God of Fishing

Chapter 1511: Kill the Black Brake Snail King

   (Welcome to the new leader, giraffes love to eat watermelons, thank you guys...)

  Han Fei hasn't encountered such a strange road!

   One is not careful, and he is clouded.

   However, Han Fei was thinking: In this case, how can the other party deal with him?

   Is the other side stronger than yourself in the mirror world? If the other party is also in the world in the mirror, as long as the opponent is killed, is the world in the mirror directly broken?

  Han Fei is still thinking...

   Suddenly, I saw the world in the mirror, the endless mirror surface shattered and turned into billions of pieces.

   "Han Fei, if you want to kill the deity, you can't say that today is your death date."

   I saw the hundreds of millions of fragments, one after another killing Han Fei in the mirror.

   I only heard the sound of "ding ding dong dong", and every ice crystal fragment seemed to be controlled by that fish.

   Unfortunately, none of these billions of ice crystal fragments can hurt Han Fei, mainly because their power is too weak.


   Han Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and smiled faintly: "It's really weak! A good road, it's really wasted by you."

   Han Fei was full of disdain.

   I have to say that this mirror avenue is easy to lose. However, the opponent's attack methods are too few and too weak! If you just rely on this and stand still, the other party can't kill you!

   Suddenly, Han Fei felt: There is an invisible force that is restraining his body, like Dao Yun. Contains the power of the great road, as if to split his body.

  Han Fei looked back and found that the crystal mirror that he came in was full of cracks.

  Think about it, this Yushuo wanted to kill himself by directly crushing the cryolite pillar.

   However, Han Fei's body is too strong, even though the cryolite pillar is full of cracks, Han Fei just feels that his body has been cut.

   The power of this great avenue cannot completely cut oneself open.

   After all, in terms of physical strength, he was at the level of a half king.


   The body of the black mist was really seen outside, and the cryolite pillars were completely exploded. And Han Fei's body of white mist appeared directly outside, but his body was covered with cracks.

   However, although there are many cracks, the distance is the life of Han Fei, it is still far away.


   The world in the mirror, Yu Shuo spurts blood. He tried to forcefully kill Han Fei, but instead caused himself to suffer backlash.

   Even Yu Shuo himself didn't expect that Han Fei was so strong that his own avenue could not kill him.

   This means: Han Fei's strength has exceeded the limit of his own avenue to obliterate.

   And Han Fei also found a problem: Although this man's avenue is very peculiar, it has his limitations. Either he hasn't fully mastered this mirror avenue, the deeper usage; or, the lethality of this avenue is not enough.

   However, this kind of road is truly dangerous if it is used as a group or range attack.

   Leaving the mirror space, Han Fei immediately blocked the spells here.

   "Crack, click~"

   In an instant, the endless water merged with Blade Purgatory, and the entire 300-mile-long cryolite pillars collapsed in an instant.

   Han Fei saw something amidst the endless fragments, jumping between those fragments, isn’t that Yusuo who is?

   Han Fei was not in a hurry, and the blade of Purgatory smashed every inch of it, crushing every inch of ice crystal pieces into the powder.

   Even so, Han Fei knew: He still didn't kill him.

   After all, this person can hide the essence and blood in any grain of ice crystal dust. At least, from the perspective of survival, this man has a great road.

   Yushuo is thinking how to escape?

   only saw Han Fei, manipulating the inexplicable water flow, gathering all the ice crystal fragments. Then Han Fei slowly started to line up. This formation took more than an hour.

   Yu Shuo is getting nervous!

  'S own mirror road, the life-saving ability is indeed very strong, but it is only relative, not immortal.

   Even if he pulls people into the mirror space, he still cannot weaken the enemy's strength. Just like this Han Fei, even if he pulls it into the mirror space, there is no way to kill him.

   After another moment, Han Fei clapped his hands and smiled: "Are you still coming out? If you don't come out, go to death!"

   only saw Han Fei, and used endless water to roll up the multi-layered formation.


   only saw a large array surrounding it, showing a dark red mask on the seabed.

   The terrifying explosion instantly blasted all the ice crystal fragments in the formation into powder.

   Suddenly, Han Fei felt the power of the soul attack the big formation. When the thread of nothingness buckled, Han Fei opened his mouth and the beasts devoured their souls.


   At this moment, the red crack in the sky reappeared.

   Near the wall of death, a rain of blood descended, and another one fell.

   Heisha Conch King only fought a battle with Tranquility. He knew: Tranquility was only restraining himself. Someone was hunting and killing his subordinates.

