God of Fishing

Chapter 1603: Forest of Terror

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei is happy to challenge the half-king realm powerhouse again. This allows oneself to realize the strength of oneself now...

However, Yutianai is not ready to fight with Han Fei.

Everyone is half-king, although Han Fei has left the range of the Forest of Terror and is in the middle. However, this also made Yutianai more clearly aware of the attitude of the Forest of Terror.

Yu Tian'ai felt: It must be the pseudo-king of the Forest of Terror, and transferred those who are more familiar with Black Blood City away. He also specially arranged for a Half-King Realm powerhouse who had never seen his face in Black Blood City to come out...

However, the forest of horrors did so, so Yutianai confirmed: there must be something wrong with the forest of horrors. Moreover, the movement is not small, it has reached the point of directly refusing to meet the Black Blood City!

This is not a good signal.

As Han Fei said, the Black Blood City did not take the slightest advantage on both sides of Life and Death Gorge and Immortal City. The Venerable has fallen by nearly a hundred! In this case, the Forest of Terror must never be offended.

Yu Tian'ai smiled faintly: "Since Diablo, the words have been so clear... Then Yumou asks again, it seems too unruly. However, Yumou still has to say that Black Blood City is far more than your imagination Yes, much stronger."

When Han Fei saw that Yutianai stopped fighting, he didn't stimulate Yutianai and insisted on fighting him.

That's too deliberate.

Although I don't know what secret is hidden in the Forest of Terror?

However, what Han Fei can be sure of is that he intensified the deadlock between them and Black Blood City.

Seeing Yutianai leaving happily, Han Fei said, "Is this guy really gone?"

Old tortoise: "Go."

Han Fei couldn't help but curled his lips, but did not leave in a hurry.

Seeing Han Fei took out the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler at hand, and calculated the Qi Luck, Han Fei saw a "ping" sign.

This shows that there should be no special surprises today.

In a short time, Han Fei was not ready to kill. Therefore, this infiltration is only a simple infiltration, the purpose is to find another Tai Chi eye in the natural formation of heaven and earth. Then, take the dragon head, swallow the dragon soul, break through the Intermediate Venerable, and let the flesh and blood become attached as soon as possible. This is the big thing.

After half a day.

When Han Fei saw the seaweed city wall, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

The seaweed city wall here is much larger than the seaweed city wall on the third-level fishing ground. Most notably, there is a seagrass wall on the third-level fishing ground, not seaweed. The difference between the word is different.

In the seaweed city wall, the main plants are various seaweeds.

In the seaweed city wall, seaweed is the main plant, followed by seaweed. Looking at it with a single glance, Han Fei discovered that the seaweed here is composed of dozens of types of seaweed.

This seaweed city wall is at least a million miles wide.

Above the seaweed city wall is the sea grassland. Similarly, the sea grassland here is much more terrifying than the tertiary fishing ground. There is a place where poisonous barriers like reeds are everywhere.

And on this sea prairie, there are various mouths growing on it, with huge straw-like mouths, piranha-like mouths, and fluffy tentacles.

Above this sea grassland, there are rolled up, one after another small spiritual vortex.

Han Fei exclaimed, "Old Yuan, these seaweeds are very edible! According to this way of eating, these seaweeds vent much more energy than the so-called Void Storm in Black Blood City."

The old turtle wondered: "It won't be that simple. With such a huge sea area, if you follow this suction method, how many strong people have to be created? Go in and try."

Previously, Han Fei's method of crossing the seaweed city wall could only be underground or forced intrusion. However, in this place, it is obviously impossible to allow low-level practitioners to enter in this way. Here, even some long and common seagrass, their life level is not low.

【Name】Tooth seaweed

[Introduction] Mutant seaweed that has been infested by mixed energy for a long time. The fang seaweed has consciousness and a brain. It can release poisons according to the abnormal movement of the water flow, and burst out the fangs, causing a range of poisonous barriers, stimulating and reminding other seaweeds invading.


[Quality] Rare (variation)

【Contains Reiki】9883 points

【Edible effect】Not edible

[Can be collected] Fang


Han Fei scanned these seaweeds and found that dozens of entangled seaweeds were basically of the same grade as this fang seaweed. Some are poisoning, paralyzing, creating illusions, corroding spirits, parasitic...

In short, there are various and endless.

Among them, there is an explosive seaweed. Its algae leaf is like a small hammer that is rolled up, once an enemy is found, it will explode directly, and its strength is not good. The strong can reach the power of the explorer.

This is the demon plant creature that Han Fei directly observed with the naked eye at the outermost periphery. Once inside, there are probably innumerable creatures like the **** grass octopus. After all, with such a terrifying seaweed city wall, it is easy to hide several aquatic animals.

Of course, no matter what there is, it can't stop Han Fei now. After all, under the Gemini Divine Art, Han Fei's whole body was like mist and water, and it was pure darkness. As long as there is no movement, even if it is past these seaweeds, they will not be able to find it.

Han Kuai, Han Fei has discovered the reason why there are so many suction nozzles on the sea, because there are also void cracks in the seaweed wall. Once the void cracks appear, there will be large pieces of seaweed crushed. In order for new seaweed to grow, a lot of aura is naturally needed.


Three days later.

In order not to make the slightest movement, Han Fei froze quietly in the seaweed city wall for three days and three nights. Thanks to Han Fei, he can enter the refining world to rest. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the state of Gemini Divine Art to support Han Fei to overcome the dense seaweed barrier so perfectly.

