God of Fishing

Chapter 1682: 2 interoperability

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To say that today's yin and sun days, development is in full swing.

The City of Justice has become the second largest city in Yin and Yang. The strong in this city even surpassed Thousand Star City.

Although Han Fei has been absent in recent years, Xue Shenqi is still presiding over related matters.

For example, Thirty-Six Town and Broken Star Island have established independent teleportation arrays.

Thirty-six Towns and Thousand Stars City have also established independent teleportation arrays.

From Thousand Star City to Broken Star Island, as many as 36 ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays were also established.

It can be said that Xue Shenqi's main job these years is to build roads. As the saying goes, "If you want to get rich, build roads first," this was brought up by Han Fei.

When the teleportation array is opened, it will be incredibly convenient between Thousand Star City, Thirty-Six Town, and Broken Star Island.

Originally, the cost of passing through a teleportation array was quite high, but now there are special subsidies. Therefore, coming and going from several places is very free.

Of course, development will also bring some problems, and there will also be some special circumstances, such as bullying, grievances and hatred...

Even Xue Shenqi has done his best to register the entrances and exits of various places. The law enforcement teams in various places have been adapted, but such problems are still emerging.

It can only be said that this is a world of practitioners, and the strong can always despise the weak. Therefore, the world is still not that safe...In the system, there are also a lot of loopholes to drill.

However, this does not affect the rise of the vast majority of people in Yin and Yang.

At least, it is no exaggeration that the rise of people like anglers and big anglers is dozens of times easier than before.

This day.

On Broken Star Island, fishing boats come in and out in all directions.

There are people fighting all over the coastline of Broken Star Island. Some people need resources, and some people need to rise. Through the task hall to receive tasks, people in this city of justice can be said to come and go in an endless stream.




Above the sky, it seemed as if the drum was shaking, and the big drum was like thunder.

Broken Star Island, countless people looked up, but only heard the sound, no one was seen.

However, the sound of such a drum beat lasted for hundreds of breaths. Above the waters on the west side of Broken Star Island, there are countless people hunting, and their hearts are terrified.

Someone exclaimed: "What's that? That flying in the sky... that's a bug... a lot of bugs..."

Some people were horrified: "There are also birds, my sea god! Many birds..."


But seeing the sky above the sky, suddenly there is the sky in bloom.

Seeing the sky curtain appeared, many people immediately let go of their hearts. In recent years, the only person who likes to use the canopy is Hanshuai.

When the sky curtain appeared, Han Fei was not far away.

Sure enough, in the sky, only nearly 200,000 people of the human race were seen flying in mid-air with their wings spread, like a **** soldier.

Beside the human race, there are countless big birds flying, covering the sky and the sun.

On the other side, there are densely packed beetles of various colors flying "buzzing". On the backs of many beetles, there are also some tree monsters, probing the branches.

Some flightless Zergs are marching on the sea.

Someone is hunting in the sea, who would have expected: so many terrifying zergs will suddenly appear?

These people looked at the sky with awe.

In a blink of an eye, I saw a layer of black giant insects rushing across the sea. Looking at the appearance of those insects, their teeth and claws are opening and closing, the big mouth is still opening and closing, and the claws are walking on the waves, which really scares people.

When the worms passed by them, the worms circumvented one after another, and from time to time they looked at these people blocking the way with their big eyes.

Those people's ears buzzed, and a bug buzzed: "Is this the Yin-Yang sky? Sure enough... they are all ugly people. The spiritual energy here seems to be thin."

Some insects responded: "Aura is only one aspect. Up to now, I haven't met an enemy. It seems very safe."

A bug said: "I heard that there is an island flying in the sky...Where is it? I don't seem to see it!"

There was also the Zerg, shouting to the people passing by: "How are you humans!"

"Human, have you eaten it?"

"Humans, don't look at us with that expression, we don't eat people."


In the sky, only Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai were seen standing on the back of a big bug, appearing in the eyes of everyone.

Just listen to Han Fei chanting; "Yin and Yang days, all the fellow humans, this handsome Han Shuai, more than three years ago, led a large army on an expedition. For more than three years, under the leadership of Commander Luo Xiaobai, Under the courageous battle of 250,000 expeditionary troops, we slaughtered the king and returned! In the first battle, dozens of sacred siren kings were slain, and one person was slaying the siren king.

I only saw Han Fei's face sinking slightly: "In more than three years, my expedition has damaged more than 60,000 people in total. They have created a glorious world for us. They are worth remembering...under their efforts. , The expeditionary force, 32 people broke through the explorer; 13,568 people broke through the law enforcement; with the strength of 58,624 people, has reached the peak of the submersible angler. The rest, the weakest, also reached at least the intermediate submersible angler realm... This is a sign of the great prosperity of my human race..."


Broken Star Island, the city of justice, at the moment Han Fei reported the number, countless people took a breath.

Explorer, what is the concept? Would they know it?

