God of Fishing

Chapter 1696: Ask the fish

Even if you are a prisoner, you will also be a high-quality prisoner. Otherwise, just like most captives, if you are afraid and frightened... then no one will look at you.

   One morning seven days later.

  Han Fei lazily carried a fishing rod and fished on the deck.

   Lao Yuan and Xiao Se stood behind them, like two bodyguards.

   Nian'er sat next to Han Fei, eating potato chips and playing Rubik's Cube.

"You can't catch it like this. This is a wild abyss. There are very few creatures that can live here. The number of Darkmoon wolffish is not many. When they are detected by perception, they will have long gone. This fishing is a success. Rate, almost no..."

  It was the woman who met Han Fei for the first time. At that time, two and a half veterans called her sister Fan.

   Han Fei didn't turn his head back, and said casually: "In this world, there are no fish that can't be caught, only people who can't catch it. Hey, girl, what's your name?"

   Jiang Fan, the strength is nearly half the peak.

   However, Han Fei's tone when talking to her was like talking to a subordinate.

   But looking at Old Turtle and Xiao Se, both of them are stronger than Han Fei.

   As a result, the two of them are like door gods, guarding Han Fei.

   Jiang Fan said in his heart: This person should indeed be someone's Tianjiao child...Otherwise, how could there be two venerables guarding him?

  The sea of ​​riots is definitely not small.

   Although there are twenty-six Xuantians, there are quite a few sages in each family. However, not many can reach Han Fei's position.

   Jiang Fan was thinking: Do you want to talk to Sister Wu... Take this person down and exchange money?


   Before Jiang Fan's response, Han Fei didn't care. I saw Han Fei suddenly raising his hand and closing his pole.

   The next moment, the void trembles, and a **** fish bursts out of the void. What is that if it is not a Darkmoon Wolffish?


  Only seeing Han Fei's finger, the Darkmoon Wolffish didn't even have time to attack Han Fei, so Han Fei slashed his head and wiped out the soul.


   When the Dark Moon Wolffish landed on the deck, Xiaoguang rushed up excitedly, pressing his little hand on the huge fish, and firmly buckling the Dark Moon Pearl on the fish head.

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Nian'er, shake with strength."


   only saw Nian'er grabbing the fish's head, and her hands began to shake.

   The power of the time dragon carp is also not to be underestimated. It's just that Nian'er is not very good at using it yet. In order to use the time magic as little as possible in the future, Han Fei has been teaching her some simple spells now.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "Nian'er, do you want to eat something delicious?"

   Nian'er remembered the taste of hot pot, and immediately nodded: "Yes!"

  Han Fei; "Then hammer the dark moon wolffish for half an hour except for other parts of the head."

"it is good!"


   Don't think Nian'er is a few years old, but the power of the pinnacle of law enforcement cannot be underestimated. Han Fei stepped on the big formation on the side, and this concealed the power that soaked the hull.

   Others looked at Han Fei unexpectedly. Here in the Wild Abyss, you can't feel how far you can go. How did Han Fei find the Darkmoon Wolffish?

   and Dragon Dance's heart moved: fishing in this wild abyss, the important thing is how to control the aura silk thread with the power of the soul... After all, the pulling power from the wild abyss is very powerful. If you are not careful, you will easily fail to control the line.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   From the distance that Han Fei had just broken, Han Fei's fishing range unexpectedly exceeded 3000 miles.

  In other words, Han Fei's magical power acting on the fishing line is extremely accurate, which gives him the ability to use the hook to explore the surroundings.

  In the wild abyss, being able to fish three thousand miles away in the void, even she and the pearl may not be able to do it. It's okay for them to perceive that far...but fishing is impossible.

   It can be seen that Han Fei's strength is by no means as simple as that of the Junior Venerable.

   However, the next moment, a scene that shocked Dragon Dance appeared. I only saw a touch of Han Fei's hand, which was hung on the hook with Chaos Qi as bait.

   At that time, Dragon Dance was all bad: Use chaos gas as bait? Is this guy crazy? How many ray of chaos can there be in the Elementary Venerable Realm? They are all used for fishing, what do you use to save your life?


   Dragon Dance was about to ask, and saw Pearl step by her side.

I only saw Pearl shaking his head slightly: "As long as the power of the soul is well controlled, then the chaotic aura is completely possible to be recovered. As the saying goes, the art master is bold. If this person dares to do this, he will have his own measure. There is no fool at this level!"

   In fact, whether it is a pearl or a dragon dance, Han Fei's throwing hook range has reached more than 6,000 miles.

  Only the farther away from the hull, certain creatures will appear.

   Originally, Han Fei was just to fish the Darkmoon Wolffish and get the soul. Because of the power of his soul, he is still more than 5,000 short, and he can reach the limit of 200,000.

   It stands to reason that Han is not a half-king state, yet he hasn't succeeded.

