God of Fishing

Chapter 1452: Broken Star Island after the war

Han Fei always thought that only mysterious creatures like time dragon carp could use things like time. Just like Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, Master Six. The birth of these creatures is irregular, yet extremely mysterious.

In this way, they will have some strange abilities.

Nowadays, the Demon Refining Pot has given birth to a power that can delay time, allowing the time in the entire refining world to be completely independent from the outside time. This is no different from one's own cultivation.

And his current refining world, with a radius of ten miles, aura and energy, is actually enough for cultivation. Han Fei didn't plan to expand the world of refining and chemical all the time, just with the expansion. After all, once you become a king in the future and open up your own Chaos Sea, that will truly belong to you.

Just as Han Fei was about to continue experimenting, he suddenly felt his mind, but saw that the star tortoise had come back and moved a large mountain under the sea to fill the hollowed-out place on the Xuantian Waterfall.

Han Feixin said that, anyway, he has entered a half-sage, the power of the great path has been mastered, the demon refining pot abnormality has also been discovered, and the aura dismantling is enough.

In a short period of time, he almost settled all the prerequisites for being respected, and he was not in a hurry to be respected at this time.

Simply, Han Fei left the commander's office and had to continue to harvest a wave of willingness. It took more than half to solve the mystery of the avenue just now. Although there are a lot of things left, I thought that there might not be many opportunities to collect aspirations in the future, so I simply harvested it all at once.

In addition to the handsome mansion, Han Fei scanned it and found that Star Turtle had gone to move the mountain again. Xue Shenqi was not in Broken Star Island, so he should have brought Jiuyinling and the others back.

Old Chen, went back to the Broken Star Archives.

The cloud whale was floating in the sea 6,000 miles away, carrying thousands of people, all of whom were soldiers of Broken Star Island chasing the enemy.

Seeing some people laughing and cursing on Yunjing's back, Han Fei couldn't help but want to say, if you know that there is a half king sitting under your butt, you don't know how to think about it?

Anyway, Han Fei glanced away, except for the star tortoise, deliberately watching the rocks flying back and forth, causing the attention of countless people, and there was no other nobleman on the bright surface of Broken Star Island.

Han Fei felt silent in his heart to the Black Shaluo King. If that guy is more courageous, he will be killed again now...Well, it is still useless, Tang Yan is still there.

Inexplicably, Han Fei only felt happy, he hummed and "swiped" the corners of his mouth and jumped out.

Outside the West City, Broken Star Island was busy all around. Meng Liang of the patrol team around the island sent 10 strong men in the realm of submersible anglers to call for the souls of the 36th Town Guangguan Group.

Meng Liang feels that Broken Star Island must have an outsider to witness such a shocking battle.

Moreover, the sentiment is turbulent, although the soldiers of Broken Star Island have fallen, but most people are in a state of mixed sadness and joy.

Someone looked up to the sky and shouted: "The war is finally over."

Someone sat casually in the sand filled with the corpses of the sea monster, shivering and taking out a bottle of wine from the sea shell.


The man sipped himself a sip of wine, then sprinkled it on the beach: "Sixth, we won. Brother, I will take you home."

In part of the battlefield, some teams have already been in chaos, sitting together indiscriminately, and these people laughed and scolded.

Someone shouted: "I have never been so happy in this life. I really want to go back to sleep with him for three days and three nights."

Someone laughed and cursed: "I really want to go back to you, can you still sleep? I'm afraid you won't dare to sleep for three hours!"

Someone sighed leisurely: "I don't know how Han Shuai and the others are doing. Broken Star Island won the battle, and Han Shuai and the others are still fighting. It is the two fallen again, which shows how far those strong men have been killed. "

Everyone nodded, and now, some red rain is floating in the sky. Those are all powerful people in the dignified state, who should have appeared in the rumors. But today, one after another died, and the people beside him dare not say that during Xue Shenqi's reign, he hadn't even seen the fall of the Venerable.

After the war, it was time to clean the battlefield and treat injuries.

People in the tactical headquarters are arranging some uninjured soldiers nearby to quickly clean the battlefield. All supplies are not allowed to be embezzled. After counting the casualties of the various ministries and regiments, the Bureau of Material Combat Readiness will conduct unified dispatch.

Of course, occasionally some thief will be blinded and closed. But there is no such thing as a big sneak, and there are people observing secretly when sweeping the periphery of this battlefield.

Broken Star Island, after all, is a military island, and rules are rules. Winning the war is not the credit of everyone, who is greedy for everyone's credit. This naturally violates military regulations and will be punished.

More than two hours after the war, this kind of cleaning work is still in full swing.

