God of Fishing

Chapter 1485: Stay

   After Han Fei's strength reached the realm of explorers, he felt more and more: The effectiveness of aura is somewhat tasteless.

  Especially the upper limit of its own aura, which is even more tasteless.

   In fact, the amount of aura that the human body can hold is always limited. Even those who are strong in the Venerable Realm can't force massive amounts of aura into their bodies. Even if it can be packed, it is the result of compression. Fortunately, he has the Demon Refining Pot, so he can use it with unlimited spiritual energy.

   After entering the deity, the use of this spiritual energy is even slower. It is no exaggeration to say that Han Fei feels: Now that he is using his aura, it is like a person who is used to driving a supercar, driving a bullock cart, how can he be slow.

   To be honest, I didn’t feel the use of aura is slow before! Why did he slow down as soon as he entered the respect?

   Therefore, the replacement is inevitable. I specified that I need a new kind of energy to replace the effect of Reiki.

   But, even so, this cannot deny the effect of Reiki. After all, among the venerables Han Fei fought, they seemed to use aura.

  Which venerable person did not fill his body with aura when he was fighting?

   Most Venerables do this. When they fight, they also use aura. Why is this happening?

   The reason, I'm afraid it's just because the chaos is hard to come by!

   They can't ingest Chaos Qi from the void like they can **** aura. Otherwise, the Venerable Fight would never be what he saw.

   It can be seen from this: In the Venerable Realm, the spiritual energy is not up to the level of cultivation. However, in battle, it is the most appropriate. The Venerable can use the power of the aura more, which is also related to the degree of dismantling of the aura.

  Han Fei suddenly understood the key point, and understood one of the reasons for the existence of Reiki Dismantling Degree. If you don't disassemble, the aura will be used more slowly!

   At this moment, Han Fei felt the aura in his body and was changing. A lot of spiritual energy, unexpectedly began to peel off automatically. In his own spiritual veins, the flowing spiritual energy began to gradually decrease, and a thread-like gray mist was forming.

   The old tortoise said in surprise: "Are you transforming the Qi of Chaos with Reiki?"

   Han Fei said: "Yes! What's wrong?"

   He only listened to the old tortoise groaning for a moment and said: "Four chaotic auras have appeared. Your previous spiritual aura limit exceeded 400,000 points."

  Han Feixin said: When entering the deity, the upper limit of aura did not increase simultaneously.

   It should be that the efficiency of Reiki has begun to decrease, so the Demon Refining Pot no longer follows up to its upper limit of Reiki.

   Han Fei heard the tone of the old turtle, as if something was going on, and immediately said: "What's the matter? Is this transformation bad?"

Old tortoise: "It's not bad, but the speed is a bit fast. Usually when you enter the deity, at the moment you enter the deity, you get the chaos contained in the law of heaven. However, it takes several years to slowly Transformation. But, you have only just entered the dignity, and you have already begun to transform? Really... a bit weird!"

  Because all of this is carried out in my own body, just like my own natural ability. Therefore, the old turtle did not know that this was also one of the abilities of refining the demon pot.

   Han Fei will naturally not explain.

   However, he was attracted by the information revealed in the words of the old turtle. The old tortoise said that this chaotic energy was produced by the law of heaven at the moment of entering the deity, and it needs to be slowly transformed by spiritual energy.

   Han Fei couldn't help but shook his expression: "Lao Yuan, do you mean that this transformation of spiritual energy into chaotic energy can only happen once?"

   "Of course! Otherwise, your unrestricted aura transforms into chaotic energy, how can there be such good things in the world?"

   Han Fei: "……"

   Han Fei was shocked immediately. Just now, I was still full of joy, because as long as I wanted to, the aura in my body could be almost unlimited.

   In this case, one can continuously acquire the Qi of Chaos.

   But now it seems that I'm still too naive. Since the Qi of Chaos is so rare, how can it be easily obtained by oneself?

  Han Fei clearly felt: The spiritual energy in his body is consuming rapidly around the chaotic energy.

   This process is not fast.

  Old Turtle said that it takes several years for others to complete this transformation. However, I only spent 2 hours.

  Han Feizhuo: Even if the time issue in the refining world is excluded, it only takes four hours in the outside world.

   In other words, it only took four hours to refine the Demon Pot, and it helped me complete the process from being a novice to a sage.

   When the four chaotic qi appeared in his body, Han Fei could feel: They were walking freely in his body, as if he was investigating his own body.

  Han Fei thought, and wondered: If he only has 4 wisps of chaos, how should I use this stuff? I'm not willing to use it... If you don't use it, are they used to save lives? But I have never seen the power of Chaos Qi...

   In Han Fei's feeling, the feeling of chaotic energy wandering in his body was not much different from that of spiritual energy. It's just to be more fluid. Let the will drive the chaotic air and push it, Han Fei tried to converge the chaotic air with a punch.

   As a result, the old tortoise hurriedly shouted: "Han Fei kid, are you experimenting with Chaos Qi?"

   Han Fei: "Yeah! Without experimenting, how do I know what it is for?"

