God of Fishing

Chapter 1773: Black and white impermanence, come out again

  The land of the king's fall is so big, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan didn't expect: Before they left this dangerous place, they would once again meet the people of Fengshentian.

   This is all right, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan, who just chanted slogans and kept robbing them, greeted them with a "swipe".

   It's too late, it's fast, they don't care about the half-king corpse.

   Han Fei's strength also climbed to the peak in an instant, and the invincible will appeared on his body, with a single shot.

   Xia Xiaochan is also brutal. The big summer dragon fish directly merged into the body, and there was a stunned dragon chant, like a thunder and a thunderbolt in the sky, but fell.

   On the opposite side, the half-kings of Fengshentian, each of them is half-king, but the method is borrowed from the king.

   When I saw that Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were both extremely extraordinary in strength, only six people were seen, and they used six king blows at the same time.


   Song Kaiyuan immediately shouted: "Quick rewind, rewind, Li Kaitian, defend."

   Li Kaitian is not stupid.

  As the boundless Tianjiao, as soon as he appeared on the field, he saw Song Kaiyuan, a knowledgeable guy calling for defense, and naturally knew that things were not going well.

   At this point, Jianhui exploded all the sword intent he had accumulated, and one sword penetrated six half-king puppets, and the few people immediately joined together.

   I saw Li Kaitian stand in front of everyone, his eyes were burning with raging flames, and the flames drifted away like silk.

   He held sticks in both hands, sticking to the ground, the surrounding void seemed to freeze. In an instant, everyone was wrapped in a transparent plastic circular shield.

   And Han Fei's face is green here: Are these people too cruel? Once you get started, there are so many king blows? How can Xia Xiaochan hold it?

   He only heard Han Fei shout: "Six-door formation."



   Actually, without Han Fei's words, the six starfishes are about to open.

   After spending so long in the royal clan, Master Six is ​​not a starfish who knows nothing. The power of the king has been seen before.

   The six gate formations rose into the sky in an instant, and Xia Xiaochan shouted: "Idiot, come here."

   However, I just listened to Han Fei shouting: "It's okay, ghosts and spirits, impermanence and life. If the king does not come, who will fight for the battle? Kill..."

   At that moment, Han Fei squeezed a fist in his hand, and the avenue of gravity was concentrated on the front of the fist. On the fist mark, the formation is linked, and the invincible will increase.

  The fist mark has not been printed, the void burst, and Han Fei is behind, like a tornado of violent wind, ten thousand swords follow.


Behind the formation, Song Kaiyuan, who was guarded by the formation, suddenly exclaimed when he saw the Liumen formation, "That is the six-door imperial formation of the mysterious creatures and the six-door starfish. No, it is said that the entire rioting sea, There is only one six-door starfish, which has been born and raised in the King City of the Shark for a long time. That woman belongs to the royal family of the Shark."

   Others were stunned: the royal family of the Shark? There are no characteristics of a shark at all!

However, without waiting for them to be surprised by the six-door starfish, they just listened to Song Kaiyuan continuing to shout: "My God! Who is this son? The fist hasn't come out, the void burst? This is the symbol of the sea. Above, the formations are linked, it is a big gravity array. Then the speed of the formation...his, this person is actually a human spirit gatherer? Wait, the gravity around this person is abnormal, he is using gravity? Jin Guangdafang, if I am invincible, this person still walks the invincible road?"

   As the supreme arrogance of Tai Xuantian, Song Kaiyuan may not be the strongest in fighting, but in terms of knowledge, he is definitely the most extensive among all people.

   The tricks used by Han Fei were analyzed in an instant in Song Kaiyuan's eyes.

   For this reason, Song Kaiyuan's mouth was full of guns, and he kept crackling and talking, and directly confided Li Kaitian, Lu Ran and others.

   "Boom Rumble"

   I only saw shining thousands of miles, dust flying, and rocks falling. Uncle Six's six-door formation, under such an impact, several cracks appeared.

   Song Kaiyuan and others are actually very close to them. However, they were crowded, their strength gathered, and Li Kaitian's Primordial Seal was naturally supported.


   The smoke and dust have not yet cleared, in the dazzling light curtain, a cicada fluttered. Everyone only saw the sword in the field, like a stream of light, punching out of the mountain.

   When the light curtain dissipated, Song Kaiyuan and the others took a breath.

   I only saw the guy who was known as Fan Datong, holding the remnant body with both hands, his blood rushing to the sky. And the woman of the mackerel royal family is collecting double-edged swords. In front of her, there was a half-king of the Heavenly Conferred God, full of holes.


   Song Kaiyuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Listen to me, don't you just rob? Give money... These two people are simply invincible."

   But seeing that Jian repented and frowned. Just about to speak, he saw Song Kaiyuan and stared at him back: "Shut up, do you still want to practice sword?"

   At this moment, both Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were full of evil spirits. One is tall and murderous; the other is petite, swift and shadowless.

   This combination is simply amazing.

   Only saw Han Fei raise his hand, **** stood up, and saw the return of Wandao. At the same time, six sun and moon shells were brought.

  Han Fei put Riyuebei away in his backhand, and then slowly moved his gaze to Song Kaiyuan and the others.

   "Jie Jie...Money opens the way, resources buy life. Everyone, can you think about it now?"

Song Kaiyuan immediately said: "This Fan Xiongtai, as you know, we are here to hunt for treasure when we enter the land of Wang's fall. There will always be treasures that have not been found, and resources will bring a bunch of...this is not realistic. The only one. The valuable one is the key to the imperial palace that I found this time. Brother Fan, should I be looking for this too? How about this... The sun and moon shells I'm waiting for, Xiongtai can be seen everywhere. The keys to the underground palace belong to Brother Fan. What does Brother Fan think?"

   Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Oh? You are sensible."

   Song Kaiyuan and others are preparing to show Han Fei resources...

   As a result, not far away, those half-king puppets came again.

   are some dead people, their souls are completely destroyed, only instinct is urging them to fight. Strong is not strong, but weak is not weak. Just now, only the close ones were crushed and dozens of them were crushed. Many of them were lifted off.

  Han Fei's heart moved: these four, you don't have to kill yourself. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend. Liuli, Boundless, Sword God, and Tai Xuan have always been in the 36 Xuan Tian, ​​and they are not in a group.

   So, the four of them formed a new small group. Only in this way is able to compete against other fairy palaces.

   Han Fei thinks: In the future, there may be intersections. Especially when I have to go to Liulitian next time, now I can do things absolutely, but it's not good... New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Han Fei's perception was swept away, and he discovered that there was a blood pool here. Further out, there is actually a huge whale head.

   Suddenly, Han Fei felt familiar: This topographical pattern was actually a bit similar to the blood pool in the Forbidden Island in the cage.

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, only to hear him coldly snorted: "I am impermanent, and I am not a bloodthirsty person. If I pay for my life, how can I stand up to me? You wait to block these puppets first, and wait for me to break through Out."

   The heart of Song Kaiyuan and others are actually complaining: Are you still bloodthirsty? A face-to-face, killing all the people of Fengshentian, is this called not bloodthirsty?

   They don’t even think: Han Fei is so kind... can he let himself wait for someone out for nothing? But now, what can we do if we don't comply?

   Just listen to Song Kaiyuan said: "Li Kaitian, you come to stop. Sword regret, your sword qi is gone, you still need to be warm, and it will be a moment."

   When these people heard this, they immediately understood what Song Kaiyuan meant.

   Jiangui is the most explosive among several people. What sword energy disappeared? That is false, in case Han Fei is true.

   If it is really a last resort, when you have to do it, Jianhui is the last card.

   Han Fei didn't care about these, because he didn't plan to kill these people at all.

  Han Fei's heart moved secretly, and saw him stretch out one hand, engraving in the void. Complex array patterns emerge in endlessly, and a short-distance directional teleportation array is quickly outlined. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

  At this time, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument confirmed and confirmed that the formation could leave, and Han Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Wait, let’s bring Sun Moon Shell."

   Song Kaiyuan's eyelids jumped wildly, so skillfully drawing a formation? He actually saw the shadow of Jiugongtian, I don't know if he read it wrong?

   At this moment, Song Kaiyuan and others had to pay the sun and moon shells. There is no other way but to believe in this Fan Datong.

   On one side is Fan Datong, on the other side are the corpses of thousands of half kings and the secret realm that cannot escape. Song Kaiyuan felt that if he believed in Fan Datong, his chances of surviving were higher.

   Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other, picked up the sun and moon shells, and got into the teleportation array without hesitation.

  Looking at the two people left, Lu Ran suddenly said, "Song Kaiyuan, can these two people believe? They are clearly robbers, can they be so kind?"

   Song Kaiyuan said in a huff: "Let's go! Is it possible to feed the puppets here? I choose this way, and I know it naturally."

   Jiangui: "I still have one more move, but I don't think I can kill him. I can only get him seriously injured at best."

   Song Kaiyuan: "Don't think about it. This person's physique is so strong that he is unparalleled in the world. Didn't you see that several king blows just now didn't hurt him? Go, go quickly..."

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   Six-door starfish let out a sigh: "Finally came out, and finally safe."

   Here, the environment is complicated, and it is a land of grotesque rocks.

   Only Xia Xiaochan said in surprise: "This doesn't seem to be the City of the Dead! This is the land of Wang Yi, one of the three great Jedi, the Burial Soul Valley."

   Han Fei raised his brows, recalled quickly, and said suddenly, "Really, why am I so dangerous? Co-authored, Dead Man City and Burial Soul Valley are connected!"


   At this moment, I saw Song Kaiyuan and others, also sneaking out of the formation~www.ltnovel.com~ Several people were stunned, and Li Kaitian was shocked and said: "It really came out."

   Lu Ran was surprised: "It turned out to be a matter of teleportation formation."

   Sword regret: "One formation is really broad and profound."


   Just listen to Han Fei's cold snort: "Don't be envious, you can't learn it."

   Han Fei’s gaze swept across the sun and moon shells of these people.

   As they said, there are not many good things in it, mostly some resource materials. However, Han Fei did not expect that several people had found a total of 63 keys.

  Han Fei’s eyes flashed: I don’t know if there are any more of these people?

   However, Jianhui has been holding his breath. It is not suitable for you to do it yourself. What if you accidentally kill them?

   Then, I only saw Han Fei take all the 9 sun and moon shells. Turning over his hands, he threw another 9 empty sun and moon shells.

But I heard Han Fei leisurely say: "The impermanence saved your lives. Taking your sun and moon shells is also useless. For what you don’t even have storage utensils, I will give you 9 sun and moon shells. Thanks."

   Song Kaiyuan: "……"

   Everyone: "..."

  Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan with satisfaction and said, "Go!"


   Song Kaiyuan and others looked at the leaving Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan with complex expressions.

   just listen to the void, the lingering sound: "Black and white impermanence, come to the sea again. On-site transactions, no credit."

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