God of Fishing

Chapter 1685: Crazy break

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It was not the first time that Han Fei signed a contract.

Moreover, this contract is only an equality contract, which is equivalent to the role of Han Fei with a younger sister. The relationship is only the relationship between the brother and sister, and there is absolutely no element of master and servant.

Desolation is naturally no objection. He has already felt Han Fei's special.

However, when the contract was completed, Han Fei and Xiao Guang's thoughts were immediately connected.

For an instant, a message appeared in Han Fei's eyes.

【Name】Time Dragon Carp

[Introduction] The mysterious gods living in the long river of time are born with the Avenue of Time. In the way of time, he has a natural talent against the sky. Time dragon carp is extremely rare, because it is good at fighting with time, since ancient times, it has been hunted by the supreme being.

【Grade 1



[Contains the air of chaos] 1000 strands


[Combat Skills] Time Reversal, Time Armor, Time Speed, Time Shuttle, Time Dislocation, Time Bound, Time Conversion, Time Steal...

[Remarks] Time dragon carp is extremely rare, so it's best not to use it lightly.

"I'm a good boy~"

Han Fei was killed by thunder at the time: I knocked Nima...this is only the first level! The chaotic energy contained in the hour light has reached 1,000? Is this special, are you joking with yourself?

If Chaos Qi is not what it is, then what the **** are those combat skills?

That series of eight or nine combat skills, he seemed to only have one, even if the big time gave him time insight, but Han Fei only initially grasped the time stealing and time dislocation, and it is simply incomparable with Xiaoguang!


Han Fei couldn't help swallowing: If he has learned all these time masteries, his strength may soar to several levels...

If nothing else, as far as one's own escape ability is concerned, it will be the first-rate. Even if you meet the king, you don't have to worry about it...because the opponent can't get rid of him at all!

She seemed to know what Han Fei was surprised by, the woman said: "Why is there so much Chaos Qi on the baby... Don't be surprised, you will know soon. Don't let the baby use Chaos Qi easily..."

After speaking, Time Dragon Carp comforted Xiaoguang and said, "My baby, follow the big brother in the future, be obedient. Don't get into the long river of time easily, and don't easily perform complicated time tricks, remember?"

Xiao Naisheng said with milky air: "Remember... Ma Ma, aren't you with us?"

Time Longli sighed: "My baby, mom has a lot to do... After you become king, you can find your mom!"

Xiao Guang immediately clenched his fists: "Then I will be king tomorrow."

Time Dragon Carp stroked Xiaoguang’s head, smiled lightly, and looked at Xiao Se: "You have been with Xiaoguang for a long time, and now you are free. If you are willing to follow your baby, then follow. If you don’t, Then leave by yourself."

I saw Xiao Se hurriedly said, "Xiao Se watched the little master grow up. After so many years, let's follow it!"

Time Dragon Carp nodded slightly.

But I saw her finger, and on Xiao Se's body, weird lines like spells appeared, like binding bands.

When those shackles shattered one by one, Han Fei's bleak realm was actually rising.

From hanging fishermen to diving fishermen, to law enforcers, explorers, and junior sages...Finally, the strength is firmly established in the intermediate sage.

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised: Didn't expect that this bleak is so strong? Before, I didn’t know that this guy was still a hidden boss...

Of course Han Fei understood that it wasn't Time Dragon Carp who helped him improve, but that he lifted his shackles.

Now, the Intermediate Venerable Realm is not a powerful role for Han Fei anymore.

However, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: This Xiao Se can serve the hour, should he also practice the Avenue of Time, right? If you count the Avenue of Time, the Intermediate Venerable Realm can at least escape from the High Venerable Peak, or even in the hands of the Venerable Peak.

In this way, this bleakness is not bad.

However, Han Fei did not take it seriously. Whether there is this bleak, it is actually the same. Since Xiao Se wants to follow, follow it!

Anyway, it is equivalent to one more guard.

It just so happens that when you get to the outside world, you can't fully show your strength. Otherwise, a powerful person comparable to the king's level, will go to Liulitian... will others suspect anything? That's not good.

At that time, he can pretend to be a son of a big clan, so it will be perfect.

Han Fei couldn't help secretly rejoicing. Regardless of the things of the Temple of Time, if you learn the time avenues that are only a few hours away, this wave will be a big profit, a blood profit.

At the end, Time Dragon said: "Well, you can go now."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Senior, that... Until now, I don't know how to call it. I can't always call Xiaoguang in the future, right?"

Time Longli said indifferently: "The baby's name is Nian'er, Time is Nian'er. However, it's better to just call it by name. Otherwise, it can be called Han Nian'er, it doesn't matter."

