God of Fishing

Chapter 1471: Central Holy City

On the 12th floor, Han Fei waited for a day.

When Han Fei returned to the 11th floor, there was no sign of the strong. Therefore, Han Fei quickly pointed out the entrance to the next three floors with the universal instrument.

When Han Fei reached the 14th floor, no matter how strong the old monster Chu was, it was impossible for him to find these hundreds of millions of paths at once.

Speaking of which, Han Fei actually helped Old Monster Chu. After all, the first five levels that Han Fei has traveled are absolutely correct. Logically speaking, just the path of the first five levels saves the old folks like Old Monster Chu, hundreds of millions of choices.

Two months later.

Han Fei has already walked 212 floors in this memorial tower of the gods.

Even so, the road still has no end.

It is conceivable that unless there is violent destruction, or there is a sacred instrument such as the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, it is impossible for ordinary people to have such a terrifying computing power to calculate the correct path.

Han Fei couldn't help but start to complain: So many layers, shouldn't it be enough? If you go further back, even if you have a Vientiane, you will almost collapse.

What are these things in front of me?

Penrose Stairs, Penrose Triangle, Mobius Ring, Klein Bottle...Perhaps, these figures are not called that. There are even some graphics that Han Fei can't even call out. Is this just a coincidence? By coincidence, Han Fei encountered these wonderful graphics?

On this day, Han Fei ran out of Vientiane, walked to the 212th floor, and stopped there.

In Han Fei's opinion: This thing, let yourself go? That's not capable of leaving. After using the Vientiane every day, he sits down straight, either practicing or thinking.

It's just that now his half body is nowhere to be promoted.

If it weren't for the half drop of the original water from the fairy palace, it would also increase the possibility of improvement a little bit for himself, and Han Fei could even be respected in Broken Star Island.

It's just that Han Fei now knows: the stronger the strength, the deeper the foundation, the strength after entering the deity is completely different.

Therefore, even if it is pressing, you have to wait until you get the half drop of the original water.

At this moment, Han Fei sat down and took out a fish skin map.

On the fish skin map, the **** memorial tower is recorded, and the numbers in each layer leading to the next. After Han Fei filled in the three numbers again, he couldn't help scratching his head and laughed at himself.

"This thing, I am afraid that there is no law at all. There is no connection between these numbers."

The old turtle said: "You are already pretty good, just remember these numbers. It also shows that the navigation equipment you have obtained is extremely useful. It also shows that the relationship between you and the so-called fairy palace is not small. "

In fact, the only thing that puzzled Han Fei during this period was that he was originally to go to Zhang's house to steal the seventh layer of "True Spirit Fishing Technique".

As a result, he accidentally stole a whole layer of treasure.

After stealing a layer of treasure, he stumbled on this black bead. I'm afraid that Zhang family never knew why this black bead was used? Therefore, it has been put on the shelf all the time. As a result, it is cheaper now.

From beginning to end, the Zhang family didn't know how big a chance they had missed!

Han Fei looked bored, lying on the floating stone.

Suddenly the old turtle said: "Han Fei, in fact, these graphics are not completely meaningless. The emperor feels that you just fail to understand these powers."

Han Fei tilted his head: "Do you understand?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "None of these graphics are normal. However, in the void world, nothing is impossible. Before the emperor, I never felt...Have you noticed that these graphics are like some kind of array? law?"

Han Fei smiled: "Is it necessary to say? As early as the first floor, I thought about this possibility. But what is the point of this formation? Use it to create an endless loop ? Even if these graphics are combined with each other, it is just to make this cycle confused, a little more confusing... If it is changed to a killing array, it will be okay..."

Han Fei talked with a smile.

But, smiling, smiling, his face stiffens...

"Killing array?"

If a killing array is cyclical and endless, there will be no loss of power, and the energy will only escape and be reused within a prescribed range. Then, this killing array is infinite.


Han Fei "guru" got up.

Assuming that it is feasible to use the killing array, what I need to consider now is: if I portray a single formation, how can people be trapped in it?

The old turtle said: "What did you think of?"

Han Fei said, "What you said makes sense. These pictures may indeed not be pictures. They may be just a formation. It's just that this formation has not been stimulated... Maybe, the entire God Memorial Tower, it is a big kill. Array."

Han Fei's eyes lit up.

According to normal logic, perhaps, this **** monument is the only way to the central holy city. However, it is not the only bridge that protects the Central Holy City.

