God of Fishing

Chapter 1648: Emperor Sparrow has a skill

The God of Fishing, Hanging Island Chapter 1648, the Emperor Sparrow has the skills Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai did not overcome the catastrophe, but the Emperor Sparrow seems to be a little different. It turned out to be the first among all the gifted soul beasts and contracted spirit beasts of Han Fei.

   Above the sky, thunder is rolling.

   This is obviously not an ordinary sky thunder, because an abnormal blood red appeared on the sky. This is different from the original purple.

   Han Fei couldn't help asking: "Old Yuan, what does this color represent?"

   saw the old tortoise pause for a moment and said: "The Bloody Tribulation, it really deserves to be an emperor... this is the Sixth and Nine Emperor Tribulation!"

   Han Fei said in surprise: "Six or Nine Emperors' Tribulation?"

Old tortoise: "Different races and different creatures may be born with different thunder catastrophes. The catastrophe of the explorer is for the little catastrophe, and the little catastrophe has three catastrophes, four catastrophes, and Six heavenly tribulations. At present, the emperor knows that it may also be the strongest heavenly tribulation in the explorer realm...It is the sixty-nine emperor's tribulations. Everyone who crosses this tribulation is a peerless great evil, with endless potential. Of course...difficulty Also bigger."

   Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Six Ways of Heaven?"

   Han Fei's face changed drastically: At the beginning, he had only four tribulations, so he was smashed into a ghost. However, when the emperor came up, it was the six heavenly catastrophes?

   Han Fei did not hesitate to throw away a sun and moon shell and said, "Emperor bird, there are countless resources here, as well as the bones of the king, which will definitely support you to complete the disaster."

   The emperor bird clasped its paws, took Han Fei's sun and moon shells without hesitation, raised his head to the sky, and shouted "Yeah".

   At this time, the entire Thousand Star City was a sensation.

   Countless people were attracted by the terrifying calamity, especially the outside of the Three Holy Land, crowds of onlookers were crowded.

   Someone exclaimed: "Holy city...the central holy city, someone crosses the robbery?"

   Someone was astonished: "How is it possible? In the entire Thousand Star City history, no one has ever reached the Central Holy City...Who is this person? How did he get there?"

   "Fuck! In my lifetime, did I see the Central Holy City change? Could it be... Central Holy City, is it going to be opened?"

   Someone asked with suspicion: "A moment ago, a strong man fell. At this moment, someone crossed... You said, could it be Han Shuai?"

   Many people heard this, and their hearts moved: Maybe it is!

   Someone directly said: "That must be! The recent major events were all caused by the Han Shuai. The Han Shuai can wipe out even the family. What's wrong with it?"

   Let alone ordinary people, even the seven major sects, and even the old man Bai and old man Jiang in Chunyang Island, all have a look of bewilderment: This Nima, isn't it really Han Fei who is trying to do this?

   They knew: Han Fei's strength, although extremely strong, should not be that level...

   But, nothing can be said about Han Fei! The problem this time was in the Central Holy City. Except for a few people, no one knew what was there.

   Old white man said: "I'll go to the third-level fishing grounds and ask the ancestors...you stay here and have a look."

  On Chunyang Island, now a large group of students can finally stop.

The Grand Marshal, Bai Lu, Chu Linyuan, Mu Qingchuan, Xiao Zhan, Wen Renyu, Qu Jinnan, Ling Yuan, Su Daji, Yi Xiyan and others have already stepped onto the fishing boat and flew to the Three Holy Lands. go with.

   These people are feeling agitated.

   Marshal Wang said with a trembling face: "Junior Brother, won't you really be a king?"

   Bai Lu said with envy: "Junior Brother Han Fei, he saw it was extraordinary at the beginning. I didn't expect it to be so extraordinary! His strength, I am afraid, has exceeded our imagination."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Xiao Zhan and Wen Renyu looked at each other: They are just now in the realm of explorers.

   Once, when they taught Han Fei, then Han Fei was a hairy boy.

   When I first saw him, Han Fei was almost two heads shorter than Xiao Zhan.

   As a result, now, only a few years have passed? This kid is going to cross the king's robbery? This really makes them two unbelievable...

   Qu Jinnan sighed: "As expected, Brother Han Fei! This growth rate is beyond our reach!"

   Ling Yuan looked back at Yi Xiyan and the others: "We have to work hard! If we don't work hard, we will be compared."

   And Yi Xiyan and Su Daji have been chatting together a long time ago.

Yi Xiyan cried out strangely: "I want to have Senior Brother Wang, see who will bully me in the future? In the past, those who bullied our Yi family...have to hit the door one by one! Kick their homes and take their homes. H."

   Su Daji: "Aristocratic family, I've been beaten by senior brother."

   Yi Xiyan was stunned for a while: "That's right! Then who should I bully?"

   Everyone: "……"


   When the outside world was talking about it, the first tribulation had already come.


   Crimson Thunder, very coquettish.

   The sky is all reflected in a crimson color...like a thousand miles of sunlight, the scenery is spectacular!

  Han Feizheng wondered: Will it be difficult for the tribulations behind the emperor bird?

