God of Fishing

Chapter 1620: Robbery (below)

"Wait what? Wait, he will become king..."

   Seeing that the next thunder was about to appear, I saw the void trembling, and a green vine swept across the sky. At the other end, a giant shell was in the air.

   The giant shell spoke, the void collapsed, and he directly killed the robbery.

   The two kings come out together, the sky is overwhelming, like the sea is overturned, the angry waves roll up thousands of feet, and the vines and roots are intertwined in the sky.

   The two kings shot at the same time.

   The Emperor Bai Jia took action, but he didn't know what means he tried to interfere with Xuefan who was crossing the catastrophe.

   While the Queen of Life shot the Blood Sea God Wood Branch that protruded from the void, she swept thousands of miles and plunged directly into the blood sea God Wood City range.

   Seeing this scene, Han Fei was greatly relieved.

   It seems that the fish and dragon king's affairs are pretty good.

   Among the puppets sent by the Yulong King, Han Fei only told the Queen of Life the simplest operation:

   "To join forces with Emperor Bai Jia, first break the ground veins, and then block Wang Jie."

   Although the first thing the Queen of Life did was to destroy the ground veins, their arrival was obviously slower. After all, at the moment they arrived, Xue Fan had already begun to cross the catastrophe.

   At this time, it was the war of the three kings, and Han Fei was not ready to take action.

  Han Fei thought that the result of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler was his own shot.

   However, if you don't make a move, then you are just a spectator in front of you. Han Fei faintly regretted his 13 wisps of chaos.

Just listen to the old tortoise saying: "Don't be too happy. Your purpose has not been fully achieved. They came slowly. Even if you didn't notify them, the two of them should have arrived at about this time. It is impossible for them as kings to feel that someone crosses the robbery. They just didn't expect that this blood will be directly above the blood sea **** tree, cross the robbery..."

   Han Fei's face was gloomy.

   My original plan is actually very clear: Blood Sea God Wood City’s ground veins, Xue Fan has been in business for many years...

   Therefore, whether it is the transmission of the Yulong King, or the power of Yang Ruoyun's Human Race Transformer, or even his own wandering in the Blood Sea God Wood City in the past two days, they are actually trying to break the blood superiority.

   The ground vein broke, the **** son temporarily reversed and resisted, the twin kings rushed to...

  Han Fei couldn't figure it out: Without the help of the king, why can Xuefan be able to become a king in isolation and helplessness?

At this moment, above the sky, Xue Fan seemed to be mad. He was furious and laughed wildly: "You two, think you can deal with me like this? When I become king, it will be when you two fall...Blood Ancestor Hai, take it..."

   Mu Wuhua frantically destroyed the ground veins, and said: "Shoot."


   At that moment, Xue Fan was letting the Blood Sea God Wood take action.

   And Bai Jiadi thought that Mu Wuhua was letting him make a move, and said to his heart: I'm making a move, ah!


   In the next moment, within a 100,000 li radius, at least hundreds of ground veins erupted, and roots suddenly surged out, bursting out of the waves, sweeping across the big red forest.

   On the other side of Xuefan, he had already been smashed into the robbery, but he never expected: The Blood Sea God Wood had moved at this moment. The blood sea **** tree, even unscrupulously sabotage.

   However, although the Blood Sea God Wood was destroying, it did not attack Xue Fan. Therefore, Emperor Bai Jia thought it was the queen of life, and made tactics to the blood sea god.

   At this time, Emperor Bai Jia hesitated: Queen of Life, is she already so powerful? Has your hand reached to the Blood Sea God Wood City?


   The seventh thunder blasted down, and Xue Fan's body fingers cracked, and he yelled: "Parasitic!"

   At that moment, a blood-colored scroll appeared in the hands of Xue Fan.

   The scroll is turned over, and one hundred thousand souls are born across the sky.

   Until this moment, Xue Fan finally used other means.

   Moreover, Xuefan's shot is too ruthless, and he will have a hundred thousand souls. A soul that can endure for a long time must at least be a strong person in law enforcement!

   There is only one thunderbolt, and one hundred thousand souls disappeared in an instant.

   Xuefan grabbed the blood sea **** Mu Zhi and shouted, "Is it useful to betray this time?"

   Xuefan gave a grinning smile: "I bet you two, I dare not rob me."

When    was over, Xuefan's body burst apart, but it spun quickly and gathered in an instant.

  Han Fei's heart sank: This Nima, the two dignified kings, can't rob and kill?

Just listen to the old turtle saying: "They really can't get in. The robbery of the king is by no means an ordinary calamity. That is the consideration of those who cross the robbery by the Dao. Shuangshuang cross the robbery and force the robbery of others are two different things. Once you break through, You just violated the rules of the avenue, how can Tianwei allow you?"

   Han Fei took a deep breath and looked at Xue Fan, whose body was regenerating rapidly, and suddenly remembered: At first, Jing Jing told himself that the Emperor Bai Jia crossed the calamity first, and the Queen of Life crossed the calamity later. If it can be destroyed, the Baijia Emperor will be destroyed early, and will not allow the Queen of Life to become a king.

   However, the fact that they can't be robbed doesn't mean they can't shoot outside...

   The Queen of Life uses a strand of green vine as a spear, shooting like a catastrophe, and the poison barrier comes, and I see the **** body is corroding. This is the first time Han Fei has seen Mu Wuhua with poison.

