God of Fishing

Chapter 1675: Power King

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Emperor Bai Jia also has an external incarnation?

No, this is Baidijia's gifted soul beast. In Han Fei’s eyes, a message emerged:

[Name] Yuhai Baibei (the companion of Emperor Baijia)

[Introduction] The ancient shellfish inherited from the ancient times can protect against the sea as a shield, guarding the square, and resisting attacks more than ten times. Yuhai Baibei is good at shield attacks, crushing opponents with absolute strength.

【Level】89 (Half King)

[Quality] Ancient Alien Species


[Contains the air of chaos] 526 strands

[Edible effect] Not edible

[Can be collected] Royal Sea Shell


【Remarks】Being guarded by Yuhai Baibei, it is extremely difficult to escape.

When he saw this thing, Han Fei was surprised: What thing can resist more than ten times his own attacks? Doesn't it mean that the defensive ability of this Yuhaibaibei is also comparable to the king's level?

When Yuhai Baibei appeared, Han Fei saw: Within a thousand miles, the water curtain is running horizontally.

At first, Han Fei avoided walking. However, how much time will it take to avoid this stuff?


Gemini is one.

Han Fei had to unite, not because he was afraid of Yuhai Baibei, but the purpose of Emperor Bai Jia, just to delay his lost time.

If Yuhaibaibei's defense is really that strong, it can indeed be done! Of course, Han Fei couldn't believe it if the companion spirit had reached the rank of king. If that's the case, Baidijia is enough to hang the queen of life, right? After all, if two kings face one another, the winning side is much larger.

At this time, Han Fei, the twin of the twins, was at his peak, and his speed was naturally much faster.

Of course, Han Fei's speed is still slower than that of Emperor Bai Jia. Therefore, just after another 300,000 miles away, Han Fei and Emperor Bai Jia finally collided head-on.


Han Fei used two wisps of chaos without hesitation. At the same time, the golden light on his body was prosperous, and his fists struck across.

"Sacrifice fist mark."

As a dignified king, Emperor Bai Jia naturally knew: How strong is the power that Han Fei is displaying now! This person can no longer treat him as an ordinary Venerable, this is simply a sea...

At that moment, the Emperor Bai Jia held the imperial shield, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Han Fei, do you think the king... is really so good? I want to see, how long your so-called Tianjiao... can last? ."

"Shield Anti~"

Han Fei is still amazed: What does it mean for the Emperor Bai Jia to be a king, holding a shield to block? Is he really that awesome?

But in the next scene, Han Fei himself was stunned: only the power of the fist mark of the sacrifice was swallowed by the great shield. The next moment, he was directly bounced back.


Han Fei tried this trick of his own before, but how strong is he now?

To use your own strength to attack yourself, the key to sacrificing one's body is the locking technique. Even if it is the combat skills that you use, you need time to resist.

Needless to say, if Han Fei resisted his own blow, the result would have been caught by Emperor Bai Jia.

Therefore, at this critical moment, Han Fei was not ready to resist, and saw a round of Yin and Yang diagrams suddenly unfolding.


The Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel forcibly cut the fist mark of the sacrificial body, and Han Fei also ran into a head-on collision with Emperor Bai Jia.



At that moment, Emperor Bai Jia was also horrified: The Dinghai Bizarre Treasure-class shield he had worked so hard to refine had cracks under Han Fei's strange combat skills?

Only within ten thousand miles, the sea water becomes a whirlpool.

Huge power rushed in the house of Han Fei and Emperor Bai Jia. It can be said that all the creatures in the nearby thousands of miles and the reefs in the sea turned into powder in an instant.

Fighting kings, of course, possesses such terrifying destructive power.


At this moment, the Bai Jiadi was not going to sacrifice his own shield of Dinghai Exotic Treasure level, but to merge with the companion spirit. The sea from all directions knocked, as if the space in all directions was closing.

If Han Fei cannot come out in time, he will be squeezed into **** by the power of this space.


Han Fei also intends to use the Star Shifting Technique. However, he found that the void here was blocked, and the Star Shifting Technique was of no avail.

As a result, Han Fei's heart was cruel, endless water became cone-shaped, drilling holes.

The grade of Endless Water is closely related to Han Fei's strength. Now, Han Fei's strength is infinitely close to the king, and the level of Endless Water is infinitely close to the Dinghai Bizarre Treasure.

He saw that imperial sea technique was drilled out by Han Fei.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Bai Jia was speechless: How can Han Fei use so many methods? There is more than one kind of avenue. Why are there so many weapons in your hand?

At this moment, Emperor Bai Jia could only go off the court himself again and started a head-to-head battle with Han Fei.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a time, the golden fist seal and the shield armor impacted and collided continuously.

In one breath, such terrifying forces collided hundreds of times.

Han Fei was horrified. He found that his most pinnacle power, even if he used the Primordial Battle Body, was still weaker than Emperor Bai Jia.

Therefore, Han Fei is the one who suffers every time. With such a strong shot, Han Fei's Dao power bonus can last up to ten breaths at most.

