God of Fishing

Chapter 1578: Meet the Half King

"God of Fishing (


After the twins became one, Han Fei had a sneer at the corner of his mouth. The corpse of that Intermediate Venerable had been thrown into the refining world by himself.

At this moment, Han Fei picked up a jade slip that had been prepared long ago.


The jade slip shattered, and the teleportation array broke through the void, opening up the teleportation channel.

When he entered the teleportation formation, Han Fei looked back indifferently, and said to the old turtle: "Should the half king not find out my layout, right?"

Old tortoise: "In the vast ocean, it is difficult for them to find what you have left."

Han Fei: "That's good."

This kind of spatial shock naturally cannot avoid the half-king's vision. So Han Fei had just opened the teleportation formation here, and on the other side, the half-king powerhouse chased after him.

While chasing, Half-King of the Sea-Monster shouted: "It's Han Fei. Dare to break into my Sea-Monster camp at night, and today I will leave him anyway."

For more than 20,000 miles, this half-king powerhouse arrived in an instant.

After he appeared, Han Fei's teleportation array had begun to collapse.

However, the half-king powerhouse's heart moved, the teleportation distance of this teleportation array is not long! It's a distance of 500,000 miles from the human front. Such a teleportation array obviously cannot pass.

Immediately, the half king grabbed a transmission conch and shouted at the conch: "Black Scale, Han Fei attacked the rear alone and blocked the front for me. Even if you die, you must give me ten breaths to stop him."

The black scales 200,000 miles away, when they saw the red crack in the sky, their face was shocked, and the heart said who had fallen right now?

Moreover, the rain above his head was quite heavy, indicating that it may not have fallen from the Junior Venerable. The fallen person has at least reached the intermediate-level venerable realm.

As a result, he was looking up at the sky, and he heard roars coming from the conch.


Black scales immediately numb the scalp, Han Fei? How did this man cross his front and run behind him?

Hei Lin had just received the news, and he hadn't even lowered his head yet, and suddenly noticed that he was thousands of miles away, and the space was shaking.

It was too late to say, then it was fast, and the black scales rushed forward at full speed. Before the teleportation array was fully opened, he had already rushed away.

But seeing Han Fei just coming out of the teleportation formation, he saw light and shadow passing by thousands of miles away. A black spear came through the air. I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand, draw a knife in the air, swept it at random, and immediately wanted to run.

Hearing Hei Lin yelled: "My Sea Clan Territory, is it that you came and ran if you wanted? Poison barrier..."

Hei Lin naturally knew that Han Fei was very strong.

However, he felt that no matter how strong Han Fei was, he would only be an Intermediate Venerable after all. How can I be unable to hold the pinnacle of a dignified Senior Venerable even for ten breaths?

Therefore, when he saw Han Fei, Hei Lin felt that his opportunity to make merit had arrived.

Perhaps, he may not be able to kill Han Fei, but as long as he can be trapped for a while...When the half-king and the nobles arrive at the peak, this Han Fei will not be able to escape even if he lays his wings.

Han Fei saw that within a thousand miles, he was faintly wrapped in black. When he felt the Tianling Detox Worm catching, he knew he had entered the poison barrier.

Han Fei didn't panic at all, saw the endless water swept out, tumbling into a torrent, trying to directly disperse this poisonous area.

"Han Fei, you are too underestimating my avenue. Invisible poison, can tangible things break it?"

Han Fei sneered: How can there be any invisible poison in this world?

When he saw his eyes were white, he saw that the aura between heaven and earth was wrapped in a dark green color.

You know, fighting in the Venerable Realm has always been fierce. Really fighting, the energy consumption is also very large. The aura and energy stored in the void are the most fundamental guarantee for the venerables to continue fighting.

Now that the aura in this area is polluted, Han Fei can of course use the technique of Dou Zhuan Xing Shift to leave.

But if he had used the technique of star transfer, how could this high-level venerable catch up with him? Didn't you really run away?

Therefore, Han Fei turned around, took out the embroidery needles, and knocked on the Tianmen with a stick like a long dragon.

It's just... the moment Han Fei took out the embroidery needle, nearly half of the scales on the black scale body broke free at the same time, encircling his body, ringing it into a **** ball.


Han Fei's attack intensity is not low. With one blow, Hei Lin spouted a mouthful of blood. Thousands of scales shattered under Han Fei's blow.

If it were normal, Black Scale would definitely not fight against someone like Han Fei, because the opponent was really terrifying.

But today is different. After feeling Han Fei's attack, Hei Lin felt that under such an attack, let alone insisting on ten breaths, even if he insisted on hundred breaths, it was safe.

"Boom bang bang~"

Han Fei is also in a hurry.

At this time, the golden fist prints one after another, a hundred invincible fist prints, that step by step blasted the black scales thousands of miles, even beyond the poison barrier.

But Black Scale bit his scalp and continued to move forward, shouting, "Poison addiction."

