God of Fishing

Chapter 1669: Han Fei appeared

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The search in Baibei Wangcheng lasted three months.

Han Fei is very speechless: This Bai Jiadi is more persistent than human beings.

However, having said that, the house of a king is vacated by you. Can people not be attached?

In this search, small characters like Yu Cailing were also interrogated three times, and Yu Cailing's residence was also swept away.

Even, the old turtle said: Emperor Bai Jia removed the ban on all the mansions in the city and personally scanned it dozens of times.

Han Fei couldn't help but rejoice.

Thanks to having such a magical treasure as the refining demon pot, even the king cannot be checked. When Yu Cailing didn't even know that she was hiding here, no one could find herself.

Han Fei is still practising peacefully, but the war between the Cloud Sea God Tree and the Baibei King City is in full swing. It has been almost five months since Han Fei left the Cloud Sea God Tree, and people with cloudy and sunny days are slowly getting used to the way of life on the Cloud Sea God Tree.

Everyone uses the teleportation array as soon as they go out. You can know the direction by looking at the coordinates on the teleportation array. The four battlefields now have the involvement of the Yin-Yang-Tian-Human race.

Under Luo Xiaobai's deliberate arrangement, the human powerhouse led the human submersible fishermen to alternate battlefields one by one. At the same time, while learning Shuimutian's combat skills, Yin Yangtian also provided combat skills and coordination techniques, not stingy at all.

In Luo Xiaobai's opinion, the human beings on the side of the Cloud Sea God Tree lacked a sense of cooperation.

Even if the people here also have five major occupations, it may be because they have lived with other races for too long, so this kind of team cooperation always seems a little strange.

During this period, Yin Yang Tian and Shui Mu Tian also had an exchange battle. From diving fishermen to explorers, compete in the ring. In the end, an unexpected result came out: in the exchange competition of all realms, the Yin Yang Tian won the victory.

Especially in the realm of law enforcement and the realm of explorers, the powerful combat power of the human race is fully revealed.

Unlike the human race in Yinyangtian, although there are four battlefields here, they still have the queen of life and the sacred tree of clouds.

However, those of Broken Star Island, they only have one island. Keep it, everyone can live. If you can't keep it, everyone will die together.

Therefore, the people on the Yin-Yang-Tian side, fighting to the end, replacing their wounds with wounds, and fighting against death... Many people in Shui Mutian were moved.

It's not that Shuimutian has no strong, but the living environment on both sides is different. People with Yin and Yang days, fighting style, are more sturdy and crazy.

Not only that, but on the human side, the children of the Mob Academy are also participating in the ring battle. In addition, a large group of children from aristocratic families have grown up with the accumulation of resources.

Moreover, there is a very important point: the people participating in the arena are basically the arrogant pride of the family and the seven sects. These people are the elite of the elite. If they lose, they are afraid that they will not get the attention of the Academy and Han Fei... It is estimated that they will be scolded to death...

This battle run-in lasted more than three months. Just over three months later, a group of strong men of Yin and Yang sky appeared anywhere in the four major battlefields.

On the battlefield, the warriors in the Yin and Yang sky are really fighting.

The resources of Shuimutian are too rich. In terms of spiritual energy, it is nearly twice as high as that of Yin and Yang. Moreover, as long as you kill the enemy on the battlefield, all gains belong to you. This is different from Broken Star Island. After all, Broken Star Island has stronger discipline. Although the spoils are not turned in, they are still exchanged for the resources they need. The loss can be imagined.

In Shuimutian, everything is much freer.

After all, there are more races here.

Many people go to the market to exchange various resources when they get something. The four major races of Shuimutian, those bugs, the sky clan, accumulated things, are by no means a few!

So, when you get to the street, people with cloudy and sunny days are simply entering a shopping paradise.

what? Want to forge weapons without materials? Change to Zerg!

what? Lack of spiritual fruit? Find Yaozhi for a change!

what? Feel that your combat skills are not enough? Find the human race of Shuimutian and exchange skills!

