God of Fishing

Chapter 1740: Go to school

   After another breakthrough in his life level, Han Fei continued to practice Wushou Xuan body, which can be described as a rapid advance.

Before   , it took 2 months to reach the bottleneck.

   Now, one's own life level is further advanced, and the speed of cultivation is even faster. Outside time, in just 10 days, strength has broken through 28,000 waves!

  This speed is amazing.

   This day, Han Fei is practicing.

   Suddenly, the old tortoise said: "The ice and snow are here, so I should be leaving."



   Bingxue Chuling was about to call out, only to see Han Fei’s Bingxue Courtyard forbidden and opened directly.

   Seeing Han Fei wearing a snow-white cloak and appearing with an ice mask, Bingxue Chuling didn't know: Did he have an illusion?

   She dared to feel: a kind of blood pressure!

   The person in front of him seemed to be born more noble than noble, and he actually had an urge to subdue.

   Seeing Bingxue Chuling was stunned, or Han Fei spoke first: "Going to leave?"

   Bingxue Chuling finally came back to his senses: "Yes, the families of Outland 13 days have been assembled, Master Snow Girl personally led the team, and we will set off tomorrow."

   Han Fei said in surprise: "The king himself leads the team? Is the fairy palace unguarded?"

Just listen to Bingxue Chuling said: "This trip, not all kings of Outland will go. For 13 days in Outland, seven kings stayed behind. I have a good relationship with Zhanfengtian, so Master Feng stayed Outland. Moreover, the fairy palace will automatically open the fairy palace array. Before the teacher returns, the ice and snow sky will minimize sea exploration activities as much as possible. And..."


Bingxue Chuling sighed slightly: "Also, besides we will go to the Land of the Fallen King, in fact, the Hundred Demon Races, the Haitian Human Races, and the Shark Human Race will all go. After all, the kings who fell in the Land of the King Fallen are not the only ones in our 30s. In the Palace of Six Immortals, there are also sea monsters and even giant beasts."

   Han Fei said in his heart: "So, the danger of the Land of Fallen King, in addition to the dangers of the Thirty-Six Profound Heaven's great arrogances and the Land of King Fall itself, there is also a threat from the sea monster?"

   Bingxue Chuling nodded: "The Land of Wang's Fall will be opened once in a hundred years, and all the arrogances of the riots will rush away. This is why the teacher can leave the ice and snow."

   Han Fei was overjoyed and couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth and said: "It's interesting, the king won't enter... Are you sure, the king won't enter, right?"

   Bingxue Chuling glanced at Han Fei in surprise, feeling that Han Fei seemed very excited.

Just listen to Bingxue Chuling said: "Theoretically, you can enter. However, the great kings hold each other and only let the Venerable Realm seek opportunities in it. After all, the strongest person who fell in the land of the king's fall is only the king. Although there may be there. There are also some treasures, but the help to the great kings is actually limited! However, it is different for the sages."

   Han Fei nodded: "That's good."

   Bingxue Chuling seems to realize something: Han Fei is the contemporary fairy lord of Yin and Yang Tian! Is such a role in essence different from the king?

   During the last violent hurricane, even Han Fei's clone could easily strangle a half-king realm powerhouse. Then if Han Feizhen is going to the land of Wang Yi, who else can be his opponent?

   Suddenly, what Bingxue Chuling realized: Master Xue, why should you stay with Han Fei for half a year? Is it really to protect Han Fei? Still want to borrow Han Fei's strength?

   But in any case, Xue Nu left Han Fei and even helped Han Fei go to the Land of Wang's Fall. This was a great gift.

   Han Fei was listening to Bingxue Chuling’s explanation, and it was impossible not to realize it.

   I only listened to Han Fei's words: "I, Han Fei, have inherited this sentiment. This time I will protect the people of Snow God Palace. If I have the opportunity, I will naturally help you!"


   Fengxue Taoyuan.

   Nian'er has been studying here for half a year. When she first came, she really surprised a large number of people.

   Who can enter Fengxue Taoyuan, who is not a Tianjiao person? But when did they see that they were only seven or eight years old and they had already reached the pinnacle of law enforcement?

   Nian'er is small, but the realm of strength is not bad at all.

  The key is to look cute and like to eat. Other students rarely bully her.

   Although Nian'er has a high level of strength, her courses are taken with the latest batch of disciples admitted to the hospital. Among those disciples, some are even in the realm of big anglers, but their talent is amazing!

   Many of these people are about the same age as Nian'er, but their strength is a thousand miles away.

   At first, they didn't dare to talk to Nian'er, but then they found that Nian'er was well-behaved and sensible, so she read a book, ate, and twisted the Rubik's Cube.

   and twisting the Rubik's Cube became the first step in Nian'er's social life and attracted a lot of attention.

   Under Nian'er's hard education, she soon became good friends with a group of half-old children.

   For such a scene, Desolation is self-confident.

   Since he saw Nian'er, Nian'er has never laughed so happily once. However, when she walked out of the rift in the abyss and followed Han Fei out, she was overjoyed almost every day. Even in Dinghai Chart, there are so many small animals playing with her, she is just as happy.

   Five months later.

