God of Fishing

Chapter 1749: 1-way fight face

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Han Fei is also the saint boy of the Snow God Palace, whose status is only under the Snow Girl.

If converted, Han Fei's true status should be equal to the number one powerhouse in the Taiqing Palace realm. Therefore, a Tian Heng in the Jinwutian district cannot stop Han Fei, which is a matter of course for everyone.

Although Thirty-Six Xuantian has internal and external distinctions, this does not mean that the outer domain is definitely worse than the inner domain. There are waterways on both sides, and resources are shared. Even if the quality of Outland’s aura and the environment are a bit poor, you can’t hold back people’s luck, right?

Therefore, it is reasonable to achieve a snow fight for a holy boy. After all, Xue Zhan was for the land of Wang Yi, and the news was suddenly released by Xue Nu, but it cannot be said that Xue Zhan is the arrogant of Xue Nu cultivated for many years.

At this moment, Tian Heng couldn't stop Han Fei, so he swiftly stepped on the empty path and pursued him.

Compared with Tian Heng, Xia Hai's Ice and Snow Chu Ling has fought dozens of times. Because they didn't use too much force, the battle between the two was a delicate one.

For example, at this time, Xia Hai used the fire element as the momentum, gathering a ray of red seedlings and raging flames, pointing towards the ice and snow.

Bingxue Chuling naturally wouldn't underestimate it, and a piece of snowflakes was tapped at the skillful fingertips. However, whether it was the red seedlings or the snowflakes, they did not explode through a hedge, but rushed into the bodies of the two.

As the saying goes, art masters are bold, everyone is a half king, and he can withstand a piece of energy in his body.

If it was the former Bingxue Beginning Spirit, then perhaps she would be reluctant to do this, because the yin and yang transfer would only arouse her cold body, and she could only slowly integrate the energy of the fire element.

But now, Bingxuechu's serious illness has recovered, and he has found all kinds of vital resources to make up for his vitality. This is already different from the past, so Xia Hai has not taken the slightest advantage.


At this moment, above the sky, two people were seen falling under the tree. The two men changed in midair, one is good at hidden weapons, and the other bursts with healing brilliance.

At this scene, I noticed that it was Yaowangtian and Wandutian's decision Tianjiao. Wherever they went, Han Fei saw that the void was poisoned with cracks, which shows that the power of Wandutian must have How poisonous?

At this point, when the two of them had not touched the ground, they separated, each retreated a hundred feet, and then rushed upward again.

On the other side, there are sound waves rippling.

However, there is a woman playing the piano in Brahma Yintian, and the piano sounds rustling, occasionally rushing, and the audiovisual is lonely, as if people are placed in evil hell. And the other woman, holding a staff, surrounded by clouds and mists, full of colors, where can she be if she is not a dream-weaver?

This struggle has just begun, and many strong men have their magical powers. Here, except for Han Fei, who was in the Venerable Peak Realm, the rest were in the Half King Realm.

At this moment, the half-king's methods were used, and no one was shot down for a time, which shows that all of these people are good. Regardless of whether it is the inner domain or the outer domain, the gap between the top powerhouses is not that big.

At the highest point, someone has rushed to more than 6000 feet, and there is a person here who actually used a soul knife to snipe the enemy.

Just listen to the tree, exclaiming constantly: "Look, Beitang Xuan's Destiny Soul Knife, that is one of Wuji Tian's four unique skills."

Someone sighed: "Jianglongtian has been weak over the years, after all, Cang Hongyu was said to have been wounded last time but failed to slay the dragon. I don't know if the old wound is healed."

Someone shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid it is not. Look, Cang Hongyu's mouth is bleeding."


I saw a person falling from the sky in an instant from the sky above the sky, directly hitting the ground. Under the tree, the man smashed a big hole, but his face was still fierce. At this moment, this person's clothes were torn, revealing the fierce dragon pattern on his body, running like blood on his body.


This person, Cang Hongyu, who was officially hotly discussed, even if he was defeated at this moment, the blood rushing to the sky would make people's hearts tremble.

But I saw that there was still humanity on Jiang Longtian's side: "Hong Yu, your injury!"

I saw this Cang Hongyu slightly raised his hand, swinging it casually, and said in a dull voice: "It's okay, although the Destiny Soul Knife is powerful, it won't cause me serious injury. But Beitangxuan's control is in me. It’s just a coincidence that he took it."

"Swipe it~"

Among the branches and leaves of the ancient trees in Tianque, the lowest one has reached 5000 feet high. Han Fei didn't sprint, and it was just over 6,000 feet.

Han Fei felt the gravity of his body increased a lot, and his strength was suppressed to only 30%. Come to think of it, so do others.

At this moment, Tian Heng was wrapped with fire wire, intending to lock Han Fei. Han Fei originally wanted to use endless water to directly tie a few people into purgatory with a blade.

However, endless water is the treasure of Wujintian. Will anyone recognize it if he throws it out now?

I just shot it casually, and some people from Taixuantian recognized that it was Hundred Beast Town Soul Roar. If they were offering endless water and were recognized again, they would definitely be suspicious of themselves.

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei stretched out his hand and drew his knife in the void, before the next moment, he directly devoured the soul with the beasts and directly attacked Tian Heng.


Seeing Tian Heng grunt, Han Fei's heart moved, the power of this person's soul is not weak, much stronger than that of Huoxuan just now.

However, Han Fei drew out a void rift in the next moment and slashed it directly on Tian Heng's body.