In addition to cleaning the battlefield, the busiest ones were the Spirit Gatherers on Broken Star Island, all of them began to swallow the spirit fruit and began to treat the massive wounded.

After the war, the wounds were quite serious, and they were all gathered together, surrounded by many spiritual masters.

In fact, what should have fallen has fallen as early as the first time. At that time, Han Fei and the others were fighting and couldn't make it to the rescue. In fact, there are not many outstanding Spirit Gathering Masters on the island. Those who can hang their lives are usually hanged the first time.

As long as they can hang their lives, they will basically not fall. Everyone is a practitioner. How much injury can be considered mortal? Except for those who are too deep to be saved, basically those who are still alive can be saved. It's just the severity and sequelae of the injury, whether it will hurt the foundation, these are unknown.

Tens of thousands of wounded are lying on the beach on the coast of the Giant's Causeway line of defense.

The spiritual masters were rotated batch after batch. I just heard someone shout: "Quickly, the next batch of spirit gathering masters will hang on to me, hang my life, and hang me with spirit fruits."

Someone had intestinal puncture, bleeding in the nose and mouth, and tight muscles. Under these circumstances, the person is still swallowing spiritual energy, trying to run the exercises, and slowly recovering himself.

However, its effectiveness was average, and his body was about to be smashed for a long time, and he suffered a sea monster water burst sturdily.

"Ah~ The Spirit Gathering Master will treat me, I don't want to become disabled!"

A spiritual master scolded: "Don't move your special mother. After a day, your turtle son can go to the battlefield again."

Next to this person, there is already a family holding one of their thighs and shouting: "Man, connect the leg for me first! If you can't connect it, I will have no legs."

A Spirit Gathering Master shouted: "Fuck your uncle, your upper thigh is not a whole piece of flesh, you have to revive the flesh and blood before you can pick it up. Otherwise, the spiritual pulse is not smooth, it will become a hidden danger."

There are countless examples of this kind, all kinds of howls and screams, one after another.


Suddenly, in the sky above the tens of thousands of wounded, the void tore apart, and a human figure stepped into the sky.


"Cold, handsome?"


"I have seen handsome Han."

"Marshal, did we really win?"

"Handsome Han, shall we fight in the future?"

Han Fei shouted: "If you have any words, I will go to Poseidon Square outside the central city tomorrow and tell you. Now, all the non-wounded, retreat one kilometer."

Suddenly, the spirit gatherers retreated one by one. I heard that Han Shuai himself was a top spirit gatherer. Isn't Han Shuai going to do it himself?

Only seeing Han Fei stepping on her feet, the spirit gathering appeared, and the spirits gathered around.

"Holy Light Chain."


He saw the holy beam of light descending under Han Fei. At the moment he landed, he would turn into the shape of thousands of chains of lightning in the blink of an eye, rushing into the bodies of thousands of wounded.



I only heard the sound of inhaling air-conditioning, and the sy sound that was so comfortable to enjoy. The crowd, tens of thousands of onlookers, looked at this magical healing technique, and they all exclaimed.

Someone sighed: "Mother, Hanshuai, is this a cure? Isn't it too strong?"

"Healing thousands of people at one time, is this still a method that a spiritual gathering master can have?"

"Nonsense, it's definitely not! You are a cold-handed master as any spiritual gathering master? Then the position of the supreme commander will allow him to sit down."

In the astonished eyes of everyone, one after another holy light chains descended, Han Fei's spiritual energy surged, and he turned his hands and took out the hanging mirror.

In the next moment, Han Fei appeared on the scene.

I saw Han Fei's expression indifferent~www.ltnovel.com~ and the sound was shocking: "All of them, the adjudicators of all ministries, centurions, immediately organized all the wounded on Broken Star Island, gathered in Poseidon Square outside the central city, and the commander unified treatment. Tomorrow morning, the whole army will gather in Poseidon Square outside the central city. This commander will have a happy event and congratulate all the monarchs."

Someone looked back suddenly: "Han Shuai is back?"

Someone was surprised: "I said, Han Shuai can't have an accident, and the two venerables who fell behind must belong to the Sea Clan."

Everywhere, wounded people shouted: "Quick, quick, brother, send me to the outside of the central city, I can trust Hanshuai's treatment."

Someone was still being treated, but he suddenly shouted, "My buddy, don't heal me. I'm going to Poseidon Square."

The spiritual master said silently: "Your special mother just cut a few times, I still can't cure you?"

The man waved his hand: "What do you know, it was Han Shuai who treated me personally, can it be the same?"

Spirit Gathering Master: "..."

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