   He only heard the King Heisha snail burst out loudly: "Human, when this king comes to Yin and Yang again, your human race will be destroyed."

   Quietly chuckled: "Terrorizing this girl? Are you scared when you are a girl? I will tell Han Fei when I turn around. I tell you, with his character, 80% of you will find your hometown."

   "Space tears."


   After a two-hour battle, the Black Brake Snail King finally dissipated under Tranquility without the support of subsequent strength.

   It's not that Heisha Luowang is weaker than Tranquility.

   It’s just that he doesn’t even know: Tranquility is the person who stays with the queen of life all year round.

   It can be said that Tranquility is Shuimutian, the person who sees the king most frequently. Its strength is among the seventy-two **** trees of the sea of ​​clouds, especially above the insect king.

   Such talent and strength, how can it be defeated by the projection of the Black Brake Snail King?

   On the other side, Han Fei swallowed part of Yushuo's vitality and soul power, allowing his soul power to recover a little bit, increasing by nearly 1,000 points at a time.

   Han Fei shook his head slightly: The vitality is restored. However, if the damage of this soul is killed according to this rhythm... Yu Shuo, killing ten more, he will not be able to restore the peak.

   However, it can grow by nearly a thousand points at a time, which is not bad! It probably accounts for about 2% of Yushuo's soul, which is very rare.

   Broken Star Island.


   When another red crack appeared, the entire Broken Star Island was boiling. Because of the rain at this time, some changes have started slightly. The color of the rain began to turn reddish.

   Someone yelled, "Sure enough, it was the Venerable's fall, and Han Shuai succeeded in hunting outside."

   Someone grinned and said, "I said, why doesn't Han Shuai continue to inspect the City of Justice today? Co-authored, he went out to hunt the Lord."

   Someone tutted: "I really feel sad for those Siren Venerable! Let them oppress my human race all the time? It's all right now! Look at Han Shuai killing them one by one."

   The star tortoise lay on the top of the Xuantian Waterfall, sighing: "How much power do you have to regain between the heavens and the earth for such a killing method? It seems that many new sages are about to appear.

   In the Hengduan Mountains, Xue Shenqi also raised his head and looked at Tianyu.

   He was thinking about a question: Was he too conservative when he was in power? Or is this kid Han Fei too good at fighting? Or is the times changed?

  Before, the powerhouse at the level of Venerable would never participate in the battle.

   But suddenly, the Venerable entered the war. Following that, a large number of dead and wounded in the Venerable Realm. Is this a coincidence, or is it a historical necessity?

this moment.

   In the City of Thousand Stars, none of the venerables of Chumen and other aristocratic families had a good face.

   When did the Venerable fall so well? One by one, how many days did Han Fei return to Broken Star Island? Have already killed the two great sages?

   Besides, some people still know: Tranquility shot. This half-king powerhouse, who didn't know where he came from, knocked out the projection of the Black Chaluo King.

   After all, they were fighting too much.

  The Chumen, the lords of the aristocratic family, are having a meeting again.

   Someone said: "Old Chu, my family has completely lost control of 36 towns, third-level fishing grounds, and Broken Star Island. Even Han Fei is already in the Thousand Star City. It's no way to continue like this!"

Sun Family: "The sea monster is gone. With those few Sirens Lords, two were hunted by Han Fei within a day. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the projection of the Black Brake Snail King, was also lost. I am afraid that within a few days, the entire sea area will be cleared by Han Fei."

Old Monster Chu snorted, and said leisurely: "Old man, I really underestimated this Han Fei's child. Since he has snatched everything except Thousand Star City, it's better to give it to him. The old man wants to see. : Can he defend the vast territory? What if there is an accident when the sea is blocked?"


   On the first day, the projection of the Black Chaluo King disappeared, and a junior veteran fell, and an intermediate veteran fell. This day is equivalent to the fall of three statues. Han Fei's efficiency is evident.

   The next day, another Intermediate Venerable fell.

   Broken Star Island frying pan: In two days, Tu Sanzun?

   The prestige of Han Fei has been soaring among the people, and a large amount of aspirations are gathering between Korea and Fei.

   Wang Lin, can be said to be the busiest among this group of people.

   Han Fei’s efficiency is really too high. Don’t wait for Han Fei to come back. On your side, I haven’t done anything about erecting the statue...

At this moment, Wang Lin found Beihuo and took Beihuo's hand and said, "Brother, before Han Shuai, it was also your Broken Star Four at any rate. You should stand up for this statue! I don't care, Han Shuai When I return, I want to see the statue of Han Shuai."

   Beihuo scratched his head: "I always feel...Recently, I've lived like a dream!"

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