Han Fei only felt that the poison wanted to invade his blood, bones, and flesh.

At Han Fei's feet, the formations are connected. While a pure water ball is wrapping itself, the water ball constantly draws water essence and forms a barrier to ensure that these poisons cannot penetrate in the first time.

At this time, almost five breaths of time have passed.

After another breath, Han Fei suddenly burst into the water ball, shaking the venom away. But the sea water at this time has become a colorful state.

Hei Lin laughed: "You deserve to be against my king? You can't handle me, my king can easily pinch you to death."

Just listen to Han Fei suddenly smiled: "Three..."

Black Scale: "???"


At that moment, the beasts ate the soul.

The black scales that were not very far from Han Fei, one did not pay attention, and was directly screamed by Han Fei.

Han Fei's strength suddenly increased, and the distance between his feet suddenly shortened. The scarlet fist print rolled up the raging waves of fists and directly bombarded the black scale armor.


No matter how strong the high-ranking sage is at the peak, that is also limited. Just like Han Fei once calculated, no matter how strong the power of this black scale is, there will only be 6000 waves. Besides, Han Fei felt that he did not, because he was a poison repairer.

With a punch, half of the black scale body turned into powder, and Han Fei shouted at the same time: "The law is forbidden here."

It's too late, it's fast, Han Fei knows that there are at most two or three breaths, and the opponent's half-king realm powerhouse will arrive.

Although he said that he could kill the half king, in fact, Han Fei knew that there was still a certain gap between himself and the half king. There is no gap, just pure power.

Therefore, when the black scale was hammered and exploded by himself, Han Fei's line of nothingness had already been pulled over.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

The line of nothingness was buckled up, but Han Fei saw a large amount of spirits escape from the black scales and exploded directly.

For Han Fei, the method of soul explosion has no meaning at all.

But at this time, he saw a face in the distance and smiled grimly: "Soul poison!"


Han Fei's complexion changed drastically, and his complexion was cold. Frostmourne, withdrawn instantly...


The cold light shines for thousands of miles, and the halo stays for a long time.

Only a "boom" was heard, and the sky was thunderous.

It's just that Han Fei didn't have time to see the red cracks that appeared in the sky. He immediately switched the avenue.


When the holy beam of light came, it swept through Han Fei's soul.

Han Fei only felt that the soul was burning, the next moment, Han Fei directly spilled nearly a thousand points of the soul.

It was the first time that Han Fei had encountered a Poison Cultivator in the Venerable Realm, and even his soul was poisoned.

This led to: Not only did Han Fei fail to absorb the spirit of the ink scales, the Intermediate Venerable Pinnacle that he killed before was also useless, and he didn't get any benefits.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: No wonder, the result of the previous Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler was Ping Gua. 80%, it should be this thing. So, I didn't even get the benefits of the soul!

Here, the brilliance of the Apocalypse Divine Art has not completely ended...

The sword light that Han Fei cut out has not dissipated yet...

Han Fei felt: At the end of his perception, which is 36,000 miles away, the void vibrated.

Han Fei paused deliberately. After waiting for half a breath, seeing the space jitter already thousands of miles away, Han Fei calmly threw out a jade slip.


The jade slips exploded, the array pattern was released, and a directional teleportation array was opening.

"Han Fei thief, UU read www.uukanshu.com and leave it to me."

The half-king realm powerhouse was furious.

I have desperately rushed! He doesn't know how to form a formation himself, so he can only escape the void. However, Han Fei's fighting speed is too fast!

Mo Lin was cut off in a mere amount of time. Anyway, it is also the peak combat power of the Senior Venerable. This strength requires so much time even if it is shot by himself.

What does this mean? It means that Han Fei has the ability to fight himself.

Han Fei pretended to be surprised, and glanced back at the teleportation array. However, the teleportation array was thrown out without even half a breath, and the teleportation door could not be opened!

However, the speed of Half King is obviously faster than this.

Therefore, Han Fei's expression was ruthless, and he faced the Sea-Monster Half King and struck away.

I saw Han Fei outrageously shooting, mouth swallowing, the billowing energy gathered, and the fist mark broke out.

What Han Fei has to do now is to block this half king.

However, in the next moment, Han Fei saw the fastest punch he had ever seen in the world.


The two fists, at a speed that they could not see clearly with the naked eye, instantly bombarded the fist mark of the body.


The fist mark that he was proud of was directly exploded by two punches.

"Mantis shrimp?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched: When this half-king punched, Han Fei knew what kind of creature this man was? Except for the mantis shrimp, Han Fei had never seen... such terrifying speed.


A strange sound wave swept through more than 3,000 miles, and the teleportation array behind Han Fei collapsed directly.

This is the half king!

Han Fei kept saying that he could kill the half king.

As a result, the two sides faced each other thousands of miles away, and in an instant, there was a gap.

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