God of Fishing

Chapter 1464: 7th Soul Realm

  The ideal palace, the seven soul realms, should be one layer than one layer.

   When experiencing reincarnation, Han Fei felt: There should be nothing more difficult than this soul state.

   In fact, when Han Fei really entered this seventh soul realm, he didn't find it difficult, but he thought this place was absurd.

   "Thunder Prison?"

  As soon as he entered the seventh soul realm, Han Fei was shocked to discover: How similar is this to the Thunder Prison in Baibei King City?

   However, Baibei King City and Thousand Star City are separated by the wall of death. Could it be said that these two places can still pass through this Thunder Prison, can they not communicate?

   Han Fei was stunned for a long time, feeling the thunder bombardment. In an instant, dozens of tracks were dropped.

   The old tortoise was also stunned for a moment. However, both reacted quickly.

Han Fei: "No, it can't be Thunder Prison. At the beginning, when I entered Thunder Prison, I was in the Taoist-seeking state. If it were a normal Taoist-seeking state, it would be impossible to withstand the bombardment of the thunder power. But in this ideal palace. Medium, the strength is not the pinnacle of the submersible angler. I hold the thunder but very easily. This can only show that the strength of the thunder is not strong."

The old tortoise said: "It's not that the thunder is not strong enough, but that your body is too strong. Although you are now a soul body, everything here is shaped according to the current you. So here, your body is still the same. Very strong."

   Han Fei chuckled, "What's that? Do you think this is the same place?"

  Old Tortoise: "That's not so...this is not the same place. However, the emperor knows how this place appeared."

   Han Fei raised his brows: "Huh? You still know how this place came from?"

   Old Turtle said: "Go ahead and see how far you can go?"

  Thunder Prison, for Han Fei, is like a training ground full of thunder. It doesn't matter if Han Fei can live here as long as he has enough time.

   Thunder tempers the body, after a long time, the body will be greatly improved.

   had already tried the power of Thunder Prison, and saw Han Fei in this Thunder Prison, he started to run wild.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   With every breath, dozens of thunders blasted Han Fei's body, causing an electric arc surging on his body, and a blue light appeared in his eyes.

   However, these bombardments not only failed to slow Han Fei's speed, but even made him run faster.

   In a short period of time, Han Fei has already ran a thousand miles away.

   At the time of Thunder Prison, Han Fei's score was 3000 miles. If you hit with full force, you can at least rush 5,000 miles away for tempering.

   At this moment, Han Fei knows: Why are so many people lost in this Thunder Prison? It turns out that everything is a matter of physique.

   Once, the fifth glimmer said: If Yang Nanxi can walk through the sixth floor, then the seventh floor will not be difficult for her.

   At that time, Han Fei didn't quite understand.

   Now, he understands: This level of soul state is actually not that difficult for body refiners.

   After 1,500 miles, the void stele has begun to emerge. Han Fei’s name directly reached the 99th level.

   When it was 2000 miles, Han Fei's name rose to 38 in one fell swoop. In other words, in just 500 miles, most people were stopped.

  Perhaps, many people take the path of physical training, but there are very few who can really do it. In other words, they feel that they are already extremely strong, but they just sit and watch the sky.

   After Han Fei rushed to 3000 li, he has ranked third on the list.

   This shows: In history, it is not that there has been a real strong body training. However, there are very few such people.

   It’s almost effortless. When Han Fei went deep into this piece of Thunder 5000 miles, when part of the Thunder had turned red and purple, Han Fei felt a little discomfort in his body.

   By this time, Han Fei was already ranked first.

   The calculation of the Void Stele is absolutely correct.

   I only saw Han Fei standing in the midst of the indiscriminate bombing thunder, his body floating on the sea. Wherever the figure reaches, thunder and lightning are all over the sky.

   At the same time, tens of millions of lightning chains broke out.

   When Han Fei stopped, he saw a small blue snake winding like a dragon. It was the spirit of thunder veins, Han Fei had seen it before.

   It's just that, in the mouth of this Thunder Vein Spirit, there is a golden scroll dangling from it, and it is flying towards Han Fei. When Han Fei was about more than a kilometer away, the Spirit of Thunder Vein loosened his mouth, twisted, and walked away into the sea of ​​Thunder.

   Han Fei took the golden page and let the thunder bombard her face without changing his face.

  He was a little distressed: These pages should be gone by now, but what about the last golden page?

