God of Fishing

Chapter 1581: Cooking monster

"God of Fishing (

Originally, in Han Fei's plan, this battle was definitely a perfect sneak attack.

Han Fei didn't set out alone, but had planned with Jintong a long time ago and brought him with him. Therefore, in Han Fei's thoughts, even the pseudo-king was dispatched, how could there be a fall?

At this time, Han Fei was very angry, very angry.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "You have twice as many people, why do you still fall? What I want is to quickly wipe out the enemy, as a venerable, the number is superior, why not join forces to encircle one another? Since I can’t take it down, why not five-to-one, six-to-one? This handsome man created time for you, not for you to fight steadily, but for you to slaughter..."

Han Fei Leiting was furious and scolded, making these venerables speechless.

Of course, many people are in conflict and still have resentments. After all, in the battlefield, anything can happen.

But he saw Longxi stand up and said, "Han Shuai, that person's name is Jing Shi, he is a special kind of creature among Venerable Siren. He is a special creature that is half fish and half grass, and can shake the soul in a short time. So. , When they blew up, the three of them were all restrained, and fell into the void storm together..."

Han Fei glared at him with a ugly expression, and shouted, "Are you questioning this handsome being unreasonable?"

Longxi bowed his head: "Don't dare."

Bowing his head in front of Han Fei, Longxi didn't feel ashamed. After all, in the first time they passed the teleportation formation, Han Fei slaughtered a sword.

They all knew that Venerable. Even the super powers of the Venerable Peak Realm were smashed by Han Fei. This kind of strength really convinced them, and it was not their turn to question.

Just listen to Han Feihan's voice: "This commander knows that your combat power will not exceed these Siren Venerables. However, if you go up, just like Hua Meng, drag your opponent to blew up, creating an excellent enemy for your companions. Conditions. Even if you can’t get rid of the opponent, you will not be caught by the opponent and counterattack. You have been trapped in the cage for thousands of years, and you were fighting day by day, and your fierceness is far superior to the outside world. But today, this handsome is not at all. See your blood..."

Ye Qian was okay, Long Xi and others were scolded by Han Fei.

This opening is a blew up...Han Fei's thinking is indeed different from ordinary people. In fact, they blew themselves up in evenly matched battles, and their strength dropped greatly after rebirth, often without a chance to escape.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary venerables to do this.

Everyone feels in their hearts: This battlefield is really too hasty. A group of them don't know who the enemy is, what is the enemy? Therefore, I can only respond temporarily after seeing the enemy...

At this moment, Han Fei talked freely and praised Hua Meng's actions.

Indeed, in the case of absolute superiority in the number of people, according to Hua Meng's method to kill the enemy, the other party has a total of 8 Junior Venerables, and I dare not say that 4 can definitely stay. Maybe you can win them all! In short, the current situation will not appear, and the opponent will have a 2 for 2.


Void trembling, a figure quietly appeared, and the golden boy appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the golden boy, everyone's heart trembles and salutes: "Wang Zun."

The golden boy waved at will: "Today's battle is over, you first return to Flintstone Island."

Ye Qian glanced at Han Fei and Jin Tong, and then said to the others: "Everyone will go back with me."

After all these people left, the golden boy smiled faintly: "Do you want to attract the Black Brake Snail King through this battle? Let Ten Thousand Beast Island support us? I think it's not far from ten. But the thin dragon is better than the dragon. The snake is big, the number of venerables in the Black Blood City is far more than my Immortal City. If Ten Thousand Beast Island does not participate in the battle, our situation is very passive... Are you sure, you can really affect Ten Thousand Beast Island? Our Immortal City and Ten Thousand Beast Island, Already alienated."

Han Fei’s fierce look just disappeared in a blink of an eye. He smiled and said: "In the previous battle, the Black Brake Snail King shouldn’t come, and he needs to wait for the scene, otherwise he would be so cautious and would never take risks. Act. As for Ten Thousand Beast Island, I believe them. There are two battle lines on the side of the Black Shaluo King, and he can't all come to besiege the Undead City."

Golden Boy: "Although I'm not sure whether the Black Brake Snail King will come, but if he wants to come, he will come very quickly. In addition, all your people are exposed tonight. Do you want to let them go to the front line tomorrow?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "I have my own arrangements for this. Today's sneak attack, the two sides must have entered the highest alert state. If you want to attack again, it is impossible. If the black brake snail king comes, this battle will be easy to fight."

As he said, Han Fei suddenly remembered: "By the way, are there resources such as Jiaolong Dajin?"

Golden Boy nodded slightly: "Yes! How many?"

Han Fei: "Three or five roots are enough."

Jin Tong: "Okay...Wang He, how do you see that he is undercover? This person can't even see me at all, you can see it at first sight?"

Han Fei: "This is the unique secret technique of Yin-Yang Tian. He is a seizure, and he has been used to human combat skills and exercises for a long time. Normally, he does not see any problems.

Golden Boy: "Well...Since it is the unique secret technique of Yin-Yang Tian, ​​I will not ask. However, the Venerable State is undercover, which is extremely harmful. After using this person, it is best to deal with him immediately."


Flint Island.

The entire Flint Island has been fried for a long time, and all the sages on the island have disappeared. This is no secret.

The island is just this big, and the big sages on weekdays all see you when you look down. But tonight, doomed to sleepless, cracks in the sky frequently appear.