Han Fei secretly said: "The queen of life, why isn't it coming? My movement is not enough? Moreover, I have already run more than half the distance. If I don't come again, Mu Wuhua is questionable."

Sure enough, the Queen of Life finally appeared when Han Fei was about to grab it.

In the void, countless "blue dragon beasts" appeared out of thin air. Countless huge vines meander around like a dragon.

The huge sunflower-like flowers appeared, and they shot the space where Han Fei and Bai Jiadi were in a torrential rain pear-style crazy burst.

"Shoo, hoo~"

When I saw Emperor Bai Jia's Royal Sea Art, it was blasted into a riddled area.

And this is not the end, why is the method of demon planting a line?

I saw the sharp blade sprayed from the pear blossoms of the rainstorm, like seeds, detonated in the void, giving birth to vines after another. The vines formed a net, directly splitting the Emperor Bai Jia's Royal Ocean Art.

Han Fei took the opportunity to leave, condensing a fist with one hand, and the time fist stamp rushed out of his body. Grasping time with the other hand, drew out a blade of time and slashed towards Emperor Bai Jia.

At that moment, Han Fei's operation made the Queen of Life a little dazzling.

When did Han Fei master this avenue of time? Is he serious with such a high-level avenue and so skillfully used?

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Join to **** him!"

With that said, Han Fei grabbed the endless water and gathered one hundred thousand blades into a single sword, showing a thousand miles of swordsmanship. That murderous look, I don’t know, I thought he was the real king...

The queen of life said in a voice transmission: "Go back, don't love to fight."

I only saw Emperor Bai Jia's body, there were countless shells emerging, quickly intertwining on the body. Soon, a layer of defensive armor like battle armor was formed.

With this shell armor, I saw Emperor Bai Jia holding Han Fei's horrible sword light with both hands, stepping on the seabed of Baili under his feet, and hitting his shoulders, forcibly shattering Han Fei's sword power.


With a move of Han Fei's heart, endless water returns.

I saw Han Feisha rushing: "Go!"

The Bai Jiadi snorted coldly, "Want to go? I have to ask the king if he agrees..."

This time, Emperor Bai Jia seemed determined to take Han Fei.

He knows: The opportunity is only this time. Once Han Fei escaped and really returned to the Cloud Sea God Tree, he really had nothing to do with him.

At that time, Han Fei will become king, almost inevitable...

If Han Fei becomes a king, Emperor Bai Jia doesn't need to do anything, just wait for death. He knew this self-knowledge.

Therefore, this time, no matter how much the price paid, he Bai Jiadi could do it. This battle is imperative even if it is to fight everyone in Baibei King City.

Therefore, the Bai Jiadi forcibly avoided the Queen of Life and chased Han Fei directly.

Originally, the strength of the king is basically equal to that of the king.

This kind of battle is impossible to fight. The battle between Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life was not once or twice. The two of them are too familiar with each other.

Therefore, while avoiding the Queen of Life, Yuhai Baibei appeared. Baidijia intends to use the Royal Sea Art to forcibly block the Queen of Life for a moment, and buy time for himself to kill Han Fei.

However, Emperor Bai Jia still underestimated Han Fei's face. Only saw Han Feidou turn the stars, and came directly to the Queen of Life.

"Hey! Although I can't beat you, the one next to me has the same strength as you. It is impossible for you to cross the Queen of Life and kill me."

Han Fei did not have the demeanor of a strong man, and yelled to Emperor Bai Jia: "You big sea shell, there is a species in the next few years. I will challenge you personally, do you dare to take it?"

Emperor Bai Jia's face was cold, and he sneered: "It seems, the sacred tree of Yunhai, do you want it?"

Emperor Bai Jia grinned suddenly, and Yu Hai Bai Bei Bei Ying was in the air. He only heard Emperor Bai Jia shout: "Zhenhai!"

Suddenly, only a million times the power was pressed down, and the Bai Jiadi "chill" fled into the void and disappeared.

The Queen of Life's face changed drastically: "No, the emperor Bai Jia gave up Yuhai Baibei, poured the power of the great avenue, and will trap me for a while... he is desperate."

Han Fei's heart was also shocked: careless. This guy, even the companion spirit whose defense reached the king's level, gave up! A person killed the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds, so what's the deal? Although the Cloud Sea God Tree is also a king, its body is too big after all. And if the Bai Jiadi really makes a move, he still has 50,000 troops under him, so his strength can be seen?

Han Fei: "Can you break this Yuhai Baibei?"

The Queen of Life bombarded ~www.ltnovel.com~ while outrageously: "You also shoot, it can be broken within a hundred breaths."

Han Fei was taken aback: Within a hundred breaths? What international jokes are you making? Until now, it was only 2 million miles away from the Cloud Sea God Tree.

Within a hundred breaths, at the speed of the king, I arrived at the sacred tree of Yunhai early.

Han Fei's expression changed drastically, and Xu was anxious, and suddenly thought of an idea: "You will bomb Yuhai Baibei first, and wait for me for a while."


After speaking, Han Fei disappeared.

In the astonishment of the Queen of Life, Han Fei didn't care much, and went straight into the refining world.

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