God of Fishing

Chapter 1446: compromise?

Han Fei knew: From the beginning, he was not alone. I have a lot of power to rely on.

It's just that these powers are different from those of aristocratic families. The aristocratic families are for their respective ruling positions and class interests. However, the power around Han Fei came together because of various coincidences.

Perhaps, they laid out for a long time. However, their starting point for getting together is different.

It just happened that Han Fei was pushed to his current position.

Up to now, although Han Fei still can't be regarded as the top combat power here. However, Han Fei has indeed changed from a chess piece to a chess player.

The outbreak of a great war, involving millions of lives, would Han Fei recklessly rely on his passion?

Don't say he hasn't entered the respect. Even if he is respected, he will not go rash without absolute certainty.

Before planning this battle, when he returned from the Holy Realm to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, Han Fei had already laid out. In the holy realm, a large number of sea monsters died before they could return.

Han Fei has seen the construction of that giant teleportation array, and he can build it himself! Because it was only a few people in size.

However, the sea monster army that the other party wants to send is hundreds of thousands, which is totally different. Once Broken Star Island is done, the Holy Realm will definitely become the reserve force of Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

In the holy realm, there are millions of snails. It is definitely not a problem to transform it into a projection by the means of the Black Chaluo King. Therefore, although the number of people to block the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters is small, it must not be weak.

Even, if it weren't for Broken Star Island that really didn't have high-end combat power, he would arrange tranquility over. Dignified and half-king, don’t use it when it's time to use it. Shouldn't it be used again when something is impossible?

To make this move of Ten Thousand Demon Valley work, Broken Star Island must have enough power to contend with the sea monster first. There are few known powers, and few characters available. Han Fei didn't even want to come to the critical moment, the mob academy people would come to help. That way, it is very possible to expose the hole cards of the Mob Academy.

But after all, a ghost ship came, bringing tens of thousands of faceless men.


The war seemed to be over, but there was a battlefield without gunpowder, rekindling.

Because Han Fei knew that this duel was bound to come.

In order to become a king, the big families of Thousand Star City, that one strong man, exhausted his brain and thought for thousands of years without gain. Now, with the corpse of a king in front of them, you tell them forbearance? Totally impossible.

Even if it is to get the road to the king's corpse, they will choose to grab it. Once you become a king, you can enter the fairy palace and rule the entire yin and yang sky. At that time, the sea monster's troubles should not be a concern.

Han Fei can grasp the thinking of Han Fei keenly. Before, Simon Linglan told him a lot. In the thinking of aristocratic families, the way of doing things is different from that of ordinary people. They have already been carved into the bones.

Including this moment, Han Fei is still betting.

Han Fei also didn't like Lao Han, they really started the ultimate battle with the family.

But Han Fei still attracted them, because Han Fei concluded that the family did not have the courage and courage to fight. With thousands of years of luck in the family, fight against those who have no family background?

Since it is a gambling, the chips are enough. Otherwise, if someone eats you in one bite, it's like playing. What is it called a bet?

Han Fei's side, although the staff is not complete, it does not mean that there is no bargaining chip. Just like the current Old Monster Chu, although there are ten statues here, Han Fei is not afraid.

These ten sages, half-king level, even if Old Han couldn't deal with it, Tranquility could deal with it. Even if Tranquility is not allowed to take action, let Old Monster Chu go to grab Yun Whale...? Huh, can Tang Yan?

At this moment, Han Fei looked at the Lord of the Heavenly Sword and saw that the Seven Great Sects hadn't made any movement, so he cast his eyes on Xue Shenqi.

Broken Star Island has four combat powers: Xue Shenqi, Chen Sanbai, Star Tortoise, and Himself, which is equivalent to a senior venerable, an intermediate star tortoise, and two junior peaks, barely enough for an intermediate.

The number is insufficient, but there are no high-ranking sages in the family.

Han Fei suddenly looked at the void in the distance, and said lightly: "I have a disciple in the Yi family, come to my thug academy. As an elder, senior is a bit far away."

"Oh! Our family is already sparsely populated, but we can't fight it anymore."

The old voice sounded, and the old servant of the Yi family walked out of the void in the distance. Compared to others, it stands to reason that the Yi family is the least familiar to Han Fei, and even unknown.

However, Han Fei and this family have one thing in common: that is, they are not tolerated by the Thousand Star City family at the same time. The blood of the Yi family is doomed to their desperate life.

Therefore, our two sides are a natural alliance. The Yi family helped Han Fei, that is, helped herself. This is also the reason why they had to throw Yi Xiyan into the thug academy...

In a blink of an eye, Han Fei's side, the number of definite nobles as many as six.

Among them, Han Guanshu's strength cannot be determined.

When Han Guanshu and the half-king of Heisha Luowang were fighting fiercely, others might not be able to detect it, but Old Monster Chu could.

Even though there are four more Venerables on my side, there are five Venerables in the Seven Great Sects. Especially the Lord of the Heavenly Sword, this high-level pinnacle, has the combat power of the pinnacle. Its strength is strong, not at all weaker than the ordinary peak of the Venerable.

This combat power suddenly surpassed the family's side.

In fact, Old Monster Chu discovered that the ancestor of the mob had appeared here, and it is likely that he was still nearby. As for Ren Tianfei? He did not find a trace of him. This person is the best at sneak attacks, and he has to guard against it.

