God of Fishing

Chapter 1667: Took the treasure of Emperor Bai Jia

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Han Fei did not expect: Here, you can still have a conversation with the cage?

Of course, this kind of dialogue is only possible for people with stronger strength. Anyone with weak strength cannot cut the space here by means of void cracks, let alone cut the void cracks into text forms...

Han Fei just confessed to Lao Yang, and Han Fei stopped communicating. After all, cutting the void will also cause damage to the surrounding formations.

Finally, Han Fei sneered: I thought God and Demon Sea, where is it? Perhaps, at the very beginning, there might be a strong man in a cage here, try to run out from here. However, with the continuous reinforcement of the seal of the cage, this possibility has become extremely low.

This sea of ​​gods and demons is indeed dangerous for the explorer-level powerhouse, and it is also extremely challenging. Maybe that Bai Jiadi, when he was weak, practiced in this way.

Although there is a space gap and the two sides are invisible, the relationship between the enemy and the friend is still easy to judge... Take Lao Yang, he can pinch and count. Isn't it easy to calculate an enemy or friend? Therefore, the sea monsters that appear in the sea of ​​gods and monsters will be beaten by countless monsters in the monster alliance...

When Han Fei was in the Monster Beast Alliance, he had only stayed in the Gorge of Life and Death in addition to being in Ten Thousand Beast Island. At that time, I didn't even take a look at the Forest of Terror, naturally I didn't know that there would be places like Space Valley!

Thinking about this peculiar space, Han Fei suddenly thought of a multidimensional space theory. It is said that space is actually a way of stacking cosmic strings. Do you think you are lying on a large lawn, maybe this is still a downtown, a battlefield...

Thinking too much is useless, Han Fei now wants to find a way...to enter the Baibei King City!

After chatting with Lao Yang a few words, Han Fei already had a plan: You can borrow Lao Yang and them to attract the attention of Emperor Bai Jia, and then he will have the opportunity to rob Bai Bei King City...

There are many ways to destroy the formation and bans, and of course Han Fei can't break the formation left by Emperor Bai Jia.

There is so much violent energy here, it only needs to be affected, corroding one or two core formations. One formation was damaged, and other formations were unstable, and then it became broken. So he only needs to move part of the formation.

Han Fei reached out and grabbed it, stirring up the dying water of this space.

With the power of extinguishing Yuanshui, Han Fei continuously washed the formation seal. But for a moment, under Han Fei's deliberate actions, only a "buzzing" sound was heard, and the space vibrated.


Seeing this scene, Han Fei knew enough. Immediately, he performed the Gemini Divine Art and stayed outside only as a black mist.

In one step, Han Fei stepped out of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons and reappeared at the crossroads of several Forbidden Land-level secret realms.

Sure enough, Han Fei came out with only two breaths, and the void was shocked. A man in a silver-white battle suit appeared directly here. Who was the Emperor Bai Jia?

Emperor Bai Jia did not find Han Fei lurking on the stone wall, and stepped into the sea of ​​gods and demons in one step.

next moment.

Hearing a "hum" sound, the entrance of the forbidden land level secret realm was opened, and Hai Tinglei appeared. Immediately behind Hai Tinglei, there were two powerful sea-monsters in the high-ranking state.

Just listen to one of them: "Listen to Lei Dazun, what happened?"

Hai Tinglei's gaze directly looked at the God and Demon Haidao in front of him: "The king is already here... follow me into the God and Demon Sea to see."

However, what Hai Tinglei didn't know was that when he took people to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, Han Fei had quietly touched him and left from the blocked entrance.

After leaving the forbidden land-level trial field, Han Fei can really "leap with fish in the ocean and let the birds fly in the sky"...

At the first moment, Han Fei's heart moved, urging the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

After a while, Han Fei found a mountain in the Baibei King City and found a submarine crater covered by rock fire.

There, a giant shell was nestled in the cave. And the direction pointed by the Vientiane Mariner is in the giant shell.

Han Fei cursed inwardly: On his own site, what kind of ban you set for me?

The reason why Han Fei wanted to go to Baibei King City was to rob him...Who knew that Emperor Bai Jia had to cover the treasure hiding place at his door?

With the existence of this level of ban, Han Fei only had to break through, even if he grabbed the treasure house of Emperor Bai Jia, he might be caught in the urn and killed directly.

When Han Fei was hesitating, he just listened to his heart, and the old tortoise yelled: "The tortoiseshell seal of heaven."

Suddenly, this space was closed. Although it seemed normal, what happened here had no contact with the outside world.

Just listen to the old turtle: "Hurry up."

To be honest, Han Fei hasn't patronized the king's cave. On this great occasion, you can grab the Bai Jiadi! Look at Old Tortoise's method, this courage, but Han Fei's admiration.

The moment Lao Yuan made his move, Han Fei knocked on the door of the sky, and directly penetrated the seal from top to bottom. Han Fei's current strength has long been among Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​the first person under the king!

Emperor Bai Jia is very good, but he couldn't possibly think that someone on his own territory, while he was still in the city, would cast a Tiaohu Lishan and rob his treasure...

One shot broke the seal, the end of the world is close...

Han Fei was surprised: That giant shell is still alive?

