God of Fishing

Chapter 1498: Otherwise, what do you want?

   In the Chamber of Chumen, there was a chill. How did Han Fei's provocation make Venerable Truman not angry?

   After dozens of breaths, the old monster Chu said hoarsely: "There is a problem with this son's avenue. This spirit technique has a strong Taoist rhyme, and it should be a certain kind of soul avenue."

   King Truman: "According to this son's past experience, it is clear that he did not take this road. Did he change after he entered the deity? Or, is he a deity who has walked many roads?"

   It’s just that it’s useless to care about what road Han Fei is walking at the moment. Since Han Fei dared to appear like this, it shows that he is confident enough that no one from Chu Men can find him.

   But, once all the Chumen's children left Cold Moon Island, wouldn't Han Fei run away? If you want to find him again, do you want to find him in the sky? Han Fei's current disguise has reached a level that even a king can't find. Among millions of people, there is no trace.

   Moreover, it is not this that makes these Venerable Trumen headaches the most, but his clone.

   Especially, Han Fei's shadow clone. That thing, if you don't pay attention, run under your eyelids, you may not be able to find it.

   But, if you don’t let the tiger go back to the mountain, Han Fei really wants to do the same thing again today. If he blew himself up in the residential area of ​​the children of ordinary people, the consequences would be incalculable.

   Has Han Fei done it?

   Almost at the same time, Old Monster Chu and King Truman both thought: There is nothing that cannot be done here.

   To talk about cruelty, this Han Fei even surpassed their families. In the presence of millions of soldiers on Broken Star Island, slaughtering the mankind's own sage, this is probably the first time in human history.

   Besides, whoever can be the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, who is the soft-hearted person?

   A soft-hearted person can never be the supreme commander of Broken Star Island. Facing the fall of the soldiers day by day, how can weak people bear it for years?


   After all, Old Monster Chu still gave such a result. It is not that he wants to release, but that he has to release it.

   Half a day later, King Truman's voice covered the entire Truman: "All children in the clan, can freely enter and exit Hanyue Island..."

   The words of King Trumen were to let these people do their own things. He did not open the Thousand Stars Proving Ground, and he was also worried that Han Fei would steal the resources of Trumen.

   And Han Fei is full of disdain: I have already been to the fairy palace, can I care about your secrets in the broken stars?

after one day.

   After Chumen lifted the ban, millions of people flew away from Hanyue Island. The other people on Cold Moon Island panicked in their hearts and left one after another. For a time, it was like fleeing, flying boats all over the sky like locusts, densely packed, overwhelming.

   On a fishing boat, Chu Xiao and Xiao Ling'er were sitting on it.

   Xiao Ling'er looked back at Hanyue Island: "Master, is Han Fei going to have a decisive battle with the ancestor?"

   Chu smiled lightly and said, "What do you do if you don't fight a decisive battle? It's a decisive battle, which side do you want to win?"

   Xiao Linger immediately said: "Trumen! Han Fei is such a bad demon. I heard that he killed more than 100,000 people. It was crazy, the demon..."

   Han Fei disguised as Chu Xiao, twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said to his heart: Little girl film, really nonsense. Do you know how many people fell directly or indirectly in the hands of Trumen during the years of the rise of Trumen?

   Chu Xiao's life and death, Han Fei doesn't care, anyway, he just uses the relationship. However, this little girl is not bad, Han Fei was a little secretly, this little girl was shocked and fell into chaos.

   At this moment, they have already left Cold Moon Island.

   After the people of Truman left, they scattered in all directions. Some went to the arena, some went to the Treasure Pavilion, some went to the Sky Meditation Garden, and some went to the Ideal Palace...

   But, even so, they didn't dare to discuss what happened in the family...

  Because they know, that is not something they can discuss. The Patriarch let himself out, mostly to save the lives of these people.

   Three islands were separated in a row, Han Fei pinched, feeling that no one noticed. This was where Chu Xiao was released in an inconspicuous place.

   After Chu laughed out, the person in front of him was no longer Han Fei, but a middle-aged man with a big beard.

   looked back and found that Xiao Ling'er was lying on the corner of the boat, sleeping, and then asked: "What's wrong with her?"

   Han Fei smiled slightly: "Maybe you have an epiphany!"

   Chu smiled for a moment, Han Fei's people had disappeared. Looking at the vanity that disappeared, Chu Xiao couldn't help but give a wry smile, his life is really bloody!

   half a day later.

   Han Fei did not leave Thousand Star City in a hurry at this time.

   Originally, he wanted to leave. However, after the Truman incident, he didn't want to leave for the time being. Because... he discovered: No one can move himself in Thousand Star City.

   The entire Thousand Star City has a population of hundreds of millions. He can even pretend to be anyone... What kind of street vendors, shop owners, pedestrians on the road... Even though Thousand Star City has many powerful enemies, who can find him?


