God of Fishing

Chapter 1680: The Fall of Bai Jiadi

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No one knew about the trip of Han Fei and the Queen of Life, including Tranquility.

Tranquility, sent out by the Queen of Life, went to hunt the Siren Venerable...

After half a day.

Han Fei and the Queen of Life once again came to the swirling sea area where Han Fei entered Thunder Prison.

At first, Han Fei thought it was weird!

Here, Thunder Hell can be connected... Isn't that these vortices actually connect to one place?

Han Fei made up his mind. After this is over, I have to try it myself.

"Is this sea area?"

The Queen of Life was a little surprised and said: "These vortices, I have been here at the beginning. Back then, there were a lot of vortices here, but now they have gradually decreased. Basically all that can be explored have already been explored. The rest, There are many problems, and there should be no one that works."

Han Fei was puzzled: "A problem?"

Queen of Life: "There are some vortices, connected to small broken worlds. Once you enter, you will fall into an endless void if you are not careful."

Han Fei frowned slightly.

However, when Han Fei used the nautical universal instrument to point, he definitely couldn't make a mistake, and the point was exactly the vortex leading to Thunder Prison he had been to.

At this moment, he probably knew: Where is Emperor Bai Jia?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Since I found this place, I can naturally confirm that this road definitely works. Let's go..."

Han Fei finished speaking and stepped into the vortex.

The queen of life is naturally not afraid of this vortex. She knows here, which naturally means that she has been here more than once before.

When the two of them were trapped in an endless void, Han Fei was still swiftly plundering directionally. This made the Queen of Life quite curious. How did Han Fei confirm that this place is safe?

After a while, when a white light appeared, the Queen of Life asked in surprise: "Exit?"

Han Fei grinned: "It's there."


After a while, the two quickly got out of the exit.

The next moment, I heard "boom boom boom", dozens of thunder bombarded down. Both of them were smashed.

The Queen of Life looked dumbfounded: "The power of thunder... is not a catastrophe, it is pure thunder, and the power of the great road is limited. Where is this?"

Han Fei did not explain that in the world of refining and chemical industry, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument did not rotate.

Sure enough, as expected.

Han Fei grinned: "Come with me."

The Queen of Life was suspicious, Han Fei seemed to be familiar with this place, it was not like he was here for the first time.

The two quickly left the Thunder Prison from the teleportation formation. When he reappeared, Han Fei discovered: The teleportation entrance of the Forbidden Land Level Secret Realm of Baibei King City was gone, and there was no trace of formation.

Obviously, Emperor Bai Jia obliterated the entrance of the Forbidden Land Level Proving Ground.

Without the mark, Han Fei came here somehow... Fortunately, Han Fei found another entrance to Thunder Prison. Otherwise, I am afraid that Emperor Bai Jia will not be found.


In the sea of ​​gods and demons.

Emperor Bai Jia is lying here.

In the corresponding cage, the old sheep moved. He is sitting here now, God knows the opposite, what is his purpose here?

After more than half a year of recuperation, Emperor Bai Jia's anger has stabilized.

However, he made a decision that even himself felt terrible. He is determined to take another path, a path of blood sacrifice that devours life.

In this battle, Emperor Bai Jia found that his methods were too shallow.

For a long time, he thought: he was actually smart enough, capable enough, and capable.

However, after seeing Xuefan, Demon Dao swallowed his heart, he dispelled this idea. That kind of courage to devour the family made him feel moved.

If Xuefan ignited the evil thoughts in Emperor Bai Jia's heart, then Han Fei would be a fuse. This fuse ignited the Bai Jia Emperor's desire for strength, and his desire to reach the point of no compromise.

However, this desire has just been inspired...


The emperor Bai Jia, who was in the process of cultivating, suddenly recovered.

At the next moment, Emperor Bai Jia was surprised.

"Han Fei... Mu Wuhua..."

Emperor Bai Jia was very surprised by the arrival of Han Fei and the Queen of Life. However, he reacted quickly.

But seeing his gaze towards Han Fei, the corners of his mouth trembled: "It turns out that there is a problem with the ban on the sea of ​​Gods and Demons. Are you doing the trick?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Yeah! Have you discovered it?"

Emperor Bai Jia drew out a round scimitar, holding a shield in one hand, and was ready to fight.

Han Fei grinned, and two white scimitars also appeared in his hands. However, these two knives are not ordinary weapons, but blades of hope that will not be damaged.

After all, he is facing the king, and he is only a half king. If it really is a life and death fight? Snowmourne should be easily damaged. The embroidery needle, although not weak, is not what I am best at.

Then, the blade of hope has become the best weapon.

The Queen of Life said leisurely: "Emperor Bai Jia, do you know that you will have today?"

Emperor Bai Jia chuckled: "Heh! Do you really think that after joining hands, you will be able to kill me?"


Emperor Bai Jia took the lead. The green glow on the shield flickered, as if infinite power was pushing in the sea, pushing the sea into huge waves, like heavy mountains.

"Puff puff puff~"

I only saw the entire underground of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, with demonic vines growing.

But in an instant, this violent sea was covered by demon plants.

On the side of the cage, the old sheep yelled wildly: "Retreat, all retreat. Give up guarding here, there is a king fighting."

The old sheep just felt crazy, what happened to Han Fei after he was outside? It has only been half a year, why is there a king war here?

Lightning was shocked: "Lao Yang, won't be destroyed here, will you? Are you sure, this is the king in battle?"

