces to attack together, and then used formations and other means to kill many sea monsters.

But even if they let go of their hands and feet, these people only killed two projections of the Black Brake Snail King.

Why were these projections bombarded?

Han Fei once suspected: It was Heisha Snail King who stayed behind. Compared with the true primary venerable, projection is only a special energy after all. If it is energy, it will always be consumed, and it is not possible to practice. Therefore, the value of projection is not that high.

Even if the battle situation of this battle had already fallen to one side, the following chase battle was fought for more than two hours.

Seeing that the opponent's venerable is less damaged, Han Fei also has an unclear perception: it seems that the stronger the strength, the smaller the gap between them. There are very few who can leapfrog a challenge like myself!

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no gap among others. After all, he is a Tianjiao character, after all, he must be a little tougher. However, at the state of the venerable, the gap between ordinary people and the supreme Tianjiao is not very obvious.

Han Fei pondered: I'm afraid, this has something to do with the former Tianjiao's lack of good practice. Otherwise, shouldn't Tianjiao be proud of the crowd? In the weak stage, natural ability can play an important role. However, when it comes to the Venerable Realm, the discovery of talent is almost over. After this, there is no top-level technique, and the former Tianjiao has also been reduced to everyone.

In fact, Han Fei felt that he was not all right. Just now, the strength Tang Yan gave himself was unmatched. However, when facing the Black Shaluo King, with his talent, he did not appear to be more powerful than others.

Of course, it may also be because it is not your own power, so you can't fully tap your own potential.

All in all, Han Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief: This battle has been won! Together with the half-king projection of the Black Shaluo King, a total of six Siren Venerables ran out.

This battle seems to have killed many venerables.

However, in fact, excluding the two venerables of Thousand-Star City, most of the people who died on the side of the Sea-Monster were the projections of the Black Shalu King. It can only be said that this outstanding battle only destroyed the conspiracy of the Black Chaluo King.

When the opponent's venerable power completely escaped, Han Fei's voice shook Broken Star Island: "The Sea-Monster has been defeated, every strong one, quickly slay the Dao-seeking-level Great Monster among the Sea-Monsters."

When it's over, Han Fei drink it again; "Smashing Star Island has millions of fellows, and I'm about to usher in a thousand years of prosperity on Broken Star Island. The sea monster is defeated, and mankind is thriving. From then on, this vast sea is the land of my human race. There is no more Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters! Some, only Broken Star Island."

"Oh! Kill~"

"Have you won? Did you finally win?"

"Brothers, after this battle, there is no need to fight again!"

"Teemian, handsome and mighty~"

"Little Yuzai, don't run, let the uncle I cut two more."

The so-called defeat is like a mountain.

The escape of the top powerhouses like the Black Brake Conch King made the Sea-Monster army completely lose confidence. Even the king of his own ran away, how can they conquer Broken Star Island?

In fact, Heisha Luowang couldn't take them away. After all, an army of millions is not a small number!

But I saw that above the sea of ​​thousands of miles, a piece of slaying, all sea monsters that couldn't escape, were being cleaned up.

Regardless of the two-hour battle, 300 miles away from the coast of Broken Star Island, almost the entire line was broken. The fall of the Kraken and Broken Star Island soldiers totaled more than one million.

Han Fei couldn't bear to see the tragic extent of this battle. He didn't want to see the sacrifice of these people, he wanted to purge more Kraken.


In this battle, the victory was less than 50 minutes, and the star tortoise broke through again, and steadily promoted from the junior sage to the intermediate sage.


The mountain body of the Xuantian Waterfall has already collapsed, and now the rock wall under the star turtle is completely broken.

After a while, everyone turned their eyes to this side.

Just listen to Han Fei speaking to all the venerables of the seven great sects and aristocratic families: "If you want the corpse of the king? See you in Ten Thousand Demon Valley."


I saw that Han Fei held Snowmourne and directly cut the star tortoise for 300 miles.

The ban was already broken, and Han Fei was seen alone carrying 300 miles of islands across the sky. The Star Tortoise had just broken through. Although the seal had been opened for more than half of the time, and great power was pouring out, after all, it had not all been unlocked, and it was now closely chasing Han Fei.

This scene, reflected in the sky, saw the countless people who were chasing, all dumbfounded: Is this a person?

Someone looked solemn: "Han Shuai, what is this doing? What is he doing carrying the mountain?"

Someone exclaimed: "It's too domineering to walk alone on the mountain!"

Someone complained: "Why are you so special? Which eye sees that is a mountain? That's so obvious that it is an island, which was carried by the handsome Han."

Someone rolled his eyes: "Come on! Open your eyes to see which shoulder Han Shuai is carrying?"

Someone exclaimed: "Look, that tortoise, isn't that the one who just said he wants to be respected?"

"Yes, that's it. Just now, the sky curtain swept across the Xuantian Waterfall, and I saw it."

Le Ren shook his face wildly and said, "Where are you going, this guy?"

Luo Xiaobai's expression is solemn: "If the battle is won, with Han Fei's personality, he must be credited before others. However, he has not yet, which shows that the war is not over yet."


