God of Fishing

Chapter 1559: Talk to this handsome, pay attention to words

   Of course Han Fei also understands.

   When I first arrived at Broken Star Island, the range of Broken Star was about 1,800 kilometers and the permanent population was about 5 million to 6 million.

   Actually, when the battle between Broken Star Island and the Kraken was relatively calm, there were not many garrisons on the front line. The vast majority of people stay in the middle of the island. In fact, most of the people in the city are of higher realm. The garrison on the front line is the most in need of experience.

   Compared with Broken Star Island, the islands outside the Undead City are actually much safer than Broken Star Island. In this way, only a permanent population of less than 500,000 is required.

  Flying all the way, there were forty or fifty islands like this one that Han Fei saw.

   Han Fei couldn't help but think to himself: If we count it this way, then the total population of this immortal city is over 100 million, that's for sure. But even so, it is still too little.

   Therefore, he can only be forced to a corner by the Black Blood City.

   Han Fei took a 300,000 army across the sky, and only had exchanges with Longxi during the whole process.

   After flying over 3 million miles in total, Han Fei looked at Longxi again: "Where is the island of taboo?"

Longxi froze for a while: "The Island of Forbidden? It's close to the front line battlefield, about 500,000 miles. Hanshuai, we can't be stationed on the Island of Forbidden. Living there will cause problems. There are on the island. Too many threats! As long as you go to the island, there will be a crisis."

   Han Fei said, "Are there islands around?"

Longxi immediately said: "Yes, yes. There are 5 large islands within 300,000 miles near the Forbidden Island. If we go to the front line, it is best to station on the islands about 100,000 miles away, or directly The frontline islands are stationed. Only in this way can we effectively grasp the timing of dispatch."

   Han Fei shook his head: "No! Take me to the Forbidden Island. I want one for the nearby island."

   Han Fei came with Nether’s permission, and wanted an island, an island unconditionally.

  According to Netherworld’s idea, Han Fei had better want the island on the front line of the battlefield. With Han Fei's peak combat power, he will be able to guard one side.

   Including Long Xi and others are also astonished: Han Fei is so powerfully demanding rights from Lord Youming. However, when you arrive at the frontline battlefield, you actually want an island 500,000 miles from the frontline?

  Han Fei didn't deliberately conceal what he said.

   Therefore, Lv Yuntian and all the Venerables can hear it.

   At this moment, these people are a little puzzled: isn't it saying that soldiers are expensive and fast? Could it be that this is not a fighting strategy?


   The speed of large troops traveling is naturally relatively slow. The front line, at this time, has also received news from the Undead City.

   Therefore, when Han Fei's army flew into the frontline within a million miles, the major islands of the human race had already begun to pass orders.

   Entering the front line for another 500,000 li, Han Fei discovered that someone had already been waiting there on his marching route.

   Han Fei shouted: "All troops, stop."

  Han Fei stepped on the void and stepped directly in front of those people.

   Behind Han Fei, only Longxi followed.

   Waiting for Han Fei are two powerhouses of the pinnacle venerable state, an undead and a human female powerhouse.

   That woman has a cold face, but she is very strong. Hair and robe fluttered in the wind, wearing blue armor, and clenched fists slightly. The appearance is not the kind of beautiful, the face is subtle, which is in line with her temperament.

   saw the woman look at Han Fei: "Are you Han Fei?"

  Han Fei smiled, "Who are you?"

   I saw the woman's head slightly raised: "The 726th Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island."

Han Fei grinned: "I! Are you testing my memory? The history of Broken Star Island does not run through the Age of Doom to the present, but began more than 25,000 years ago. Today, I am the 886th. The 726th. That is to say, 3800 years ago, the age is not too old... Female Supreme Commander... Oh, you are Chenxiang?"

   In the history of Broken Star Island, women are in power. Among the more than 800 supreme commanders, if Han Fei remembers correctly, there are 269 women supreme commanders.

