God of Fishing

Chapter 1496: Is this game fun?

   in the soul sea.

   Han Fei hunted for a round, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai successfully advanced to Level 73. Then, those gifted soul beasts went out again.

   When these talented soul beasts were called out for the second time, Han Fei did not continue to wait, but quickly hunted down the primitive soul beasts.

   Finally, after half a day, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai failed to reach level 74, as if they were stuck. At this time, there was another feeling of horror, and Han Fei's consciousness directly returned and appeared in the refining world.

   Just regaining consciousness, Han Fei still felt a little pain in his head. It took dozens of breaths to get better.

   I only listened to the old tortoise: "It takes too long for the consciousness to be out of the body before this happens, so don't worry about it. You swallowed a lot of talented soul beasts in the sea of ​​souls?"

   Han Fei got up and said lightly: "It's not much, it only adds up to a few hundred."

   Old Tortoise really wants to roll his eyes at Han Fei: The talented soul beast that others have worked so hard to cultivate, casually, will be eaten by you. Just a few hundred? How much do you want to eat?

  Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, what's the situation outside? There is nothing unexpected for Chu Xiao, right?"

   Old Turtle said: "This Chu Xiao has a deep hatred for Truman. He has been persuaded by the emperor to completely rebel out of Truman. You can use him to make some articles."

Han Fei sneered: "What can Chu Xiao do now? He is disabled, and the law enforcement circle is no longer integrated. No one will wait to see him. Low-end groups are not my goal. You said he can. What are you doing?"

Old Tortoise said: "This statement is wrong! Everyone has its own meaning. The ups and downs in air luck are normal. His damaged spiritual veins are nothing but a matter of your apocalyptic magic. However, God knows, what kind of revenge will he make against Truman?"

   Han Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it: "His spiritual veins suddenly improved, he will definitely be found to be a problem?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "Do you think, who cares about an outdated Tianjiao that has been abandoned for seven or eight years? There are many examples of a person who forbears and explodes. As long as he doesn't practice for a while, it will be fine! Although the spiritual veins are repaired, but the strength But it won’t improve. Of course, it’s very fast to improve."

  Han Fei's heart suddenly moved, and he saw him grinning and saying, "Old Yuan! I found that you are worse."

  The old tortoise said leisurely: "No, it's not bad without you..."


   Two days later.

   This time, King Truman let the submersible fisherman go down and try, and there is no problem. However, the powerhouses now prefer to bring their own talented soul beasts, and are not willing to enter the soul sea to test.

   But these people don't even know: Han Fei has already emerged from the sea of ​​souls.

   In the past two days, Chu Xiao’s small courtyard was not completely silent.

   Chu Xiao asked Xiao Ling'er to visit several companions who had been in law enforcement. The strength of those people was not as good as him. Therefore, Chu Xiao prepared to buy some resources with secret techniques.

   But... On this day, Chu Xiao's small courtyard was kicked open again.

   was the same Chu Liang from the previous two days, but this time, he only took two people.

   Just listen to Chu Liang coldly shouting: "Where is Chu Xiao? Get out of me."

   Xiao Ling'er had already blocked Chu Xiao's door, and said stubbornly: "Master, don't come out, this bad guy is not at ease."

   Chu Liang sneered: "You little girl, you know everything is getting in the way all day long. Don't worry, as long as your young master is acquainted, I can spare your young master today."


   The door opened, Chu Xiao paled, and put a hand on Xiao Ling'er's shoulder: "Get out."

   "Young Master~"

   Chu Xiao took away Xiao Ling'er and walked straight to Chu Liang with cold eyes, as if looking at a dead person: "Say."

  Chu Liang, at that time, the whole person was not good: Nima, you have this virtue, you are still arrogant?

   Chu Liang couldn't wait to kick him to death.

   However, Chu Liang knew that Chu Xiao had a arrogant personality. He came here with a purpose, not to fight.

Just listen to Chu Liang smiled and said: "Chu Xiao, don't say I didn't give you a chance. At the beginning, you didn't have a good face to anyone. You might as well confess the past to you, just to avenge you. If you want me not to retaliate, too Okay. I know you have a secret technique, Feng Ling pointed out, give it to me, and I won't trouble you anymore."

   Xiao Linger was shocked: "Master, those few people..."

  Chu smiled and yelled: "Shut up."

   Xiao Ling'er's face turned pale: Those people were once members of her young master's team. But now, he sold the young master! It's too much.

   Chu Xiao was silent for a long time.

   Chu Liang thought that Chu Xiao's arrogant temper had committed again, and immediately said: "Chu Xiao, who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. As the saying goes, everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. Give me things, and I will not have time to trouble you in the future."

   Chu Xiao raised his head slightly: "Okay!"

   In Chu Liang's eyes, there was a flash of energy, and he didn't expect Chu Xiao to let go. Although he also came with a mission, this Feng Lingzhi must have his share.

   But when Chu Xiao reached out and turned over, he handed a jade slip to Chu Liang: "From then on, you and I have nothing to do with you."

  Chu Liang is not in the mood to find fault right now.