The soldiers and horses of Yin and Yang days mainly come from Broken Star Island, Thousand Star City and 36 Towns.

Those people in Broken Star Island habitually go to the material war preparation group in exchange for resources. Over the years, there have been fewer and fewer resources in the sea, and they cannot go to sea at will. Therefore, in terms of resource acquisition, the channels are actually very narrow.

As for the practitioners in Thousand Star City and Thirty-Six Town, they are either regular visitors to the Thousand Star Proving Ground or the third-level fishing ground. Ordinary practitioners in Thousand Star City seldom get the qualifications to go to the Star Bead Small World. Even for the children of a large family, there are very few opportunities... And how many resources can ordinary practitioners in 36 Towns get in places like the third-level fishing grounds?

So, when it comes to Shuimutian, these people can be said to be like a fish in water.

The Dark Battlefield Port, the most dangerous place in Shui Mutian, is the permanent residence of the children of the old family. As the so-called art masters are bold, some talents can be here.

The sea of ​​flames has always been a place of challenge. It was almost entrusted by Tianjiao of the Seven Great Sects, and those who came would not refuse. Especially a young swordsman from the Sky Sword Sect, with one to ten. Since the people of Yin and Yang Heaven came, those sea monsters of the same realm finally knew: These Yin and Yang human races are indeed very powerful!

The human race of Shuimutian also completely accepts the human race of Yin and Yang.

The bugs who like Balabala the most, sometimes they can’t help but sigh: Yin-Yang Tianren, at the same level, really powerful!

For example, in a challenge of the sea of ​​flames, a human race with a Yin and Yang sky and a sea monster were inextricably killed. In the end, the man was lost, his body was pierced, and his legs were amputated.

Under such circumstances, the man holding the sea monster blew himself up!

This kind of scene is very shocking.

The touching scenes of this scene have completely won the respect of the major races of Shuimutian.

On the Shuimutian side, there is also something to be admired.

The bow technique of the Shuimutian human race is very powerful. The combat skills of the major races are also strange and unpredictable. Another point, maybe it is more nourished by the spiritual energy, the speed of Shuimu Tianren is generally faster...

Therefore, this time the joint combat between the two sides directly ignited the arrogance of the battle.

Baibei Wangcheng constantly exerted pressure on the front line. Initially, Baibei King City sent an additional 3,000 law-enforcement area, plus 100,000 sea monsters at the dive angler level.

However, the Kraken did not take the initiative to attack. After all, they found that the fighting has been intensified since the people of Yin and Yang days came. There were even sea monsters speechless, these animals are too special to fight.

Some conflicts between the two sides are mostly maintained at the level of temptation.

The Kraken also wants to know how many Yin-Yang humans have come?

In fact, there are countless people who are strong in water and wood. The 250,000 army of Yin and Yang days scattered to various battlefields, and the increase in number was not significant.

However, this does not hinder the tentative army of Baibei King City. They laid out small battlefields time and time again, wanting to try the depth of the Cloud Sea God Tree...Look at how many human races supported by Yin and Yang days? How exaggerated?


Flying feather department.

Wu Shangxue directly connected to Luo Xiaobai: "Baibei King City is provoking everywhere, do you want to respond?"

Luo Xiaobai: "No! This kind of temptation doesn't make any sense for the final decisive battle. The pace of the battle slows down a bit, and it takes a year to eat away these people."

Wu Shangxue was surprised: "In this way, you will not be able to show the role of your Yin-Yang Celestial Race, and perhaps it will enhance the momentum of the Baibei King City army."

Luo Xiaobai said indifferently: "The aura can rise, but the vent is quick. Now, it's not the time to trigger a large-scale war, we have to wait."

Wu Shangxue: "Waiting for what? Waiting for Han Fei to take action?"