In the seaweed city wall, although the old tortoise sensed the existence of powerful creatures, it was not on Han Fei's route. Therefore, Han Fei didn't even care.

However, at this moment, when Han Fei was about to leave the range of the seaweed city wall, he encountered a Venerable creature guarding him.

Han Fei took a deep breath. The sea area covered by the seaweed city wall is so large, why did he meet the Venerable creature?

Perhaps nothing is impossible for plants. After all, Han Fei and the Narcissus have been together for so long, knowing that most of the life characteristics of monsters and plants are different and very distinctive.

At this moment, the strange monster that Han Fei saw was named "Void Vine."

I saw this monster plant, only part of it was exposed in the seaweed city wall, and most of it was in the void. To the naked eye, it looked very strange, like a vine that didn't know where it was broken. At least, for ordinary practitioners, they don't know the concept of emptiness, so they must think that this thing is broken in half... Maybe, they think it is dying, it is their own chance!

Thanks to Han Fei, he can still read its information.

【Name】Void Vine

[Introduction] The vines born in the crevices of the void naturally control the avenue of the void, and can freely grow simultaneously in reality and the void, across the two places. Good at the art of void exchange and the way of void lost. Make good use of space cracks, void piercing and other methods. Due to its mutation, its vines are highly poisonous.


[Quality] Legend [Variation]


【Edible effect】Not edible

[Can be collected] Void Liquid


As soon as Han Fei read this message, he heard the old tortoise say: "This is the Void Vine, a rare kind of monster plant that can naturally use part of the space avenue. This kind of creature has no body shape. Maybe it has a long tentacle. Here, and the other tentacle grows thousands of miles away, spanning tens of thousands of miles is no problem. Because of this, the Void Vine is difficult to hunt. If this kind of thing can be killed, it should be killed sooner. OK. Once this thing grows up, it's a headache."

Han Fei said speechlessly, "How did you kill me? You said that people's bodies can span tens of thousands of miles... No matter how fast I am, I can't span tens of thousands of miles in an instant!"

The old turtle sneered, "Yes!"


The old tortoise said: "Teach you later. Anyway, you can't kill him now, and it's useless to learn. If you go slowly, Void Vine is extremely sensitive to spatial changes. This thing, on the contrary, may perceive it. Your dark body..."

Han Fei couldn't help but laughed secretly: "Yes! You can hide and tuck, anyway, I want this great technique. If I can't span tens of thousands of miles in an instant, let's chat again..."

The body of the black mist quietly passed this void vine.

Just as Han Fei was about to pass, the tentacles of the Void Vine suddenly came out. Han Fei immediately dispersed and turned into invisible dust.

Han Fei's speed has changed from just fast to a mayfly, floating with the sea, very slow and slow. Han Fei was very skeptical: Is this thing aware of it?

After half an hour, the Void Vine finally took back the cane, and Han Fei was also hundreds of miles away.

Han Fei couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh! A demon plant in the middle-level venerable realm, almost realized my existence?"

Old Tortoise: "Monsters like monsters, their way of observing the world is different from other creatures. You humans' so-called five senses, as well as some feelings that you humans can't feel at all, may be able to perceive them. "

Han Fei said, "I think, at this time, you still pray for my luck..."

Crossing the seaweed city wall, Han Fei saw an eerie, dark green world.

Han Fei saw a strange monster plant in the twisted jungle like Broken Star Island. These demon plants spread all over the place in front of them, forming a forest.

Densely dense, like palm-sized dark green leaves, they occasionally fall. Then, one piece is broken down into dozens of pieces.

Han Fei thinks: If you turn them into peach petals, they should be more beautiful.

It seems that in this forest of horror, there are not many demon plants that can be moved~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, demon plants are different from human beings. They are plants. Just like the dark green tree that Han Fei saw, every tree was in the realm of explorers, and every tree was actually a treasure.

Han Fei is swimming in the middle of this forest right now...

Suddenly, the sea shook. Han Fei didn't feel anything, and asked Old Turtle directly: "Lao Yuan, what's wrong?"

Old tortoise: "Energy..."


The next moment, a wave of energy directly lifted Han Fei away.

"Fuck! A lot of energy, but it's extremely messy, I even felt lifeless, what is this stuff?"

Old tortoise: "Someone is coming."

Han Fei's heart moved, and immediately stopped questioning.

As a result, after dozens of breaths, Han Fei saw a giant tree above his head.

However, what shocked Han Fei was that the thing did not seem to be a tree, it looked more like a big octopus with the appearance of a bark. Han Fei can see even the sucker really...

This giant tree is no more than 500 meters high. The vines are... uh, or tentacles, three thousand feet long and 10,000 meters long.

"Hey, what a big guy."

Han Fei glanced intently, and information emerged in his eyes.

【Name】Dragon chapter tree

[Introduction] The mutated dragon chapter tree has a bloodline of the dragon family. Due to the perennial intake of mixed energy, the life state is half alive and half dead. This state can make them live longer. Long Zhangshu is good at dragon thorns, suckers with sharp teeth, and can strangle strong people who are several times more powerful than himself.


[Quality] Legend [Variation]


【Edible effect】Not edible

【Collectible】Long Zhangmu


Han Fei said in surprise: "Another...Huh! He seems to be on his way."

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