   It is said that this secret technique is one of Chu Xiao's strongest secret technique at the time, so he has to go back and print a copy.

   after a moment.

   When Chu Liang and the others left, Chu Xiao looked back at Xiao Ling'er: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It's a mere secret technique. If you don't have it, it's gone. Master, I still have it."

   But, Linger still apologized. In the end, Chu Xiao simply ignored her.


   After Chu Liang got the Feng Lingzhi, he sent two attendants to go out with some benefits, and returned home impatiently.

   Chu Liang grabbed the jade slip and smiled coldly: "Chu Xiao, tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have today. Heh, if you are a mere genius, want me to let you go? It's a idiot."

   When Chu Liang's perception swept across, suddenly, the whole person stiffened slightly. But immediately, it has returned to normal.

   It's just that Chu Liang's expression is no longer so excited, but a weird smile.

  The law enforcement environment is considered a strong one in Truman, and there are many places to go.

   However, Chu Liang did not give the jade slips to Chu Xiao’s former teammates. Because... When Xiao Ling'er found those people, they were already recruited.

   One of Han Fei’s avenues has been replaced by Soul Splitting Road, a low-level avenue, but a mature avenue.

   Nothing happened all day.

   But communication between people is essential every day. Especially those investigators, who are doing investigations from house to house, jumping back and forth every day.

   Moreover, Han Fei didn't even bother to do anything about the soul beasts of those under the law enforcement environment.

   So, none of these people had an accident.

   Everyone has an idea: Since the strong can sneak into Truman, if they have the strength, will they find themselves?

   Nothing happened for two days.

   Nothing happened for three days.

   It has been seven days. Ordinary people may not know it, but the whole Truman has been turned over by the Seven Venerables more than a dozen times.

   Chu laughed at this crippled man, who was swept away by the Venerable Soul no less than 20 times.

   Of course, Truman cleared the door this time. Han Fei didn't find out. The spies from other big families found hundreds of them. The spies of the seven major sects also found hundreds of them.

   These people were killed directly at the moment they were discovered, without even leaving any affection.

   More than 20 people who were controlled by Han Fei's Soul Splitting Road also fell. It's just that even Old Monster Chu never thought that these people were controlled by others, only that they were dead men. As soon as it was found, the soul was gone.

   Seven days later.

   King Truman went down with a warrant, declaring that the crisis had been resolved. However, above the Explorer realm, they will still bring the talented soul beast with them, and they don't want to bet.

   However, after a day or two, no one said that the soul beast was killed.

   There are explorers here, try together to recover the talented soul beast. Within a day, they were summoned a dozen times, all without incident.

   This kind of temptation lasted three full days, and everyone was sure: There was nothing unusual in the soul sea.

In the Truman Chamber, someone said, "In the future, we will need to observe for some time. If Han Fei does not take action anymore, that is to say, the crisis of the Soul Sea is lifted. This further shows that even if Han Fei can produce the Soul Sea It doesn’t work for a long time, probably between 5 to 10 days..."

   Someone said: "The Truman formation hasn't loosened, so you can't take it lightly. Han Fei is tricky and cunning. If you can't detect it all the time, it means he must be planning something else."

   Someone shook his head: "I think he may just hide. For example, incarnate into someone. This child's disguise is really good. Now, there must be some place that we have ignored."


   Suddenly, a violent explosion resounded throughout Truman.

   The several sages looked at each other and disappeared into the discussion hall at the same time.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   At almost the same time, hundreds of places in Truman had terrible explosions.


   Old Monster Chu and others were astonished: The entire Chu Clan was full of demons, which was the aftermath of the explosion.

   "Damn it, is this Han Fei cooperating with the Kraken?"

   Chu Feng said with a cold face: "No one is alive, all of them explode and erupt at the same time. It must be the ghost of Han Fei."

  At this moment~www.ltnovel.com~The sky above Trumen is full of strong men.

   All the young children under the dive fisher, all left the house. That explosion covered a large area of ​​hundreds of miles, and directly covered all of Chumen's area, causing countless casualties.

   Chu Jun gritted his teeth and said: "Asshole, this boy has no regard for the casualties of ordinary children. He wants to stop me from Truman."

   Suddenly, Old Monster Chu tore the sky and claws to the cultivation tower. Distortion occurred there, billions of demon qi was completely spread, and the entire cultivation tower collapsed directly.

   "Time stands still."

   The king of Truman quickly blocked him with the main road.

   Looking at this scene, Han Fei was shocked: The power of Venerable's pinnacle should not be underestimated. 3 billion demon qi blew up, and was blocked by the avenue?

   Old Monster Chu took the opportunity to reach out and fished out the more than 300 strong men in the training tower.

   Almost at the same time, Chu Feng and Chu Jun shot separately and arrested some strange people in this group.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The Seven Venerables killed more than 50 people, but the surrounding explosions caused more than 50 times.

Just listen to Han Fei’s voice trembling in the void: "Old Monster Chu, is this game fun? If you want to play, Xiaoye will continue to play with you. If you don’t want to play, open the ban and let millions of people leave Cold Moon Island. Otherwise, Xiao Master will play with you Truman to the end."

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