God of Fishing

Chapter 1454: Team together

   Healed the wounded, and after harvesting a wave of aspirations, Han Fei returned to the handsome mansion.

   The handsome mansion has always been very big.

  Han Fei didn't go to see the village chief and Wang Jie right away, but made an appointment with Luo Xiaobai and the others to have a hot pot in the handsome mansion.

   It’s just that this time the main characters of the hot pot are only four of them, and even Jiuyinling is not counted among them.

   "Fatty! I just want to know, what have you been doing these years? Are you a chef?"

  Han Fei looked at the table with a variety of innovative dishes. Suddenly, I was a little embarrassed. It looks so weird and delicious.

Le Ren Kuang immediately shook the fat on his face and said, "Speaking out, you may not believe me. I was caught by a strange old man. I only do two things every day. I eat and sleep, and I eat. I must I have to figure it out for myself! I thought about it, and I found out that cooking is actually quite simple."

   Zhang Xuanyu rolled his eyes and said, "It's only strange if I believe you! I'm just a miserable person. For some reason, there are a couple of father-in-laws and a cunning old servant. I was thinking of ways to destroy me."

While talking, Zhang Xuanyu suddenly looked at Han Fei: "No! To be honest, where did Yi Xiyan go? Don't let her come back. Otherwise, within a year, the three of you are sure to come. Attend my wedding."

   Luo Xiaobai picked up a piece of squid, stuffed it into his mouth, and said: "Isn't that just what you want? Yan Yan's appearance is amazing. In the past seven or eight years, she has been a young girl."

Zhang Xuanyu was taken aback by Luo Xiaobai's words, and he immediately touched his chin and said: "Hey! What you said is not unreasonable. In my impression, I have always regarded Yi Xiyan as that Pippi. Little girl."

   Listening to Zhang Xuanyu's presence, Han Fei stretched out his hand and squeezed Zhang Xuanyu's shoulder.

   I only heard Zhang Xuanyu yelling: "Hey, hey, it hurts... How strong are you now, don't you have any points?"

   Han Fei wondered: "How come your physique has become so much stronger? You have cultivated "108 Desolate God Body""

   Han Fei's childhood is watching Zhang Xuanyu grow up. In the past, I was a bit conservative and didn't hand over "108 Spirit Absorbing Warfare" to Zhang Xuanyu and the others. Later, I thought about regretting it, but I missed the best period at that time, and it seemed a bit late.

   However, the more you think about it, the later. The later, the harder it is to practice.

I saw Zhang Xuanyu suddenly become weird: "This has to talk about the old servant of the Yi family. In seven years, he broke my bones seven times, each time he was extremely cruel, and he couldn't bear to look directly at me. I crushed my whole body bones. , And then soak it with big medicine. Then every time after the bone is broken, I will practice your "108 Desolate Divine Body"! Up to now, it is only a matter of eight points."

  Han Fei remembered: At the beginning, after experiencing the ideal palace, Zhang Xuanyu was bruised and swollen when he came out of the ideal palace. At that moment, he handed over "108 Desolate Body". Because in Han Fei's view, this way of refining the body has already been accomplished by himself.

   Hearing Zhang Xuanyu's description, the music maniac and even Luo Xiaobai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, as if his scalp was tingling.

   Le Ren Kuang hurriedly said: "Fortunately, I don't need to train. As long as I can eat, my physique will become stronger."

   Luo Xiaobai: "The resilience of Yao Zhi has always been strong. I awakened the Luo Family's Divine Art, and has the blessing of Taoism, and its physical soul is not weak."

   Seeing that people are more relaxed than himself, Zhang Xuanyu cried and said: "According to the old servant's statement, I have to be broken twice."

   Han Fei couldn't help but patted Zhang Xuanyu's shoulder: "Remember, the desolate divine body is fully developed before crossing the catastrophe, the effect is absolutely different."

   Suddenly, Han Feimeng slapped his head and saw him wave his hand and more than 300 energy fruits appeared. Then, quickly classify these energy fruits. In the end, it was passed directly to the three of them.


   Le Ren Kuang immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "It looks very delicious."


Han Fei slapped the slap and slapped it: "You know how to eat and eat everything? These are the best spirit fruits. Any one placed outside is very valuable. Don't you have to pass the catastrophe, just give me Huo Huo. ..."

   Luo Xiaobai screamed: "You gave us these energy fruits for us to overcome the catastrophe?"

   Han Fei nodded: "These spirit fruits are mostly the best spirit fruits that warm and nourish the flesh and blood, stimulate the potential of the body, and strengthen the physique. Even if you take one with your current strength, it will be of great benefit."

   Zhang Xuanyu took it without hesitation, and asked: "With this, do I need to break my bones?"