"Oh... oh oh... that works!"


When the time dragon carp was gone, Han Fei only felt that the surrounding space was dissipating.

When he reappeared in the normal timeline, he was still in the place where he had disappeared before, and was still near the Broken Star Island.

However, as soon as I went to the outside world, I only heard a "click" and saw the hour light break through.

Han Fei was stunned: Why did this break through?





Han Fei was speechless: Just say that you break through when you break through...It only takes a few breaths to break through once! In just a moment, he came to the angler realm.

Han Feizheng was surprised, and heard Xiao Se said: "The little master has too much power in her body. The place where she was before was the place where space and time meet, so her body is neither real nor virtual, and can carry more in this state. The power of the world. At this moment, once it appears outside, it needs a breakthrough."


But seeing Nian'er's breakthrough, she didn't mean to stop at all. Nian'er had already reached the realm of the big fisherman in just a few seconds.

Not only did he reach the state of the angler, he also grew about five centimeters taller.

At this moment, Nian'er turned her head and glanced at Han Fei, eagerly said: "Brother, I'm hungry."

Han Fei suddenly: This is a breakthrough! Breakthrough requires a lot of aura. It's strange if you are not hungry!

Only saw Han Fei drop a large piece of Lingquan casually, wrapping Nian'er.

Only those spiritual springs were being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sound of breaking the boundary does not stop at all.

Only then did Han Fei understand what Time Dragon Carp said just now: Why is there so much chaos in the light? This is so special, Nian'er is clearly at a certain level and has reached the realm of venerable! But the actual realm is still at level 1...

Now, leaving the place where time and space meet, can't you make a crazy breakthrough?

Another stick of incense, Nian'er's strength, crazily promoted to the realm of anglers.

In another half an hour, Nian'er's strength had already risen to the realm of hanging angler.

An hour later, Nian'er's strength came to the realm of submerged angler.

Han Fei was a little broken when he saw it: This thing, the breakthrough is stronger than the Emperor Sparrow! Can this be fun to play?

A day later, when Nian'er's strength reached the peak of law enforcement, it finally stopped.

Because at this time, we need to cross the sky!

Nian'er should have had a hunch, so she stopped here. It just seems to be still comprehending the realm. After all, she has crossed a lot of realms. One day ago, only the strength to feed milk, one day later, he had superhuman strength. It's no wonder that you don't have a good taste...

It's just that the realm has broken through much, and it seems that Nian'er is not as milky and milky as before.

Originally, when Nian'er was only 1 meter tall, she was still a milky little girl. Now, it's a little over one meter and three feet away, and she has become a girl.

That's because she didn't cross the calamity, and didn't continue to break the border.

Just listen to Xiao Se said: "In a short time, the strength of the little master should be here. Next, the little master has to learn, and there are many. The knowledge that should be learned is still to be learned slowly... Although I have already taught It’s a lot, but the little master has never been in contact with people. There are many things that I don’t understand...this needs you to take it slowly."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Yeah! Got it."

Sure enough, although one day was delayed, it was only one day.

Nian'er only used an hour before slowly adapting to her current strength. And her voice has also changed slightly, becoming a bit crisp.

After Nian'er got used to her body, the first thing... was to look at Han Fei again: "Brother, I'm hungry."

Han Fei grinned: "Don't panic, brother, I will get you some snacks."

He saw Han Fei taking out his fishing rod and throwing it casually.

Just listen to the sound of "咻咻咻" continuously.

One by one, big fish, crabs, lobsters, starfish, sea urchins, prawns, large mussels, large snails... were hooked back by Han Fei and caught hundreds of them.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Nian'er, brother, I need to cross a region. You need to go to another space for a few days. When your brother crosses over, let Nian'er come out..."

Nian'er: "It won't take long? Nian'er wants to be outside."

At this time, I just listened to Xiaosie: "Little master, the place where Han Fei is crossing is very dangerous~www.ltnovel.com~You are not strong enough. So, you do need to wait a few days."

Nian'er immediately said: "Okay then! Then I will go."

Han Fei naturally sent Nian'er and Xiao Se into the Dinghai Chart. Han Fei made a lot of potato chips by the way to pass the time to Nian'er.

When all this was taken care of, Han Fei quietly appeared on Broken Star Island.

Did not find a way out in Shuimutian.

Back in the Yin and Yang sky, Han Fei was the first to find a way into the cage... However, the Vientiane did not turn, which made Han Fei's heart sink.

Almost with the mentality of giving it a try, Han Fei tried to find a direct way to the outside world in a cloudy and sunny day... What was surprising was that Han Fei found it.

And this road is the bottomless cave in the Hengduan Mountains!

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