God of Fishing

Chapter 1500: Annihilation of Clan 1

   When entering respect and not entering respect, there are two completely different mentalities.

   I... to put it another way...

   There are two completely different mindsets of having strength and not having strength. When he was an explorer, Han Fei didn't even think he had any strength, because he knew his enemy was very strong.

   Now, he has become a respected man.

  I used to find enemies that were difficult to reach, although they were still invincible. But the other party can no longer kill himself. This feeling is very good, so that Han Fei has enough capital to walk grandly on the land of Thousand Star City.

   Chunyang Island.

   Han Fei’s words fell in the ears of the residents of the island for the first time.

When    first heard about it, they only found it absurd.

   But when they walked out of the house, feeling the sound of vibrating under the entire sky, they swallowed.

   Many people were surprised and asked, "Who is this person? People from the Mob Academy, have you come back with revenge?"

   Someone exclaimed: "Mob Academy still dare to come? Are they not afraid of causing a war?"

   Someone patted his chest: "God damn, this thug academy, let people live? Chunyang Island has been affected by them for a long time. Now, it's extremely difficult to even get in and out of Chunyang Island."

   Many people only thought of complaining for the first time. They were not familiar with Thug Academy. They only knew that it was a short-lived one in Chunyang Island. It appeared once a few decades ago, and it was dark and dark with the family, and finally lost. Appeared again seven or eight years ago and lost again.

   Yes, these people think that they have lost the fight when they see that the thug academy is down and abandoned.

   Han Fei stood at the door of the thug academy, listening to various speeches from all directions.

   Han Fei suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Yang: "Chunyang Island has been blocked?"

Su Yang nodded: "Since the battle eight years ago, Chunyang Island has been regarded as an ominous place. Some people think that the people of Chunyang Island have accepted the existence of the Thug Academy. Therefore, they blamed the island. Thousands of people."

   Han Fei's eyes showed a sullen look: "Who thinks so?"

   Su Yang shook his head slightly: "I don't know. But the Zhao family should be attached to that family."

  Han Fei: "Where is the Zhao family?"

   Su Yang took a breath and said firmly: "The Liuyun Island nearest to Chunyang Island."

   When Su Yang finished saying this, Han Fei said calmly: "The Su family will take a rest for the time being. Help me take care of the thug academy and clean it up. The Su family can practice in it...waiting for the day when I return."

   Su Yang's heart was shocked: It seems that Han Fei still has to leave.

   However, this time is different from before.

   Han Fei's strength is terrifying. In the realm of Intermediate Explorers, he was crushed to death with a single finger. The aristocratic family has never come to fight until now, and it seems that the situation is changing.

   After saying this, Han Fei stepped up to an altitude of tens of meters. He disappeared in Su Yang's eyes after a hundred miles.

  As he approached the main road on the island, Han Fei's eyes changed slightly, his hands opened, and above his head, a spiritual vortex covered nearly a hundred meters, rolling the wind and clouds for dozens of miles.

   looks like a whirlpool from the sky to the ground. And under this vortex, there seems to be a gathering of clouds and rain.

   Han Fei walked along the way, on the ground, countless people looked up to the sky.

   Many people were frightened and wanted to escape. This posture is too scary! Where is this super strong?

   However, only Han Fei’s voice echoed over Chunyang: "Listen to everyone on Chunyang Island, my name is Han Fei, the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island, Acting Dean of the Thug Academy..."

  As soon as this statement came out, many people were confused: Thug Academy, they knew. Many people actually know Han Fei, the acting dean. Because when Han Fei came back to rebuild the Mob Academy, the scene was huge. It's a pity that the academy didn't last for a year, and it caused a terrible war. Thug Academy was destroyed.

   Originally, in their cognition, they actually didn't have a good impression of Thug Academy. Because Chunyang Island has the current situation, it is basically given by the Mob Academy.

   But, as Han Fei mentioned just now, he is the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island, this is amazing!

   Thousand Star City is different from Thirty-Six Town.

   Thirty-six Town, the news was closed before, so it was impossible to know about Broken Star Island. However, Thousand Star City is different. People in Thousand Star City often go to Broken Star Island. A batch of rotations would require millions of people to enter and leave Broken Star Island.

   But, what they heard was Xue Shenqi, Xue Dashuai!

   Some people were surprised: "The Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island has changed?"

   Someone was surprised and asked, "Dean Xiao Han, now he has become the supreme commander of Thousand Star City? This is too ridiculous."

