God of Fishing

Chapter 1457: God thorn

  Three months into the half statue, if the time in the world of practical refining is calculated, it is actually half a year.

   In the past six months, Han Fei-ri has been warming and nurturing herself with a small amount of willingness. Because the span from the peak of the search to the half-zun is actually not very large, but the understanding of the Dao is different. Therefore, Han Fei can temporarily push himself to the strongest recently.

   Broken Star Island is already on the right track, what is missing is the running-in of time.

   Because Han Fei created a brand new pattern, there are actually a lot of people trying it out.

   Among them, in addition to the 36 towns, the disciples of the seven major sects began to airdrop the broken star island on a large scale. It is indeed the open environment of the City of Justice, which is perfect for everyone to grow up.

   As long as you have the strength, courage enough to break through the sea, then there is no reason not to grow.

   On the contrary, the Thousand Star City aristocratic family is not so lucky. When the city of justice was receiving people, the whole people spontaneously began to hostile the big clan children of Thousand Star City. It can be said that, except for some special families, no children from a large family have come to Broken Star Island.

   Of course, even so, countless people came to Thousand Star City. Unlike before, people from Broken Star Island have to walk through the ladder to go to Thousand Star City. But now, people in Thousand Star City want to come to Broken Star Island, they have to accept three questions about the ecstasy.

   In front of the teleportation formation, a large formation emerged. Anyone who comes to Thousand Star City needs to enter the formation for questioning. At this point, a large number of undercover agents sent by aristocratic families have been discovered.

   All these people were sent back.

   Facing the current situation, Han Fei was very satisfied. Because Xue Shenqi was too familiar with things about Broken Star Island, Han Fei specially invited Xue Shenqi to serve as the defense officer of the City of Justice.

   Being dragged out for a one-day meeting today, Han Fei realized how similar the current City of Justice is to the City of Justice in history?

   He deeply knows that in the development of such a city, the position of city lord is actually a symbolic meaning. Since the announcement of the establishment of the City of Justice, although his popularity may have been wider, the collection of willingness has slowed down.

   In the past six months of cultivation, the aspiration consumption is even slightly greater than the aspiration harvest.

  Han Fei knows that the City of Justice needs to return to the natural development of a city. The legal restrictions of the superiors have already played a role. Now it is up to the adventurers themselves.

   handsome mansion.

   With a thought, Han Fei swept across the new hanging sky waterfall, which was built by the star tortoise.

   Right now, the star tortoise circled a piece of land in the Xuantian Waterfall. The tortoise has been suppressed for a long time. If there is nothing to do in the day, it will sneak into the crowd.

   "Senior Star Tortoise, how about a visit to my handsome mansion?"

   The star tortoise was tasting the fiery wine. Hearing Han Fei’s voice transmission, his expression suddenly tightened: "What are you doing?"

  Han Fei: "It's okay, I just want to arrange a position for you to help you experience what is called the pleasure of turtle life."

   Xinggui is puzzled, he is a fool from time to time, the supreme commander asks, there must be nothing good. If it hadn't been for the fact that it had been accustomed to Broken Star Island, it would have coincided with Broken Star Island's transformation. I thought it was very interesting. Maybe it had already slipped by now.

  Han Fei sneered: "I can eat you but you can't? Let you come and chant, the strength has fallen to a greater level than me, what should I worry about?"

   Star tortoise wants to roll his eyes and cross a larger realm than you? Don't be funny, there are as many as dozens of powerful nobles killed by you, can I not worry?

   Han Fei ignored it. Instead, he shouted, "Xiao Jiu, come to the handsome mansion."

   Jiuyinling is refining her body. She has been preparing for the robbery in the past few months. When she heard Han Fei's call, she immediately smiled and went straight to the handsome mansion.

   After a while, in the handsome mansion...

   "What? Pretending to be the Supreme Commander? This tortoise can't do it... This tortoise can only be a tortoise, not the Supreme Commander, you look for Xue Shenqi!"

   Star tortoise turned around and wanted to leave, Han Fei scared it to pee with a word. This Han Fei even wanted to pretend to be the supreme commander. Didn't he know that the death rate of the previous supreme commanders was as high as 80%, and only 10% were dead?

   Jiuyinling also looked at Han Fei in surprise, and said to her heart where is this going?

   Jiuyinling and Han Fei have been alone for several years, and they know Han Fei very well. Han Fei is an impatient person. Now that Han Fei wants to leave the post of supreme commander temporarily, that means Han Fei must have something to do.

   And Jiu Yinling seemed to be able to guess something, Han Fei should have no interest in the waters outside Broken Star Island. Although there are also the Sea-Monster Army and the Sea-Monster Venerable.

