God of Fishing

Chapter 1460: The Thief Han Fei (Part 2)


   saw the two boys suddenly became angry, and said one person: "What's the matter, you mean we have missed it?"

   "That's right! Foreigner kid, I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language. Is this a killing array or a visualization?"

Han Fei's expression is indifferent: "This picture looks like a killing formation, but if you look closely inside and inside, the outer pen and ink is too thick, as if it's covering up something. The formation is generally not drawn like this. So, below this picture, it should be There is another layer."

   Zhang Qiaoqiao’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but look at Han Fei’s eyes. With the two boys glaring at him, he curiously said: “Then how do you know that this calligraphy and painting are a visual image?”

Han Fei smiled lightly: "Look, if you don't go but look at the lines and words, this portrait doesn't look like a starfish? Five-pointed starfish, this shape is like a formation, but in case it is a creature Where's the visualization?"

   One of the boys was also slightly surprised. This outsider is a little bit clever! However, this person's status is still too low. Only one of the boys said: "You said this is a visualization. Okay, if it is not, you don't want to take something from the treasure house immediately."

  Yang Qiaoqiao shouted: "Yang Kang, Yang Cheng, can you two be more mature?"

   I saw Zhang Qiaoqiao look at Han Fei: "Sorry, I'm just curious about what kind of visualization is this. After you break it, can you let me take a look?"

   Han Fei smiled slightly: "I discovered something first. If you want to see it, how about helping me break through?"

   Suddenly, the two boys were angry. They had never seen such a brazen person, and let a girl help him break the battle?

   Zhang Qiaoqiao smiled faintly, but he looked down upon Han Fei a bit. He just wanted to see it, but didn't want to take it. This person let himself break the line, obviously just because he can't open it.

   Seeing that Zhang Qiaoqiao did not answer, Han Fei said lightly: "Could it be that the girl can't open it?"

   "Kortoise son, what are you talking about? What can't we accidentally open?"

   "Asshole, who are you from a foreigner? I really don't know how high the sky is."

   Even Zhang Qiaoqiao felt surprised. The people around him were all kinds of flattering people. I didn't expect to meet a different one today.

   Seeing Han Fei's unafraid appearance, Zhang Qiaoqiao immediately snorted: "You two shut up. Let me first see how difficult this prohibition is."

   The next moment, I saw Zhang Qiaoqiao's hands, a silver needle appeared on each.


   "Ding Ding Ding~"

   For a while, hundreds of thorns appeared on the ban, only to see a dense pinhole-sized destruction on the ban.

   At this moment, Han Fei scratched his nose and saw that above the ban, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed, and he saw the silver needle under the control of Zhang Qiaoqiao, which was affected by the ban, and accidentally knocked together.


   After a while, an explosion occurred. I saw that the silver needle weapon and the ban were broken together.

   And several microscopic people such as Han Fei and Zhang Qiaoqiao were shocked by this sudden explosion and flew out dozens of meters.


   Han Fei knocked over a water tank and saw that at the moment of the explosion, a big hand twisted the explosion.

   Zhang Qiaoqiao was shocked and furious. He didn't expect that he was not good at learning, and he would show such a big joke today.

   Zhang Qiaoqiao: "Thank you Grandpa Six."

   The old man in the Explorer realm smiled and said: "It's okay, by coincidence, you can continue to look at it. Although this painting is a visualization, it is actually average to you, not a good thing."

   The two boys who had been shaken off at the moment had already "glumed" up to their feet, looked around, and immediately turned their eyes on Han Fei.

   The man threatened: "Boy, don't tell me what happened today."

  Han Fei shrugged: "I don't have the habit of talking badly behind my back."

   Han Fei got up, but no one encountered it. At the moment of the explosion, the moment Han Fei walked down, a shadow was already dormant.

   At this moment, the picture scroll has been opened, and Zhang Qiaoqiao heard Han Fei's statement and tried to uncover the picture. Sure enough, I saw a starfish chart below.

   Looking at this picture, Zhang Qiaoqiao seemed to compare the quality of the visualization with his own visualization in the bottom of his heart.

   After a pause, Zhang Qiaoqiao shook his head slightly. The two were similar, but relatively speaking, this pair was a bit worse.

   Zhang Qiaoqiao said: "This painting is for you. However, I hope you can be more honest next time. If you can't get it, you should get another one."

   The two boys next to Zhang Qiaoqiao didn't scold them this time, they were a little gloating.

   One of them: "Qiaoqiao, a foreigner, it’s always been like this, so don’t remember it."

   Another person: "Yes, Qiaoqiao, a foreigner, with a deep heart. I pitted you once this time, and I have to remember it next time."

   When Zhang Qiaoqiao and the others left, Han Fei shook his head slightly. She was a sensible girl at the beginning, but now she is also infected with the aura of a big family, but this attitude is not right.

   Sure enough, aristocratic families are a place that can corrupt people's hearts.

