God of Fishing

Chapter 1626: Old tortoise surrendered

One month later.

   In a deep cave on the broken tree of the blood sea **** tree, a golden skeleton is sitting face to face.

   is a mass of flesh and blood in front of the skeleton. And in this cave, there is a huge amount of ghostly blue soul fire... These soul fires are slowly infiltrating into that flesh and blood.

   Beside the bones, Tu Feiyuan lay quietly on her stomach, weakly speaking: "Five times, I can resurrect five times."

   Just half a day ago, Han Fei just came back to life!

   This time, Han Fei is really dead, but death does not mean perish.

   When the refining world is useless, the resurrection of the earth, fat and round is a magical skill!

   At the last moment, Han Fei was shocked by the terrifying explosion. However, it was an unparalleled shock.

  If I resist, maybe...I can barely survive, but I have to look for the unowned soul everywhere.

   But in fact, Han Fei is ready.

   However, what shocked Han Fei was: Xue Fan had already been parasitic in his own flesh and blood, but he had never activated it. Because Xuefan didn't control the spirit and only parasitized the body, the demon refining pot did not move either.

   In the end, Han Fei simply did nothing and blew himself up.

   The reason why Han Fei dared to blew himself up is that this place will become a Jedi. The void collapsed and was difficult to recover. Under the king, it almost feels cold after entering.

   And the king, it is impossible to come in.

   First of all, they have to face the danger of the void storm. In addition, without Xuefan and Divine Child, there are only two kings left in the entire Shui Mutian: Emperor Bai Jia and Queen of Life.

  Who dare to break into the restricted area and find treasures that may not exist? In fact, in that kind of explosion, they don't think there will be any treasures left.

   Once someone comes in, the other person is afraid that he will have to attack the other person's superior realm powerhouse. This is unacceptable to both parties.

   So, at the last moment, Han Fei chose to blew himself up. His bet is: luck.

   Seeing accustomed to life and death, enthusiasm came up, Han Fei did not hesitate to die.

   Besides, I have a back hand. If the deity is dead, the incarnation is still in the town demon tower. One day, when you incarnate outside, you will get everything here again.

   can even say: I am not an external incarnation. At the beginning, he actually cut half of his soul and stuffed it into the clone.

   said that it was an external incarnation, but in fact, it was only because his main memory was in the present body.

  Facts have proved: After the explosion, Tufeiyuan will return.

   The contract between Tu Fei Yuan and Han Fei is immortality.

   When did nine lives run out, and if you die, you won’t be able to survive.

   Tu Fei Yuan is very tired, because Han Fei is too difficult to resurrect. It resurrected itself on the first day. As for Han Fei, the wreckage is absorbing the energy and aura of this place, and repairing it on its own. It took a full month, and it wasn't until half a day before that a head came out and a ray of soul came back.

   At this moment when he came back to life, Han Fei also felt magical: He had only one head left, so he was still alive?

   However, the world of refining is still there.

   The Fountain of Earth Vein is used up, but the vital spirit fruits from the Immortal City are still there.

   So, Han Fei returned directly to the refining world. Massive spirit fruits shattered, and apocalyptic magic continued to descend.

   Han Fei did not recover outside, mainly because he was afraid that Emperor Bai Jia would find out. At that time, forcibly breaking in and shouting and screaming...It is always a trouble.

   At this moment, Han Fei came outside to practice because he had accumulated a lot of Lordless Souls outside. Han Fei scattered a large number of spirits to ingest, and finally, the soul of no master filled the tree hole.

   That's it, Han Fei is still searching.

   The **** son and Xuefan died together, but unfortunately he didn't expect to take himself away. Otherwise, I don't know if he will choose to die with the blood?


  Han Fei’s Ball of Flesh is practicing "Indestructible Hegemony". At this stage, it was the first time that Han Fei was able to be so stable, and it was the first time that he had enough masterless souls to practice the magical technique of "Indestructible Hegemony Body".

  Han Fei felt: When Ren Tianfei created this great technique, did he not think about...behind this great technique, it will be so difficult?

   Now, if Han Fei forcibly swallows the Lordless Soul here, his soul power can definitely reach more than 200,000.

   However, Han Fei left all these masterless souls to his own body. I want to repair "Indestructible Hegemony" to the top!

   Another day passed.

   When Han Fei scoured all the unowned souls he could find, he entered the refining world again.


   Han Fei had a big mouth and let out a long sigh. Although there is no need to breathe, it has become a habit.

   I only listened to Han Fei: "Old Yuan, when I was looking for the Soul of the Lord, I found two things. The first one, there seems to be no way out here..."

   Han Fei sat cross-legged again, his consciousness appeared in the depths of his own sea of ​​consciousness. Han Fei saw that the demon refining pot was pressing on the old turtle. Needless to say, during his death, the old tortoise must have wanted to escape...

   However, Han Fei didn't care at the moment, and just said, "Yo! Old Yuan, are you tired if you are so crushed?"