   Chunyang Island.

  Since the incident of Beating Thug Academy, the name of Thug Academy has become a taboo in Chunyang Island.

   At first, the Faceless Man fought against the family.

   In the end, although it was Lao Han and the others, they won. However, the Thug Academy is still in ruins after all. The aristocratic family is still the aristocratic family, but the thug academy has disappeared.

  After autumn, settle accounts...

   The Su family became a clan that was vented. Even the residents of Chunyang Island, all the economic subsidies are gone. Without permission, no one can leave Chunyang Island without permission. No one even dared to fight in the arena! Most of the people on Chunyang Island were killed in the arena.

   This leads to: Thug Academy has become the evil in everyone's hearts.

   The Su family was completely in decline. The two explorers of the Su family all fell inexplicably.

   When the ancestor Su was dying, he also warned Su Yang to live anyway.

   Now, the Su family has withered, and there are less than a hundred people left. All wealth has been raided! This Su family, with less than a hundred people, belonged to ordinary people under the leadership of Su Yang, the former Patriarch of the Su family.

  The reason why Su Yang can live is nothing more than the fact that the family has been a little jealous. After all, Su Yang was originally a well-known person in Chunyang Island. Moreover, at the peak of law enforcement, there is no chance of revenge in the future.

   But, even so, there are people who want to kill them overtly and secretly. These people are not the people of those big families, but the people of those small families.

   Those small families, because they have already fallen, there are very few resources in the clan. And Su Yang was not dead, he must still bring some Su family resources. At the very least, there are definitely a lot of skills and skills.

   Therefore, in the past eight years, the Su family has almost lived a life that is worse than death, and they have to worry about it every day.

   This day.

   On Chunyang Island, Su Yang is leading some of his children and is practicing combat skills. They can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Although it is slow, there are no resources in the clan.

   Su Yang shouted: "Come on, don't be lazy. Thousand-Star City has sufficient aura, and you can grow without resources. In the future, once you have the opportunity, you will find a way to leave Chunyang Island..."

   Someone is weak: "Patriarch, will someone really come to save us?"

   Su Yang nodded, and affirmed: "Yes! Su Sanqian, Su Daji...you all know each other, they will definitely come back."

   At the beginning, those teenagers have grown up now.

   They wanted to say: The Thug Academy is gone, Su Sanqian and Su Daji don't know if they are dead?

   "Yeah! Just you, still want to leave Chunyang Island? Your family, all sinners from Chunyang Island, are all damned, giggle..."

   Su Yang doesn't need to look at him, he knows who is here.

   This is not the first time, but the first many times.

   When he saw this person, the only hundred people left in the Su family were all angry.

   There was a middle-aged man with a pale face, and he uttered a low voice: "Baby Zhao, what do you want? You and I were married, so why bother with each other?"

  The person who came was the Zhao daughter who had been divorced from the Su family. At the beginning, the divorce scene was in front of Han Fei and the others.

  Who knows: Only a few years after the beauty of the Su family, the Thug Academy was defeated again and disappeared in Thousand Star City again.

   Even Su Yang himself has some doubts: Can they return?

I saw the baby Zhao with his arms akimbo, pointing angrily at the weak man: "Su Cheng, when you divorced me, you should have thought about the end of today! Also, the old immortal in Old Town Su died so early. , It's really cheap for him. That old guy, it's worth a thousand cuts..."

   After yelling, Baby Zhao was satisfied, and said proudly: "Now, as long as you hand over the Su family's exercises and combat skills. I will recite the old love and spare your life."

   Su Yang tightened his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "Baby Zhao, you still dare to kill me?"

"Hahaha... Even if you kill you, what about UU reading www.uukanshu.com? Who do you think will take care of it? Waiting for the kid Su Sanqian to come back to save you? If you let the kid know, your Su family is even his mother. No protection...Do you think he will kill you? Hahaha..."


   Su Yang was angered and pointed a finger at Bao Bao Zhao: "Vicious woman, it is time to be divorced. There are some things that people are doing, and the sky is watching. Your Zhao family is unrighteous first, and you will eventually get retribution."


   However, a beam of light bombarded Su Yang by a single blow and flew thousands of meters away.



   In a blink of an eye, Su Yang's blood spurted wildly, and dozens of bones broke.

   saw his eyes widened: "Explorer..."


I only saw an old man coming out, looking at Su Yang indifferently: "Su Yang, don't toast or eat fine wine. You Su family, after all, there is no day in the future. Hand over your exercises and combat skills, old man Save your lives. Otherwise..."


   Just when Su Yang himself was almost desperate, he saw in the distance, a figure appeared at the end of the road.

  One step, two steps, three steps...

   Han Fei faintly looked at the old Zhao family: "Otherwise, what are you going to do?"

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