   However, Han Fei didn't take it to heart. The goal had been achieved. He quickly found an energy fruit, a suit of battle clothes, a long sword, and a heavenly top-grade secret method.

   In the eyes of outsiders, with these few things, plus a visual map, Han Fei's trip is definitely rewarding.

   When leaving the treasure house, Han Fei went to the door again and respectfully said to the sixth grandfather: "Senior, I have selected five items."

   "Huh! Lucky boy, go..."

   "Yes, senior."

   left the main house, in fact, no one paid attention to Han Fei anymore. Even so, Han Fei pretended to be cautious, quickly returned to his parents, thanked the guests behind closed doors, and immediately began to ponder the visual map.

   late at night.

   A black shadow quietly appeared in the fourth floor of the Zhang Family Treasury, sending bursts, and triggering must have a mechanism. But this treasure house is a small world at any time, but it cannot be separated from the laws of nature. With the formation of transmission, naturally there will be a normal entrance. Han Fei quietly walked around this layer, and immediately said to the old turtle: "Old Yuan, remember one thing, don't care about the other, help me find the seventh layer of "True Spirit Fishing Technique"."

  Old Turtle wondered: "You tried to sneak in just to find a technique?"

   Han Fei sneered: "You don't understand, what I was looking for by myself, can it be worse?"

  Old Tortoise thought, this is also true, who is Han Fei? If a guy who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, if it's not something absolutely important, why would he go deep into the enemy camp and take it by force?

   After a while, the old turtle said: "No, this emperor is sure. In this layer, the strongest technique is the best of heaven, and there is no stronger one."

  Han Feidao: "Does this name exist in the low-rank and middle-rank Tian-level?"

  Old tortoise: "No."

   Han Fei's heart sank: "Go on, there are two more layers above, I don't believe I can't find it."

   On the fifth floor, Han Fei stayed at the entrance, his body fully fitted to the shadow, and ordinary people couldn't find it. Who would scan left and right again and again in his own treasure house? Even if it is scanned, it may not be able to be scanned!

   Han Fei is coveting at this moment, this level is actually exclusive to the powerhouse of the Explorer level. Although most things are useless to me. However, that is all very valuable.

  Especially the spiritual fruit bank in it, you don’t need other things, but this energy fruit is absolutely indispensable. I can rely on this to help myself become respected.

   After a while, the old turtle: "Next level."

   The sixth floor is different from the previous ones. On this floor, when Han Fei first found the entrance, there was something wrong with it. This place is enveloped by the coercion of the strong, and even the appearance of fine hair will be noticed.

   Han Fei: "Old Yuan, it's up to you."

   The old tortoise is speechless, but what can be done? Han Fei has already come to die. I saw a layer of black mist suddenly falling, like a tortoiseshell.

   "The tortoise shell seals the sky."

   I only heard the old turtle said: "The emperor has sealed ten miles of space. It can be said that this entire treasure house is under the emperor's envelope. You let go of the spirit, look for it quickly, and quickly slip away after you find it."

   When Han Fei heard it, he didn't dare to neglect, and when he swept away his perception, he immediately found all the secretaries in this layer.

   I have to say, this really deserves to be passed down for thousands of years. There are as many as 2168 kinds of middle-sovereign realm cultivation techniques at this level.

   Han Fei perceived it, and immediately saw the sixth and seventh layers of "True Spirit Fishing Technique", neatly arranged again.


   Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the Zhang family didn't discover the secret of the true spirit fishing technique, but stored it as an ordinary technique.

   However, Han Fei naturally can't just take this one.

   I saw Han Fei wave his big hand ~ www.ltnovel.com~ all the exercises were wiped out. Then, a large number of spiritual fruits were wiped out. Everywhere I went, I swept away.

   There are fish bones in the venerable state, and they are sealed in the ban. Han Fei Dou turned to the star to move directly into the ban and received the bones of the venerable.

   There is an elixir that flickers and is called Po Tian Dan. If you want to be extraordinary, close it.

   There is also a pill, which is actually called Wudao Pill, and there are only three in the entire Zhang family. Just where, Han Fei let go? Go on...

   In addition, Han Fei discovered three pieces of Dinghai Bizarre Treasures, as well as a complete whip, which is surprisingly a Dinghai Bizarre Treasure.

   Han Fei smiled openly at the time: "Whip weapons are the most suitable for Luo Xiaobai. Close..."

   For a moment, Han Fei's refining world was filled with all kinds of rare treasures.

   When everything was cleaned up, what was left, no matter what was left, was extremely dazzling. And at the top of this family treasure house, there are not many things that can be ignored by Han Fei here.

   And in Han Fei's current eyes, one appeared. A black bead, covered with dust, rolled down in a corner on the ground.

   When he saw the bead, Han Fei was slightly puzzled. He said to his heart that there would be a bead in the middle of a pile of treasures. Could it be that it was left behind?

   "Forget it, don't care, take it away first."

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