   At this time, the power of the soul should be difficult to break through the 200,000 mark, but Han Fei wants to try it. What is it, don't try it, how do you know the depth?

   half an hour later.

   Han Fei unexpectedly found a white phantom in the sea and came quietly.


   Suddenly, Han Fei's heart froze: I was fishing today, and I didn’t use Jiugongqi Luck Ruler. Could it be that I was a transfer? That thing, you know yourself, don’t you ask what a fish is?

  Han Fei had eaten Wendao fish when he was on Ten Thousand Beast Island. Although only a little bit, Han Fei knew that this kind of fish was extremely difficult to catch.

   Moreover, there was no epiphany effect last time.

   It is unreasonable that pure chaotic air appears in this ocean. No creature is a fool who can cultivate to this state.

   Therefore, 6,000 miles away, Han Fei used the chaotic air bait to pretend to be a large clam.

   The strength of this big clam is less than half the realm, but its breath is unstable, and it is crawling towards the outside world against the vortex.

  Using Han Fei's current methods, the use of Shuimai Jue has become extraordinary. Originally, it was only to lure the Darkmoon Wolffish of the Half-Exalted Realm, but he did not expect to attract a Questioning Fish.

   saw the questioning fish, which was cautiously testing, still observing from a distance. His half-concealed body was a bit like when Han Fei learned the technique of concealment.

   This clearly... means to hunt.

   While Han Fei was controlling the big clam, he suddenly became vigilant, as if he had noticed something wrong, the big clam's body quickly became like a stone, and he stayed on the bottom of the sea without moving.

   and asked the fish, when he saw that the clam was so shrewd, he didn't worry and waited patiently.

   It took about a quarter of an hour before Han Fei manipulated the big clam and moved tentatively.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   asked Tao Yu as if he was a little skeptical: Will the creatures who have reached this level of normalcy become so calm? Realized that it might be dangerous, but moved in a moment?

   So, Wen Daoyu fell into hesitation.

   Han Fei seemed to have expected something, but he saw him manipulating the big clam with a "buzz", instantly breaking the void and appearing 500 miles away.

   asked Daoyu a look, and then he was dumbfounded, and said to his heart: How fast is it to escape? Co-author, this big clam is still alert, deliberately revealing a flaw, so as to escape quickly?

   But, what do fish do? It was born by asking the Tao...Where the power of the Great Dao exceeds the standard, it can perceive it. Just now, the moment the big clam was running, it revealed the rhyme of Taoism on its body.

   So, a moment later, when the fish approached the clam again, he became more careful.

   This time, when Wendao Fish was less than ten miles away from the big clam, the big clam just wanted to escape, but Wendao fish suddenly shot. The speed is almost terrifying.

  The white light shook, and knocked the big clam.

   However, the moment the white light swayed, the clam instantly turned into a net.

  Han Fei buckled Wendao Yu with the power of the soul, and violently pulled the hook to break the void.

   When it was said that it was too late, it was soon, and I saw the void shake and a white light appeared above the sky.


   At the moment when Wen Daoyu appeared, Han Fei suddenly buckled the Line of Nothingness, and the Heaven Stealing Technique was directly activated.

   only heard the Dragon Dance horn, exclaimed.

   Someone was shocked: "It's the questioning fish...that guy actually caught a questioning fish?"

   Someone took a breath: "When will the fish ask you to catch it?"

  Dragon Dance was also shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ asked in surprise: "Pearl, how did he catch it?"

   Pearl smiled bitterly: "We can't perceive his fishing range at all. This person is weird and unusual. On the Dragon Dance, we were not afraid that we would **** it."

   Long Wu frowned and said, "Or, grabbed it?"

Pearl shook his head: "This person's origin is unknown and his identity is strange. Have you ever seen someone who goes out with a child? As long as he has two guardians, he knows that he is not an ordinary person. For a questioning fish, it is not worth turning your face. ."

   Dragon Dance: "Why do you keep him?"

   Pearl: "Perhaps, does he know something we don't know?"


   At this moment, in Han Fei's eyes, there is information emerging.

   asked Tao Yu

   A legendary creature that often haunts all dangerous places. This fish is born to ask, devouring aura, energy and decomposing the power of the great road. Therefore, the chaotic energy contained in his body exceeds the normal number of times. This fish is good at hiding and hiding, and it is extremely difficult to catch.




   12 strands

   can improve comprehension, strengthen Taoism, and have a certain chance of epiphany

   ask the heart

   Ask the Taoist Heart, take it frequently, the effect is not great.

   "Ask the heart of Tao?"


   only saw Han Fei draw the knife.

   However, a thin mouth appeared on the body of Wendaoyu. And a fish heart, I don't know when, appeared in Han Fei's hands.

   took this heart to ask, Han Fei secretly urged: "Gourd, **** me..."

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