   Han Fei thought for a long time, closed his eyes and thought. As long as the Demon Refining Pot can get information out of the golden book pages of this thing, oneself can know what it is...

   However, under Han Fei's perception, he only felt the golden pages inside his body were spinning and merging in one place. As he stretched out his hand, golden pages appeared, but on the surface of the pages, nothing appeared.

  The old turtle said: "You are missing one?"

  Han Fei's heart moved again, and wanted to use the creative ability of the ideal palace to create a golden page. Only seeing the void, the light flashed, the next second, it was shattered by thunder.

  Han Fei didn’t go out in a hurry, nor did he answer the old turtle’s question. Instead, he asked, “Lao Yuan, you said you know how this place came from?”

   Old Tortoise said: "Yes, wherever you see these Thunder Lands, except for a few places because of the terrain and mineral deposits, most of the Thunder Lands have the same source."


   Han Fei is curious. In this world, such a place of thunder, he has only seen it in Baibei King City and here.

   Once, in the era of the end of the law, at that time, he and Simon Linglan were wandering outside, and they found a sea of ​​thunder in the outer waters, and ordinary people did not dare to approach them. Even if Ximen Linglan had reached the realm of explorer at the time, he rushed out of the sea as if fleeing.

Just listen to the old tortoise saying: "This is actually nothing. Although the emperor doesn't know what your so-called era of the end of the law is like? However, the emperor can guess: the avenue is missing, and the dharmas are impassable. The power of the world is shrinking greatly. The collapse of every avenue is the lack of a heavenly way. If this way collapses, the journey will be dark. Those who want to make up for the heavenly way will form a sea of ​​thunder. In the missing corner of the avenue, day by day bombardment."

   "Wait a minute...You mean, the Thunder Prison and this Thunder Soul Realm are caused by the lack of the Great Dao?"

   Old Turtle reminded: "It is the lack of heaven, not the lack of avenues."

   Han Fei doesn’t care which way he is missing, just listen to him ask: "I’ll just ask, what’s the benefit?"

The old turtle said: "If there is a benefit, there is no. In fact, in the Baibei King City, the emperor wants to say. This thunderous spirit may be regarded as a benefit. In addition, in this thunder, it may also be bred Living creatures. But that is in reality, which is obviously not possible here. Those living creatures, if they can be caught, would be considered extraordinary."

   Han Fei blinked his eyes: "What else?"

The old turtle said: "The birth of this Thunder Land is mostly related to some special wars. Therefore, in the deepest part of these Thunder Lands, there may be the remains of strong men. But if you want to get it, then It’s not easy anymore."

   Han Fei's eyes lit up: "Is there any one here?"

  Han Fei felt that even the fall would create a land of thunder. It shouldn't be the fall of a superior creature, right? Could it be... the king? Or stronger?

Just listen to the old turtle said: "No matter what kind of benefits, there is no here. This place is just illusory and fake. Therefore, there can be no such things as the emperor said. Baibei King City, if you have it in the future Opportunity, you can try."

  Han Feixin said: The old tortoise is definitely hiding something. If it were just that simple, the old tortoise would have told himself in the Baibei King City, there was no need to say it now. He must have hidden something from himself, involving some secrets.

   Han Fei said: "Lao Yuan, listen to what you mean, there are actually many such places of thunder. That also means that there are many avenues collapsed. What specifically caused the avenue collapse?"

The old turtle snorted: "Don't play with your little cleverness. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has something that is really not the current you and can be involved. It's not everything, you need to get to the bottom of it. You are not going there. Immortal palace? What time wasted here?"

   Han Fei smiled: "It's just a chance."


   Out of the seventh soul realm, Han Fei's ranking, once again topped the list.

   It’s just that no one has observed this seventh soul outside. After all, ordinary people would never come here. If you can't go in, and it's no good, you can't even watch a movie. Who wants to come?

   At this time, Han Fei was standing at the entrance of the cave. With a thought, a golden page appeared in front of him. This is my own illusion.

   Of course Han Fei knew: This is fake. But what about fake ones? As long as I can make this book temporarily complete, even if the content is wrong, I can recover it.

   As a result, the golden book page that Han Fei had imagined was shattered before Han Fei just merged it into the remaining six pages.

   After trying many times in a row, Han Fei was puzzled: "It shouldn't be! I can't make a real book. Can I make a fake book?"

   Old Turtle said: "Are you still somewhere else to go?"

   Han Fei was surprised: "By the way, create the temple."

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