God of Fishing

Chapter 1524: I have half animal blood

   When Han Fei came out of Refining World, it was already three hours later.

   These three hours, Han Fei has adjusted his state to the best.

   As soon as he entered the wall of death, Han Fei did not use his perception to detect it. After all, people are unfamiliar here. There is a king here! God knows how big the wall of death is? Where do the kings live?

   To be honest, Han Fei couldn’t understand: Why is there life inside a barrier that looks like a wall? Will there be a king? Moreover, can fly out of the island?

   Han Fei already knew that this wall of death was definitely a powerful method. But what kind of power is it? Han Fei had no idea at all.

   Now that Han Fei has just come in, all he has to do is to keep a low profile as much as possible.

   Anyway, I have a refining world! If I can't beat others, I still have to hide. Therefore, Han Fei felt: There should be no problem in keeping his life.

   At this moment.

   Han Fei still appeared by means of twin magic. The body of white mist remained in the refining world; while the body of black mist left the refining world.

   But when Han Fei just appeared, he felt the aura of riots in the world. There is a mixture of life and blood in the aura...In short, it is very strange.

   Han Fei glanced over, at least in this area where he was, and the surrounding area was deserted. There are very few creatures that can be seen in the yellow sandy seabed.

  Han Fei saw: There is a big lobster crawling on the rocks on the seabed. The lobster is yellow all over. On the carapace on the body, there are some abnormal khaki halos. Even on its carapace, there are many stone-like bumps, like shrimp tumors.

   Han Fei's eyes swept randomly, and information emerged in his eyes.

   [Name] Broken Crystal Dalong Maru

   [Introduction] Lobsters often born near mineral deposits, feed on mineral spirits, and like to hunt hard armored creatures. A shattered crystal armor is extremely hard. Its great power is amazing, it can pinch off dragons and snakes, and turn into crystals when encountering big enemies, which is unbreakable without great power.



  【Law enforcement】blood coagulation

  【Contains Reiki】69505 points

   [Eating effect] Long-term consumption can greatly enhance blood and blood, and improve physical fitness

  [Collectable] Dragon Crystal Fragment


   This is Han Fei, and the first creature he saw, an extremely ugly lobster, was covered with crystal fragments.

   However, even the creatures encountered at will, their strength has reached the realm of advanced explorers!

   Han Fei will perceive and release a little bit. After sweeping thousands of miles around, he found more than 20,000 creatures.

   Among them, there are about 200, all of which are relatively powerful. The strength of the rest of the creatures seemed to vary.

   However, it was beyond Han Fei's expectation: none of these creatures were fighting or hunting each other.

   Han Fei also discovered: The environment where these creatures live is in this seemingly barren land of mineral veins.

   In addition to this broken crystal big dragon pill, there are many living creatures also rely on mineral veins for survival. Some carry mineral shells on their backs, some turn mineral veins into knives and pierce them...

   "Not the same kind, but they don't hunt each other? They...is this an alliance?"

  Han Fei swam out in the violent aura.

   First of all, Han Fei wants to take a look: How big is this wall of death?

   Of course, Han Fei knew very well in his heart that the wall of death might be much bigger than he thought. After all, just its inner circumference, enclosing the circumference of the Yin and Yang sky, is as long as 25 million miles. Whether it is Shuimutian or Yinyangtian, it exists. What about the sphere of influence of other fairy palaces? Is there a wall of death? Han Fei is still unclear.

   Anyway, let’s go shopping first!

   At least, the picture is fresh...

   After swimming in the wall of death for more than half a day, Han Fei discovered that the Gemini Divine Art needs to be solved.

   Under the bombardment of violent spiritual energy for a long time, he needs to constantly contend with the power of this spiritual energy storm.

  This leads to: Gemini Divine Art cannot always operate.

   Of course, Han Fei didn't find anything in this half day.

   Han Fei discovered: In such a violent spiritual energy turbulence, it is difficult for normal creatures or spiritual plants to exist in this wall of death. Therefore, I saw a lot of seabed like the weathered Gobi Desert, and even though it was an algae monster plant, it was polished to an extremely round and smooth body shape, round blade-like leaves, dark green touch light, and it looked Very crippled...

   These creatures are powerful, not to mention. If it is not strong, it can't stand such a harsh environment!

   Although there are many creatures, Han Fei still knows them. However, their growth methods have undergone great changes.

   may have been surviving in the impact of this violent spiritual energy, so even an anti-sky sword, with its dark belly, looks like it is wrapped in armor.

   This layer of armor is very smooth, as if it exists to block the impact of violent spiritual energy.

   In addition to the bottom of the sea, Han Fei also swam above the sea.


   As soon as Shanghai faces, Han Fei feels the squally wind and waves.

   Strong wind and waves, this is nothing. Are practitioners afraid of this? But the key is that a space crack and the like will appear from time to time in the violent wind and huge waves.

   The more Han Fei flies up the sky, the higher the frequency of space cracks.

   This reminded Han Fei of Shuimutian. In the battle of landing on the island, the scenes encountered were exactly the same as the situation here.

   When Han Fei reached a high altitude, it can be said that there were space cracks everywhere.