Wushangxue had already known: The body that Han Fei left now was just a projection clone. And this avatar, has not played in battle, has been sitting cross-legged.


one year later.

Han Fei has been practicing in the refining world for 20 years.

He once wanted to consume all the chaotic energy. However, when I thought of the chaos...may have a great effect on the breakthrough of the king, I resisted it.

Today, Han Fei is not in a hurry.

If you don’t go to war, you can just let the people of Yin and Yang days communicate in Shuimu Tian. In this way, it can also promote the cultural intersection of the two circles.

Han Fei doesn't need much time, just another year or so.

Now, Han Fei's arms have all been tempered, and at the same time he is about to temper a leg.

This speed can be described as extremely fast, and the energy consumed is also unknown. The energy resources looted from Emperor Bai Jia had already consumed nearly 10%.

After about three months from the outside world, the front line finally sought support from Baibei King City again.

Last time, Emperor Bai Jia increased his troops, and Han Fei knew clearly: Everyone was seen thoroughly by Emperor Bai Jia.

Yes, Emperor Bai Jia didn't believe that someone could escape from Baibei King City in such a short time.

He believed that the person who stole him was still in the royal city!

Therefore, Luo Xiaobai and the others thought that the army that tried to test the forces of Yin and Yang. But Han Fei knew that it was Emperor Bai Jia who was tempting him to leave!

Although Emperor Bai Jia might not be able to find out if he really left, Han Fei didn't have to gamble. Wait until you reach the half-king level before leaving the gate... Isn't it fragrant?

This day.

After Yu Cailing returned from the trial, Lan Xueer came back, and only heard Lan Xueer say: "Sister Cailing, I heard that you are going to the front line to kill the enemy?"

Yu Cailing nodded: "I feel that my strength is advancing and I need to be stimulated by actual combat to achieve a breakthrough in the realm. This time, I heard that 300 explorers, 5,000 law enforcement realms, 200,000 troops will be screened out... So every time The status of an explorer is very important and you can try."

Lan Xueer immediately said: "Sister Cai Ling, do you know the situation on the front line? The last group of people who went there have basically fallen. This time, although the number of troops sent has doubled the previous time, there are more than 200 more expeditions. … But the last time so many people were played, it took only a year to finish. This time, I’m afraid it’s not going to be much better, right?"

Yu Cailing smiled faintly: "Xue'er, I'm different from you. Those of us, we always have to take a gamble!"


When Lan Xueer left, Yu Cailing was preparing to get rid of the clutter and enter the state of cultivation.

Suddenly, a voice rang in her ear: "Yu Cailing, you must die now, you should stay!"


Yu Cailing's spirits were shocked, and she wanted to shout, but she felt her soul tremble, she seemed dumb, unable to speak.

"Jie Jie, don't make any extra moves, keep practicing. I can feel your mental fluctuations."

"who are you?"

Yu Cailing responded quickly after being shocked.

Han Fei grinned and said: "Me? I'm the Yulong King! Why don't you remember? You and Lan Xueer's natural blood are still pinched in my hands."

Yu Cailing's pupils shrank: "Didn't you fall?"

Han Fei imitated the tone of the Yulong King and said, "Fall? How could this Dragon King fall so easily? Those ~www.ltnovel.com~ are just a play by this Dragon King."

Yu Cailing was shocked.

At the same time, there is a wave of despair!

If the Yulong King is not dead, he is not a free body. How can this be good?

I seem to know Yu Cailing’s thoughts, so I just listened to Han Feijie’s smile: "Yucailing, let alone the Dragon King did not help you. The Dragon King can help you break through the border... But in the next time, you need to explain. You are about to retreat and break through..."

Yu Cailing is not stupid, can Yulong Wang really be so good? Moreover, the Yulong King suddenly appeared, hiding it, did he do something?

At this point, Yu Cailing was astonished: shouldn't... the person that Lord King is looking for... is the Yulong King? What did he do? Can you make Lord King so angry?

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