Han Fei's heart moved, before he had time to think about it, his silhouette changed, and the body of the white mist quickly got into the shell. The body of the black mist chose to evacuate at the first time.

It was not until Han Fei fell in the mouth of Jubei that he realized that he had entered a small world.

This small world is hundreds of miles wide. This volume directly suppressed Han Fei!

In this small world, countless resources are placed orderly...

There are places to store top-grade monster stones and top-grade monster stones; there are a large number of weapons materials, the lowest are top-grade magical weapons; there are things like Lingquan...

Just like his own refining world, Lingquan was made into the state of a river. The Qi Lingye was also filled into a big pond, like a small lake. In addition, there are various spiritual fruits, which are well classified and piled up into mountains.

In fact, Emperor Bai Jia didn't use many things here. More, he should be used to reward the people below.

The old turtle’s first reaction is: "Quickly, take away all the essence of the monster veins. The value of this thing is comparable to the spring water of the earth veins. It can not only restore vitality, but also contains a lot of chaos.

This pile is probably worth a million catties.

Hiss, it seems that there are also good things in the wild land! "

Han Fei didn't ask what the demon spirit essence was... Where did the old Yuan refer, he swished, and he appeared there, and directly stuffed the demon vein essence into the refining world.

Then, what are the best demon stones, top demon stones, spirit enlightenment liquid, magic weapon materials, spiritual springs, exercises, spiritual fruits, weapons...Anyway, things that can be stuffed, Han Fei is frantically going into the world of refining Stuff it.

Although the collection was very enjoyable, Han Fei was still speechless: The scope of this hundred miles is too big! Even if he was very fast and worked hard, he only received less than one percent.

When he saw the old tortoise directly using the black mist to roll up countless resources and run into the world of refining...Han Fei directly turned into the empty hand, all kinds of scratches...

This doesn't... Han Fei also discovered: Emperor Bai Jia, the old fellow, even intercepted a large piece of the blood sea **** wood stick.


The sea of ​​gods and demons.

When Emperor Bai Jia appeared here, with the eyes of the king, through the void, he could vaguely see a figure standing on the other side of this space.

This is not the first time Bai Jiadi has met with these people. It's just that from the very beginning, the other party was hostile and couldn't talk anymore.

He also tried to break through the space here... But even if he broke through the void with the power of the king, he still couldn't penetrate this world. Instead, he will be shocked by the force of the void.

The former Bai Jiadi tried here for hundreds of years, but failed to break the ban.

However, coming here is not without gain.

The void here will continue to gush out massive amounts of violent energy. This energy accumulates more and more, and can even make the energy of this sea of ​​gods and demons rich as a tide. Harvesting every few hundred years is of great benefit to the realm before becoming a king.

Including people like Hai Tinglei and Chang Shuiqin, they didn’t know that before the Bai Jia emperor became king, he relied on the power of God Mohai to grow rapidly...

At this moment, Hai Tinglei respectfully stood behind Emperor Bai Jia and said: "My king, there seems to be someone in the depths of the void, and they are quite strong."

Emperor Bai Jia said indifferently: "Yeah! But the space of the boundary is unbreakable. The reason why they appear is due to the aging... It seems that this king needs to be repaired for a while, and it will be well soon."

But when the Bai Jiadi was repairing the formation, he saw the void in the sky, and a text appeared: "Draw the aura of my world, don't let this king find a chance to break the ban... Otherwise, kill you and so on."

This is the first time that Lao Yang has taken the initiative to talk to Emperor Bai Jia. It has not been once or twice before.

However, Lao Yang clearly knew: Emperor Bai Jia was the enemy. But Bai Jiadi didn't know.

This time, Lao Yang exported himself to become a strong pioneer. As he read the text, Emperor Bai Jia's eyes narrowed slightly.

When the sea heard the change in color, he only listened to the white Jiadi coldly snorting, stretched out his finger, and pointed to the void: "Then I wish you an early break of the ban!"

The speed of repairing the formation ban is not slow, or it can be said to be very fast, it only took half an hour to complete.

In the cage, Xiong Chaoshuai was still saying: "Old sheep! Let's just... just say a few words, and we're done? Brother Niu asked us to delay the time... Is he good for big things?"

Just listen to Lao Yang Youyou said: "The delay time is almost the same. If you delay time deliberately, it will only make him doubt. Otherwise, you can only go up and fight with him...what, do you want to compete with the king? ?"

Xiong Chaoshuai: "Didn't you never compete! What if it can last two rounds?"

Lao Yang said lightly: "You are in my hands, how many rounds can you hold?"

Xiong Chaoshuai immediately scratched his head: "I think it's better...After all, ~www.ltnovel.com~ has been delayed for half an hour, it should be enough."


Baibei Wangcheng.

Emperor Bai Jia went out of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, and said to the sea: "I don't know why, the strong man on the other side has begun to pay attention to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons? You arrange for one person to stay here, and go in every few hours to prevent any accidents."

Hai Ting Lei handed over: "Yes!"

While talking, the group left the forbidden land-level trial field.

In other words, when the Bai Jiadi just came out of the sea of ​​gods and demons, his face suddenly changed.

In an instant, he appeared above the volcano. Behind him, a giant shell appeared, closing his mouth.

"Bold, who dares to break into the mansion of this king?"

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