God of Fishing

Chapter 1502: Door-to-door challenge

   Han Fei's voice floated around in the sky above Thousand Star City, as if it had a huge magical power, making countless people stop and watch.

   Han Fei is not in a hurry.

   I can leave Truman smoothly. In the vast sea of ​​people in Thousand Star City, no one can find themselves unless one has a treasure like the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

  Han Fei was talking while waiting, wanting to see if anyone would want to shoot?

   As a result, after talking for a long time, it was only that some people were watching, but no one did it.

Han Fei stood high in the sky, his voice violent: "The Sea Clan wants to plot my human race, and the big race also wants to plot my human race, internal and external troubles, I Han Fei swears by the great road... first punish the sea monster, then destroy the big family. We should walk the way for the sky, fight against injustice, and liberate mankind... I want, Thousand Star City, Thirty-Six Town, Broken Star Island... There is no exploitation, no infighting, no oppression... Everyone is a free people, everyone Everyone can go out to sea freely, hunt freely, grow freely..."

   For a long time, Han Fei's voice stopped.

   Thousand-Star City is agitated, and many people are full of emotions.

   Someone sighed: "Han Fei...Is this the supreme commander of Broken Star Island? Really domineering! If you can sweep the big clan, I believe him forever."

Someone’s body trembled: "Although I don’t know this person, I will remember it from now on. There is a person named Han Fei, a school named Thug Academy, and the entire Broken Star Island, all of them belong to the big clan. enemy."

   "Okay! To destroy the big clan, do whatever it takes."

   Someone murmured repeatedly in their hearts: "Han Fei, Han Fei, Han Fei..."

   In Thousand Star City, if you are not going to Broken Star Island, then you can only practice in places like Thousand Star Proving Ground, Three Holy Land, and Arena.

   Thousand Star City’s aura is quite strong, sharpened in the arena, and occasionally spend a little money to experience the Thousand Star Proving Ground, this is also a way of life.

   However, this method is completely different from Thirty-Six Town and Broken Star Island.

   Maybe the people in Thousand Star City are quite capable, but this is only because they have a high foundation, and what they have learned is generally better than those in 36 Towns, so they are strong. In the real life-and-death fight, if it weren't for Tianjiao, who would dare to say that they could beat the people in 36 towns?

   Now, although Broken Star Island is open, the number of people who can pass each day is limited. After all, there are not many teleportation arrays, and even the queues have been queued for several years.

   Therefore, the aristocratic families in Thousand Star City are also watching with cold eyes, and they don't seem very worried.

   Broken Star Island? It's just a small island, how many people can it hold? As long as the noble family controls the entrance and exit of Thousand Star City, how many people can go out? If Broken Star Island cuts off the resources of Thousand Star City, Thousand Star City will also cut off the flow of such personnel.

   However, in Han Fei's mind, it is not like this.

   Broken Star Island is expanding, and he doesn't need to bird the family. Even to take the initiative to go to Broken Star Island requires strict screening. Many people want to go but can't go. Dazu want to stop? It does not make sense to intercept. After all, Han Fei can still count people from 36 towns.

   Although the general strength of the people in 36 towns is not as good as that of Thousand Star City. However, now Broken Star Island is no longer suffering from sea monsters, and people don't have to worry about it every day. Therefore, even if the personnel in Thirty-Six Towns are weak, there is nothing wrong. The starting point is low, it can be cultivated!

   At this moment, Han Fei finished his speech and flew towards the inner circle of Thousand Star City. Along the way, blatantly, with long blades, across the sky.

   Han Fei went straight to the Sun's house without concealing it.

   Today, he said he has to fight everything, he wants to call everyone in Thousand Star City to see how he Han Fei will do what he says!

  Han Fei’s recklessness made Ren Tianfei in the void a little dumbfounded: Is this guy so naive? In this way, go to deal with the Sun family? If you don't beat Sun's family with feelings, you will lose face?

   Sanguang Island is one of the three major islands located outside the Three Holy Land. On this island, there are three major families, namely the Sun family, the Yang family, and the Mo family.

   Among these three families, the Sun family is shrewd, the Yang family has well-developed limbs, and the Mo family is headed by a woman, and they are all big clans counted in the Thousand Star City.

   One of the Sun family died, but Han Fei himself was overshadowed by Sun Xiaotian, one of the three ancestors of the Sun family. A year ago, in the battle that Tang Yan participated in, Sun Xiaotian even aroused tranquil anger.

   Actually, silence is watching now. Others can't come to Thousand Star City, but she is different. Not only can she come, but she can also eat and drink all the way.

   At this moment, seeing Han Fei's arrogance and domineering, quietly shook his head, and said to Han Fei's black mist body: "You guy is crazy, you dare to rush to the enemy's house alone?"

   Han Fei picked up the fish head meat in the cauldron in front of him and said: "Anyway, I can't get rid of me! It always feels weird. In this state, I don't have the pleasure of eating before."

   quietly hummed: "Then don't eat, I'll eat it alone."

   Next to the two of them, there was another person sitting, it was the Fire Moon Fairy who had assisted in the battle on Broken Star Island. At this moment, the place where Han Fei was was Haiyun Tower.