The old sheep shouted: "Nonsense, can I even tell this?"


I only saw the emptiness around thousands of miles, and was suddenly torn apart by countless rifts in the void.

Xiong Chaoshuai and others who accompanied the guard looked at each other.

Mad Lion exclaimed: "This thing, separated by a space, can still play such a powerful force? Is this king still a human?"

In the sea of ​​gods and demons, the two sides are fighting.

Emperor Bai Jia had previously lost 5 half-king projections, which was already comparable in strength to Han Fei.

The first time Han Fei saw the Queen of Life’s combat weapon, it turned out to be a small wooden stick that was one and a half feet long. On the wooden stick, there is also a small branch with a length of an inch.

But it was this small wooden stick, completely controlled by Mu Wuhua's soul. In one breath, more than 800 consecutive strikes, this power blasted the Bai Jiadi steadily into defeat.

After all, the Queen of Life is in its heyday, and Emperor Bai Jia's previous injuries have not healed. This time he was injured again, several injuries were superimposed, and he was hit by the Queen of Life and Han Fei again, which was of course unpleasant.

However, with more than 50 breaths, Han Fei didn't even use the Avenue of Time...According to normal circumstances, Han Fei could still maintain his current peak state of 50 breaths.

Even if the time is up, he can use the technique of reversing time to restore the peak of combat power.

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, when will you shoot?"

Old tortoise: "Wait, the energy in this space is limited, and all the energy in this space has to be consumed. He can only use his own reserve power."


Han Fei opened his mouth wide and swallowed wildly.

What did you think the old tortoise said? But that's it. With his current body, the power of the entire sea of ​​gods and demons was squeezed into himself, which was especially insufficient.

When Bai Jiadi saw this, his face changed drastically.

Seeing that he seemed to have made some decision, he only heard him shout: "Beihua!"

At that moment, I saw the entire sky above the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, all covered by a white shadow.

"Hahaha...Han Fei, you broke the ban on the sea of ​​gods and demons. Have you ever thought about it? This is my final trump card? This is my origin sea..."


The Queen of Life exclaimed: "No! My power is being blocked."

Even Han Fei felt that there was an inexplicable power that was actually wiping out his own power.

He felt: The power of his great power may not last 50 breaths! At most 10 breaths, it will collapse...

Han Fei's face changed drastically: "Essence Sea? What happened to this stuff?"

Just listen to the old turtle: "Don’t worry. The emperor said that although he can do a lot of things in Yuanyuanhai, he is not absolutely invincible...This space, he can move freely without distinction and restriction. But don’t Forget, the source sea is also his avenue. Just break his avenue... your little gourd can absorb my avenue, and it will definitely be able to deal with this Bai Jiadi. Moreover, even in the source sea, the emperor can hold him Body shape. As long as he shows up..."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Refine the demon pot, **** me..."

I only saw Han Fei's wrist hot, and only felt a surging aura, with a little chaotic air slagging into his body.

Sure enough, the old tortoise had a deep understanding of the demon refining pot! He knows the demon refining pot, and will make a move in this situation.

The Queen of Life glanced at Han Fei in surprise, seeming to be surprised: How could Han Fei be able to grab power so madly in the ocean of origin?


With a thought, Emperor Bai Jia separated Han Fei and Mu Wuhua. He just wanted to interrupt Han Fei's energy-swallowing move. However, as the old turtle said, as long as he shows up, it is an opportunity to do it.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Lao Yuan..."

"Soul Lock~"

"Crack, click~"

The twelve chains buckled the Emperor Bai Jia again, making it stay in the air.

It was too late to say, then it was fast, Han Fei flickered and appeared in front of Emperor Bai Jia. The power of the soul controls the endless water, drills into the body of Emperor Bai Jia, and escapes.

"Knock the Heavenly Gate!"

"God thorn."

"Draw a knife, draw a knife..."

"Kacha... boom!"

I saw the barrier blocking Han Fei and Mu Wuhua open.

On the Mu Wuhua side, it has completely turned into a winding vine covered with green, full of them.

As soon as this barrier opened, Bai Jiadi was nailed to the void bye. Mu Wuhua didn't even think about it, holding a longbow, a strand of dark green liquid was an arrow: "The arrow of withering."


I saw a thin film-like carapace on the white Jiadi's body, showing signs of decay.

Just listen to Mu Wuhua shouting: "The armor is broken, and then his flesh is broken."

Han Fei was slightly taken aback: Seeing the old tortoise’s soul-locking chain began to "chuck", he immediately shouted: "Blast!"



At that moment, I saw the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, the origin sea of ​​Emperor Bai Jia, full of cracks. The body of the Emperor Bai Jia was bloody, and his body was battered with holes~www.ltnovel.com~ For a breath of time, the battle was reversed, and the Emperor Bai Jia was dying, but he still had a breath.

But at the last moment, Han Fei saw a small branch sticking out between his eyebrows, blocking this space. With a harder effort, he pulled out a phantom shell and pulled it back into Han Fei's eyebrows.

Mu Wuhua stared at Han Fei's eyebrows in astonishment, while the old tortoise shouted: "Go, go, his avenue was snatched by the gourd, and his origin sea is about to collapse."

Han Fei buckled Emperor Bai Jia with a thread of nothingness, and shouted at Mu Wuhua: "Run."


The sky above Shuimu sky, covering the entire Shuimu sky, a blood-colored avenue runs across the entire sky. If the sky is opened up a huge crack!

At this moment, Emperor Bai Jia fell.

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