God of Fishing

Chapter 1557: Where is life not acting

   Different from staying in the Monster Beast Alliance, in the human race, Han Fei's performance is very strong.

   Han Fei firmly believes: He wants to become a king, and to become the king of the human race, then he has to show the aura that a king should have.

   An airborne chief wants a direct and effective way to control the overall situation, he must have momentum. With the momentum of one person, suppress everyone.

   Of course, when there is oppression, there will be resistance.

  Especially Han Fei's sudden appearance. Everyone didn't know him before, or even where he came from?

   So, when Han Fei had just finished shouting, the Venerable said: "If you want us to be you, one needs to heal us; on the other, you have to talk about your origins?"

   Han Fei glanced at the Venerable, and smiled coldly: "Senior Venerable, you should be Lu Yuntian, right? Why? I don't tell the origin, you are not going to follow me, are you?"

   When Han Fei was waiting for people on Death Island, Wenzhu basically said everything he should know.

   This Lv Yuntian was the only high-ranking venerable in the rear. Because the injury was so severe that he was almost downgraded, he was ordered to retreat to the rear.

   Lu Yuntian squinted his eyes and looked at Han Fei.

   He knew: Han Fei is very extraordinary. When Longxi explained the situation to himself, he knew that this Han Fei must be very good. How can it be an ordinary person who can achieve peak combat power at the Intermediate Venerable Realm?

   Han Fei grinned, not covering up, but bluntly said: "Of course I can tell my history, but not now..."


   I only saw Han Fei's pupils, which turned into black and white. As soon as the Yin and Yang divine eyes appeared, Han Fei's expression became extremely indifferent, and he looked like a stranger would not get close.

   Han Fei scanned the crowd. The total number of visitors was 326,204, much less than the 500,000 people he had expected.

   However, these people are at least explorers. Such a calculation would be extremely terrifying. More than 300,000 explorers, how terrible is this?

   However, Han Fei will not be surprised by this number. Because he knows that these people are accumulated over time, those who are simply unable to break through.

   Some people stop at junior explorers, and some stop at intermediate explorers. There is no one in a thousand who really has the hope of reaching the Lord.

  Even if these people are cured by themselves, few of them can truly break through the Venerable.

   But even in such a group, there are people lurking...

   As early as in the third-level fishing grounds, Han Fei knew: If the sea monster incarnates as a human, it is lurking for human beings, and it is possible to practice completely according to the human law. Especially those sea monsters above the seventh-level spiritual veins, they are qualified to come into contact with the top-level transforming skills.

   What's more terrifying than transforming humans is the combination of sea monsters and humans. This kind of thing is endlessly banned. The former Broken Star Island was like this, it was infiltrated by the sea monster and could not be detected easily.

   Originally, Han Fei thought: Among these people, there should be no human beings posing as sea monsters, because after all, there are half-king powerhouses in the Undead City.

   But, just by sweeping his eyes, Han Fei discovered a few things that were not right.


   only saw Han Fei disappear instantly.

   In the next second, when Han Fei reappeared in place, there were four more people around him.

   These four people looked dumbfounded, they didn't know when they were taken down? In short, just a sudden downtime in the brain, a few people appeared in the open space before the crowd.

   Han Fei's coercion fell, and the four people knelt to the ground.

   Suddenly, someone shouted: "Baoshan...Han Fei, why do you want to shoot them?"

   Someone frowned: "My lord, what does this mean?"

   After a pause, there was a lot of noise off the court.

   Someone shouted: "Sir Han Fei, you can easily take people without saying anything. There is no reason for today, I will not accept it."

   One of the people who was controlled by Han Fei shouted: "Be bullying the weak, and hold me at will. Although you are a human being? I am not convinced..."

Another person also echoed: "Yes, my fellow citizens, this person has never appeared in the Undead City before. I have never seen him on the battlefield. It can be said that there is no such person in the Undead City. Look at this person's attitude, everyone. Don't follow him."

   The other two people also shouted angrily: "I'm not convinced."

  Han Fei grinned and said: "Not satisfied?"


   Only saw Han Fei carrying a knife in his hand, slowly cutting into a person's body inch by inch.

   Amidst a cry of exclamation, he saw that the person's body had changed. His limbs were deforming, his lower body was changing, and soon he turned into a mermaid.


   After a pause, the scene calmed down.


   only saw the void, a black-robed man appeared. But he saw this person stretch out his hand and grabbed it, pressed it on this person's body, and looked up and down.

   He only heard the voice of the black-robed undead, hoarsely said: "Kaikai!"

   At this moment, the bodies of the other three people trembled at the same time, as if they were controlled by someone, they began to transform uncontrollably.

   Soon, they became three mermaids.

   At this moment, Han Fei loosened the line of nothingness, let go of these three people, and then smiled slightly: "Now, you still accept it?"