   Fire Moon Fairy watched the fish head automatically fly up, feeling very uncomfortable. Han Fei was clearly sitting next to her, but she couldn't feel it without deliberately.

   just listened to her: "Han Fei, the five disciples of your thug academy, are you sending them back or staying in Shuimutian?"

Han Fei shrugged: "I didn't even see them in Shuimutian. Send it back! Broken Star Island is different. They have also been in Shuimutian for long enough. Now, it's time to go back to Yinyangtian... …"

  Han Fei knew that Haiyun Tower came from Shuimutian.

   When Han Fei was looking for tranquility, and the direction of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument pointed to Haiyun Tower, there was nothing to hide in this matter.

   At this moment, Han Fei simply dropped his chopsticks. In Sanguang Island, the three major families have already appeared.


   Han Fei walked by the dragon, swaggering under the witness of countless people. The snaking body of the big dragon under him, and the sound of flying knives, never stopped.

   When we arrived at Sanguang Island, there were already four sages who were waiting for Han Fei.

  Venerable Yang Jiayou has a bad look: "Han Fei, are you going to do nothing with us now?"

Han Fei glanced at the brawny man with contempt: "Yang Kun has fallen, who are you? Your family, no one is honest. It is said that there is no respect in the clan. Now one is dead, and another... …"

   The brawny man was furious with the giant axe: "Han Fei, are you provoking?"

I saw Han Fei raising the loudspeaker and shouting: "I'm just provoking, what can you do? You are so special, shut up for me! Otherwise, I will get you the Yang family first, and then destroy the Sun family. A turtle son Yeah, I'm so confused all day long, is my head hit by an iron head fish?"

   The Yang family was about to get angry, but when he saw the Mo family looking at him, he immediately stopped talking.

   Yes, Han Fei is a guy who single-handedly rushed to Truman, the key is that he has come out! After coming out, still dare not leave? So, this one who is here now must be his clone!

   Kill a clone? It doesn't make any sense to the family. On the contrary, once Han Fei is angered, how many of them should Han Fei break into? The consequences are somewhat unimaginable.


   The Yang Family snorted heavily, but after all, he didn't say a word.

   Two people came out of the Sun family, one is Sun Xiaotian and the other is Sun Baisheng.

   This Sun Baisheng did not die as expected. I want to come, when they fought on Broken Star Island, I don't know when, the two of them were already stiff, and they changed over.

   Han Fei didn't pay any attention to the Yang family and Mo family at all, and went directly to the Sun family camp.

   Yang Family, Yang Deyu swallowed his saliva again and again, and also transmitted a voice message to Yang Nanxi: "Sister Nanxi! I think our family will have to find a clever family to marry in the future, it will be attributable to the ancestor not to fight, or we will die.

Yang Nanxi gave Yang Deyu a blank look: "What planted? Han Fei won't shoot us. At this time, if he shoots us again, that would be bullying. Especially, I am the only opponent to fight with him. He will definitely wait for me. After we grow up, deal with us."

   Yang Deyu couldn't help but open his mouth: Nima, what kind of brain is this? Han Fei was right, he was hit by the iron head fish! Regardless of whether you have the suspicion of raising yourself, if you really have the posture of becoming a king, you should be the first to be killed, and can you grow? Han Fei’s brain was hit by an iron head fish?

   On Sanguang Island, countless people looked up, and many others had already run far away.

   If there is a war of nobles, ordinary people like them can crush them with any shock wave.

   Han Fei stepped directly into the sky above the Sun’s house and raised his chin towards Sun Xiaotian and said, “Sun Xiaotian, right? Today, my little master, I’m here to fight with you, so that I can learn how powerful it is in the high-ranking state.”

  Sun Xiaotian squinted his eyes slightly: "Han Fei, you just entered the realm of the nobleman. Are you sure you want to fight with me? You should know that today, you can't move my grandson family anyway."

   As the so-called mouth is dead, the teeth are cold, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the Yang family and the Mo family, no matter how stupid they are, they will not fail to understand this truth.

   Therefore, even if you lose, someone will come to save yourself. Even if the Yang Family and the Mo Family can't save them, there will be Chu Sect and some other tribe to save... Anyway, I won't die!

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised: "Don't get me wrong. I'm here today, I just want you to single out, so that I can feel the power of the high-ranking state... As for moving your grandson family? Don't worry, you can't run away. Qian I will settle the family members of Star City one by one."

   The two had a conversation without concealing their voices, and countless people heard them.

  Many ordinary people took a breath: Han Fei entered the respect? The Sun family also has high-ranking powers? Han Fei has just entered the venerable, and will challenge others?

   How do ordinary people know what else? I only know that Han Fei is cruel and dragging. Although there are many unreasonable points in this provocation, they can't control it.

   After Sun Xiaotian knew that he had failed to attack and kill Han Fei, he would inevitably provoke revenge. However, he never thought that Han Fei would come so soon, under such circumstances...

   He didn't want to fight Han Fei. In his opinion, this is not Han Fei's real body at all, just a clone. What if I win by myself?

   But, Han Fei invited the battle on the spot, and hundreds of millions of people watched him. How can he not fight?

   Just listen to Sun Xiaotian shouting: "Come to fight!"

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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