   The old tortoise seems to have been crushed for a long time, and now he is used to it. Just listen to him: "What is the second one?"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "The second one? I found you, at least secretly swallowing more than 100,000 points of Borderless Soul. Don't tell me no, I searched it all over here, and when I added it up, I found it. Around one hundred thousand points."

   Old Tortoise: "I was taken away by the Void Crack! The time of your death, I have been under the pressure of the gourd, and there is no time to steal your Lordless Soul."

Han Fei sneered: "Oh! Really? You said so, that's it! I don't care about the Lordless Soul. But this time is your best chance to escape. You missed it, no wonder I . This time you failed to run away... which means that you basically have no hope of escaping. Therefore, you can consider the matter of signing the master and servant contract. Don’t wait for me to return to Thousand Star City and wipe out Aristocratic family, after unifying the yin and yang sky, you can talk to me again. At that time, I was the true ninth immortal lord, mastering the sea area of ​​8 million miles, the life and death of hundreds of millions of people..."


   The old tortoise hummed softly and said nothing.

   However, his heart is also infinitely sad: Who knows, Han Fei is dead, this gourd is still pressing himself? Do I have any hatred with you?

   It's a pity, if you didn't run away, you didn't run away.

   Old Tortoise is indeed thinking about what Han Fei said. This son's luck is really amazing! Two times, he got on the windmill of Wang Jie, but he didn't get rid of him.

   Last time, I saved Han Fei by myself, but there was no time to run.

   This time, I couldn't save Han Fei, but I couldn't run.

Guessing that the old tortoise should be swearing to death right now, Han Fei said leisurely: "Lao Yuan, we are so familiar with each other, you can really consider it. Okay, that's all, I need to retreat for a while. . You still have a lot of time to consider."

   Refining Heaven and Earth, in Han Fei's skull eyes, the soul fire was beating.

   Just the first day after waking up, I have done too many things, and I haven't checked my physical condition.

   I only saw, and the information appeared in his eyes.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 89 (Senior Venerable Peak)

   The Qi of Chaos: 523

   Spiritual power: 125001

   Perception: 45,000 miles

   Power: 14618 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

   The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 77]

   Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 59]

   Main practice: "Void Fishing", sixth level "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


   Han Fei was not surprised to see the level of the high-ranking venerable peak.

   Last time, the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation had brought oneself to the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. However, the realm was stuck and his body was almost broken.

   This time, I'm sorry to have carried a wave of the Nine Heavens Tribulation before reaching the peak of the Senior Venerable...

   The growth of mental power may just be that after he was resurrected, he swallowed more of the unowned soul. The growth of power is obviously, in addition to the growth of the realm, more of it is brought about by the Tempering Body of Heaven.

   Oh no... to be precise, it was brought by Heavenly Tribulation Bone Tempering. If it is tempered with the physical body, at this moment, I am afraid it will exceed 15,000 waves.

   Other changes, not many.

   The Qi of Chaos is nearly 200 wisps away.

   There is no way! Fighting with a quasi-king, even 200 strands of chaos are reluctant to spend? What are you hitting?

   Meat hurts, but it’s worth it!

   In fact, there is one more thing to be thankful for: the bone of the dragon head that was bombarded by thunder. At this moment, I am afraid it will become the real top-level mixing material!

   Originally, people are the bones of kings. At this moment, after being quenched by the tribulation, the keel is full of thunder, how many Dinghai strange treasures can this be made?

  Although Han Fei hasn't started production yet, this dragon head bone has become the most valuable treasure in the world of refining. Even more valuable than the whole dragon corpse.

   Of course, the top priority is not the bones of the dragon's head, but Han Fei's body repair.

  While repairing ~www.ltnovel.com~ the physical body must also cultivate the indestructible body.

   Not only that, Han Fei started his keel-swallowing plan again. In any case, the power in the keel can also temper one's body.

   In the refining world.

Three years later.

   Han Fei is burning himself.

   As early as the first year, with nearly 100,000 points of Lordless Fusion, Han Fei's flesh and blood can already be attached to his body, but it is still not so perfect.

   And "Indestructible Hegemonic Body" has reached a wonderful and critical moment, that is, the unity of flesh, bones, and spirits. Now that his bones and the power of the soul are nothing to say, it is basically a requirement of the Dao.

   Wu, maybe the soul is almost, but it is better than flesh and blood. When Han Fei's flesh and blood body really cultivated to the same level as the Immortal Golden Body, it would be the time when his "Indestructible Hegemonic Body" was completed, and it would also be the end of the body refining part of this great art under the king state.

   In the second year, the dragon energy swallowed by the Dragon Swallowing technique quenched the body, so that Han Fei's body finally stopped shattering.

   In the third year, Han Fei has already begun to study a new technique of refining the body...

   For a whole year, Han Fei found that apart from continuing to refine his flesh and blood with "Indestructible Body", other physical training techniques had no use for physical enhancement.

   At this point, Han Fei is not ready to wait any longer, he wants to leave here.

   Just as Han Fei decided to leave, the old turtle suddenly said: "Han Fei kid, sign a contract!"

  :. :

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