God of Fishing

Chapter 1593: Zhan Yu

"God of Fishing (

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Above the sky, under the robbery cloud, red cracks cut through the sky. The blood rain is still there, and it never stops, but it's not much bigger anymore...

The venerable fell, their spirit, spirit, and the combination of many powers dissipated between heaven and earth again.

This kind of power turned into a rain of blood, without a trace, unable to find it.

Both the golden boy and the black chaluo king looked towards the sky, and a crack in the avenue could only show that one person had fallen. Obviously, the person who fell first was Jin Changhai.

Want to borrow Han Fei's territory to rebirth? As a result, Han Fei was played as a baseball.

However, the robbery cloud in the sky did not dissipate.


I saw that the golden skeleton moved a bit, and before people got up, there was the sound of divine soul, shaking between heaven and earth.



The holy beam of light descended from the sky and directly wrapped Han Fei in it. The land of thousands of miles, the golden light, quickly converged towards Han Fei, that is Han Fei's flesh and blood.

In addition to flesh and blood, a large number of spirits penetrated the bones on the eyebrows of the skeleton. Gradually, Han Fei's entire immortal golden body was enveloped in a layer of blue.

That kind of faint blue seemed to penetrate into Han Fei's golden body continuously.

A half king has never survived his own fourth heavenly calamity.

But a middle-ranked sage has survived!

At this point, Han Fei's life potential is rapidly changing. The flesh and blood turned into a ball, like a liquid armor, wanting to cling to Han Fei's body.

Everyone feels scalp numb.

Where is Han Fei's meridians?

What is the power of the soul doing?

It has become a skeleton, can you fight?

Actually, Han Fei doesn't even know his own situation now? This seems to be an instinctive reaction of the body.

At that moment, Han Fei felt the crisis of life. Therefore, the power of the soul is madly injected into the bones, and the immortal body is running madly.

At that moment, Han Fei seemed to understand: He could walk the path of becoming a king in the flesh!

Of course, this is just a wishful thinking by Han Fei.

After all, the power of the soul is endless.

If it goes to extremes, he knows that this path is definitely wrong. However, now it seems that he only has this golden bone to be able to resist this king's robbery, and his flesh and blood simply cannot bear it.

Ever since, while incorporating a lot of spirits into the bones, Han Fei continued to incorporate a lot of spirits into the flesh and blood.

It's too late, it's fast, these are all Han Fei's choices in an instant.

The apocalypse magic is still coming, the power of the soul is also blending into the bones and flesh and blood, Han Fei's feet, the formation has not stopped.

Only saw the golden light on Han Fei's body, a golden giant rising from the ground. Invincible Will slashed the sky, and the scene was spectacular.


Another ordinary thunder...

It seems that Jin Changhai has fallen, and Thunder has restored its original color.

And this tribulation was not originally aimed at Han Fei, but Jin Changhai dragged Han Fei towards destruction...

Therefore, when Jin Changhai died, the power of Heavenly Tribulation decreased.

However, even if the power of this day's calamity declines no matter what, it is also a king's robbery, and the power still cannot be underestimated.

With one blow, the invincible will in the Haohao Thunder, the formation was shattered like paper, and Han Fei's flesh and blood exploded again.

"Crack, click~"

Han Fei was bombed into the bottom of the sea again.

However, Han Fei heard the sound of bone cracks. It turns out that under the catastrophe, the immortal golden body is not omnipotent.


Another holy beam of light descended, and the flesh and blood continued to return, Han Fei's soul still filled his body. Han Fei's newly cracked golden bone was also healing under the apocalypse magic technique.

In the depths of Han Fei's knowledge of the sea, the old tortoise let out a sigh of relief: "The combination of apocalyptic magic and the immortal golden body is really perfect. If Han Fei is given this degree of King Tribulation, Han Fei has already passed it."

When the last thunder came, in addition to the thunder, Han Fei saw a black mist. When the mist appeared, everything around it seemed to disappear.

In that black mist, Han Fei saw a vague figure. However, when he glanced at that person, Han Fei seemed to be plunged into a dark swamp.

It's like being taken into a whole new world, the world collapsed, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the sea of ​​fire collapsed...

When Han Fei looked back again, he found that he was standing high above the sky alone. As far as you can see, there is no life.

At that moment, Han Fei felt: On his cheeks, there seemed to be a cold liquid slipping off.

Han Fei felt extremely sad!

I am like the king of a world, but this world has no subjects.

"Crack, click~"

When Han Fei was in this sadness, he suddenly felt his body cracking. I don't know when, wearing a battle armor. At this moment the armor is broken and shattering.

When the armor shattered, huge energy instantly rushed into Han Fei's body.

This is a familiar force, Han Fei's heart is shocked: "Chaos Qi"?

The energy shock caused Han Fei to recover immediately.

But I saw the picture before him disappear one by one, and there was a storm of energy that swept through his body.

Just listen to the old tortoise shouting: "Wake up! Don't be corrupted by the demon, hurry up and use the apocalypse magic."


Han Fei felt the passing of life.