However, just seeing the flame meandering into the void, it actually supported the knife of the void crack, and this is enough to prove that Tian Heng is extraordinary.

It's just that, in the next second, two faint blue scimitars passed over this person in an instant.

"Puff puff~"

At that moment, under the ancient tree of Tianque, everyone couldn't help but be moved, only seeing Tian Heng directly cut into four pieces, and then Han Fei slapped him down.

Whether Tian Heng is strong or not, everyone is not sure. This is a strong person who is known for his defensive power. As a result, he was directly split into several segments and the defeat was determined.

For a half-king realm powerhouse, those who can kill you can destroy your soul, let alone give you a chance to rebirth.

This wave of Jin Wutian was even more embarrassing, and Huoxuan and the others below said directly: "How is it possible? Tian Heng is strong in body and has an unparalleled shield and armor. How can he be cut lightly?"

Someone looked sideways: "It's his double sword, that scimitar seems to be an invisible knife..."

As soon as this person finished shouting, he saw the blue double-edged blade submerged into Han Fei's body again. Han Fei rarely uses the Blade of Hope. It is now because of the slightest dispute. Using other methods, it is very likely that the ancient tree of Tianque will be damaged and he will be eliminated.

The blade of hope can ignore the formation, the shield armor, and the existence of matter. If Tian Heng resisted with the power of the soul just now, he might be able to hold it.

But Han Fei's hand in hand, the empty knife is already extraordinary, how could Tian Heng expect Han Fei to have a second hand?

Tian Heng's defeat was seen by many people. Below is the Taiqing Palace powerhouse secretly remembered, the holy boy Xuezhan, carrying an unknown pair of knives on his back, suspected of Dinghai strange treasure, but he could strike regardless of the shield armor.

This so-called competition is, in a way, the way others understand you. Han Fei pretends to be a holy boy, and when he first arrives, there will naturally be a lot of attention. No, Han Fei has already revealed some means.

Xia Hai naturally saw Han Fei's move. Jin Wutian has already lost two rounds. If he loses again, it is a complete defeat. How does this make him face?

Xia Hai frowned. It's not that Jin Wutian cannot be defeated, but he must not be defeated by the hands of Snow God Palace. If it is truly defeated, doesn't it mean that the current Golden Crow Heaven is not even as good as Snow God Palace? How can I sustain my fourth-ranked reputation?


It was too late. It was fast. When Han Fei defeated Tian Heng, Xia Hai appeared with a blue ruler in his hand.

I only heard someone exclaiming: "It's the Qinglian Fire, the heaven and earth spiritual fire is coming out, isn't he afraid to touch the ancient tree of Tianque?"

The long fire is like a snake, and the line of fire is like a silk. The first spirit of the ice and snow is illuminated by the fire of heaven and earth, and the body surface is instantly frozen.

But Bingxue Chuling itself is also a state of half-king. Although it was once sniped in a violent hurricane, it was because of mental arithmetic and unintentional, and multiple half-kings were ambushing.

At this moment, only a red line appeared in front of Bingxue Chuling's forehead, and a blue sea frog formed an ice barrier, blocking the power of the heaven and earth spirit fire.

Someone was surprised: "It's Bingbing Haifeng, doesn't it mean that every time Bingxue Chuling uses it, it will aggravate her injury? Is it worth it to use it in this place?"


Bingxue Chuling is also the goddess of Snow God Palace anyway, representing the face of Snow God Palace. In this kind of competition, they are definitely not to be outdone, so the two are vying to each other~www.ltnovel.com~ Bingxue Chuling also tried to freeze the soul of Xia Hai with the power of ice.

It is a pity that Bingxue Chuling had just entered the half-king state after all. Although his injuries recovered, he was still a bit worse than Xia Hai.


Seeing Bingxue Chuling coughing, Xia Hai sneered at the corner of her mouth, a cyan flame appeared in her eyes, and the flames stunned her soul with one blow.

Bingxue Chuling's mouth was bleeding, and he felt that his soul was being suppressed.

Suddenly, the two people in the battle felt that the void was moving, but saw a blade of the void appearing to cut Xia Hai.

Xia Hai moved horizontally, he had already noticed Han Fei, and Tian Heng was defeated. He had already seen it in his eyes. How could he not be guarded at this moment?

Of course, Xia Hai didn't want to be one-to-two. They were all Tianjiao of the same level. The difference was the difference in the avenue. The Saint Child Snow Fighting method was weird and not suitable for fierce fighting.


It was clear that there was a low growl in his ears, and Xia Hai's brows flashed blue, and he actually held the wave of his hand to eat the soul.

Just listen to him sneer: "The same method can be used once or twice. If you use it again and again, do you think you are invincible in the half-king realm?"

However, as soon as Xia Hai's words fell, she suddenly felt her body tighten, only to see a thread of spiritual energy gathered in Han Fei's hands.

Han Fei sneered, knowing that you were guarding it a long time ago, so the soul-devouring roar of beasts has never been a trick.

The next moment, without Han Fei's hands, an ice hammer broke and directly nailed Xia Hai to the ground.

At this moment, Han Fei appeared beside Xia Hai, who was almost breaking away from the spiritual thread, but saw him stretch out his hand.


There was a loud big-eared melon seed, and everyone who listened to it narrowed their eyes. Who would have expected that the Golden Crow Heaven had three battles and three collapses, and the dignified 36 Xuantian ranked fourth, so it was so mixed up.

For a time, gloating at misfortunes abounds.

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