God of Fishing

Chapter 1462: Revisit

   When Canglong Soul Shadow uttered these words with Han Fei, Han Fei was not as nervous as before.

   If he had not experienced the battle of Shuimu Tian's landing on the island, Han Fei would still feel that the dragons are not enemies.

   But, now, the reason why he came to this Canghai Soul Realm as soon as he entered the Palace of Ideals, he naturally wanted to see whether the phantom of the blue dragon was good or bad?

   When the Canglong Soul Shadow said this, Han Fei no longer regarded the dragon as Jackie Chan.

   Instead, Han Fei looked at Canglong quietly, and said lightly: "So, what do you think Senior?"

   The Azure Dragon Soul Shadow seemed a little surprised: This Han Fei is not scared at all? Is it because he has the confidence, or is he really not afraid of himself?

   Canglong: "You are not afraid that I will destroy your soul, take your body, and be reincarnated?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "If you want, you can try it. If you don't want to, it's time for me to give the page in your mouth. If the keel I took out now is not yours, Then your bones must be somewhere I can't go. And your golden pages are the keys."

   Now, it's not the time to tear his face with this blue dragon.

   Since this guy has a golden book page in his mouth, and that book page, it is very likely that the old lady gave it to it.

   Then, this shows that even though this Canglong is not good in his bones, he has to cooperate with my old mother due to certain reasons. In this way, he has the qualifications to control the golden pages.

   Canglong phantom opened his mouth slightly. However, the golden pages did not appear immediately. Just listen to him: "After all, you didn't bring my physical body, how can I give you things?"

Han Fei shrugged slightly: "Senior, you should have been waiting here for tens of thousands of years, right? For so long, no one can bring your bones back. Does Senior think that I should give up this opportunity? If Senior doesn't trust I, again, had to give me the pages of the book, so why not give me another benefit as the seniors. Of course, this benefit cannot be small."

   At this time, Han Fei became more relaxed.

   Everyone has their own weaknesses. This Canglong phantom, since he is in charge of the golden pages, not to mention whether he can kill himself? Even if someone changes to meet his conditions, he will not necessarily do it.

   The reason why he asked Han Fei to find the bones, Han Fei felt: This is not necessarily the only condition for getting the golden pages.

   Sure enough, the Canglong pondered for a moment, and finally said: "This page is for you, it's not bad. However, you have to promise the emperor a condition."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused: "Senior, please say."

   Canglong: "Swear by the avenue to help me retrieve the dragon body."

  Han Fei smiled and said, "No problem. But what benefits are you going to promise me?"

Canglong's huge eyeballs stared at Han Fei, and his voice solemnly said: "I will give you a drop of Canglong essence blood, a great dragon transformation technique. To learn the great dragon transformation technique, you must have Canglong essence blood. Only your bloodline Only by possessing the essence and blood of the dragon can you transform the dragon. Once you transform the dragon, you will be considered a descendant of my dragon clan. If you see the great world in the future, it will benefit you without harm."

   Han Fei touched his chin: "Well, it sounds like an attractive look. Okay, the deal..."

   A moment later, when Han Fei had finished his vow, the golden page floated towards him.

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised: Another golden book page, here it is!

  Han Fei is really interested in golden pages. After all, he saw Old Han's fighting style. Said that it was the Great Dream Book? That page is like a great master. The paper seems infinite, it looks like a mess.

   I am in the Palace of Ideals, and I have collected four golden pages. Maybe, after Seven Page Fusion, can you get a super skill?

   At this moment, the floating stone stele appeared, and the gilded characters on it flicked slightly, and it was about to move.

   Han Fei's complexion changed slightly at the time, and his mind flashed quickly, and immediately extinguished the light of his name on the void stone tablet with the original fantasy method of the ideal palace.

   Sure enough, Han Fei laughed and laughed and found out: It turns out that this void stele does not necessarily have to be ranked. The ideal palace gives everyone the ability to obliterate their name.

   Unfortunately, there are not many people who can really make the Void Stone Tablet appear.

   Therefore, this secret has never been discovered. Only those who do not want to be noticed will prevent their name from appearing on the stone tablet and discover this secret.

   Immediately, Han Fei left the Canghai Soul Realm with a smile.

As soon as he came out, he heard the old tortoise say: "I! That was a dragon soul. I want to ask, why don't you just kill him? Your little gourd is not easy! A dragon soul can be taken in a blink of an eye. He suppressed it, so why swear by the avenue?"

  Han Fei snorted: "I said that I would bring the bones, but I didn't tell him...hehe, it's not a violation of the oath. Besides, it won't work. I'll try to get rid of him then."