Originally, there were not many explorers on Broken Star Island. There are more than 30 more people now? It's so envious!

The most shocking thing is: This expedition has more than 10,000 law enforcement agents? Is it so easy for law enforcement now?

Someone exclaimed: "There are more than 10,000 law enforcement agents, it's only three years! Shui Mutian, what kind of fairy place is it? Only three years in the area, more than 10,000 law enforcement agents can be born?"

Any submersible fisherman who did not go was horrified: "Is there such a high probability of breakthrough? It seems that I should go! Otherwise, maybe I have enforced the law now..."

Chen Sanbai and Xue Shenqi stood in the Hengduan Mountains and watched this scene quietly.

Xue Shenqi said lightly: "Old Chen, the two worlds... are connected."

Chen Sanbai nodded slightly: "This is a good thing. In historical records, we have united there. However, it has been too long and the world has forgotten it. Unexpectedly, we can see such a grand occasion today."

Cao Tianzhi watched this scene from a distance, and he was relieved when he saw that Cao Qiu was all right.

However, Cao Tianzhi was immediately shocked by the news of King Han Feitu.

Regarding the arrival of King Slaughter and other races, most people, although surprised at King Slaughter... However, they did not have a clear understanding of King Slaughter.

After all, Old Monster Chu also claimed to be king, and was slaughtered by Han Fei. Now, Han Fei said King Tu, to them, was like shooting a venerable to death.

However, Cao Tianzhi is different from Tang Yan!

King Tu's words came out of Han Fei's mouth, this time, perhaps it was true.

After all, this kind of thing should not be faked, just ask someone to ask.

Just listen to Han Fei continuing to say: "Everyone, next to this commander are Shui Mutian's allies. They are the Zerg from Shui Mutian, they can eat all nine days and ten places, the army travels, the common people retreat..."

When Han Fei introduced here, countless insects couldn't help holding up their big horns, their wings flapping even more.

The buzzing sound is more grand!

Countless insects said: Han Fei still knows how to use words! Zerg travels, common people retreat, how domineering...

Han Fei said by name: "There is also the Sky Clan, they are the overlords in the sky, with unparalleled speed and air combat capabilities..."

After all, as the first group of races to come to the Yin-Yangtian exchanges, I knew that there was almost no Sky Clan here... Therefore, the Sky Clan had made their bodies the boss.

Each one is huge. The scenery covering the sky and sun is magnificent.

Han Fei continued to call his name: "There is also a line of Yaozhi, they are natural manipulators..."

The tree people waved their canes to match the atmosphere. However, the tree man is more like a curious baby, with his tentacles dancing wildly, which really fails to show any momentum...

Finally, when the curtain of the day fell on Yishu Xiaoman and other Shuimutian human races, he only heard the entire Broken Star Island, all exclaiming.

"Damn it, is this so pretty, right?"

"Fuck... is this a human? These are all... fairies, right?"

A female nun was shocked and said, "Wow, so handsome, is that a man? Why is it better-looking than a woman?"

The corners of countless people's mouths unconsciously showed smiles, and even smirked.

Someone licked the corner of his mouth: "I admit, my heart is moved..."

The people on the ground are reveling, the people in the sky, and all races of Shuimutian are surprised. They are also curious: the human society on the yin-yang sky...

When they flew past the sky above Broken Star Island, including Luo Xiaobai and others, they were all wondering: "Han Fei, won't you go down?"

Zhang Xuanyu: "No! Go ahead and leave Broken Star Island!"

On the ground and in the sky, there are people wondering: Han Fei is going to take people, where to fly?

I saw Han Fei stepping a thousand miles in the sky.

He walked on the empty path until Han Fei walked to the south of Broken Star Island and stood on a slightly shallower sea.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Compatriots of the Yin and Yang sky, this commander announced: In half a month, this commander will open up the channel from Yin and Yang sky to Shuimu sky, and the two worlds will communicate from then on. Now, allow this commander to delay a little time... …"

When Han Fei stood still in the void, a white lotus suddenly appeared in his hand.

What kind of baby do you think it is?

Only saw Han Fei wave his hand and throw it into the void. I saw the white lotus slowly growing in the air and blooming gradually.

Until the white lotus floated thousands of miles out and fell on the surface of the sea, it broke apart with a "bang".


In the next second ~www.ltnovel.com~ I saw the seabed vibrating slightly. In the void, there is white mist, and there seems to be mountains in the mist...

But in the eyes of some people, the eyes are full of shocking colors, only to see a large number of mountains emerging.


I only saw a very high mountain peak, with wind and rain raging, and nine huge snake heads straight into the sky.

On the other mountain, there is a big vine, submerged into the clouds, and the vines swing between the clouds.

There are cone-shaped grasses all over the mountains, just listening to "咻咻咻", a hundred great swords flying around in the sky, not who is sisal?

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "From now on, apart from Broken Star Island, another place will be built as a place where the two worlds communicate with each other to live and operate... And here is called... Shiwan Dashan."

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