   When Han Fei was tracing Tang Yan's information, he read this part of history once, and he could naturally remember who this Chenxiang was.

   It can be said that each generation of supreme commander is a generation of heroes.

   Chenxiang, this woman is most famous, not when she was in office, but her last fight.

   It is said that she was surrounded by others during a conquest of the strong.

   At that time, she, who was only at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, once smashed the five sea monster Venerables with a single sword. Finally, three rifts in the sky, blood rain descended...

   And dusty fragrance, has never appeared since.

   Everyone thought Chenxiang was dead. However, her merit is there. After all, killing the two great lords with one enemy and five slayed the sea monster with chills.

   But now it seems that it is not. The woman finally escaped into the wall of death after being killed three times.

   That was more than 3800 years ago.

   At that time, there were many venerables. Han Fei recalled all this and said with a smile: "Knowing you, it's a pity that the record is not as good as me."

   Han Fei is as strong as ever. Facing Chenxiang, she was still arrogant.

   Chenxiang just now... when Han Fei called out his name, his eyes had already lit up. But, with Han Fei's personality, is it really suitable to be the Supreme Commander?

   Chenxiang opened the mouth and said: "I heard that you liberated Broken Star Island? You mean the Kraken outside Broken Star Island, which was all killed? Is that tens of millions of Sea Monsters?"

  Han Fei snorted: "I'm talking about the Venerable. Once the Venerable dies, the ordinary sea monster, who dares to make trouble? They are just stepping stones for human experience."

   Chenxiang frowned: "There are many venerables outside? Not necessarily? How many venerables can be born for more than 3800 years?"

   Everyone's eyes are on Han Fei, want to see how Han Fei answers?

   After all, these are the two successors of the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island. He should know the Broken Star Island very well.

   Han Feidao: "The projection of the Black Chaluo King comes, with three half-king projections, plus Cao Xuan, Ziyuchuan, Mo Lin, etc., more than ten...I will punish it. Why, are you interrogating me?"

   Chenxiang narrowed his eyes. She naturally heard the news from the undead. Not to mention how the people from the Black Blood City got out, but what if the names of Cao Xuan and Zi Yuchuan were added?

   Chenxiang was worried that the sea monster had the means to transform the adult race, and Han Fei appeared too suddenly, he seized power and dignitaries, and threatened to slaughter ten. On the other side of the Undead City, all the wounded were brought. If this happens, the price will be painful, and the Undead City simply cannot afford it.

   Han Fei saw Chenxiang’s expression, and the corners of his mouth raised: "I! It seems, you don’t believe it?"

Chenxiang: "If you want me to believe it, tell me the reasons why I am convinced. If you can name me, I admit that you must be related to Broken Star Island. But this is not enough. How do I know if Broken Star Island is destroyed? Do you know if you are the royal family of the mackerel?"

  Han Fei's heart moved: Chenxiang knows the royal family?

   It seems that after the transformation of the Shark Race, it is perfect.

   Just like Xia Xiaochan, that level of perfection, the five major human occupations, can be easily learned by others.

   Han Fei tilted his head and said, "Then how do you believe it?"

   Chenxiang: "It depends on you, what else can you give me?"

   Han Fei sneered: "Do you think I have to ask for your consent?"

   Chenxiang: "It's about the hundreds of thousands of people in Undead City. Since you are the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, it is natural to explain your identity."

   Han Fei said indifferently: "Then I have to see...how much do you know about Broken Star Island? First of all, do you know the Yin and Yang sky?"

   Chenxiang frowned slightly: "Where?"

  Han Fei sneered: "Above the Thousand Star City, a place that the Central Holy City can lead to."

   saw Chenxiang frown even more: "You mean, the central holy city that no one has ever been able to enter?"

   Han Fei said indifferently: "I don't know the yin and yang days. Do you know that thug college?"

   Chenxiang nodded: "I know. The leader of the Eight Colleges, Li Daxian alone is covering Thousand Star City."