   Nian'er is no longer the little girl who knows nothing. At least, she knows the structure of this snowy sky...knows the difference between the village, the town, and the main city.

   She also practiced with her friends and went shopping together.

   even quietly ran to the village with another little girl. The reason is that the little girl heard that her parents were bullied at home, and Nian'er helped her fight the injustice.

   went to the village with a slap and almost wiped out the other family with a slap. The family was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy on the spot.

   Later, when I returned to Fengxue Taoist Academy, Nian'er naturally had to be punished along with her, and the teacher was so angry that she blew her beard. The two were given a good lesson.

   These are just small episodes.

   This is the case with children who have a stubborn mind.

  Han Fei didn't have any better place to go than Nian'er at the beginning... even, it's worse. After all, when Han Fei first came, the world was completely new to him, with too much appeal.

   This day.

   Nian'er is not cultivating, because she doesn’t even need to practice now. She only practices combat skills.

   Near noon, Nian'er dragged a little girl who was about her age, but she was only a teenager, and the two put a grill in the room.

   Nian'er said: "Xiao Tan, we have a barbecue at noon."

   Xiaotan is still a bit entangled at the moment: "Nian'er, we had a barbecue last time, but we were caught by the instructor. We were fined for three days and closed up...Is it okay this time?"

   Nian'er giggled and said, "It's okay, I went to the academy to find a few books on the formation technique, look at me..."

   I only saw Nian'er pull out a superb spiritual stone, using the means of gathering spiritual masters to manipulate the spiritual energy around the room, and set up a crooked hidden array.

   At this scene, Han Fei couldn't help being speechless.

   Han Fei looked at Xiao Se and said, "This spiritual gathering master, who led her to the beginning?"

   bleakly complexion: "The little master came to ask me, and I asked her to listen to a few lessons of the Spirit Gathering Master."

   Han Fei: "……"

Han Fei said speechlessly: "You are also a dignified person. Nian'er is so talented, so you can teach it like this? That's it, and still hide the formation? Just use the spiritual energy to pile the formation. Now, this formation is deployed, But her room is full of aura, and she almost told the whole school that I was grilling here." New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile terminal: https:/


   Bingxue Chuling couldn't help but laugh, and said to her heart: You baby sister, the jokes you made in school are no longer two. Last time, what kind of hot pot... There was water in the pot, and a fire started below. The fish was swimming in the pot, saying why the fish was unfamiliar... A large group of people laughed.

Sure enough, Nian'er is a hidden formation. Not long after it was set up, I heard a teacher with white beard shouting: "Han Nian'er, you come out for me. Is your family rich? Does it belong to your family? In the daytime, there is an aura mask... Why do you think you are not flashy enough?"

   In the room, Xiao Tan sighed leisurely; "Sure enough, I was discovered again."

   And Nian'er suddenly got up, quickly closed the grill and said: "Run."

   Everyone: "..."

   Han Fei finally couldn't stand it anymore, and "swiped" the ground to close the hidden array, inhaled the spiritual energy into his body, and appeared in front of the house.

   Nian'er just went out and saw Han Fei, she was shocked: "Brother? Pretty sister..." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Nian'er saw Han Fei wearing a mask, so she knew that this was Han Fei.

   Turning his head, he saw an old man in the advanced explorer realm, rushing over right now.

   However, when the old man saw Bingxue Chuling and Han Fei wearing a mask, he was shocked. The whole person immediately took a breath.

   Seeing the old man salute immediately: "Mingdu has seen Master Saint and Master Saint Tong."

   The old man was shocked: Why are these two here?

   Waiting for the old man to look at Nian'er again, thinking of Nian'er's terrifying talent, he immediately took a deep breath.

   "Could it be that the two adults~www.ltnovel.com~ are married and have a daughter?"

   This discovery made the heart of the old man Mingdu tremble: this kind of thing is kept secret. If this is said, God knows how much trouble it will cause?

   I only heard Han Fei said: "The young girl is not very sensible. Thank you for your care in the past six months."

   "Young girl? Sister?"

   Mingdu's heart, secretly relieved, and said: "Is my sister so simple?"

   However, he still bowed and said: "Where is the Lord Shengtong? Nian'er girl, the talent is amazing. It is already feasible to break through the tribulation. I have this arrogance in the ice and snow, and the old pride is too late..."

   Han Fei said lightly: "This gentleman, I will take Nian'er today."


   The old man said: Nian'er has only been here for a year. Although I don't understand a lot of things, but teachers like it. Go now, why is this?

   But Bingxue Chuling was also surprised to hear: "With thoughts?"

   Han Fei: "Take it."

   And when Nian'er heard that she was about to leave, she felt a little reluctant to leave: "Brother, are you leaving so soon? Nian'er just made friends."

   Han Fei smiled softly: "Nian'er, we will come back if we have a chance in the future."

   Nian'er couldn't help looking at her little friend. Although she was unwilling to let go, Han Fei wanted to leave, and she must also go.

   I saw Nian'er thinking about it for a long time, and she took out her barbecue rack very entangledly, and threw it on the ground: "Xiaotan, I'm leaving. From now on you are hungry, use it for barbecue..."

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