There are also people who can leave Chunyang Island. They have already heard the news and heard people around them have questions, and immediately responded: "It is said that Broken Star Island is no longer the previous Broken Star Island. A super war has occurred between humans and the sea race! During the First World War, millions of creatures fell. The blood from the killing flowed into a river in Broken Star Island. It is said that blood is still flowing in some places."

  Han Fei walked in the low altitude step by step, his voice was sure and tough.

Just listen to him: "All of you have been blocked on Chunyang Island for the past few years because of the Thug Academy, and most of them were unable to get out. This incident really happened because of the Thug Academy. It's rare for me to come back, Han Fei, how can I allow this? Is it happening again?"

   Han Fei walked along the main line of Chunyang Island, so countless people looked at Han Fei along the way.

   "Click, click...wow..."

   Suddenly, people saw the place where Han Fei was passing, about a kilometer away, and it began to rain "heavy"?

   Someone exclaimed: "It's a spiritual energy, this is a spiritual spring, it is an artificial spiritual spring."

   Many adults dragged the children and rushed to the street outside the door, shouting as they ran, "Son, remember, in this kind of spiritual energy tide, you must absorb the power of the spiritual spring."

  Han Fei’s voice continued, announcing to the hundreds of millions of Chunyang Island: "Everyone, let me go to the gate and kill them to tremble..."

   Han Fei stepped tens of miles, extremely fast.

   Above the sky, the spiritual energy rained down, and even a rainbow was called out.

   A child exclaimed: "Father, look... colorful divine light, that is the road to the sea god..."


   A group of children chased on the road, running wildly and screaming, excited.

  Han Fei is just a cutscene in front of people.

   Of course he can't walk around Chunyang Island all at once. He can only be seen by one group of people, and only need a group of people to treat this matter as a conversation piece and spread it among the crowd.

   Chunyang Island Gatekeeper, here is now full of people. Because Han said that they were coming, they would be able to leave Chunyang Island right away... Many people would always believe this.

   At the gate, there are many strong people in law enforcement are preparing to walk away.

   Even if it is a family, at the beginning, he didn't know that Han Fei would take someone out of Chunyang Island and would personally smash the guards.

   Now, when they hear Han Fei's voice, it is actually too late, and Han Fei is almost here.

   At the gate, many soldiers at the bottom did not know about it, only saw a lot of people rushing here.

   "Deep toot~"

   The howl sounded, and many strong men appeared one after another, shouting: "All retreat, those who trespass on the chain bridge will die..."

   "Don't come here, you don't want to live anymore?"


   Just as these people shouted, they saw a spiritual vortex above the sky, spinning and flying over.

   Suddenly, there was a voice over this land boundary, and Han Fei’s voice sounded: "Guardian, you must die."


   I only saw countless water-blade blades cutting through the sky.

   Many people thought this could be blocked, and they used various low-level weapons and even contracted spirit beasts to resist it.



   Thousands of swords transformed by endless water, like a dragon going out to sea, in an instant, sweeping in all directions.

   Many venerables said: "Okay, come back! Chunyang Island does not need to be guarded."

   As soon as they heard the call of their own strong figure, many people immediately prepared to leave.

   However, it was too late, and the surrounding area had become a sea of ​​sword energy.

   There are strong law enforcement, seeing a large number of swordsman, the momentum is climbing frantically.

   At this moment, Blade Purgatory has begun.

   Someone exclaimed: "The wind...the wind is full of blades, pay attention to open the aura."

"Puff puff……"

   However, what kind of aura, how could it be able to stop Han Fei's powerful lethality?

   Only for a moment, UU reads www.uukanshu. Many people on com were pierced by the sword and fell completely.

   Someone still has Immortal Seal protector.

   That thing can be protected for a while. After all, the Venerable also only has one hand and one brain. After such a wide range of attacks, the attack power is not particularly strong.

   It's just that even if Han Fei doesn't care, the blade purgatory he created doesn't mean to stop at all. After a while, someone walked out of the void again, did not live a long time, and was completely strangled.

   A strong man in the realm of explorers sits here, and when he finds that something is wrong, he has torn open the void, ready to escape.

   However, these people just tore open the void crack, they saw the void crack in front of them, turned into the shape of a sword.


   Only a hundred breaths less than a hundred breaths. Thousands of gatekeepers at Chunyang Island Gate were killed by a round of ripples and endless water.

  Han Fei's voice continued to linger in the void: "Everyone on Chunyang Island, don't worry. In the future, you can travel with confidence. Whoever intercepts you, if Han Fei knows about him, he will be destroyed."

   didn't plan to stay long on Chunyang Island. Han Fei had already seen many people in the Zhao family running away.

   He quickly tore open the void, but after dozens of breaths of time, he has appeared in the sky above Zhao's house.

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