  Han Feixin said: Lao Li is quite alive! Was it already overshadowing Thousand Star City 3800 years ago? It's pretty slippery.

  Han Fei shrugged: "Well, I'm from Thug Academy."

   Chenxiang: "How to prove?"

   At that time, Han Fei almost went crazy, his eyelids twitched, and he asked, "How do you prove that you are Chenxiang?"

   Chenxiang: "..."

  Han Fei squatted: "Just by your word, are you the 726th Supreme Commander?"

Next to   , the undead said: "Dust and Fragrant has come to the Immortal City for 3800 years, and there have been ten enemies to prove her identity."

Han Fei sneered: "The Black Chaluo King can prove my identity, I don't know if you can believe it? I personally cut its projection! How about you ask him and see how he reacts? If you follow me again Don't blame me for turning around...get out of it."

   Chenxiang and the undead are not in a hurry.

   However, in the Han Fei team, Wang He's heart moved and silently noted.

   Just listened to Chenxiang said: "Okay, you said you used to kill the Blackshadow Snail King and Half King Projection? You and I will know when you try it. Let me take a look at your Intermediate Venerable Realm, how do you kill the Half King?"


   Han Fei was fucked. Never thought, the undead made sense. When it comes to the former Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island, it makes no sense?

   There is a difference of more than 3800 years before and after. The changes in the world, the era of mass destruction caused by Tang Yan, she has never experienced. She didn't know the destruction of the Thug Academy.

   Even if you know it, as long as you don’t believe it, you can still find countless reasons.

   I saw Han Fei's vitality soaring.

   Suddenly, Long Xi and the others were horrified, feeling their bodies trembling slightly, and Han Fei's killing intent was boiling.


   I saw Han Fei stepping a thousand miles, clasping one hand toward the void. Only three hundred miles of floating clouds were seen, held by Han Fei, thousands of knives combined into a sword.

   At that moment, the world faded, dimmed.

   In all directions, countless Venerables who watched the battle were amazed: Is this Nima an Intermediate Venerable? Who is kidding me?

  Longxi and others, look directly at it.

   Someone was dumbfounded: "This, no wonder you dare to be so crazy!"

   "I'll be a good boy."

   Lu Yuntian's eyes widened, how would he take this knife?

   Chenxiang was also shocked, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Han Fei's attack was too terrifying, and he drew massive amounts of power around him!

   just listen to her shout: "Are you crazy, fight here?"

   Han Fei shouted: "The Immortal City has been destroyed like this, what else can't be beat?"

   The fragrance of dust urged the avenue, and the invisible air pulsed around him, billowing.

   It turns out that the avenue of dust and fragrance is actually the power that controls the air between heaven and earth. And this power is nothing but the use of pressure.

   only saw the void "Boom Boom Boom" exploding frantically. Venerable Chenxiang's peak power exploded with full force, and he blew seven times in a row. This was just enough to crush Han Fei with one blow.


   However, the next moment, the law is forbidden here.

   A big stick ran across the sky, knocking on the door of the sky with one blow, ignoring space, time, and hundreds of miles of distance, and arrived in an instant.

   Where can Chenxiang react?

   was banned instantly. In an instant, half of his body was bombarded with a single blow, leaving only half of his head and a complete golden arm.

   Han Fei glanced at it, and smiled coldly: "Golden body? Just such a golden body, it's scumbag to me."

   "Stop it."

   "Han Fei, keep your hands."

   "Han Fei, you are crazy and want to kill each other?"

   Although the two are at an altitude of 10,000 meters, their terrifying power shook the world, and countless sages rushed forward. Half of the king crossed the void and stood in front of Han Fei.

   Lv Yuntian has resisted the void storm with all his strength these days. This Nima, with a single blow, can directly crush any of them into dregs.


   Han Fei snorted coldly: "Prove this, prove that... After all, is it the big fist or the last word? Next time I will talk to this handsome and pay attention to the words."

  Everyone: "……"

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