The old turtle said: "It's not that I don't mind you experimenting, but are you not in that fairy palace now? A ray of chaos can provide you with high-intensity combat power for several hours. Are you sure you want to waste it here? "

   Hearing what the old tortoise said, Han Fei hesitated slightly, and wondered: "A ray of chaos can make me fight for an hour of high intensity?"

  Old tortoise: "It's almost like that. But, it depends on how much power you exert? If you always have big moves, a ray of chaos, it won't be enough for you to make a few times."

   With the words of the old tortoise, Han Fei suddenly smiled.

   Therefore, this ray of chaos locks the power in this ray. In this way, when it's critical, you can use this power instead of in the form of aura. This is equivalent to making a hole card for yourself.

   Although Han Fei understood the chaos, how effective was the combat? Han Fei still doesn't know.

   In fact, Han Fei doesn't mind wasting a thread first, but not now.


   Han Fei was thinking about Chaos Qi, but the refining world trembled slightly. Immediately afterwards, Han Fei saw more faint blue lines appearing beyond the boundaries of the refining world.

   Han Fei quickly looked at the refining demon pot and saw the words 4/128.

   Behind that, the words "upgradeable" still hung.

   Click to open it, and Han Fei saw the consumption of 10 wisps of Chaos Qi. Han Fei had a toothache at the time, as if he had returned to the realm of a fisherman.

   In order to get a little bit of aura...do whatever it takes to do whatever it takes...Isn’t I also in short supply of Chaos Qi now?

   But now, fortunately there is Xiao Bai. 10 wisps of chaos, although a lot, it must be worth it!

   Han Fei is still not sure about the law of the time chain, and cannot make a conclusion. However, 4 times the time can shorten a lot of time.

  Similarly, taking the doubling of the strength of the Venerable Realm as an example, normal cultivation, even at your own speed, requires 30 years of retreat. If it's an ordinary person, can he double his strength without 50 years?

   Han Fei felt: This is also the reason why most of the venerables have grown extremely slowly. The doubled strength sounds very bluffing, but the venerable realm, one step at a time.

   Maybe, the realm has not changed, but the strength has doubled?

   And Han Fei, at least this time can be shortened to more than seven years. This is already a miracle!

   Of course, as far as Han Fei's personality is concerned, a year is considered long, let alone seven years. It took him seven years to become respected from law enforcement. How can I have that idle time to practice in retreat?


   Han Fei sat quietly for a little while, clearing his thoughts.

  Emperor Sparrow, let's think of a way later, see if there is a way to get along with it?

   Entering the Sovereign, he has already entered, and his strength has doubled, and the true combat power may make the Senior Sovereign discourage. However, that power does not last long. Because there is no way to experiment, so I have to wait until I leave this fairy palace.

   Heavenly Dao Dharma Eye, this weird avenue eye, seems to have focused on himself. God knows, why does this guy stare at himself as soon as he becomes respected? Could it be that the emperor's voice yelled over?

   Now, Han Fei knows: Actually, he can continue to practice, and he has the aspiration.

  Han Fei originally thought: With the massive resources he reserves, he can properly step into the peak strength of the Junior Venerable. However, it now appears that there is a huge difference.

   What Han Fei needs now is strength, which is also the purpose of his coming to the fairy palace. Do you want strength? It's not enough to have aspiration and aura, you have to have energy to support it. You have to wash your body to make yourself stronger.

   Just outside this refining world, the endless fire element is the inexhaustible energy. If there is no such energy, one's own strength will become nonsense.

   Han Fei thought hard for a long time, left the refining world and continued to engage in meaningless battles with the so-called demons. If you don't leave, you can't improve yourself. Therefore, in the end, I must come out.

   However, after leaving the Demon Refining Pot, Han Fei found that his realm was not enough and his strength was not strong enough. Want to overwhelm a thousand stars? That is absolutely impossible. Even if it is temporarily gaining unparalleled power, it is short-lived and not long-lasting.

   So ~www.ltnovel.com~ Han Fei, after repeated considerations, summed up two paths.

   One is to go back to the Central Holy City, seek opportunities, and come back up again.

   Another one is the palace in the fairy palace. Since it exists, there must be a way to get in. As long as you can get in, you can deploy formations through the enchantment and absorb energy, which is also enough for your own cultivation.

one day later.

   Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai finally recovered from their exhaustion.

  Han Fei finally got the output of Chaos Qi from Xiaobai's mouth. One month, you can spit out a strand. The first strand is transformed by the power of its breakthrough. After that, it can basically maintain this time.

   Han Fei pondered: One year, 12 wisps of chaos. It doesn't seem to be much, and it can only deduct some big tricks once. However, the refining world is now four times as long. In other words, as long as the aura and demon aura are enough, Xiaobai can give birth to at least 48 wisps of chaos a year.

   With Han Fei’s understanding of the old turtle and his cherishment of the chaos, one can probably judge: This is a considerable number.

   In order to increase the hole cards.

   For myself to be stronger.

   In order for this trip to the fairy palace to be worthwhile, not to be regarded as a bereavement dog, was chased away by the eyes of the law of heaven.

   Han Fei decided: Out of the refining world!

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