God of Fishing

Chapter 1628: Yang Ruoyun only fell

When Han Fei stood outside the sacred tree of the sea of ​​blood, his eyes were devastated.

   Even in places close to the trunk of the blood sea **** tree, one would often see void cracks appear.

   Towards the sky and in all directions, space cracks gradually formed a void storm. It's not a good place to be treated there. If you are not careful, you will fall into an eternal black hole of nothingness.

   Generally speaking, if you get in there, you will probably be strangled. If you are not dead, where can you go? Or always lost in the dark? No one knows this.

   When he saw this void storm, the old tortoise suddenly said: "If you are willing to practice here for ten years, on the edge of the void storm... temper your body, maybe you can increase your physical strength by 10%."

   Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Don't! If I want my physical body to fit the indestructible golden body, I need to be at least 50% stronger."

  Old tortoise: "Sixty percent."

   Han Fei: "……"

  Han Fei: "So, I said that this pairing is too little, and it's too slow. I can still use the sky thunder to cleanse, it will not only make the body stronger."

   What Han Fei said is naturally to deduct the seventh percent of "Void Fishing".

   At this time, Han Fei had already felt the power of the catastrophe. The seventh percent of the void fishing technique corresponds to the king level. Therefore, Han Fei is also a little guilty now, and he has been slow to make deductions.

Han Fei decided: When I reach the peak of the venerable, I will use it again when I am going to break through the half-king...or, think of a way to first train "Indestructible Hegemony" and then deduct it. It should be better. Be safe.

   The current Indestructible Hegemony body is missing a high degree of unity of bones, souls, and flesh and blood.

   However, these are not the perfect solution.

  Han Fei also knows that there is a place to help him temper his body, and the tempering effect may be fast and effective. There is...Thunder Prison.

   It's a pity that Thunder Prison is the forbidden-level secret realm of Baibei King City.

   It’s not impossible to find a chance to get in. It can even be said that it’s not difficult. But, want to open a forbidden land-level secret? That will certainly attract a lot of attention.

   Therefore, Han Fei can only wait to get out, solve the main problem first, and then find a way to enter the Thunder Prison.

   As for what the old tortoise said, leaving Yin Yang and Shuimu days... That is not now, I don't want to go out as a high-level venerable.

   The existence of Xuefan and the existence of Emperor Bai Jia made Han Fei see the terrifying aspects of the strong.

  Xuefan is such a paranoid, evil practitioner, maybe not so many. However, ordinary kings like Emperor Bai Jia, in Thirty-six Xuantian?  Probably not less!

  A Bai Jiadi can open the heavenly robbery in a short time...On this hand, if the Bai Jiadi catches him, I am afraid that it only takes a breath time, and he will be blown up.

   And Zhao Jianglong's kind, even more terrifying!

  That guy?  I slaughtered how many dragons? I've lived till now and haven't died... alone?   may have been through the sea for hundreds of millions of miles. Do you know how many such strong people are?

   Han Fei remembered clearly: Zhao Jianglong had been looking for people everywhere. Although others did not help him, but those people he was looking for?  Is the strength lower than him?

   Not necessarily!

   Looking for someone to help?   For the strong, they will not go to the weak for help! Therefore, thirty-six Xuantian?  Although Han Fei has not visited one by one now?   But?  Han Fei knows that there must be many strong people.

  Suddenly?  Han Fei felt: It seems that it is only the family of the yin and yang sky?  It is good to bully!

   Of course, Rao Shi Han Fei has a lot of thoughts in his mind now, and he is still sitting here now. Stepping on the Spirit Gathering Array, countless Spirit Gathering Arrays converge into a Great Spirit Gathering Array, and a large number of Spirit Gathering Arrays come from pupae.

  He needs to wait for a day, wait for the Vientiane Mariner to recover...


   In this sudden battle, the hardest hit was the thousand-year-old snapper practitioners in the entire Blood Sea God Wood City.

   Thousands of thousands of snappers were stripped of their vitality on that day, and fell inexplicably, without any reason. Many snappers are stupid for thousands of years, and don't even know why... it's too late to cry.

   For them, all this is the end of the world.

   The big red womb is collapsing, the veins are collapsing, the blood sea **** tree is breaking, and their companions are falling... The only thing they can do is to escape...

   Actually, these thousand-year-old snappers don’t know that they are lucky. Those who were unlucky had already been sucked to death by Xuefan. However, Xuefan didn't have time to **** other people to death.

   But anyway, the blood demon is the common enemy of the Cloud Sea God Tree and the Baibei King City. Now that their **** has fallen, it is natural that the wall is pushed down by everyone.

   For more than three months, Han Fei didn't feel anything. But in fact, there are already 13 strong people in the Venerable Realm.

   Ruoyun said that in the past three months, Yang Ruoyun has the most complicated mood.

   Once, she changed from a human to a thousand-year-old snapper because she didn't want to be a human. She felt that it was extremely difficult for her to stand out from the crowd and become a strong one. But she happened to have the opportunity to become a strong one, and it was really difficult for ordinary people to refuse.

