God of Fishing

Chapter 1473: Secret of the Holy City

Han Fei and Ren Tianfei met for the first time. It can be said that there has never been a real person before, either a clone or a puppet.

Now this should be the real body.

If Ren Tianfei is in control, then his strength cannot be weakened. At least, in the central holy city, he must have enough power. Moreover, here, he didn't need to hide it.

Han Fei stepped over to Ren Tianfei's side.

The two people walked on this long avenue a few meters apart.

Han Fei looked at both sides of the road, the new building that should have been dusty for a long time, but was still brand new, and wondered: "No one lives here, right?"


As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, she saw a door on the side of the road not far away that opened from the inside.

At that time, Han Fei was "fucked" in his heart. He said that it has been tens of thousands of years. Is it possible that there are still people in the Central Holy City who cannot live?

As a result, when Han Fei saw the appearance of the person inside, the whole person was not good again: that is not Ren Tianfei who is it? Sweeping the perception, that person turned out to be an explorer level.

Before Han Fei could speak, he listened to Ren Tianfei and said: "A city is so big that there must be people living in it. I really can't live alone. After all, there are not endless clones..."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Then, how many clones do you have?"

Han Fei thinks: This should be Ren Tianfei's avenue. Otherwise, I haven't seen a Venerable, who has been fighting with a clone!

Just let Ren Tianfei say: "It's okay to want a hundred, or a thousand, and it's not impossible to want ten thousand. It's just that the power of different clones is different. It depends on when. Use, how to use..."

Han Fei: "The Avenue?"

Ren Tianfei said "Um": "If it is a combat skill, I must have found a way to give it to you in the morning."

Han Fei rolled his eyes, then looked around: "This is the Central Holy City? What is so special?"

Ren Tianfei smiled and said, "Go to the sky and have a look."

With Ren Tianfei's shout, the two walked one after another.

Coming to a height of thousands of feet, the structure of a city has already taken shape. However, at this time, I still can't fully understand the entire city.

Going up, Han Fei saw a meandering river, like an S shape, running through the entire central holy city.

But on both sides of the river, on both sides of the center line, there are two distinct architectural styles. One black, one white, making Han Fei a little confused?

"Tai Chi?"

Ren Tianfei said: "What is Tai Chi? This is Yin and Yang."

I saw the old man, blowing up his beard, and proudly said: "The central holy city, with Lifang as the stars, raises the anger of the world. With Tianshui as the Milky Way, and the two palaces in the city. With the temple as the Big Dipper, the heaven and the earth are combined... …On the axis of the sky, the strongest sects in the world were built, namely: Taiyin Academy, Pure Yang Taoism...This is the former Thousand Star City, the former Yin-Yang sky."


Han Fei was a little dazed to hear: "It's not... old man Ren, just say something... I can understand."

Ren Tianfei hummed: "It's a city, so people have to live. If someone lives, there will be popularity. If there is popularity, there will be domination, and aspiration will be born. You should have felt it when you were fighting on Broken Star Island?"

Han Fei nodded: "So, the reason why this central holy city was built is to provide the king with aspiration?"

Ren Tianfei shook his head: "Of course not. Under the rule of the king, hundreds of millions of people will be raised. Anyone who can live in the Central Holy City has an extraordinary place. How can everyone live? This is the backbone of the rule of Yin and Yang, representing The level of strength."

Han Fei did not entangle this question, but looked at the river channel: "Where is the river?"

Ren Tianfei: "The cloud and rain make a river, and the Qi Lingye flows in the river. It can be called the Milky Way or the Linghe. As for the specific name? It doesn't matter."


"Qing Lingye, flowing inside?"

Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath: Why are you kidding me? How much energizing liquid does this thing need?

Ren Tianfei sneered and said: "What do you think is the precious thing of the spirit of enlightenment? The rhyme of the king's way is moistened, and it contains the enlightenment of the king. When the air of the king comes, all things can enlighten the spirit. Forget it, I'm telling you, you are now I don’t understand either. Anyway, you just need to know that the Spirit Qi is not valuable. Once you become a king, you can have as much as you want."

Han Fei: "Then what's the matter with this yin and yang map? On the axis of the sky character you mentioned, the Taiyin Academy and the Pure Yang Taoist Palace were built. They are the strongest sects in the world... Among the seven sects, there is no..."

Suddenly, Han Fei tilted his head to look at Ren Tianfei: "Is the Thug Academy the Taiyin Academy or the Pure Yang Taoism?"

Ren Tianfei smiled and looked at Han Fei: "Are you so sure that Mob College is one of these two universities?"

Han Fei curled his lips: "If not, then why can the thug ancestor pass through the memorial tower of the gods? Why can he enter the fairy palace?"

