God of Fishing

Chapter 1448: Tang Yan, this man

The advantage of Gemini magic is that it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the existence of the black mist body.

Jing'er was indeed angry.

Because this surnamed Sun is too thief, even disguised as a weak one. In fact, this product is not that Sun Baisheng at all! The hateful thing is that Jing'er was even deceived...

This can only show: Sun Xiaotian's ability is indeed not small. With this method of pretending to be someone else, Difuding and Han Fei can both fight.

Of course, Jing'er shot, one is because she was deceived. He didn't do anything, so he looked at Han Fei, a living person, but he didn't pay attention to it and was stabbed by someone with a sword.

How could Jing'er's self-esteem stand this blow?

Furthermore, if she didn't make a move, under everyone's eyes, Han Fei's black mist body would be exposed 80%.

The star tortoise who was dragged by Han Fei not far away saw Han Fei being chopped with a sword, and the tortoise's shell was trembling: Nima, is the venerable now so innocent? Say slash? Was it Han Fei?

It's because Star Turtle knew that Han Fei had the mysterious technique of Gemini Divine Art, otherwise, he would have been walking early in the morning.


Tang Yan's voice sounded. Because of Jing'er's existence, even he didn't know.

In other words, everyone is in the half-king realm, and no one is better than anyone else. Otherwise, if Tang Yan went down, Cao Tianzhi would have been slashed. Han Guanshu didn't dare to call Old Monster Banchu.

Moreover, Jing'er is the longest person with the king among all the people.

The daily life in the fairy palace is very boring, and I can't disturb the king if I'm fine. Therefore, she always treats herself as a transparent person and tries not to let the king notice her existence. Therefore, Jing'er's hiding ability has never been weak.

At this moment, forced to helplessly, Jinger appeared.

At the moment Jing'er appeared, Old Monster Chu felt cold: What's this special, where did the half king come from? Is this endless?

Cao Tianzhi shattered his arms, his fist waves shook thousands of miles, abruptly carrying the power of Tang Yan's knife, and with his big hands in the void, he dragged away Cao Shuang and Cao Meng.


Nothing was left behind.

At the moment Jing'er played, Cao Tianzhi knew: This battle was gone. Tang Yan has already caused everyone to panic like this.

At this time, there is another strange half king? Even if the King of Black Brake Snails came back and joined forces with them? At most it will be a tie.


Old Monster Chu and Jing'er confronted once, reached out and grabbed the reborn Sun Xiaotian.

Immediately afterwards, Old Monster Chu flees into the void, with a long voice: "You are good, a scam, deceived the entire Thousand Star City. This time, the old man admits it. Han Fei, the old man is waiting for you in Thousand Star City..."


There are too many venerables who have fallen today.

A big battle, fought to this point, has already turned over. Chu Qing, Ye Kai, and Yang Kun who should have been randomly killed by Tang Yan, and the two who Han Fei had killed before.

Only the noble family has fallen to five nobles. Among them, four were killed by Han Fei.

In addition, the fall is naturally the strength of the sea monster. Within a day, the number of fallen Venerables reached 10. This still doesn't count the power of the Black Brake Snail King projection! Otherwise, this number is even more.

Just now, although Jinger slapped Sun Xiaotian with a slap, she didn't kill her. Jing'er also snorted at Han Fei: "This person, leave it to you."

Han Fei nodded slightly.

This should not be regarded as Jing'er helping herself. However, Jing'er's appearance really shocked them.

At this moment, the yin and yang sky showed three major forces in total.

Judging from the current situation, Han Fei is undoubtedly the strongest. Because in the invisible, the seven major sects are already standing in line. Especially after this battle, Han Fei's side also proved that there is enough power to contend with the family.

The seven major sects are so happy.

However, they are not very happy about this so-called king corpse scam. In their opinion: Han Fei must know about this. After all, it was Han Fei who led everyone into the mist. Who gave Han Fei the power to fight against the sea monster?

All this indicates: Han Fei has long known the plot!

But does Han Fei really know?

At this moment, Han Fei was also quite dazed. He expected Tang Yan to take action, but he didn't expect Tang Yan to kill him directly. Obviously, Tang Yan and Old Monster Chu are no strangers. He is waiting for Old Monster Chu to come.

high! This chess is really high!

However, even though this scam has even deceived the seven major sects, the people of the seven major sects are greatly disappointed. It seems that finding the road to king through these opportunities is still not very reliable.

Lord of Heavenly Sword: "Go!"


As soon as the Sword Master left, Jian Sanqing and others should follow. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky. Old blame Chu, these people went back, and they naturally had to go back.

What is the bottom line for the strong? It's hard to say clearly! What if this group of people loses the battle on Broken Star Island, will they cast their anger on the seven major sects?


Han Fei's heart moved at the time: Fortunately, he pretended to be like. If he didn't forcefully ask Old Monster Chu and them for resources, it is estimated that they would not necessarily be able to believe in themselves and directly enter the fog of the avenue.

However, Han Fei still grinned, he felt a huge amount of willingness and was digging into his body.

Jing'er stepped out and disappeared into the void.