In a short period of 30 breaths, the avenue roared seven times in a row, and a total of seven nobles fell.

In this case, if the venerables on Flint Island are still there, then you can watch the show.

Therefore, the first reaction of many people was-Han Fei and the others took the shot.

Moreover, as soon as the action was taken, all the sages were dispatched. Above the sky, the rain of blood was pouring, and the seven sages fell in a row, but I don’t know if they are all the sages of the sea monster?

The crowd is still talking.

Someone sighed: "I hope these fallen venerables are from the Black Blood City."

Some people are not optimistic: "How can it be so easy? The Kraken is not a fool. Let us kill."

Someone chased Wenzhu and asked, "Wenzhu, you have such a good relationship with Lord Longxi, Lord Longxi didn't tell you anything?"

Wen Zhu shook his head straight: "I don't know! This is the battle of a powerful person in the venerable state. I am not even a half-evil, so how can I reveal anything to me?"


But seeing the void trembling, for a while, Longxi and other venerables walked out of the void.

Many people gathered around on Flint Island.

However, most of Longxi and others were calm, this time it was really shameless. Twenty-four people attacked, and there were only 12 opponents. The result was a two-for-two. Who has the face to claim credit?

It can be said that this victory was basically won by Han Fei alone, including Tu Sanzun, and Venerable Pinnacle.

This strength, some people tell them now that "Han Fei does not have a half-king state", they can't believe it.

Seeing that there were so many people around, Ye Qian immediately shouted, "All return to their positions, the cultivation should go."

It's just that a few people were missing from the Venerable Realm, and this situation was discovered in the first place. No matter how low your cultivation base is, it's no less than the level of an explorer! If you can't even count a few venerables, then it's a weird thing!

Someone was secretly surprised: "The Great Lord Yuntian is gone."

Someone exclaimed: "Grandmaster Yuntian, Venerable Li Mang, Venerable Chen Quan... and Han Shuai, haven't returned?"

"What? Did this operation fail?"

Someone's heart is convulsed, can it be said: After all, this battle was four for three? Even Han Fei, Dazun, himself explained it?

Just listen to Hua Meng shouting: "Blind voice transmission? Han Shuai and Yuntian Dazun, there is something outside."


Hua Meng screamed, and many people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: It scared me to death.

They said in their hearts: How could Han Shuai be so powerful that he could easily fall into a battle with only 30 breaths?

However, some people are keenly aware that there is a loophole in Hua Meng's words! Han Fei and Lu Yuntian are fine, so, what about Li Mang and Chen Quan?


Only saw the void shaking, the void cracks tore apart, and Han Fei walked out from it.

Including Longxi and others all looked at Han Fei, but only listened to Han Fei yelling: "Attention to all, at night today, this commander led the whole island, passing by the sea monster camp, the peak sea monster of the slasher..."

While Han Fei spoke, he directly threw the broken body of the venerable peak to the ground. The huge flying fish carcasses made countless people exclaimed.

Just listen to Ye Qian said: "This is the Venerable Peak Sea Monster, Li Fei."

Many explorers looked at this body more than 3,000 meters long curiously. Even though it had fallen, the strong demon energy on his body made countless people feel shocked, and even their legs could not help shaking.

Han Fei's voice continued: "Slash... one person at the top of the high sage. Cut... one person at the top of the middle-level sage. Slash again... two of the junior sages...this is our record today."

In a shocked gaze, Han Fei's voice was slightly slow, and he only listened to him in a deep voice: "However, in this battle, although our side won a great victory, we also have two human sages who were involved in a void storm and fell on the spot. ..."

Han Fei's conversation changed, his tone was cold, and Longxi and the others blushed.

In front of these explorers, Han Fei naturally did not mention the specific fighting situation. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but they themselves, of course, know how badly they and others fought in this battle!

They naturally understood: Han Fei said this, also to boost morale. Morale can be shaken!

At this point, they understood: Why can Han Fei be the coach?

Because Han Fei can manage the war. In fact, in this ambush, Han Fei had the courage and strategy. Going deep inside the enemy is nothing if you don't have the courage; inside the enemy, it is a great strategy to achieve such a record and even have a numerical advantage.

With this kind of courageous commander, why should the human side be timid?

Just listen to Han Fei chanting: "War has always been so cruel. As long as the enemy is still there, there will be people around you falling. Put away your grief, show your courage, and dare to fight to the death in the battle. You guys. Every victory of my human race is every victory of my human race. This commander hopes that you will carry out future victories to the end. Even if you fight to the last person, even if you are unarmed, you will give this commander your body and die with the enemy... "

Han Fei didn't talk about the fighting process of other venerables. Han Fei specifically talked about Hua Meng's battle process, which was commendable courage.

Kill the enemy, how can you not sacrifice? The so-called "injury the enemy one thousand, self-defeating 800", this is helpless.

If Han Fei doesn't take this path, he can simply practice, even if he hides alone at the ends of the world, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, Han Fei is the Lord of Yin and Yang. Even in this cage, everything Han Fei did was his own responsibility.


Han Fei put away the corpse of Lifei, and then threw another corpse out.

Many Venerables exclaimed: "This is, Yu Zhenghuan?"

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Everyone on Flint Island, listen, cook tonight, cook the demon and eat meat, and fight again in the future."

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