If the monument of the gods is a big formation, then this formation can definitely be called a stunning formation. From ancient times to the present, this formation ranks first among thousands of formations.

Han Fei was stunned for a long time, and then gave a wry smile.

Even if this is indeed the formation, how do you draw this thing yourself? How long does it take to draw such a large-scale formation?

At this moment, Han Fei was a little surprised at the power of the fairy palace. If this god's monument is really a formation, how strong is the old lady?

Even if tens of millions of masters of formations are arranged together according to a certain pattern, they don't know the year of the monkey to arrange such a huge matryoshka formation?


Thoughts were fruitless for a day.

the next day.

Han Fei's heart moved, and the Vientiane Navigation Instrument appeared in his hands.

Following Han Fei's mind, after walking 15 steps along the pumice, the pointer turned to himself. Han Fei didn't hesitate to jump into the crack in the space beside him, and got in.

However, this drill, the scene in front of him, directly made Han Fei be stunned.

There is a avenue in front of me, a avenue with no end in sight.

This avenue, out of sight, seems to be obscured by a shallow mist. The avenue is about one kilometer wide, with houses of various colors on both sides.

When Han Fei appeared on this avenue, he saw the shallow mist on this avenue, which quickly began to dissipate. Han Fei's vision became clearer.

Only for a moment, the fog dissipated, and Han Fei seemed to see: At the end of his field of vision, a temple stands tall.


Han Fei took a breath at the time: Am I here?

When Han Fei looked back, he saw a tall tower, covering an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters, and towering nearly a thousand meters high in the sky.

Above this tower, there are scattered, uneven square stones. Under the tower is a dark doorway.

Therefore, the memorial tower of the gods has always been the name in the central holy city. Why does the outside world know the name of the Monument of Gods? God knows! Maybe they are so used to calling it.

It was the first time Han Fei saw such a magnificent scene. In the entire Thousand Star City, there is no such a wide road, and one road can lead so far.

Han Fei is not a fool, he did not dare to move a step. After all, it is said that in this central holy city, there is a great formation of the city. Its formation is so strong that it can even punish the Venerable.

Han Fei looked down at the ground. There was a shimmer on the blue-white stone, which seemed to contain a lot of spiritual energy. However, there is no trace of formation.

At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was not good: Is it possible that a brick in this central holy city is so valuable?

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, can you feel that there are still formations here?"

The old tortoise said immediately: "Speak out, you may not believe it. The emperor seems to be suppressed by the mysterious power in this city. My perception can't be released at all."


Han Fei immediately tried it.

As a result, as the old tortoise said, his perception cannot be released either.

So, is there any formation here? What is the formation? I can't feel it at all.

Just when Han Fei was about to go forward to see what was going on, suddenly, his vision changed.

First, there was a thunder bombarding him directly.

Han Fei's face changed slightly, but he did not stop him. If this is just the power of thunder, it is not a big formation that is difficult to move.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of hits~www.ltnovel.com~Han Feiyoumo experienced a hot and sour taste.

Han Fei discovered: The power of this thunder is actually comparable to an ordinary small thunder. This is much stronger than the so-called Thunder of Thunder Prison.

If it were to be compared, it might be better than the Thunder in Baibei King City Thunder Prison 5000 miles away.

Of course, to Han Fei now, this thunder is nothing.

However, after the thunder, there was a sea of ​​fire.

Han Fei is within walking distance, spanning dozens of miles.

However, here, the space seems meaningless. I seem to be trapped in an invisible array. There is no distance, no time, and some are just nothingness.

"Fuck, am I running inside the gossip alchemy furnace?"

The old tortoise said: "This formation appeared too fast. It stands to reason that it is unlikely! Even if you can't detect it, the emperor can't be ignorant. Therefore, the emperor thought that he could directly wrap you up, but only One possibility..."

Han Fei: "When is it? Are you still selling off?"

Old Turtle: "This whole city is a big formation. You are already in the formation, so there is nowhere to escape."

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "Although I am not afraid of fire, such a big formation..."

Han Fei was unable to continue speaking, he suddenly remembered something: At first, in the deserted city that day, the city that had been on the sea for more than 200 years...

If only relying on manpower, I am afraid it would have been destroyed long ago.

Humans have strong ones, and the Sea Clan is not without strong ones. At that time, there was a great defensive formation in the Heavenly Desolate City. Even at the last moment, the great defensive formation was difficult to break.

At this time, Han Fei thought of Tianhuangcheng.

So, the central holy city where you are in is called Thousand Star City? Or... has an independent name?

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