Xue Shenqi glanced at Han Fei and the others, then looked at Old Chen and Xinggui: "Go back and clean up the mess."

Star tortoise is still hesitating to leave? Looking at it now, only Han Fei is the safest.

Can Xue Shenqi not know what it thinks? He directly said: "He is the most insecure. What if he is going to fight again? Are you going too?"

Star Turtle pondered: This seems to be right!

Therefore, the star tortoise immediately said: "This tortoise has just broken through, and its strength has not yet been consolidated. Otherwise, this battle will surely be able to win one."

While talking, Star Tortoise had climbed up to Xue Shenqi's side, and glanced at Xue Shenqi: "Go!"

The old servant of the Yi family secretly breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his hand to Han Fei: "Farewell."

The old servant of the Yi family is truly the easiest and most feared one.

It's easy because his sense of existence is extremely low, and he is the last to come to the Battle of Broken Star Island. Participating in the battle here was also called by Han Fei. He couldn't come over unless Han Fei didn't call him.

In a moment, only Han Fei, Bai Congye, Jiang Daqian, Han Guanshu, and the arrogant Tang Yan who walked with the knife were left here.

This is completely different from Tang Yan in Han Fei's mind.

Han Fei thought: A person who can stay in Yun Whale for 1800 years should be an extremely calm person. It should be the same as Lao Han... As a result, this style of painting is completely wrong!

Tang Yan hooked his mouth and spoke in unruly language: "Boy Han, the power of the half king, is it easy to use or not?"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "Naturally it is quite easy to use. Unfortunately, the duration is too short."

Tang Yan scolded with a smile: "It lasts a long time, and you haven't beaten all these people? After all, it's not your own power. To deal with the sea monster, just use it temporarily. In the future, you will cultivate yourself!"

When it was over, Tang Yan glanced in the direction of Broken Star Island, then looked at Han Guanshu, cursing: "I take advantage of me, you bastard, you are too unkind."

Han Guanshu smiled gently: "In short, this road is quite different, what do you think?"

Tang Yan curled his lips: "Let's do it!"

I don't know why, Han Fei was stunned at the time: Lao Han and Tang Yan, they look very familiar!

Although Han Fei had been so skeptical before, he felt that Lao Han and Tang Yan must have known each other. Otherwise, how could Tang Yan directly lend himself half-king power?

However, Tang Yan's look just now made him a little flustered.

Han Fei seemed to have noticed, and immediately said: "No...you wait a moment, Tang Ge..."

Han Fei suddenly remembered: In addition to his own son, Tang Ge is also his adopted son. Where did Tang Ge come from? In the beginning, his talent was so high, and his cultivation was extremely fast. The awakened is the legendary gifted soul beast, the Bailongyu Spirit Shrimp.

Isn't this unreasonable?

At this moment, Han Fei frowned and looked at Tang Yan.

Tang Yan smiled softly: "I am me, he is him. You have your father's layout, and now it's my turn to arrange the layout."

In other words, in the direction of the Pearl Sea, Tang Ge and Mu Ling were strangling enemies. Seeing that the void suddenly collapsed, the two of them were directly sucked in.

Han Fei seems to understand, looking at these people with complex expressions: one by one, just to walk out of a unique road, they are all fooling around...

It turned out that Tang Ge was actually Tang Yan's reincarnation?

However, Tang Yan is still there...

Han Fei couldn't help saying, "What's the matter with the corpse of the Yun Whale? Are you the Yun Whale or are you the same?"

Tang Yan laughed: "I am me, and the cloud whale is my gifted soul beast."

Han Fei did not believe: "The corpse of the cloud whale is real."

Han Fei believes: That is definitely a real cloud whale. He clearly felt that kind of road and obtained a large amount of spiritual enlightenment there, the best demon stone...

Tang Yan knew everything, and seemed to have nothing to hide, and he didn't bother to hide it.

Just listen to him: "The corpse of the king under the hanging sky waterfall was used by me as early as 1800 years ago. You should know where the corpse of the cloud whale is. However, it is indeed not a king, but a king crossing the robbery. The body of failure is nothing more. The chance is not owned by any of you, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Everyone has said it to this point...

Han Fei also understands roughly: Tang Yan is Tang Yan~www.ltnovel.com~ This time, maybe it is to help, but it should not be purely on his side.

Tang Yan smiled and looked at Han Guanshu: "In this battle, a Yang family kid was beheaded, and Cao Tianzhi's half of his flesh and blood was cut, so that he could not recover for ten years. Tang Ge's favor is paid. Let's go! My secret, Help me be conservative. If there is such a thing as attacking Thousand Star City, remember not to call me!"

Tang Yan left, very chic.

Han Fei estimated: This stuff, surely ran into the belly of Yun Whale again.


Just at this moment, a pair of big bones tore open the void, with a strong lifelessness, they came out.

The ancestor of the mob said: "You have a lot of movement here! Poor, this seat was entangled by King Truman. If Ren Tianfei left a fist mark, this seat should have been beaten to death."

Han Guanshu smiled and said, "Didn't you take your body back?"

Thug ancestor: "After all, the time is too short. If there are thirty to fifty years, this constellation should be over a thousand stars."

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