   This is doomed: in this wall of death, it is difficult to have the existence of the sky clan. Unless, there are no such void cracks in some places...

   In other words, some low-grade birds may exist. However, they are far from being called the Sky Clan!

   re-entered the refining world, Han Fei lifted the Gemini Divine Art. At the same time, he grabbed the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, and calculated a hexagram for himself. As a result, the hexagram image showed "furious".

  Han Fei is very speechless: Why is it not a lucky hexagram every time you use it? A person with such good luck, hasn't even encountered a lucky hexagram? It's really depressing!

   But this is a fierce hexagram! It should not be very dangerous. After all, I have encountered a big culprit and know what kind of difficulty it is.

   Without thinking, Han Fei left the refining world.

   At this time, when I was in a complete state, I changed into another person at will. This is the image of a middle-aged man that Han Fei once disguised in Fengyu Township.

   This time, as soon as he came out, Han Fei happened to encounter a seahorse swimming in the sea.

   Seahorses are relatively docile creatures in many cases.

   In Han Fei’s impression, the seahorse is not very dangerous.

   But this one is different. In its long mouth, sharp teeth are bursting out.

   Just look at the look in the eyes, which is different from the round eyeballs of people, it has grown into oblique eyes. The eyes alone looked like they were about to fight.

   That's not counting, this seahorse has grown hands!

   When it saw Han Fei, it "poofed" and stretched out two hands. The hand was covered with scales, and he grabbed two big guns out of thin air.

   fell in the eyes of Han Fei, and the information emerged.

   [name] war seahorse

  【Introduction】Mutated hippocampus, with a few ancient alien bloodlines, extremely aggressive, and good at taking advantage of the waves. The war seahorse possesses extremely high intelligence and will imitate various combat skills of other creatures, so you must be careful.


  【Quality】Singularity (variation)

  【Enforcement】War Shadow

  【Contains Reiki】72505 points

   [Eating effect] Long-term consumption can greatly increase mental power

  [Can be collected] horse tendons



   At that instant, Han Fei saw that within a kilometer of his eyes, there were all seahorse ghosts. Knowing that this seahorse used combat skills, Han Fei felt the thorny light and hit his own soul.

  Han Feixin said: She didn't even make a move, but as a result, she was first spotted by a seahorse!


   I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand, grabbed it in the void, and directly grabbed a cold knife light. With a single cut, the shadows broke, and the phantom of the galloping war horse was swept away by a single knife.


   I saw the two long spears in the hands of the war seahorse, which were directly cut off by the sword technique.

   Han Fei wanted to run when he saw this guy, twisted his body and appeared directly on his body.

  Han Fei's line of nothingness, press directly on the body of this war seahorse. In my mind, all the scenes of this seahorse and seahorse group, or other creatures hunting together.

   was nothing good, so Han Fei slapped this stuff to death, sucked in a bit of vitality and spiritual power, and threw it into the refining world by the way.

   Standing in the surging ocean current, Han Fei looked dazed: When would he find such a big place?

   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved slightly: What is the purpose of coming here? It is for the growth of strength, to polish one's foundation, and break through to the Intermediate Venerable by the way.

   I had a thought in my mind, and the Vientiane Navigation Device immediately started to operate.


   I only saw the Vientiane Navigator spinning rapidly, and pointed to a direction that Han Fei didn't know at all.

   Han Fei looked at it from a distance, and since what he encountered was the "foul" hexagram, there was no problem with this trip.

   Adhering to the fortune-telling result of believing in Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, Han Fei’s perception directly swept over 20,000 miles.

   As a result, this sweep, at the same time, a perception swept back.


   Han Fei was taken aback at the time: This Nima, what are you kidding about? The creatures who can detect their own perception, at least in the realm, can't be weaker than themselves!

  Han Fei looked dazed: Did you meet the Venerable? In the wall of death, is the Lord so worthless?

   As expected, Han Fei's gaze was separated from the sky, and he directly met a...predator.

  Han Fei was taken aback: Alligator?


   The predator said: "Huh! You are...Human?"

  Han Fei's heart moved: Wait a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com knows the human race? Is there still a human race in this wall of death?

   As a result, I didn’t wait for Han Fei to speak, but saw that the crocodile's body changed into a crocodile man, carrying a knife in his hand, and looking at Han Fei: "Human Immortal City, why come to the site of my Monster Beast Alliance?"

   Han Fei slightly narrowed his eyes: Terran Immortal City?

   It turns out that humans also have a territory in the wall of death?

   Han Fei was overjoyed at the time. Will there be extremely strong people who can always survive in the wall of death?

   Also, in addition to the Monster Beast Alliance and Human Immortal City that the crocodile just mentioned, there should be a Black Blood King City here.

   In this wall of death, are there only these three forces?

   Han Fei thinks: I don’t have to fight this crocodile, so I might as well set a close first.

   Let's talk about it again... Monster Beast Alliance, is it sea monsters, or some other monsters? There should be beasts in this wall of death... Could it be that this is also the beast alliance?

   Immediately, Han Fei said: "This brother, I think you have misunderstood. Well, actually, I tell you, I have a half-animal blood..."

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