When Han Fei regained consciousness, he was shocked to find that his indestructible gold body was covered with dense cracks.

At this moment, the Thunder Pillar was still there, Han Fei did not hesitate, and directly caused 10 strands of Chaos Qi to explode in his body.


"This handsome Han Fei, he will surely ascend the throne in the future. He wants to destroy me because of ordinary disasters? I will fight..."

"Boom boom boom~"

I only saw that in that instant, Han Fei threw his fists into the sky like crazy. One punch and one golden fist mark, in the blink of an eye, thousands of fist marks hit the sky.

Although every fist mark was annihilated within a hundred meters. However, the general trend of the thunder is finally getting weaker.

At the moment when the thunder was about to dissipate, Han Fei laughed amidst the thunder: "The son of a tortoise, almost killed me..."

But suddenly, the old turtle shouted: "Be careful..."

Immediately after the old tortoise, the golden boy shouted: "Be careful."

However, the old turtle shouted slowly.

I only saw a large snail, suddenly crashed into this heavenly disaster. Looking at it again, that's not the Heisha Snail King. Who is it?

It's just that this is not the deity of the Black Shaluo King, but a clone or a projection.

Han Fei knew well: The reason why Hei Shaluo Wang dare to come is because of his extremely powerful strength. A projection is a half king.


Han Fei's immortal golden body squatted slightly, his fists blasted out, two fist marks on his body, and a critical strike.

But without Han Fei's attack, the projection broke by itself.

Just listening to the trembling of the void, a huge grinding disc came: "Gravity grinding disc. Han Fei's child, this king will pay such a big price if you give up. If you don't die, how can this king leave?"

I only saw that there was a big grinding disc in the sky and the ground, crushing Han Fei into it.

At that stall, golden light bloomed, dazzling light shining thousands of miles.

The projection of the Black Brake Snail King shattered, the grinding disc disappeared, and Han Fei's immortal golden body also dissipated in this world.

It seems to be to confirm Han Fei’s fall. Above the sky, the thunder tribulation has disappeared, but the layers of black clouds have become darker and darker. The heavy dead air is sucked into the sky, forming a huge and incomparable vortex. It's like the end is coming.

"Handsome cold..."

"Han Fei..."

The golden boy was furious and turned into a black flame dragon.


With a dragon chanting and shaking, the blood of Heisha Snail King spurted wildly.

It just so happened that at this moment, a crack in Skyline Avenue appeared.

Hei Shaluo Wang naturally thought that he had succeeded in killing Han Fei, he immediately laughed and ordered the Quartet: "Everyone in the Black Blood City, retreat..."


The big spiral horn is blowing.

The sea monster army on the battlefields of all sides, the war of the lords and the explorers of all sides, have stopped fighting.

On the seventh island, Nether Shengsheng tore off the Venerable Peak Realm Sea-Monster who had been fighting with him for a long time, and looked at the sea-mon that receded like a tide, and said to Qin Mo: "Go! Go to the first island..."

Wenzhu and other 300,000 troops did not stop the attack.

But after listening to Lu Yuntian's voice, it spread: "The whole army chased the enemy and drove a hundred thousand miles out of the sea."

The siren's withdrawal from the army can only explain one problem: Black Blood City is stunned.

If Han Fei could come to the Seventh Island Battlefield to take a look at this time, he would surely find a sea of ​​corpses and blood everywhere.

An army of 300,000 siren was killed by an army of 300,000 explorers. Not to mention the complete annihilation, but if it kills 70% to 80%, it is more than enough~www.ltnovel.com~ This kind of record is a huge victory that is far impossible to achieve.

After all, there is no reason to lose in the battle of three times the power of the same realm.


But even at this time, cracks in the avenue in the sky are still appearing. Moreover, the frequency is not very low.


An hour later.

To be honest, as early as the beginning of the war, on the endless islands before and after the Immortal City, countless people stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky.

Many people have never seen such a scene in their entire lives.

Originally, the fallen two venerables had already caused an uproar in the rear.

When the message of Han Fei's punishing the enemy came back, many people began to celebrate by cooking and eating marine creatures.

As a result, after only one day, the seven deities fell in a row, and many people thought it was the immortal city that suffered a big loss.

But in the end, it was the sea monster that fell five people, and the human race once again won. So, the rear fryer, congratulated again, and began to remember the name Han Fei.

But after all, the immortal city also lost two venerables. Therefore, while many people are cheering, there are also older generations who are teaching their younger generations: The current peaceful life is the result of countless people on the front lines who have exchanged their lives with them. In this way, to supervise the growth of newcomers.

However, it was only a day after the incident, and the frontline battle started again?

And this time, hundreds of millions of people only think the world is crazy.

They have no idea: what happened on the front line? They only know that the cracks in the heavens are constantly appearing. The heavy **** rain stained the sky red.

On this day, behind the Human Race, countless human beings in the law enforcement situation suddenly felt that it was a matter of course and broke through.

On this day, someone specially recorded the number of cracks in the Skydome Avenue, the total number of times was 128.

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