   But the Star Tortoise has broken through, and the Sea-Monster's strength has been compromised. At this time, no matter how bold they are, they dare not invade. And with Han Fei's strength, it is actually meaningless to find the troubles of these sea monsters, and this does not help Han Fei to gain the respect.

   Although Jiuyinling doesn't know how much it needs to be in the deity, it is not an overnight thing. I have never heard of anyone who loves to fight and becomes a venerable one.

   Therefore, Han Fei has only one place to go, and that is Qianxing City.

Han Fei immediately said with a stern face: "Senior Star Tortoise, I guess you know some of the secrets of this sea area. You have nowhere to go. There is Venerable Siren outside, I can’t tolerate you. Besides, you go. No. If you still don't help this commander in Broken Star Island, this sea is so big, but there is no place for you? Don't forget, who was protecting you before March."

   Xinggui took a meal and turned his head awkwardly: "Then why do I have to pretend to be the Supreme Commander!"

The corner of Han Fei’s mouth turned up: “You are on this Broken Star Island. Among all the people, you have the closest contact with the previous supreme commanders. You know the way to be handsome... I don’t want you to pretend for too long. ."

   The star turtle's eyes rolled: "How long are you going to go?"

  Han Fei: "It takes months to go fast, and one year slow. It won't be long."

  In Han Fei's concept, time is very slow, and it takes a long time for one year to pass. I shouldn't be there for a long time. I just enter the deity from left to right and crack some secrets.

   Star Turtle pondered for a long time: "Then I... pretend to be for one year at most! If you come back, I will go to Xue Shenqi."

   Han Fei grinned: "No problem. Okay, now I will teach you a great technique called "The Art of Fraud", which is a reward for you."

   lost a jade slip to the star turtle, Han Fei stretched out his hand and took Jiuyinling away thousands of miles away.

   In the Hengduan Mountains, Han Fei said, "Little Jiu, I need you to do something for me."

   As a result, Jiuyinling asked back, "Are you going to Thousand Star City?"

   Han Fei was taken aback: "How do you know?"

   Jiuyinling immediately took a breath: "Do you know that the Thousand Star City is now a huge mudflat. Everyone is waiting for you, but you have to jump inside?"

   For a long time, Jiuyinling has been an extremely gentle girl, but at this moment, even she can't help but feel mad. I don't know why Han Fei is so urgent.

   seems to realize that his tone is heavy. Only then did Jiu Yinling calm down for a while, and slowly said, "Why?"

Seeing Jiu Yinling's serious face, Han Fei immediately said: "The matter of becoming a king can be fast or slow. This time is a little secret, you don't know. I have a hunch that our world is about to break free from the cage. , Black Chaluo King may make a comeback. When he comes back, he will no longer be in the half-king state. It is a true king, a existence that can cover a thousand stars and sweep invincible..."

Seeing that Han Fei was so serious, Jiu Yinling and Han Fei looked at each other for a moment, and finally sighed: "Okay! I feel like you are always busy and running all the time. It may be my life in Fengyu Township for a few years. The happiest years in China..."

   Without saying anything, Jiu Yinling raised her head and said, "What do I need to do?"

  Han Fei’s feelings for Jiuyinling, in fact, have never exceeded the limit, he just regarded Jiuyinling as friends like Luo Xiaobai and the others.

  Han Fei took advantage of the trend and changed the subject: "Help me go to Bihai Town and call Old Man Jiang. I allocated him a piece of land on Broken Star Island, which is very valuable..."


   Three days later.

  Refining World~www.ltnovel.com~ Han Fei sits on the ground, her body is covered with a mist of blue and milky white.

In   , small squares were uncovered and remembered.


   "The thousandth yuan..."


   I saw Han Fei suddenly open his eyes, opened his mouth and took a deep breath, some kind of light flashing, and the clothes picture appeared in front of him.

   On this screen, there is a person from far to near, from small to large, as if a thousand miles away, someone stabbed himself with a spear. This spear point straightened his eyebrows, and Han Feizhen was stunned.

   Almost at that moment, Han Fei felt that he was in a realm of illusion, standing proudly above the void. There, a vague and invisible figure stretched out his hand and shot his brow.

   With that shot, a thousand miles of void shattered, like the tip of a gun, so far in my heart. At that time, Han Fei's eyebrows exploded, and he didn't even have a chance to escape, and was stabbed by a shot.

   At this moment, the "Frightening God Picture" was completed.

   The method of shocking the gods was completely forgotten by Han Fei at this moment, in his eyes. It was all this horrible blow, the power of a shot, ignoring the distance, directly killing the soul.

   At this moment, Han Fei had a taste of the super mastery of a thousand miles in one blow-God's stab.

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