God of Fishing

Chapter 1712: Thunder City·Wanbao Pavilion

   When there is a route, the big ships that can move in the air in the big fairy palaces are moving very fast.

   The reason why it took five days is because every time you go through the void movement, you need to extract energy from the void and wait for the next void movement.

   This is the first time Han Fei has come to the third largest sphere of influence of the Immortal Palace besides Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian.

   When Han Fei appeared outside, the ship was flying above the sky. Above the high altitude, there is a floating island that stretches for thousands of miles.

   On this suspended island, there are special berths for big ships, and there are also small boats to leave the airport.

   Han Fei's perception swept toward the sea, and found that within tens of thousands of miles, there was a safe place opened up. The layout here is a bit similar to the layout of Yin and Yang.

   The only difference is that the super large boat and the ordinary fishing boat in the Venerable Realm appeared on the same island.

   This means: The island where Han Fei and the others are now may be equivalent to a teleportation point or an inn.

   After the ship stopped, Han Fei had already left quietly. He simulated his breath to law enforcement, and walked around on this suspended island.

   Han Fei took a few steps and found that there was a clear lack of ordinary fishermen on this island. It seems that it is just a simple station, a place for basic material transactions.

  Countless people set up stalls and set up shops here.

   There are strong and weak here. However, in general, there are not many weak people.

   Otherwise, Han Fei would not appear here as a law-enforcement expert.

   A moment later, Han Fei met a senior explorer in the crowd, drinking tea in a restaurant.

   Yes, no matter what state you reach, the strong will not be exempt from vulgarity. Han Fei was far away, the line of nothingness buckled in the void, and directly penetrated into this person's soul.

   Actually, on Lei Huotian's ship, Han Fei wanted to catch a person and look at that person's memory. It's just that the power of the half gods and souls will resist. Moreover, there are so many sages on board that it is easy to be suspected.

   But after getting off the boat and the crowd was scattered, no one could find out what Han Fei did.

   The advanced explorer, under the control of Han Fei, can't do anything at all. Han Fei's soul quickly glanced at this person's memory. After a while, Han Fei quietly erased the memory of this person being manipulated.

   Old Turtle said: "It's not a good thing to often probe into the memory of others."

   Han Fei smiled faintly: "It's okay, I don't see much."

   Han Fei saw the general layout of Lei Huotian from that person's memory. The place where I was, called the Thunder Fire Bazaar, was the place where transactions were most frequent in the entire Thunder Fire near the sea.

   In Outland for thirteen days, the fairy palace is no secret to the public. There are also huge cities here, as well as villages and towns, but there are more markets.

   This huge city of thunder and fire sky is called Thunder City, which is simple and clear.

   The lord of the Thunder Fire Immortal Palace is an extremely powerful refiner. Although this guy is the king, he will also appear in Leicheng every ten years to show his majesty and majesty.

   Thirty-six Xuantian, very few refiners. Therefore, Leicheng is also known as "the hometown of craftsmen". Thirteen days in the Outer Realm, and 13 days in the Inner Realm, all the refiners who want to grow into stronger refiners cannot avoid Leicheng.

   Speaking of it, the main city of Leicheng is a lot bigger than the main city of Yin and Yang, at least more than double the size. This Thunder City also has 36 towns under its jurisdiction. Each town has several villages under its jurisdiction.

   From a structural point of view, the Thunder City and Yin Yang Tian are actually similar.

   Of course, Han Fei can also understand: After all, from the beginning, Thirty-Six Xuantian has been together, and every family must be like this...

   As for, like Mizuki Tian, ​​maybe it is the exception! After all, that is the world controlled by plant creatures, how can it be the same as the human world?

   Perhaps, long ago, Shuimutian was also created by humans. However, after reaching the wild abyss, he gradually adapted to the preferences of plant life.

   Leicheng's refining technique is quite good, but Han Fei did not intend to stay here long. However, since it has already arrived, it is necessary to learn Lei Huotian's forging technique.

  Only on the big ship, I heard about the "Ask the Heavens Leading Thunder Technique" and the "Thunder God's Hammer"... it seems to be a relatively rare master craftsmanship.

   This is the first time Han Fei has come to the outside world. Therefore, I also hope that all aspects of combat skills, refining techniques, and formations can be compared with the outside world.

   Learn from each other's strengths and quickly adapt to the outside world. In this way, Han Fei can better enhance his strength.

   After thinking for a moment, Han Fei decided: Let's go to Leicheng to see. Anyway, judging from the memory of the person just now, it seems that if you want to go to the inner domain, you must take a boat from Thunder City.

   As for identity, it is not important. He can use the black mist body to get on the boat. As long as he gets on the boat, he can retreat all the way to the inner domain.


   half a day later.

   Leicheng Tiannan Island.