Han Fei sneered again: "I used to wonder why the Thug Academy, inexplicably, became the first of the eight colleges in Thousand Star City. It was once all the rage? Chunyang Island, Thug Academy, Chunyang Daofu... Oh, it turns out, this This is where the Thug Academy really comes from."

Ren Tianfei was non-committal, and said lightly: "You are smart. Yes, the predecessor of Thug Academy is indeed Chunyang Academy. It used to be, and it has undergone tens of thousands of years of change. In the end, the strong of Taoism withered. The remaining people can only leave the center The Holy City, like the Seven Great Sects, began to recruit students to the outside world."

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: "In the past, didn't you recruit students like this?"

Ren Tianfei glanced at Han Fei with a smile, and asked, "Did you recruit in this way?"

Han Fei thought for a moment: It seems wrong!

Although he left the Central Holy City, the arrogant temperament of the Thug Academy has not diminished. Like Le Ren Kuang, Zhang Xuanyu, Luo Xiaobai, Xia Xiaochan... which of these people was recruited into the school through enrollment?

It was from Qu Jinnan's generation that they recruited Qu Jinnan and Lingyuan.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Where is the Taiyin Academy?"

Ren Tianfei said indifferently: "You should know that Yin and Yang Tian was moved here later. At the beginning, the people of the Central Holy City fought with the army, and then scattered around and did not return. Tai Yin Academy was at that time, and Yin Yang Tian Scattered. Where is it? I don’t know."

Han Fei took a breath: In other words, the Taiyin Academy has disappeared for tens of thousands of years?

This is easy to understand.

After all, in the Age of Domination, there was indeed a mess everywhere. Some people just disappeared. This should also be normal.

Besides, at the beginning, after the establishment of the Thirty-Six Immortal Palace, there must be many battles in the future.

Where are these people left? Remember the yin and yang sky? It's all a problem.

Han Fei looked at this city occupied only by Ren Tianfei's clone, and said to his heart: How long has this old guy lived?

Han Fei shrugged and said casually, "So, what do you do now? Should I go to the temple or go directly to the fairy palace?"

Ren Tianfei smiled faintly: "I! You can't go anywhere. Even if you get lucky, I need to feel it myself. I want to see if you have the qualifications to enter the fairy palace?"

Han Fei immediately bared his teeth and said angrily: "Bad old man, it's all like this, you still want to fight? With this strength, wouldn't it be great to keep going to the fairy palace to play puppets? I heard that there are puppets everywhere in the fairy palace. ."

Ren Tianfei sneered: "Under the world, good deeds account for eight points for you, so you have to add a little more difficulty, don't you? Do you fight or not? If you win me, you can go to the fairy palace."

Han Fei smiled coldly: "Hit and hit, you think I'm afraid of you? You are an immortal body~www.ltnovel.com~ but I have also cultivated a golden body, I want to see, in the same realm, you How can you stop me?"

Ren Tianfei's eyelids twitched slightly: "Indestructible golden body! It's really good. But... who said I'm going to fight with you on the same stage?"

Han Fei: "???"

Only seeing Ren Tianfei's breath unfolding, the power of an Intermediate Venerable came directly.

Han Fei was not well at the time: Didn't Xiaoci mean that the power of the control envoy had fallen a lot? It is said that the lowest is the elementary noble state, but this...

Moreover, can Ren Tianfei believe in the strength of this Intermediate Venerable Realm?

Anyway, Han Fei absolutely does not believe it.

Even if Ren Tianfei's strength is in the middle-level venerable state, it is also an intermediate-level veteran who can single-handedly traverse the city of a thousand stars. What is the difference between this method and the half king?

Han Fei's face turned dark at the time: "Hey hey hey! Old Ren, we have something to say, don't bully people like this. I'm not respected yet, you're going to play like this with me? A little bullying! "

Ren Tianfei smiled: "In the Battle of Broken Star Island, your strength is not weak at all. Facing the Senior Venerable

, Half-king state did not give in at all. What happened? Haven't beaten this yet, want to admit defeat? "

"Fart! Half-sage, that also has its limits. You can get a middle-ranked sage at every turn, and then become a high-ranked sage again, who are you bullying?"

Ren Tianfei: "Why don't you go to the temple to sit and feel the throne of the future? Maybe, will you have this motivation to beat me?"

Where did Han Fei have been provoked, and he immediately shouted: "Come, come and fight now. I am afraid of being young with boxing, so I don't believe it! But the Intermediate Venerable Realm, I think it can overpower me..."


I saw Han Fei punch out.

Invincible fist mark, strike the void!

The two of them fought into the void one after another.

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