God of Fishing

Chapter 1491: Play 1 big game

Han Fei saw a cloud of blue light that seemed to cover half of the sky.

When Han Fei heard that "time is still", he "cocked" in his heart.

Han Fei quickly looked at the time ring in his hand, only to see that the time ring was exuding radiance.


The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly, and with a "swish", it penetrated the so-called space where time is still.

Originally, Han Fei had a deep understanding of this avenue of time and space. The acceleration and deceleration of time are terrible! The Avenue of Space is also indefensible.

King Truman was horrified: Han Fei, can he ignore his own time path?

The other great lords were also surprised: How long has it passed since the all-out war on Broken Star Island? However, Han Fei hasn't arrived in a mere year. Not only is this son of Han Fei admitted, his strength is not at all like the appearance of his first admission...

What's more, even King Truman's time avenue can he block?

If Han Fei is given some more time, doesn't it mean that no one in the entire Thousand Star City can suppress him?

Needless to say, Han Fei knew that the entrance of Thousand Star City to the lower realm must have been blocked.

At this time, he definitely couldn't run to the entrance, and could only stay in Qianxing City.

"Boom boom~"

Ordinary people don't even know that in the void above their heads, many venerable states have stepped into the void. The figure is like light, flickering in the void.

Among them, the fastest is the three or two. One is Old Monster Chu in the half-king state, the other is King Truman in the Venerable Pinnacle, and the other is Han Fei.

Venerable Ye Family, although the speed is also fast... However, the strongest person in the Ye Family was killed by Lao Han the last time the Faceless Man attacked Thousand Star City.

The strong have fallen, and the latecomers have not yet grown up, so of course they were thrown away by the three.

Han Fei's heart moved: It seems that Truman is truly determined to deal with him. Without the support of Chu Clan, other families would not have the ability to deal with themselves.

That being the case, Han Fei thought of two places. One is from the Truman family; the other is from the Cao family. You can go to these two places.

If you go to Cao’s house, their family is relatively low-key, and you may not be able to use your body. Moreover, although Cao Tianzhi had gone in the battle of Broken Star Island, in addition to Cao Tianzhi's "watching" a wave of Tang Yan, Cao Shuang also killed a Sea-Monster Venerable.

In other words, although the Cao family took action, it was not very effective. Doing good things and doing bad things, with an unclear attitude, it is not easy to offend now.

Han Fei was heartbroken immediately: Want to kill me? Okay! If you have the ability, you will kill Chu Men first and foremost!

The Chumen and the Cao family, according to the South Cao and North Chu, are two big clans with independent islands in Qianxing City. Several fish skin pictures bloomed between Han Fei's hands.

These formations naturally couldn't stop Old Monster Chu.

However, Han Fei didn't need to stop him at all. When the fish skin map bloomed, the void was shrouded in mist, stretching for dozens of miles.

And Han Fei, Gemini magic has already been used.

However, as early as at the Memorial Tower of the Gods, after Old Monster Chu was tricked by Han Fei, he knew that Han Fei could use the technique of clone.

Therefore, this old guy was also very thief, and slapped the entire fog.

"Boom! Click!"

As if he felt something crushed by himself, King Truman was slightly happy.


Just when King Truman felt that he had succeeded, Han Fei's figure quickly escaped from the fog. A blood spurted out, all the way to the south.

But when Old Monster Chu rolled his long sleeves, the void and fog disappeared. His perception swept through every dust in the void.

Even so, Old Monster Chu was still worried and said: "You are careful, this child has the ability to clone, you must pay attention to exploring the void."

After casting Gemini, Han Fei's white mist body's strength dropped greatly.

However, even so, it has caught up with the speed of the Senior Venerable. At this moment, someone intercepted the road ahead?

Just listen to Han Fei's low yell, a rumble of punches, and the stamps of his fists burst out.


People who saw Han Fei's punch, including Old Monster Chu, believed that this was Han Fei's deity. If it is not the deity, how can such a powerful force be exerted?

The Venerable who intercepted Han Fei was only an Intermediate Venerable, who was blasted thousands of miles away by a sacrificial fist. Over the city of Thousand Stars, there was a "rumbling" sound, rippling ceaselessly.

Countless people raised their heads and looked to the sky, seeming to want to see what happened? But how can a mortal eye see the battle of the Lord?

It was this attack that really attracted Old Monster Chu. However, he saw that he was caught with both hands, and he was about to catch Han Fei.

At this stall, Old Monster Chu suddenly changed his expression: "King of the door."

Old Weird Chu was horrified.

Just now, that piece of mist was clearly checked by myself, and it is impossible for anyone to exist without being discovered by myself. But just now, a black mist appeared out of thin air?

Although King Truman's speed was fast enough, a teleportation formation appeared in front of Han Fei's black mist.


The moment King Truman arrived, the teleportation array had shattered, where can I find the black fog?

At this moment, Old Monster Chu grabbed Han Fei's body of white mist.

However, Han Fei sneered coldly: "Old Monster Chu, today, I will play a big game with you, how about?"

Just after saying this, Han Fei's body shattered directly.

At this moment, all the venerables perceive and scan the entire Thousand Star City. However, with hundreds of millions of people in Thousand Star City, all kinds of things are happening all the time. With human resources, how can it be swept away?

Old Monster Chu's body was shocked: "Han Fei, if it happens again, you will never have the ability to escape."