  Han Fei took Nian'er's hand, followed by a bleak behind him. Therefore, it did not come out.

   When Nian'er first came out, she wowed in shock: "Brother, many people!"

   Han Fei: "Nian'er, this is human society."

   Thunder City is indeed a city of crafts.

   I walked along the way, and the one I saw the most was the Refining Workshop.

   The place where Han Fei and the others are going is Leicheng Tiannan Wanbao Pavilion. It is said that it is the top consumer place in Tiannan Island, mainly for the collection and sale of various magic weapons.

   may be because it is close to Wanbao Pavilion and there are not many small workshops nearby. All kinds of "ding jingle bells" sounds resounded endlessly.

   On the side of the road, someone often shouted: "Brother, Brother Peng Family Refining Workshop, high quality and low price. Our weapons are comparable to Wanbao Pavilion."

   Someone chanted: "Authentic medicine Wangtian exquisite pill, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it."

  Perhaps because there is no distinction between refining tools and alchemy, they are all refining anyway, and Lei Huotian has a large number of body refiners, so the amount of all kinds of pills is also excellent.

   After walking for a long time, Han Fei found out: In Thunder City, there are not many foreigners.

   Han Fei discovered this when he came to Leicheng. Thirty-six Immortal Palaces, the costumes of each immortal palace are different, and this may also be the custom of the Thirty-six Immortal Palaces.

   Han Fei only saw more than 10 kinds of exotic costumes at the South Island Market on this day.

   This means: at least there are people from the other ten celestial palaces who travel to and from Leihuotian.


   Nian'er was chewing on potato chips, while curiously watching here and there.

   "Brother! What the **** is that guy is doing?"

  Han Fei smiled and said, "That's the refiner."

   "Oh... Brother, I saw something delicious... I saw someone put the fish in the fire."

  Han Fei smiled and said, "That's grilled fish. It tastes average, not as good as the potato chips in your hand."

   "Oh! Brother, their clothes are so strange, they always show one arm." First posted https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  Han Fei was silent for a moment: Xin said that it was not their clothes that were strange, but...our clothes were very strange!

   This thunderous man, habitually showing an arm, seems to show their muscles.

   And the women of the thunder fire sky, habitually wear long braids. Behind the braid, there is still a long pendant hanging. Some pendants are knives, some are daggers, and some are hammers. I don't know if this is not a piece of hair? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The costumes of the people in other fairy palaces are even more different.

   Take the only person Han Fei knows, who is in the snow and ice! They are wearing thick plush clothes, so walking in the crowd is particularly dazzling.

   For practitioners, wearing clothes is only for image, and has nothing to do with cold or heat. In any case, your own characteristics are the most important.

   Nian'er is wearing a blue lace skirt made by Han Fei. He himself wore a black robe, and the same was true of Depression.

   Therefore, Han Fei's rate of return is still quite high.

   When Han Fei saw a quadrangular tall building made of green crystals, he knew that he had found a place.

   Wanbao Pavilion.

   Han Fei had already suppressed his strength in the Junior Venerable Realm. In fact, what kind of customers have not seen the people of Wanbao Pavilion buying and selling things all the year round?

   Looking at Han Fei leading Nian'er over~www.ltnovel.com~ and looking behind Han Fei, the store immediately knew: Han Fei and this little girl are not easy.

   Even, they think: This little girl may have a lot of background.

   "Guests, welcome to our Leicheng Tiannan Wanbao Pavilion."

   Han Fei glanced at the man lightly. Obviously, they regarded themselves and others as people from other fairy palaces. Han Fei didn't mind this. He was not Lei Huotian.

   I only heard Han Fei "hmm": "Come and see things, and sell something by the way."

   Facing Han Fei's indifferent temperament, the waiter still greeted him with a smile: "I don't know what the guest wants to see? I, Wanbao Pavilion, store Wanbao, I will satisfy the guests."

   Just listen to Han Fei: "Take me a circle first."

   "Okay, guest. With the guest's temperament and realm, when you start from the third floor, please come with me."

  Of course, this person can't tell Han Fei's strength, but at that moment, someone passed a message to him: "Bring them to the third floor, and I will personally receive them."

On the third floor of Wanbao Pavilion, Han Fei just came up with Nian'er, and saw a slightly fat middle-aged man. He immediately bowed his hand to Han Fei and said, "Daoist, with the strength of Taoist friends, things on the next two floors will not It fits the identity of a guest. I don’t know the guest, what do you want to see? I have asked the servants to move out part of the Tiannan Wanbao Pavilion, the treasures."

   Han Fei looked at the person, the Junior Venerable Pinnacle, this is just a store's steward. Sure enough, there are indeed many strong outsiders.

   Han Fei smiled lightly: "Let's take a look."

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