Old Monster Chu looked at the Heavenly Sword Sect: "Heavenly Sword, you must know that if you are standing in line today, your seven sects will completely go to war with the aristocratic family. These people, it does not matter if they hide from Tibet. Your foundation is all in the thousands. Where is Star City."

The Lord of the Heavenly Sword smiled disdainfully: "Old Monster Chu, you don't need to bluff me. If the seven major sects were so easy to get into trouble, your family would have taken over the past. It hurts a thousand enemies and hurts yourself eight hundred. This truth, you Don’t you understand? If you have the ability, then completely suppress them. Don’t be okay, pull on my seven sects."

Old Monster Chu sneered: "Well, even if you are really united, what can you do? It's nothing more than adding a Ren Tianfei and the mob ancestor. These two people can't be here. If the old man guessed well, these two people One person must guard the third-level fishing ground, and one person will walk around Thousand Star City in an attempt to cholera...Huh, Cao Tianzhi, are you still not coming out?"

The reason why Old Monster Chu dared to fight was because of these two people, and they would be restricted. Once the mob ancestors and Ren Tianfei show up and are suppressed, the family will do their best to lock them out of Broken Star Island and jointly kill them.

The cries of Old Monster Chu made Han Fei's eyelids pick up: Back then, during the battle of Thousand Star City, Old Han also called this name. Today, Old Monster Chu called.

Originally, among the people who came to Broken Star Island this time, there was Cao Shuang from the Cao family, which Han Fei felt a little strange. Even the Chen family didn't come. How could a super family like the Cao family, who are side by side with Chumen, send someone over?

Since people are here, it means that they have a purpose and want the remains of the king.

Han Fei originally thought: A family like the Cao family should not believe in these ways to become a king. But now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Including Han Guanshu, they all raised their heads and looked towards the void.

After waiting for a few breaths, I saw a burly man walking out of the void with a cold face.

The man glanced at Han Guanshu casually, and then looked at Old Monster Chu.

Finally, he turned his gaze on Han Fei: "This is the end of the matter, the king's corpse, let's take a look!"

Han Fei looked directly at this person: "After reading it, what about?"

Cao Tianzhi said: "If it is useful, if the Cao family wants a big bone, they will not participate in the competition."

Han Fei chuckled softly: "A raccoon dog. Your Cao family walks on the way to refining the body. The king's big bone is the essence of your body. You need a big bone to open your mouth without any effort? Wouldn't it be more domineering than Old Monster Chu?"

Old Monster Chu laughed, "Cao Tianzhi, Han Fei's words are pretty good. You don't want to do anything, you need a big bone? Is it fair?"

Cao Tianzhi ignored the old monster Chu, but looked at Han Fei: "The Cao family has three kings and wants a king bone. Is there a problem?"

As soon as the words fell, another figure walked out of the void, with blue light on both fists, and a silver hair, which looked very bluffing.

Seeing this, Han Fei's heart was shocked again: It's just over! How many venerable combat powers are hidden by these noble families? What's the point of a high-ranking monk popping up?

Only seeing Han Fei's face change for a long time, he said: "Want to see the King's Bone? That's OK. Now, with a few more families, you don't know the rules of Broken Star Island before. The resources that should be given are here. This is one of them. As I said before, whoever punishes the most enemies will get more points."

Seeing Han Fei let go, Old Monster Chu's eyebrows inevitably showed a trace of disdain. However, he also secretly sighed: Had Cao Tianzhi joined, this Han Fei would never let go?

Many people think: What Han Fei wants is the last bit of face, just find himself a step down.

The seven major sects, the masters of the heavenly swords, frowned slightly: Could it be that Han Fei just compromised like this? But it is! No matter how strong Han Guanshu is, there is a limit. The aristocratic family must send people to the third-level fishing grounds to disperse the fighting power of the venerable Han Fei. In Thousand Star City, since Old Monster Chu dared to come, he was naturally prepared accordingly. If Ren Tianfei didn't sneak attack on Thousand Star City, but came here, then there would be others. As a result, you may not be able to leave.

The Lord of the Heavenly Sword, at this moment, is thinking: Even if he participates in the war, the opponent will have an extra half-king combat power. Han Fei is still not enough!

Seems to have made a major decision, Han Fei looked at the star tortoise: "Open the battle!"

The star tortoise trembles a little, and the seal on his body, like ten thousand little hands, begins to shrink. Slowly, a piece of white smoke filled with the coercion of the king emerged.


Cao Tianzhi said lightly: "It's the fog of the avenue~www.ltnovel.com~ From the outside, you can't see through, you have to go in."

Han Fei immediately said: "Want to enter? Also the coach is advanced."

Old Monster Chu frowned slightly: "Hmph, don't talk about the ones that are not. Let's go in together! At this point, the old man doesn't want to change anything."

Cao Tianzhi: "I have no opinion."

Han Guanshu looked at Han Fei: "Son, what do you think?"

Han Fei's face was gloomy, and he said lightly: "Yes. But, let's enter together with the seven major sects for this battle!"

The Lord of Heavenly Sword nodded slightly. Although he knew that Han Fei was looking for reinforcements, he wanted to see the corpse of the king too! Han Fei yelled, how could he not respond?

At that moment, everyone walked into the fog of that avenue.

And Han Fei, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes: The last time he came in, there was no fog of the avenue here, only the fog of the king's coercion!

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