The void exploded, and Luo Tianhe's figure appeared before a few people: "Where he goes, don't chase him. For the battle below the noble level, it is basically over. However, above the noble level, The second battle has just begun."

Zhang Xuanyu exclaimed: "The second battle? What second battle?"

Luo Tianhe: "The aristocratic family and all the forces on Han Fei's side are in disagreement after all, and their ways are different. Do you really think: Han Fei asked the people of Thousand Star City to come down to ask them for help?"


After a while, everyone was horrified: What does this mean? Relying on Broken Star Island and the Seven Great Sects alone, if you want to win such a battle? That should be... not good, right? Although the aristocratic family had no achievements, they also blocked some enemies.

Luo Xiaobai took the lead in reacting: "The Thousand Star City is not really to stop the siren, so Han Fei does not accept this sentiment. The two sides have different goals in resisting the siren, but there is a prerequisite basis, and the siren must be excluded, so Reunification was barely reached. At this time, the united front has passed, and there is still a battle between Han Fei and the Qianxing City clans?"

Luo Tianhe shrugged slightly: "Whether to fight or not? I don't know. Can we fight...no one can say. The Thug Academy did not appear from beginning to end, and less than half of all the great lords in Thousand Star City came. There are more. The people, especially those powers that are not visible, did not appear at all."

Le Ren Kuang couldn't help scratching his head: "So, in fact, the two sides have never regarded the Kraken as a real enemy, right?"

Luo Tianhe nodded slightly: "The danger of the Sea-Monster is not that Thousand Star City really doesn't understand it. However, in their eyes, this is not a big problem. Broken Star Island, in their eyes, is more like a place for military training. It's not really a place of nine deaths."

Luo Xiaobai frowned: "Where is he going now?"

Luo Tianhe looked at Han Fei who disappeared into the sky, and said lightly: "Ten Thousand Demon Valley!"


At the moment when Broken Star Island won the battle, Ten Thousand Demon Valley also fought for nearly two hours.

It can be said: 800,000 troops attacked, the number of human and dungeon coalition forces of only more than 40,000, has already hit less than 20,000.

However, it is different from the battle of Broken Star Island.

Ten Thousand Demon Valley's combat power is much higher than Broken Star Island. Here, the lowest strength is the pinnacle of dive anglers. The worst qualified is the team of He Xiaoyu who was accidentally left behind.

Even such a team, because of Jiu Yinling's care, is intact.

Humans and the dungeon army are extremely powerful.

This battle killed more than 200,000 sea monsters. After all, most of the Sea-Monsters are still too weak, not even in the Sea-Monster Realm, only to be killed.

However, the corrosive blood in these fallen sea monsters was continuously sucked into the void and became the nourishment of the Black Brake Snail King.

If it hadn't been for these beings to support the Black Chaluo King fighting, he would have been crushed by Han Guanshu at this moment.

Xue Shenqi fell into the same vicious circle as Han Guanshu. Because the projection of the Black Brake Snail King has always been supplemented by the power of Corrosive Blood, it is impossible to finish the fight.

Of course, Heisha Snail King consumed his 800,000 half-mermaid life. This is also the reason why the more than 40,000 coalition forces of humans can continuously kill 200,000 sea monsters within two hours.


Suddenly, the hearts of several people moved.

Han Guanshu grinned: "I! Lost?"

The complexion of King Heisha Luo became extremely ugly. The siren army will eventually be defeated! Want to fight against the entire human race with only part of your own strength? Obviously, it's still a bit powerless.

Just listen to the Black Shaluo King shouting: "What about defeat? Even if this king is defeated, the remaining two half-king projections are not easy for Er Broken Star Island to deal with."

However, just listening to Han Guanshu suddenly smiled: "Do you think you can really go?"


Just looking at Han Guanshu's hand, on the Great Dao Book, the nine days of thunder pouring out, shockingly.

"Thunderbolt Immortal Formation."

"Jie Jie Jie!"

But see a massive thunderbolt, blocking the void. A big hand with withered bones stretched out from the void, grabbing at the army of hundreds of thousands of sea monsters.


Shocking Fist ~www.ltnovel.com~ The sky is so clear that it is like a big star erupting, and the galaxy is shaking. The terrifying and overbearing force, from top to bottom, rushed straight to the King of Black Brakes.

"Boom bang bang~"

Tens of thousands of half-mermaid suddenly shattered, and the corrosive blood flew to the black brake conch king. While Heisha Luowang turned his hands, a large shell of sun and moon exploded in his body. A large amount of corrosive blood was enveloped, trying to block Han Guanshu and this terrifying fist mark.


However, the corrosive blood from the outside world could not rush into the Thunder Jade Immortal Array. The massive amount of corrosive blood in the Black Shaluo King's body was bombarded by a punch to the point where it evaporated.

The figure of Ren Tianfei appeared, and the fist imprints again.

Book of the Great Road, the light reappears.

A big white hand, using the hand as a knife, straight into it, will not give the Heisha Conch King a chance to survive.


Heishaluowang's body exploded, and the projection of this statue was gone.

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