   Han Fei glanced at Zhang Xuanyu with contempt, and said to his heart: Don’t you just break your bones a few times? If you want to cultivate the immortal body, what do you have to say?

   Looking at Han Fei's eyes, Zhang Xuanyu shrugged: "Let's go, let's go! Two more times, I will endure it and pass."

   Luo Xiaobai said: "In the past few years, you have crossed a great realm. Now you have the power of Tu Zun, are you about to become Zun?"

   Luo Xiaobai asked, and several people stopped looking at Han Fei.

  Han Fei's growth is so fast, it is almost to the point of incredible!

   A few of them estimated: Han Fei must have crossed the catastrophe now. However, he didn't expect that Han Fei could already slaughter Zun.

   Han Fei took a bite of the grilled fish and laughed: "Are you jealous? I said a long time ago, I have a talent for being a king."

Several people looked at Han Fei with contempt, and only listened to Luo Xiaobai's words: "We are still slow after all. You have just ruled Broken Star Island this time. Since you are completely at war with Thousand Star City, the 36 towns belong to you. Position. Your path is not easy to follow."

   Luo Xiaobai's straight-forward personality has not changed. At first glance, he focused on the situation in front of Han Fei.

   Zhang Xuanyu also said: "Compared to my two broken bones, I think although you are stronger now, the trouble is not small at all."

   The happy guy sucked a mouthful of shrimp meat in his mouth, and nodded: "I carried it all on you."

Han Fei grinned, and said with no good air: "Many? I tell you that your horizons have limited your thinking. Do you think it's hard for me to live now? Waiting for you to become truly strong and waiting for you to be respected. Afterwards, you will discover: This so-called difficulty is actually not difficult. You can hardly imagine how powerful a person can be?"

   The three looked at Han Fei, who was a little crazy, can they be unfamiliar with Han Fei? Seeing Han Fei like this, of course he knew he was excited.

   This shows: Han Fei said that he thought in his heart. In his opinion, it seems that the burden and pressure on his body are not great.

   Le Ren Kuang also stupidly said: "How strong can that person be?"

  Han Fei's eyes narrowed to a ray: There are some secrets, there is no need to hide it from the three of them. Telling them, on the contrary, you can let them know that this world has unlimited pursuits.

  Only listen to Han Feidao: "The heaven and earth where we are, called Yinyangtian, spanning eight million miles, is enclosed here by a huge ban. That ban is called the wall of death."


   After a while, the eyes of Luo Xiaobai and the three of them lit up and their hearts trembled. These were all unheard of secrets. In their impression, beyond the distant sea, isn't it the endless sea?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "In Yinyangtian, there is a sacred place called Xiangong. Since ancient times, one king shakes one domain, such as Yinyangtian, there are 36 places in this endless sea. "


   Le Ren Kuang sprayed out the grilled fish in his mouth and looked at Han Fei in surprise: "How much?"

   Han Feizheng said: "You heard that right. There are thirty-six places like this. In each place, there may be more than one king."

   Luo Xiaobai: "Where is the king of Yin and Yang?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Remember, the eyes we saw in the star beads? You should know the name of that thing-the eyes of heaven. That thing restricts the birth of the Yin-Yang Heavenly King. So, if you want to become a king, either Go to Outland, or go to the fairy palace."

   Zhang Xuanyu said: "Above the central **** seat of Thousand Star City?"

Han Fei: "Although this has always been the guess of the family, but the possibility of this guess is very high. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not everyone can go to the fairy palace. It seems that not everyone has good luck. My father, you know, the layout has been for many years, but it just pushed me away, and it can’t influence me... But now even I believe that I am the king of this Thousand Star City."

Han Fei spread his hands: "In the eyes of outsiders, Yin Yang Tian is a barbaric place. We are no different from natives. There are hundreds of venerables. On our side, there are very few venerables. Now, do you still think I am under pressure?"


   A moment later, when Han Fei revealed some less important information, the three were shaken by Han Fei.

   Luo Xiaobai took the lead in returning to his mind: "Have you been to other territories? How many kings are there?"

   Han Fei crossed the Tribulation in Shuimu Heaven, this secret is relative. In Luo Xiaobai's eyes, it wasn't a secret.

  Han Fei didn't conceal it, and said lightly: "Three...there are hundreds of them."

   Zhang Xuanyu cursed: "The son of a tortoise... OK, nothing to say. After this meal, I'm going to smash the bones. Where should you go and see you in the future."

   Luo Xiaobai took a breath: "I have been cultivating in Thousand Star City for a long time, and it happens to be on Broken Star Island. Now that human beings have a big victory, the outer waters should be able to go."


   The happy guy said madly: "I'll go back and take a catastrophe."

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