God of Fishing

Chapter 1583: Lu Yuntian's play (part 2)

"God of Fishing (

Lu Yuntian knew that the distasteful relationship between himself and Han Fei would end with the appearance and fall of Wang He.

At this time, Lu Yuntian was very angry. In the presence of so many venerables, he was beaten by Han Fei. "Is it tolerable, can't it?"

Lu Yuntian denounced Han Fei.

Talking and talking, Lu Yuntian and Wang He drank wine, gnawed meat, and said in a deep and cold voice: "You know, tonight, you are the most glorious people, attracting us the Undead City and the Black Blood City. The attention of all the Venerables. Today, the Half King and Venerable Peak should have gone a lot, right?"

Wang He nodded sternly: "More than a lot? The three half kings shot and were intercepted by the golden boy Wang Zun alone. Except for the peak of a venerable that Han Fei killed, Ye Qian carried a peak of venerable, behind At least three Venerable Peaks should have come again. All of this happened in just 30 breaths. At that time, the time was tight... Can you imagine?"

Wang He didn't exaggerate. At that time, if Han Fei stayed a little longer, the peak-level Great Sovereign of the Sea-Monster would be able to arrive.

At that time, the winner will not be known.

Han Fei is fast in speed and execution. At that time, I wanted to delay time. As a result, Han Fei was directly caught back. He knows Han Fei's terrifying speed.


Just listen to Lu Yuntian sneered: "Do you think that you are the only one who is taking risks? As everyone knows, I am also taking risks... The same goes deep into the enemy's belly, and I am more dangerous than you."

Wang He was shocked: "Isn't it? It's so dangerous, is it possible to meet the Venerable Peak?"

Lu Yuntian snorted: "Fart! Do you think that only you have gone to the back of the Sea-Monster position through the teleportation formation?"

Wang He was puzzled: "What? You went too, where did you go?"

Lu Yuntian smiled coldly: "Naturally, it is also the sea-monster camp closest to our first human island. That is, the camp where Han Fei disturbed the situation..."

Wang He was shocked and said: "No, how dare you? At that time, everyone went crazy, you..."

As Wang He spoke, there was no sound in his mouth, and his heart "cocked": Han Fei is a drunkard, not drinking! Tonight I said it was a sneak attack, but in fact the sneak attack was just a cover!

In fact, Han Fei's goal was to attract all the venerables of the Kraken Camp through himself and them. A move to adjust the fish to leave the nest, completely emptied the rear of the Kraken camp.

And Lu Yuntian took the opportunity to go to the Kraken Camp. As for how it passed? Oh, Han Fei is a master of formation. Wherever he has been, there is a teleportation formation, which is easy.

As long as Lu Yuntian prepared in advance and brought Han Fei's formation map, when the first road crack appeared, according to Han Fei's deployment, it could be transmitted to the vicinity of the Kraken camp. Then, secretly deployed the formation...

Of course, these formations are interlocking, and there is no problem with using a great master to arrange the prepared formations.

The problem is: Lu Yuntian did not do this well!

Wang He was shocked: a deep calculation. Everyone is still immersed in the joy of killing 5 consecutively, but Han Fei is already calculating the next step!

Wang He didn't dare to think: It was just a sneak attack that concealed people's eyes and killed the five great lords. Then Han Fei asked Lu Yuntian to secretly make arrangements? How many people are you going to kill?

Wang He couldn't help thinking: Although only 100,000 of the 300,000 people on Flint Island have been cured, if this part of the power destroys a corner of the Kraken Camp, there is no problem at all.

Wang He concluded: With Han Fei's scheming and conspiracy, next time it will definitely not be as simple as 5 statues. Who would have thought that Han Fei would attack a place twice in a row?

The only thing Han Fei didn't figure out was that Tu Zun took time.

If Han Fei quickly slaughtered the Sea-Monster Venerable in that camp, he would definitely not rely on one person.

This time, Golden Boy has personally shot. Then next time, in addition to the more than 20 statues on Flint Island, I am afraid that there will be a number of powerhouses in the Venerable Peak, the high-level Venerable realm.

At the rear of the Immortal City, Half Nether King may personally leave the customs and lead the entire Immortal City team out.

Thinking of this, Wang He only felt his scalp tingling: really a deep calculation! If this is a trick, then more than 5 will fall? At least 10 great lords must have fallen.

If the Heisha Snail King was entangled by the golden boy, then the battle might even kill more than 15 statues.

Wang He quickly thought about the possibility of the fall of Venerable Siren. After careful calculation, Wang He is almost certain: With Han Fei's thunder means, he can definitely kill more than 10 Siren Venerables in one fell swoop.

"No, this matter must be passed back. Otherwise, Black Blood City will suffer heavy losses."


Wang He suddenly took a deep breath and said leisurely, "It's a deep calculation. Hey, wait... Since he has already calculated it, why just..."

Lu Yuntian sneered, "Why was kicked out just now, right? Ha... The main reason is that your fighting time is too short. The time left for me is only 30 breaths. To avoid the rapid return of the Sea-Monster Half King, I have to Within these 30 breaths, he quickly buried the teleportation formation he had prepared in advance. But, you know...I am not familiar with the topography of the sea monster, and the place where the teleportation formation is buried may be slightly problematic. Maybe, I got closer to a sea-monster valley...because of this little thing, I was kicked out by him...a son of a tortoise..."

