God of Fishing

Chapter 1480: Limit variation

   Different from the last time, this time, after Han Fei took the original water, the power of the soul has been greatly improved. However, Han Fei still doesn't know exactly how much this improvement is.

   Now, Han Fei wants to practice "Immortal Soul", this is a very important moment.

  Han Fei is very clear: This is the only way to continue to improve himself in the realm of explorers.


  As soon as this technique was performed, Han Fei only felt that his headache was splitting apart, which was different from the pain he had experienced before training his body. The cultivation method of the immortal soul is to crush a large amount of the power of the soul and penetrate into the golden body. With the kind of strength that the golden body is not bad, it is gentle and intertwined.

   put it more popularly, that is, Han Fei used the power of the soul to attach a layer of power of the soul to every corner of his golden body.

   This part of power will gradually merge with the golden body. After that, I can never get it back.

   And this is just the beginning.

   From now on, the power of the soul will be melted into flesh and skin...

   Of course, these are funerals.

   The consumption of this kind of soul is no more relaxed than splitting the soul in half and incarnation outside the body. Even Han Fei felt: The ultimate consequence may be a little more serious.

   It is foreseeable that if Han Fei directly chooses to enter the deity, then with the help of the source water, his strength will only become extremely strong after he enters the deity.

   However, first use the power of the source water in the realm of explorers. Then, after entering the deity, perhaps the realm may not be able to rise quickly. In terms of strength, it may be relatively weak.

   Of course, all this is Han Fei's own conjecture. The specific improvement will not be known until after you have practiced.


   Han Fei felt that the soul was being pulled away quickly. And the part of the power that was pulled away seemed to be sealed in the golden bones. When the soul was attached to the golden body, Han Fei felt that his control over the body seemed to be changing.

   The soul is constantly being consumed, and the original water also has a large amount of power of the soul, filling Han Fei's soul sea.

   This made Han Fei a long sigh of relief.

   As expected, as expected: The power of the soul contained in this half drop of the original water is surprisingly high.

   After all, the stage of obtaining the source water is different, and its effect will be different.

   Now, the power of the soul is not a problem. However, another problem came again. Han Fei felt that his body began to swell.

   Han Fei cultivates the immortal soul, but it has nothing to do with the physical body.

  Originally, the source water is not only to enhance the power of the soul, it also has a great effect on the physical body.

  Han Fei's immortal golden body is already very strong. It is even said that Han Fei's golden blood and skin have exceeded the scope of a normal human being. Every drop of Han Fei's blood, every cell, can absorb the power beyond the imagination of normal people.

   But now, under the infusion of the original water, the energy reserves in Han Fei's body are becoming saturated. Even though he was an immortal golden body, he still couldn't stop such a huge energy impact.

  The old tortoise was surprised at the moment: "This drop of water contains such a large amount of energy? It is richer than the blood of the king. Is this comparable to the blood of the king?"

  Han Fei has no time to talk to the old turtle at this moment.

   The indestructible tyrant body has just begun to practice. If the energy cannot be released, then after all, after the body expands to a certain stage, he can choose to break through and become respected.

   After a hundred breaths.

   Han Fei's body swelled about twice as long.

   Since then, it has maintained this growth rate. Finally, Han Fei couldn't hold it after his body swelled six times. The whole person began to fall into a state of confusion.

   And the bottleneck of entering the respect has also begun to loosen, seeming to prompt Han Fei to attack.

   Since he started to practice the Indestructible Body, Han Fei didn't feel that his soul power had increased at all. This is also easy to understand, after all, these spirits ran to nourish the flesh. This is the first time Han Fei has cultivated the immortal soul. If there is no original water, I am afraid that his soul will be absorbed completely.

   If there is consumption, there must be a return. Otherwise, with Han Fei's personality, he wouldn't be so wasting the power of the soul.

   After more than a hundred breaths, Han Fei felt like a balloon, feeling that his body would explode at any time.

   Old Tortoise was not worried. As a result, Han Fei's swelling was simply outrageous. Before this, this guy had been suppressing, desperately not to break through. Now, at the last moment, still suppressing? This is killing me!

   The old tortoise roared in panic: "Hey hey! Han Fei, are you crazy? If you continue like this, you will blew yourself up...You really think you are invincible? Stop...Stop..."

   However, Han Fei now, where did you listen to it?

  Han Fei heard what the old tortoise said, but he wanted to say something to the old tortoise: You have never walked the road of invincibility, nor have you had an indestructible golden body at this time. So you can't understand my feelings at all.

   Although I looked like he was going to be blown to death. However, I can carry it myself! At least, there is still some space for yourself.

   I have a clear door!

   after a moment.


   Suddenly, Han Fei discovered: The golden bones all over his body seemed to be smoking. The dazzling gold is fading slightly. It seemed to be covered with a layer of faint blue that was too light to be visible.


   At the moment when this faint blue color appeared, the terrifying energy in Han Fei's body, as if it had found a catharsis, rushed towards Han Fei's golden bones frantically.

   is like a dry place that needs rain to moisturize. I only saw that Han Fei's body began to shrink.

   six times.

