God of Fishing

Chapter 1638: Moon wing

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Han Fei looked at Old Monster Chu like an idiot: "I'm very strange about something, and I really don't understand... Why do so many of you take it for granted that you venerables have supported the world? It seems that without you, this world can't be passed..."

Old Monster Chu narrowed his eyes: "It is natural for the strong to support the world."


Han Fei couldn't help but sneered: I really don't know who are fearless!

If you know the situation in the cage, don’t know if you still have this face, are you proud here?

Han Fei looked at Old Monster Chu seriously and said, "I now know why we stand on the opposite side."

Old Monster Chu: "Why?"

Han Fei sneered: "Because you are self-righteous, because you don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, because you are too stupid. People like you, even if there is no heavenly law in this world, even if this cage will not restrict you from becoming kings... You have become kings, and none of you will become a powerful king. Your...the pattern is too small."

At this moment, Han Fei felt relieved.

Perhaps this is the drawback of the ancient family. They are arrogant, thinking that they are the biggest in the world, but they are just sitting on the well and watching the sky!

Han Fei believes: Not all families are as stupid as this.

Han Fei was too lazy to talk to Old Monster Chu, only to see that Han Fei pointed at Old Monster Chu, and shouted in a low voice: "Venerable Chumen, you will die today. No one can leave. Chumen up and down, from dive fisher to explorer, All in the army."

Old Monster Chu sneered: "This king wants to see... You are a small high-ranking venerable pinnacle, how can I destroy my Chu Sect today?"

Han Fei laughed and said loudly, "Seven major sects, but someone wants to leave the mountain to keep people? Before the commander returns, just stop the other venerables of Chumen. When the commander returns, he will kill them by himself. "


Suddenly listening to the Heavenly Sword Sect, the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword directly uttered: "A year ago, the old monster Chu attacked my mountain gate. Now, although this seat has not healed, it is not a problem to leave a very high-level venerable.

In the Haiyun Tower, Fairy Huo Yue stepped out of the void: "The generation of Huo Yue females can only leave one Junior Venerable."

A big sword swept across the sky in Taixu courtyard.

There is a cold kiss in the Yuxian Palace, and the void sways, crossing the sky.


There were people in Wushengmen and Shanhai Pavilion who broke open the Fengshan Formation and crossed the void.

At this point, only Han Fei came to Thousand Star City. Is Han Fei no one available? Of course not.

The reason why Han Fei shouted so loudly was just to make people stand in line.

The seven sects are in the same spirit, and now Han Fei has risen strongly and is unstoppable.

If you don't come out at this time, there will be no future.

With Han Fei's thunderous means and the character that Jai Xuan must repay...Today, which one dares not to come out? Which college is probably going to be picked from the seven major sects.

The only Zhang Family who has the foresight, sighed for a long time now: Even if they make a move now, Han Fei won't read them well.

But fortunately, on the last day, they did not oppose Han Fei.

Although Zhang Xun doesn't know: Is it Han Fei who can win or Old Monster Chu is stronger?

However, only in terms of potential, Old Monster Chu is far worse than Han Fei. Han Fei's growth is a miracle! Such miracles shouldn't exist at all.

The moment when Han Fei killed King Truman...In fact, the major families already knew that Han Fei was invincible. However, other families do not have the confidence of the Zhang family.

Old Monster Chu can persecute other families, but not Zhang Family. Because even Old Monster Chu knows that Zhang Family really wants to die, and the whole world will have problems.

Anyway, Old Monster Chu didn't lack Zhang Xun's combat power in a high-ranking state, and he didn't forcefully persecute him.

In fact, in addition to these aristocratic families, other kings, such as the Wang Clan where Wang Zitian was located, also had a powerful person at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. There are three such families left in the whole Yin and Yang days.

The strength of Junior Venerable's pinnacle, Old Monster Chu looked down upon. Old Monster Chu didn't have time to take care of this critical juncture. They didn't come to seek refuge from Chumen, that's all thank God.

According to Han Fei's personality, in addition to the seven major sects, all aristocratic families that exist in the Venerable Realm are his targets. The Trumen are the same, the Cao family is the same, and the small families are still the same.

At this moment, the seven major sects are strong.

In the void, there was still a voice rippling, but the star tortoise also went to Thousand Star City without knowing when.

Just listen to the star tortoise shouting: "Han Fei, this tortoise will help you fight."

Han Fei didn't have a head: "Mr. Xue, Mr. Chen, can I bother you to count the family members in Thousand Star City."

Just listen to Han Fei’s voice shaking: “All the clans with explorers in Thousand Star City will listen to this commander and register them. In the end, where to go, when this commander returns victorious, we will make a ruling. Oh, you can expect this commander to return. Come."

When it was over, Han Fei said again: "Star Tortoise, you really should have a fight. On Truman's side, there happens to be a gap for the Intermediate Venerable, and you are on top."