Wang He secretly remembered it in his heart, without waiting for him to think about it, Lu Yuntian grabbed the big wine jar and slurped a few sips and said, "Pharaoh, to be honest. Among these people, you are more savvy. The deity knows. Han Fei is extraordinary, but think about it, he can easily enter the cage and find us easily. What does it mean?"

Wang He: "Huh? What does it mean?"

Lu Yuntian: "It shows that this person may indeed come to liberate the cage. He may have mastered the method to break the cage."


Wang He couldn't help exclaiming: "How is this possible?"


Lu Yuntian "hush" to Wang He: "What's impossible? You call a fart... I accidentally heard the conversation between him and Da Zun Ye Qian that day. What did you mention about the cage? It’s a pity that Han Fei is too allergic and immediately released the sound-proof formation."

Wang He whispered: "This, do you think it is possible?"

Lu Yuntian sneered: "Why is it impossible? This is not an ordinary character at all. Have you seen Intermediate Venerable, can you kill Venerable Pinnacle casually? This matter was done in front of you. He said He can kill half the king, I am the first to believe. However, his Han Fei is not omnipotent. He can kill the enemy, but he may not be able to save his own. By then, Han Feizhen will face the Black Shalu King, their kind The strong are not easy to fall, but what about you and me? We people, in his opinion, may not be a problem at all. If they fall, they may fall too..."


Wang He pretended to swallow saliva and looked at Lu Yuntian, who was full of depression, only to see Lu Yuntian's eyes gradually clear.

After a decade of breath, Lv Yuntian sneered: "Just now, before I came back, I went to see Half King Qin Mo on purpose. He was my childhood playmate and had been in friendship for many years. I can ask him to dig me out... Pharaoh, don’t blame me for not reminding you. Stay here, with Han Fei’s character, there is this kind of life-and-death battle behind. Instead of that, it’s better to leave it to him when he breaks the cage. I can wait to see the outside scenery..."

When Wang He saw Lu Yuntian express his sorrow, he knew that Lu Yuntian had made up his mind to slip away. Co-authoring this Lu Yuntian is also deep in his mind. He doesn't want to fight in a fight, so he counts on Han Fei to win the battle early, punish the Black Blood City as soon as possible, and go out to enjoy the blessing...

Wang He sneered: You guys are all damned! Thinking of Fa'er every day, calculating my Black Blood City...Since Lao Tzu is here, I will definitely make you unable to play.

Wang He immediately pretended to be excited: "Old Lu, Qin Mo, half king, can you get me out by the way? To be honest with you, I really can't stand the temper of that Han Fei kid."

Lu Yuntian patted Wang He on the shoulder and said, "Old Wang, you are the only one who came to comfort me during this period. I know it well. We humans, we always have more thoughts... Well, I can only say, The way is different. He Han Fei loves what to do... After our brother, we have to find ways to survive. Only if we survive can we have the opportunity to see the scenery outside."


Early the next morning.

Han Fei and Ye Qian returned long ago, and no one knows what they did. However, early the next morning, Han Fei began to restore life to those explorers who had not recovered.

Everyone knows that in this battle, even after slaughtering many great elders, Han Fei must have sucked a lot of vitality, so he has the confidence to treat everyone.

One morning, Han Fei just treated a few thousand people...

Only seeing the void trembling, followed, several strong men walked out of the void. Among them, there are two undead in the high-ranking state.

Han Fei looked back, frowned and said coldly, "Who?"

But the middle-aged man smiled softly: "Sixth Island, Qin Mo. Brother Han, I've been looking forward to it for a long time..."

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Oh? It turned out to be Half King Qin Mo. I don't know what wind brought you here?"

But Qin Mo said, "We know that people don’t talk secretly, and Lu Yuntian is my brother from childhood. Since he is under Brother Han, Brother Han should have treated it normally. Ha... But Brother Han is behaving, I I know that my brother is not going well, and I am here to ask someone. I heard that Brother Han and the undead are a little closer, the deity and the golden boy king have asked two strong men to help you out. What do you think?"

At that moment, everyone's eyes were on Lu Yuntian.

Even Hua Meng directly said: "This is too much..."

Everyone was slightly angry: Although Han Fei is a bit stronger, he is definitely a leader worthy of respect and admiration. Lu Yuntian quietly found someone to fish him? This is a bit petty.


Han Fei's eyes were cold, and he looked at Lu Yuntian coldly, and said with a cold voice: "Then there is Brother Lao Qin! Since my heart is not here, let's go!"

Lu Yuntian's complexion turned red, and Qin Mo gave a gesture.

Just listen to Lu Yuntian said: "Qin Mo half king, Wang He has a very close relationship with me, you see..."

Qin Mo's face changed slightly immediately: "Yun Tian, ​​you must know how to measure."

At that time, Wang He felt tight. Lu Yuntian and Qin Mo have been playing together since they were young, but they are not familiar with him. Isn't he too eager for quick success and quick gain in order to go out and tell the news?

However, Han Fei suddenly looked at Wang He, and Wang He couldn't help swallowing.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Huh! Who else wants to leave? Get out of this commander today. Today, this commander tells you that if my heart is not with me, I will tell him directly that this commander will not force you to stay. . However, this method is not an example. This coach will give you another chance, who else?"

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