Old Monster Chu couldn't have guessed: Just now, he did shoot Han Fei to death. However, he only shot half of Han Fei to death.

Just now the body of the black mist died and the body of the white mist escaped. Now the body of the white mist was crushed, and the body of the black mist fled.

At that moment, Han Fei had no time to enter the refining world.

Fortunately, the characteristics of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are still there. If one party does not die, the other party will not die. The body of the white mist was blasted into dust, and naturally it was not found.

And Han Fei also deeply realized: The power of this old monster Chu can crush the high-ranking realm to death with one slap. This old man almost shot himself to death just now.


On Hanyue Island, the Chumen clan occupied this place.

The Vientiane Mariner stopped in front of an ordinary small house. No one saw it, and a dark shadow that was imperceptible to the naked eye was quietly admitted to the hospital.



In the courtyard, there were roars and the sound of porcelain being knocked over.

Immediately afterwards, a woman's timid voice said: "Young master, the great doctor of the clan said that it is possible to make up for the spiritual pulse with daily medicine."

"Fart! The clan doctor, how many times have you visited me in these years? They have forgotten me Chu Xiao. It is ridiculous that I am a dignified arrogant man. Once I suffered damage, I was reduced to a man..."


"Let's go! Although my spirit pulse is greatly damaged, I Chu Xiao hasn't become a waste, and I don't need others to serve."


After a while, Han Fei saw a little girl with mediocre qualifications, crying and ran to another hut.

However, the little girl didn't listen to Chu Xiao's words and left, but ran into her room and cried.

Chu Xiao, Han Fei was looking for him.

Among the people of Chu Clan, Han Fei knows few people, so he can't go to Chu Qingyan, can he?

This Chu Xiao was burnt down by himself with the real fire of the strong sun, and his spiritual veins were broken by himself, and it was difficult to make progress in this life.

Want to change something like Lingmai? Need to change fate.

Even the Venerable, it is not easy to modify.

Therefore, even the Venerable, except to regain a spiritual vein from others. Want to continue to repair Chu Xiao's spiritual veins? That is also extremely difficult.

At this moment, Chu Xiao was pale and sat on the bed sloppyly. Want to practice? But whenever the spirit gathers, I always "cough".

"Cough cough cough~"


Suddenly, Chu Xiao only saw some phantoms of plants and trees appearing. He thought it was his own illusion, closed his eyes and opened it, but suddenly realized that he had appeared in an ancient forest.

And in front of his eyes, there was a person sitting, a person who dreamed of himself and would dream of countless times.

I saw Chu Xiao, gritted his teeth and said, "Han, Fei..."

Han Fei smiled slightly: "You are not dreaming. Yes, it is me! It's really hard for you. After so many years, you still remember me..."

Chu Xiao clenched his fists tightly: "Even if you turn to ashes, I know..."

Having said that, Chu Xiao didn't dare to move: How could Han Fei find himself? This is Truman, how could Han Fei be on Cold Moon Island?

Chu Xiao warned: "What do you want to do?"

Seeing that Han Fei avoided answering, he laughed instead: "It seems that no one can help you repair this damaged spiritual vein!"

Chu smiled and squinted. Of course he knew how good Han Fei is now! Regarding Han Fei's deeds, he has not missed one thing.

Especially a year ago, Han Fei had become the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, leading millions of soldiers to fight against the sea monster. This made Chu Xiao lose even the desire for revenge. After all, the two are not of the same level at all. He has already admitted that Han Fei is indeed a peerless arrogant, and he is not comparable to him.

Chu Xiao said coldly: "Repair the spiritual veins, the venerable can't do... All of this is thanks to you. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Fei shrugged: "It is indeed given by me to defeat, but the sacred person can't do it... This is a false statement. It's a bit more difficult, but in fact, it only takes a little time to do it. Also, if you have the best Lingguo, eat him dozens or hundreds of them, not to mention everything is good, at least three to fifty percent can be recovered. Then, using thunder means to regenerate from the broken pulse, it is not impossible to repair.

When Chu Xiao heard the hundreds of best spirit fruits, he snorted: To put it lightly, hundreds of best spirit fruits? In my heyday, I couldn't get one. How many more? Dreaming?

Han Fei smiled and said, "Look, there are many ways to save you. It's just that those people in Truman think you are useless, and they refuse to use it for you."

Chu Xiaohan said with a face: "What do you want to do?"

The corner of Han Fei’s mouth raised a wicked smile: "I! Nothing, just chat with you, by the way, let you use this skin bag... Of course, if you are obedient, I can also help you repair your spiritual veins. ."

Chu Xiao's spirit was shocked: "Will you be so kind?"

Han Fei spread his hand: "Of course I have no good intentions, but Trumen is not kind to you either! Can Trumen not know where I came from? Back then, they asked you to stop me. Do you think it's a coincidence? Don't be taken advantage of. I don’t know it...really sad."

Chu Xiao's heart was shocked: He had planned about this for a long time. Han Fei has been in the Thousand Star City for a long time, who is going to stop it? As early as that year, he guessed that he was being used. However, at that time, I was a Tianjiao, and my heart was higher than the sky. Therefore, at that time, Truman was hostile to Han Fei, and he also regarded Han Fei as an enemy.

Over the years, Chu Xiao's life has fallen to this point. Therefore, his resentment towards Han Fei has actually turned into an resentment towards Trumen.

Chu Xiao thought to himself: "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei: "Look at your soul first before talking..."

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