   It turns out that the Queen of Life is still a poison repair?

   The Emperor Bai Jia almost never stopped, all kinds of energy spears, shocking shell shadows, all sent to the king.

   It's hard to commit the power of heaven.

   Although you can threaten those who cross the Tribulation, the Tribulation will strike the first time against external forces. Therefore, Emperor Bai Jia's attack basically failed to affect Xue Fan.


   only saw the void, with corroded roots sticking out one after another.

   In the blink of an eye, it reached tens of millions, only hearing Xuefan disdainfully said: "Poison... I forgot to tell you, my avenue, besides parasitism... and devour..."

   At that moment, Xue Fan's handsome appearance turned into an ugly man covered in puss, but he did not fall.

   The eighth thunderbolt fell down, and Xue Fan directly threw the blood-colored scroll in his hand. All the souls in it shot out. That amount, as many as one million.

   At that moment, whether it was Han Fei, the Queen of Life, or the Emperor Bai Jia, they were all horrified. How ruthless is this person? Millions of lives, just to survive a catastrophe for himself?

   Ke Xuefan didn't care. He looked at the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia indifferently, with disdain in his eyes.

   At this time, thunder fell from the sky, a million souls, the smoke disappeared, and finally thunder fell on Xue Fan, and he swallowed all of it.

   Although his body shattered in a large area, but this thunder, he was next.

   Han Fei secretly said: Not good! That **** umbrella should be used to face the final disaster.

   Han Fei remembered: Old Tortoise had told himself that the umbrella emperor of his contemporaries held an umbrella and could block anything. This thing, I am afraid not only can be a thunder robbery, but also can block the demon?

   Han Fei took a deep breath, why would he think that a guy who has been preparing for tens of thousands of years must rely on the power of the earth veins to fight against the catastrophe?

  Han Fei was even thinking that this Xue Fan should have known his existence a long time ago. So, if he absorbs the earth veins, is he just waiting for himself? Misleading yourself, thinking that he needs to rely on the spring of the earth veins to consolidate the advantage of the earth veins?

   If Xue Fan can even count this, he can only take it.

   But at this moment, the eighth thunder tribulation has passed, and Han Fei can't wait any longer. The emperor Bai Jia gave out a sapphire-colored small shell, which contained extremely high energy, and fell into the robbery.

   The Queen of Life threw a fruit, and the void moved wherever the fruit passed.


   At this moment, Han Fei can't just sit still.

   I know better than anyone else: once the blood mortal crosses the Tribulation successfully, not only the **** child will die, but neither the Queen of Life nor the Emperor Bai Jia will be his opponent.

   Shui Mutian will be ruled by Xue Fan.

   At that moment, a body of black mist rose in the air.

   Compared to others, Han Fei is just a body of black mist, he doesn't care whether the body of black mist will be destroyed by lightning. Anyway, I am immortal, I still have a body of white mist!

   At the moment when Han Fei took the shot, he forgot the Dilemma Gua calculated by the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. Perhaps, because despair has become impermanence, he picked up the confidence of sneak attack.

   At that moment, Emperor Bai Jia and Queen of Life looked at the area where Han Fei was.

   And Xue Fan's mouth curled up, as if he let out a long sigh of relief, he only heard him say: "Sure enough, that place couldn't trap you, you still came."

   Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Don't want to be king."

   At that moment, Han Fei carried a hundred wisps of chaos in his body. Not for anything else, just for the Son of God to be alive, he admitted.

   The chaos is gone, you can do it again. People are gone, then they are really gone.

  I want to see how the **** child meets the water nymph.




   "Crack, click~"

   At that moment, the ninth thunder fell from the sky, the void collapsed, the spirit fruit exploded, and the Qi of Chaos exploded.

   In an instant, under the sky, it was dark, a terrifying sight. In an instant, waves swept over 50,000 miles around.

   Even the blood sea **** tree, UU reading www.uukanshu.com at this moment, was blown to a bald head.


   The cracks in the avenue appeared, and the rain of blood descended, which is a symbol of the fall of the Venerable. However, this rain is by no means an ordinary Venerable.

   Therefore, at the moment when the tears of the Dao Dao appeared, everyone was sure: This boy has finally fallen.

  The wave that rolls the sky has lasted for a long time. At the sky, the heavy thunder is still rolling and has not yet receded.

   At this moment, apart from the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia, and the God of Blood and Sea, no other creatures can exist in the center of the explosion.

Oh! There is one exception...that is Han Fei, who only saw Han Fei suddenly appear from the void, and the real body was revealed.

   At that moment, it was too late for the twins to unite, so the body of the black mist eventually died with Xuefan.

   Han Fei moved towards the Queen of Life, and beckoned: "You guys are too late..."

   But, the next moment, above the sky, black clouds pressed again, and the thunder reappeared.

   Han Fei only felt that suddenly, facing a life and death crisis, he subconsciously exerted the power of the Great Dao to the strongest. Step on the foot, and the turtle formation appears.


   With a whip in the void, Han Fei flew three hundred miles away.

   At that moment, the catastrophe descended again and directly enveloped Han Fei.

  Amidst the thunder and tribulation, only a contemptuous voice was heard, and it sounded: "So, you think you have won?"

  :. :

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