   At this time, Han Fei saw the emperor bird with two wings and his body stretched out more than 30 meters.


   The emperor bird has a big mouth, swallowing thunder brazenly.

   I only saw the emperor bird, like a power generator, with countless arcs of thunder penetrated into its body and overflowed. The terrifying thunder of the robbery was completely swallowed by the emperor.


  Han Fei was stunned: Although the first tribulation is not very strong...but it is not so, right? Swallow thunder? If nothing happened?

   But seeing the emperor swaying, he swayed his feathers, as if stretching his body.

  Second way.

   The emperor continued to swallow thunder.

   The third way.

   It is still swallowing.

   Han Fei looks silly...

   Until the fourth, blood-colored thunder descended, the emperor swallowed halfway through thunder this time, and its feathers burst. Thousands of feathers burst, but its body did not recede half an inch. Lifting thunder and crying to the sky.

   At this time, the Emperor Sparrow still has no use for Han Fei's Sun Moon Shell. The feathers on its body surface, under the mending of the power of the road in the thunder, quickly recovered.

   The fifth sky thunder is still bloody, like a pillar of blood descending.


   At that moment, the thousands of feathers on the emperor bird whirled in an instant, intertwined like clothes, blocking him. At the same time, its pupils glowed, and its mouth swallowed away...

   This time, I actually held it again.

   Yes, this product was actually held on.

   Including Han Fei and Lao Turtle, at this time, they were all in infinite shock.

  Old Turtle had only heard of Emperor Sparrow, but he had never seen it.

   good fellow! Seeing it with my own eyes now, what is this special, where is the general terror? The Six Nine Emperor's Tribulation, nothing is useless yet, it's just that way!

   And Han Fei was the most surprised. At this moment, he believed that the old tortoise said that different races have their own talents. Obviously, the talent of the Emperor Sparrow race is far beyond the understanding of ordinary creatures.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   It is possible. For the Emperor Sparrow, maybe it is not difficult to cross the catastrophe?

   Of course, in addition to talent, Han Fei also saw the emperor's arrogance.

   That kind of arrogance is a kind of arrogance that the sky pressures me, and I am brazenly afraid! Since the Five Tribulations, the emperor bird has not retreated a single step, and even flew tens of meters into the sky.

  Han Fei still remembers: When he was picking up Wang Jie, he planted into the bottom of the sea again and again... God knows how many times he planted? I forgot about it!

   At this moment, Han Fei's inner arrogance actually swelled.

  Han Feixin said: My gifted soul beast is so! In the face of the tribulation, there is no fear, no retreat...Why do I hold on to the exercise even once?


   only saw Han Fei's body shake suddenly. As the master, how can you lose to the Emperor Sparrow in terms of momentum?

   The old tortoise saw Han Fei's heart turmoil and blood surging, he couldn't help saying: "No...what are you doing?"

   Han Fei said in deep thought: "I want to take advantage of the emperor bird to save the calamity, and take advantage of this unspattered cloud of calamity..."

   Old Tortoise looked dumbfounded: People are almost finished, how can you still use it?

   And Ren Tianfei was not far away, Nima was stunned. If he reads it right, this is just a small robbery, right? Five heavenly tribulations appeared in the small heavenly tribulation, not over yet? Could it be... this is the Emperor's Tribulation?


   Ren Tianfei swallowed his saliva. For thousands of years, one person has finally risen from Yin Yang Tian!


   At the moment when the sixth heavenly calamity appeared, I only heard the sound of "Yeah", and saw the emperor spread its wings into the air and soared upward. Behind the emperor, the spirits followed, ten thousand spirit fruits collapsed, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was digging into it.

   If the carp jumps over the dragon gate, it is a wonder.

   So, now, Han Fei doesn't know how to describe the emperor's robbery? Just one word, crazy...


   But above the sky, a scorched, bloody, but very handsome bird flew back.


   When he landed on the first day, the emperor spoiled the Sun Moon Shell to Han Fei, and said proudly: "Use you a little bit."

   Han Fei: "……"

  Han Fei: "Do you want treatment?"

  Emperor bird tilted his head and looked at Han Fei: "What do you think?"

   Han Fei knew: At this moment, although the Emperor Sparrow's physique is undergoing terrifying changes, it must be weak. Therefore, a magical apocalypse came and enveloped the emperor bird.

   And this time, when Han Fei looked at the emperor's information, his heart was shocked: Has this skill been used?

  In the eyes of Han Fei, information emerged:

   [Name] Emperor bird

  【Introduction】This is an ancient mysterious creature, which is regarded as ominous by all races. The emperor is born to be the emperor, and looks down upon the past and the present. Over tens of thousands of ancient beasts, the emperor is the first.

  【Level】Level 70



  【Storing the Qi of Chaos】1 strand

  [Food] It depends on the mood

  【Combat Skills】Eye of Disaster, Call of Heart Demon, Battle Body

  【Remarks】Shun Emperor's heart, otherwise disasters will often come.

   [Note 2] Rumor has it that the one who killed the emperor died.

  The first one...please ask...


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