   But now, Yang Ruoyun is not sure.

   She knows: 80% of all these disasters are related to Han Fei.

   She thought that Han Fei would fulfill his promise. Because Han Fei not only gave her the sea-monster's top-level practice exercises, but also signed a grand oath with her. After this incident, she will never touch her any more. After all, Han Fei is so strong now, there is no need to trouble her, right?

   But Yang Ruoyun didn't know that what Han Fei had to do was so big that he would directly destroy the Blood Sea God Wooden City!

   At this moment, the tens of millions of flutes are being besieged, and the front lines are spreading across millions of miles. The blood sea **** Mucheng has become a paradise for the entire Shuimutian adventure.

   Bai Jiadi and Mu Wuhua were not prepared to accept the blood demon. After all, Xue Fan's performance was too weird.

   They all know: These blood demons are actually the blood bank of Xuefan.

   If you really accept yourself behind, who would cry if something goes wrong?

   So, let your subordinates cut the grass and wipe out the roots, this is the end of following the evil king.

   At this time, Yang Ruoyun was at large with a few hundred people. There were two groups of people chasing her, one was the sea monster, the other was the Zerg.

   "Ruoyun, we are afraid we can't run away. You have a lot of resources on your body. Run quickly. Don't think of revenge anymore. The Blood Sea God Wood City is over."

   Someone sighed: "Unfortunately, we should belong to the human race."

   Someone turned their heads to respond: "I want to fight and fall like a person... I hope that in the next life, I will be a human."

   Yang Ruoyun pursed his mouth, watching the number of people around him gradually decrease. Yang Ruoyun gritted her teeth, burst into tears, desperately seeking life...

   In the end, when a bald head blocked her way, Yang Ruoyun knew: he was finished.

   Yang Ruoyun took a deep breath: "Zhang Xiaotian, I want to know, why are you chasing me?"

   Zhang Xiaotian looked at Yang Ruoyun lightly, and said blankly: "Hand over resources."

   Yang Ruoyun: "I don't know what you're talking about? If I had the resources, I would have sought refuge with the Lord."

   Zhang Xiaotian shook his head slightly: "Then die!"

   "Wait a minute~"

   The desire to survive made Yang Ruoyun start to use his instincts, and only listened to her saying: "Wait a minute, I didn't take it with me, I will take it with you."


   However, Zhang Xiaotian appeared directly in front of Yang Ruoyun in a second, piercing his chest with a spear in his hand.

   saw Zhang Xiaotian smile slightly: "Do you know? I actually can feel your mental fluctuations, you are lying to me."

   After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pierced Yang Ruoyun's jaw with two fingers, and took out a **** sun-moon shell.

   At this moment, Yang Ruoyun has not fallen yet, but Zhang Xiaotian's half-sovereign state has shattered her heart. Moreover, Zhang Xiaotian stretched out his hand and was sucking Yang Ruoyun's power.

Just listen to Zhang Xiaotian said: "Little girl, the old man has lived more than 6,000 years old. How can your little trick be deceived? Go on the road with peace of mind! In this vast sea, the prosperity of a race, the extinction of a race, every day It’s happening. It’s just that your race is a little bigger."

   A moment later, when Zhang Xiaotian finished his last touch of power, he was about to tear the void and leave here...

   Suddenly, he suddenly turned his head and saw a man wearing a red mask... I don't know when, standing behind him.

   At that moment, Zhang Xiaotian was horrified, feeling cold all over his body, and a breath of cold breath hit his head.

"who are you?"

  Han Fei's voice is low: "I am... the one you can't beat~www.ltnovel.com~Zhang Xiaotian: "? ? ? "


   The void collapsed, Zhang Xiaotian made a decisive decision, trying to provoke the surrounding void and fight for himself with a chance to escape.

  While Han Fei did not move, a pressure fell, instantly crushing Zhang Xiaotian's body to pieces.

   Zhang Xiaotian turned into a big octopus and looked at Han Fei in shock: "Are you... a half king?"

   Han Fei blinked, looked at him twice, stretched out his hand and twitched, a crack in the space turned into a sword light. With one knife, a drop of splashed meat was crushed.


   When the knife approached, the piece of meat surged, trying to burn blood and escape. It's a pity that it's just that he is passionate.

   When Zhang Xiaotian fell, Han Fei said leisurely: "I am, your uncle."

   The old turtle couldn’t help being speechless: Didn’t it mean that someone had beaten you before? Look at you like this, Jacques must be reported, he doesn't look like a good person anymore.

   Han Fei grabbed the sun and moon shell, and also took a look at Zhang Xiaotian's own sun and moon shell.

   "Cut, a pile of garbage."

   Han Fei stepped on it, a cave appeared, and Yang Ruoyun's remnant fell into it.

Han Fei casually threw the two sun and moon shells in, and said lightly: "I didn't kill you. But, I have no obligation to save you, am I? As long as you are still a human race, I will consider it. Unfortunately... you are not. ."

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