   Five times.

   four times.

   When Han Fei's body shape has been reduced to twice his normal body shape.

   A sound of "click" suddenly appeared in Han Fei's mind.

   At that moment, Han Fei was shocked.

  Han Fei felt: In the midst of darkness, the barriers of his venerable have begun to show signs of fragmentation.

   The old tortoise was dumbfounded: "The realm of the half-sovereign can no longer contain the strength of your body and soul, so you took the initiative to open the barrier of the realm?"

   At this moment, Han Fei felt that the power of the original water may have been consumed by most. And the realm of explorers has also come to an end.

  At the last moment of the half-zun realm, Han Fei glanced at the data, and information emerged in his eyes.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 79 (half)

   Reiki: 420,000 / 420,000

  The Qi of Chaos: Untransformed

   Mental power: 49098/79999 (damaged)

   Perception: 10,000 li

   Power: 2498 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Channel: Unawakened

  The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 70]

  The second talent soul beast: not awakened

  Major practice: "Void Fishing", sixth level "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


   At that moment, Han Fei grinned.

   Sure enough, there is no such thing as the limit.

   As long as I can continue walking, I can still walk.

   But at this time, Han Fei's body, from the spiritual vein to the physical body, to the power of the soul, can only accommodate himself to this extent in the territory of the half. No matter how small it is, it may have to be fried.

  Han Fei also understands: By this point, he should be considered as having nowhere to go.

   The improvement of aura, Han Fei no longer cares.

   The mental power does not increase but decreases. Even with the original water, it has not been able to make up for it. However, it is still ideal that even if there is a gap, the difference is not very much.

   There is no change in perception at this time.

   In terms of strength, it has increased by nearly 600 waves!

   Seeing this value, Han Fei was surprised at first, then grinned. Once, a wave of power made myself envious. But now, 600 waves have been added at once! What is this concept? The current self, with a casual wave, can slap a few explorers to death.

   At this time, there was no time for Han Fei to practice "Frightening God". Otherwise, go to visualize this picture, maybe the power of the soul can be supplemented.

   The next step is more critical, but it is to enter the deity.

   When the bottleneck broke, the energy in Han Fei's body had already been consumed frantically. Originally, the power provided by the source water was beyond the scope of one's own tolerance. Now, the power provided by the source water suddenly began to be insufficient.

   I saw Han Fei's double size, like a flat ball, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. It only took less than a hundred breaths of time and Han Fei had become a normal figure.

   The shrinkage of the body and the remaining energy supply of the source water, although very powerful, are still not enough to support Han Fei's rapid breakthrough.

   Even Han Fei himself was a little surprised. It seems that after one's own half-sovereign realm goes further, one's energy consumption is even greater.


  At this moment, Han Fei's heart moved, and more than 500 energy fruits flew out of the refining world.


   Energy fruits burst into pieces.

   Pure power, under Han Fei's swallowing technique, crazily poured into his body.

   At that moment, Han Fei felt: This world seems to have become different. There seemed to be a layer of mysterious power in his eyes. With a casual glance, you can penetrate thousands of miles, and even thousands of miles of void.

   The surrounding space is not as mysterious as before.

   Han Fei suddenly felt that the invisible dust seemed to have something inside.

   Han Fei saw a little mist, magnifying infinitely in front of his eyes... He could feel every drop of blood and every ray of soul in his body. This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling!

  Han Fei already felt the power of blood rebirth when he was in the Explorer realm. However, it was not very clear at that time.

   But now, Han Fei seemed to understand all of a sudden: It seems that his vitality is everywhere. What amputated limbs are reborn, what blood is reborn? That is simply the instinct of the body.

   In addition to this, Han Fei can even see: It is countless times smaller than the spiritual energy, and there is an inexplicable particle floating between the sky and the earth.

   It seems that ~www.ltnovel.com~ is also a kind of energy.

   They are shuttled freely. Although they are not many in number, they are not like aura, which fills the whole world. But they exist just like that.

   "Smaller than aura particles, more agile than aura particles?"

   Suddenly, what Han Fei understood...

   "The air of chaos?"

   All of this was felt by Han Fei at the moment of becoming respected.

   What happened next made Han Fei lose again.

   Inside Han Fei's body, a black line appeared. This black line appeared directly in Han Fei's heart.

   Black is spreading, quickly flooding Han Fei's soul and consciousness.

   At the moment they appeared, the old tortoise was completely shielded. This secret in the deepest part of the body completely blocked the old tortoise's perception in the darkness.

   "Puff, puff..."

   With every beat of Han Fei's heart, there is a strand of black thread that begins to entangle in Han Fei's body.

  Slowly, all kinds of black silk threads are densely covering Han Fei's body. From his mind, to his flesh and blood, and even in some places, it completely overlaps with his spiritual vein.

   At this moment, even Han Fei didn't know that he was undergoing an extremely strange mutation.

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