   Han Fei smiled faintly, even the old tortoise didn't know that he didn't use his own avenue to swear, but the gravity avenue of Heisha Luowang to swear. This thing has something to do with yourself?

   The old tortoise heard Han Fei's words and said in his heart: This dragon is also very sad! Why did you meet such a person? Co-authored, Han Fei never wanted to give him the real keel. Even, I wanted to kill him early, but he didn't know it. You say it's pathetic? It seems that in the future, if you swear to Dadao, you will die. Otherwise, if someone like Han Fei took advantage of it, who would you go to complain about?

   The Canglong wouldn't even know that Han Fei turned out to be someone who could turn around at any time. Such people should not exist at all in theory.

   Anyway, a golden book page is already in hand.

   Han Fei did not hesitate to enter the fourth soul state, the prehistoric soul state.

   quickly found a deserted mountain area, Han Fei began to dig a hole, looking for fossils of visualization.

   With the previous experience, Han Fei dug a hole and tried 13 times in and out before entering the original Death Valley.

   During this period, Han Fei dug up more than 20 visualized fossils. Among them, three are complete visualization fossils, although Han Fei didn't touch any of them.

Han Fei wanted to take a look at the scene that Luo Xiaobai and Le Ren Kuang experienced at the beginning: Under the king, they are all ants... What is behind me for 100,000 years, I am afraid that no one dares to slaughter the gods... What Mortals can also open the gates of heaven, my fate is my fate...

   These are the experiences of the enthusiasts.

   But, even if I excavated it 13 times. These scenes, that is not encountered before.

   It was not until he re-entered the Death Valley that Han Fei confirmed: Everyone has different chances. My fate is probably the inexplicable battle back then.


   After a while, when the beasts rushed, Han Fei began to rush. Now, Han Fei, who has learned the Heavenly Void God Movement, can't even match Lei Bao's speed.

  Finally, when Han Fei saw the creation of the Shenzhou, a giant ape appeared behind him, a variegated tiger was roaring, a one-horned rhinoceros was sprinting, and a leopard was flickering...

   "Roar! Where is my orc going?"

   The great ape appeared and roared. Han Fei pondered carefully: This is not the Beastmaster. This monkey is like a monkey six.

   It's just that Han Fei didn't go to dodge amidst this beast tide.

   This time, he is not going to become a little ape. No matter how strong the little ape is, it is also an explorer-level power. The real venerable state, and even the king, even if he presses his fingers, he teaches him that he must die.

   Last time, I turned into a little ape and could only fight the shrimp soldiers and crabs in the water.

   This time, Han Fei has learnt well, ignored all the battles, hurried all the way, pedaled, boarded...

   Unexpectedly, Han Fei's behavior on board the ship was not blocked by anyone because Han Fei was a human race.

   As soon as Han Fei came up, he heard a voice in the void: "The human race has two paths, some people are trying to find a way out of the sea, and some people die in battle. The orcs can't override the sea, but I don't want it, but I can't. Go back!"


   The ape roared angrily, jumped into the air directly.

   Here, Han Fei knows: Yuanliu is dying.

   Obviously, this is history. This event needs to be remembered, but he cannot change it. Han Fei turned his head and didn't look at the crazy creatures.

   There are many people on this big ship.

   Above the sky, UU reads www.uukanshu. There are still people in com fighting against the Sky Clan. However, at this moment, there is no Tianqing.

   Han Fei couldn't help sighing: It turned out that I was lucky at the beginning and I didn't meet such an opponent.

   Randomly found a place, Han Fei asked the people around him: "Brother, do you know, where are we going?"

   The man just got off the battlefield to rest. Seeing that Han Fei had nothing to do, he immediately said angrily: "Dongfang, Dongfang, do you really doubt how you got here?"


   The battle between humans and apes ended very quickly. After all, this is just a microcosm of history, and it is not really calculated according to normal time.

   Soon after the battle, about three or five hours later, Han Feizheng was arranged to fish. As a result, I heard the sound on the ship shaking.

But seeing that man is very powerful, and the terrifying force crushed the entire ship, he shouted: "Everyone, the voyage to hope has begun. No one knows how long we will sail and how far we will go? But, the road prophecy In the endless sea in the east, there is a lost land hidden. That is the best habitat for us humans."

  Han Fei's heart moved: It turns out that the purpose of appearing in this time miniature is not to turn into an ape...but to see...Where will this creation Shenzhou go? What to meet? This is a complete story, this is a high score option. And not to become a member of the orc army and attack the big boat.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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