   The three people were horrified: Who is this person? My hidden perfection, why is it so easy to find?

   However, at the moment when Han Fei took back the Line of Nothingness, the first thing these three people did was blew themselves up.

   The black robe undead obviously wanted to take action, but seeing Han Fei's face calm and no waves, it was obvious that there was a countermeasure.

   So, he didn't move, wanting to see how Han Fei would do it?

   However, Han Fei didn't even stop the three of them from exploding.

   These three people are all half-honored. Everyone saw that they were going to blew themselves up. Seeing that Han Fei hadn't stopped them at this level, they couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

   Some people have even taken out their armor boxes, and many people have already done a good job of protection.


   However, these three people blew themselves up, and only saw a light burst from the ground within 100 meters.

   When many people exclaimed and even began to avoid their legs, there was a large formation of blue light that instantly enveloped the three of them. The terrifying power of the explosion did not shake the outside world.

   In front of hundreds of thousands of people, no one could even tell when Han Fei set up? With this formation technique, seeing many spirit gatherers present, they took a breath.

   Lu Yuntian and other venerables also frowned tightly.

   There are only Longxi, Hua Meng, and Chen Yue, indifferent, saying: You haven't seen him more crazy! Standing in front of the Immortal City, he dared to make a bold move... This man is crazy!

Han Fei smiled slightly and said: "Look... everything I told you may be quickly leaked by these undercover agents after I rushed to the battlefield. However, I still keep everyone from you. My name Han Fei comes from outside the cage. You can call me Cold Commander. In one year, I will take you to slaughter ten Venerable Krakens. If you can’t do this, this commander will retire and he will treat you as a commander for free. You don’t suffer, so what? ?"


   After the field, I fry the pot directly, and kill ten in a year?

   Is this a joke? The Immortal City is weaker than the Black Blood City.

   has always been passive defense.

   If it hadn't been for the Monster Beast Alliance to check, with the strength of the Black Blood City, it would have pushed the Undead City horizontally.

   The slaughter of ten statues hasn't happened in nearly ten thousand years. Even if ten Sea-Monsters were really slaughtered, how many sages would humanity lose?

   Lv Yuntian frowned: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

  Han Fei's eyes looked awkward, and his voice was cold: "I don't need you to question me. This is the first time. If there is a second time, I will take care of who you are and let me go."

   Lu Yuntian's face flushed at that time.

   Anyway, he is a high-ranking venerable. Even if he is seriously injured, he is a high-ranking sage. At this moment, he was scolded by a middle-ranking sage, and he couldn't refute...

   At this moment, Lu Yuntian really wanted to shoot the **** Han Fei to death.

   However, when Lu Yuntian was extremely annoyed, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind: "From now on, you have to establish a conflict with this commander. On the face of it, you have to obey, and secretly you have to resent me."

   Suddenly, Lu Yuntian stared at Han Fei suddenly, and said to his heart: What does this mean?

   And Han Fei secretly voiced: "His eyes are a little angry, there is a traitor in the Venerable Realm, do you want to be spotted by others?"

   At that time, Lu Yuntian's heart was tight: Are there traitors in the Venerable Realm?

how come? Mankind, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is so much. The venerable hiding in the rear camp actually has traitors? This made him horrified.

   So, this Han Fei, does he want to play with himself?

Without waiting for Lu Yuntian to think about it, he just listened to Han Fei: "Except for Longxi, Hua Meng, and Chen Yue, all the Venerables, come 100 meters in front of me. Since this commander wants to lead you, he will first recover your injuries. .I also need to let you know whether this coach has the qualifications, commander, etc...?"

   Many people are looking at Lu Yuntian!

   After all, Han Fei is too strong and overbearing, and Lu Yuntian is the strongest in their group. Moreover, there was a little conflict with Han Fei just now.


   Just listened to Lu Yuntian shouting: "Okay, I want to see, how can you cure more than 300,000 people waiting for me with one person?"

   After speaking, Lu Yuntian stepped to a hundred meters in front of Han Fei.

   The rest of them watched quietly, following Lu Yuntian, and wanted to see Han Fei's ability.

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly evoked: There are 18 Junior Venerables, 5 Intermediate Venerables, and 1 Senior Venerable.

   Among them, excluding Longxi and the other three, there are 21 others in need of treatment.

   This is not a simple launch of vitality. Only the three of Longxi and others, plus the loss of the foundation of Wenzhu, lost Han Fei's nearly 80 years of vitality.

   These remaining venerables, there is also a high-level venerable like Lu Yuntian, even if he uses Tianqi Dadao for treatment, he will have seven or eight hundred years of vitality.

   However, Han Fei bet: vitality loss, as long as you kill enough enemies, you can **** it back.

  Han Fei has no doubt about his own ability to kill the enemy.

   So, I only saw Han Fei's arms lifted, and there was no life in his mouth: "Apocalypse..."

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