When Han Fei gave these instructions, Old Monster Chu didn't stop him.

Among Chumen, Han Fei's former opponent, Chu Qingyan's expression was complicated.

She did not choose to leave because she knew she could not. Han Fei definitely remembered her. She wanted to bet: now Han Fei, will he hold his own identity and will not act against her?

However, when she saw all this in the family, she sighed inexplicably.

Once, she even thought: Han Fei would never be her opponent. But in fact, slapped face time and time again.

Han Fei could easily defeat her when she was still in law enforcement.

For so many years, she has cultivated like crazy and has great luck. As a result, the strength is only just breaking through the advanced explorer. This speed is already extremely fast, and this is only 13 years! However, the gap between her and Han Fei was getting bigger and bigger, and she suspected that Han Fei might not remember her anymore...

Ever since Han Fei said that he was going to ascend to Heaven and Slaughter King today, Old Monster Chu has been waiting.

No matter how much Han Fei does, as long as he falls, all of this is meaningless.

Old Monster Chu was waiting, waiting for Han Fei's arrogance to rise to the highest, waiting for Han Fei to be so arrogant that he thought he would definitely win.

At this moment, Han Fei stretched out his hand, and endless water returned.

Old Monster Chu nodded slightly, and the venerables of Chu Sect sent out one after another. If they die, they are also members of the Trumen, whose majesty cannot be violated.


I only saw the Chumen Mountain Guard Array dissolving, and Old Monster Chu's feet stepped on the void, rippling steps.


In the next moment, Han Fei saw a big, weird green worm that was hundreds of feet long and looked like a centipede, arched its body, and its tentacles were hooking.

In Han Fei's mind, information emerged.

Name] Moon wheel 蟥

[Introduction] Lunar Eclipse, a special kind of creature in ancient times, possesses the magical skill of eclipsing the moon. After devouring a certain amount of moonflowers, the eclipse's wing can activate the time magic, cholera world, and let the warriors fall into the realm of time.


[Quality] Ancient Relics


【Edible effect】Not edible

[Can be collected] None


[Remarks] The Moonlight is not destroyed, and the domain is not broken.

When Han Fei saw this information introduction, suddenly, a bright green light burst into the eyes of the moon wheel. This worm turned out to rely on light to achieve domain conversion.


The next moment, over the Thousand Star City, Han Fei and Old Monster Chu disappeared without a trace at the same time. The hanging mirror also lost its effect, and people could no longer see Han Fei through the hanging mirror.

Han Fei only felt that his outlook changed.

This is a weird realm surrounded by time. Han Fei could see a large amount of blue halo, flowing outside the domain. If it wasn't for their very slow flow rate, Han Fei even suspected that he had entered a long river of time?

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "No! This bug has forcibly changed the timeline and separated you from the world just now. In this case, if you want to break this space, you must kill this Old Monster Chu is good. Otherwise, you won't be able to go out if time doesn't break."

Opposite Han Fei, Old Monster Chu looked at Han Fei coldly: "From now on, no one can help you anymore. If you fall, Thousand-Star City is still that Thousand-Star City, and I am still the strongest in Thousand-Star City. Chumen’s The glory will continue."

Han Fei smiled: "I have to admire you. You are the only one I know who can use the Dao to such an extent in the territory of the Venerable. However, if you feel...draw me into an independent realm, It's all your preparations... Then, I can only say that you are digging your own grave."


The next moment, Han Fei Dao joined his body, his breath soaring. In all directions, there is Blade Purgatory. In his hand is the embroidery needle of Dinghai Exotic Treasure.

Han Fei grinned: "It just so happens that I haven't fought head-on with the real pseudo-king. It just so happens that you can try it."

"Without further ado."

Old Monster Chu didn't plan to give Han Fei time, so he chose to shoot directly, shaking his hands with both swords in hand.


Two swords cut once, three thousand sword shadows, like a lotus blooming, sweeping across the square. Old Chu's strange sword pierced through the sky, and the sword was energized. He wanted to directly kill Han Fei.

Han Fei saw the layers of sword light, and said to his heart: Old Monster Chu's hand is stronger than Sun Xiaotian's Killing Immortal Formation.

"Boom, boom~"

However, Han Fei grinned and said: "Master, I have many methods to try with you one by one. First, take my two punches. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Two sets of fist seals are just appetizers. After the fist mark passed, the fist mark evoked the energy of the void, carrying the majestic void power, blasting away.

Old Monster Chu sneered: "I know that you can not be affected by the Avenue of Time. But what? It can't affect you, but can't it affect your attacks?"

Just looking at Old Monster Chu didn't make much effort, there seemed to be a problem with the time before him.

Han Fei's fist mark of sacrificing body was dissolving as he crossed that area.

Old tortoise: "He used time to corrupt your strength."

Han Fei roared, the beasts devoured their souls. Because you don't have to worry about being seen by others.

"Let me see... how many great techniques can you influence?"

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