God of Fishing

Chapter 1786: See also the bronze gate

&emp;&emp;To fight on the ground, both Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan are ruthless characters.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei's invincible will is added to his body, and the ancient battle body is running, even if it is dead, it can still be absorbed. For Han Fei, these energy can be swallowed and transformed.

&emp;&emp;As for Xia Xiaochan, she can't transform her undead like Han Fei, but she can fight in the form of shadows all the time. Even if Xia Xiaochan was willing, he could cross this valley faster than Han Fei.

&emp;&emp;It's just that the two of them advance and retreat together, and there is no saying that they go first and then go.

&emp;&emp;"Boom boom boom~"

&emp;&emp; "Boom bang bang~"

&emp;&emp; Only saw Han Fei trotting all the way.

&emp;&emp;In the valley, there is an explosion almost every moment. It was the undead beings that were bombarded by Han Fei... they hit the mountain and burst out.


&emp;&emp; Just when Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were on their way, above a sea of ​​blood, in front of a bronze door, above a large pale red pool that exudes a strange flavor, here are the front and back plates. Nearly 270 people were seated. There are humans, there are sea monsters, there are sharks, and there are seamen.

&emp;&emp; all are in the half-king state.

&emp;&emp; If you look closely, you can find these people: almost all of them are wounded, they are fierce and powerful, and they are full of blood.

&emp;&emp;The group of people at the forefront of this pool of water turned red at this moment.

&emp;&emp;Every wisp of smoke that overflows from the pond seems to invade their bodies, leaving them in a special state.

&emp;&emp;And those who can talk in the back, basically fail to move forward a few steps on the water. With them as the center, although the first person can be seen, it is also confused.

&emp;&emp;At this moment, the blood pool is shaking and the earth is roaring.

&emp;&emp; Someone said: "It seems that someone is coming outside again!"

&emp;&emp; Someone was speechless: "Such a big movement, I am afraid there will be a lot of people coming. During our trip to the land of the king's fall, are there so many powerful half-kings coming?"

&emp;&emp; Someone frowned: "After all, this is the land of the king's fall, and it is reasonable to have more half kings."

&emp;&emp; Someone said: "Wait and wait, I wonder if they can make it through?"


&emp;&emp;From the place where Han Fei and the others fell, to the place where the orange light was, it was only a hundred miles away.

&emp;&emp;However, it's not easy to walk this hundred miles.

After the &emp;&emp; hit more than 50 miles, Han Fei sighed: "How many immortal creatures of the Venerable Realm are there? You can't finish the fight. It's no good if you win."

&emp;&emp;Old tortoise: "Not necessarily. Once the undead awakens consciousness, it is an extremely powerful undead, and may even become a king. Now, these fights against you have not yet awakened consciousness. You Fortunately, for tens of thousands of years, there have been countless people who have fallen. Most believers in the Temple of Immortality can follow this path. Therefore, this person is not called much at all."

&emp;&emp; Xia Xiaochan said: "Or, I'll do it for you...you take a break?"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei shook his head: "No need! It just happens to be able to temper your muscles and bones and revitalize your body. Otherwise, you have been evasive, empty of body, nowhere to show, how unfortunate?"

&emp;&emp; Xia Xiaochan snorted: "Just scream! But this trial is really not weak. It's these immortality, which is too annoying. Otherwise, I really want to fight over. ."

&emp;&emp;Han Fei took a look, and suddenly patted his head: "You come out, I can use healing techniques to help you get rid of the undead."

&emp;&emp; "Really?"


&emp;&emp;When the shadow turned into a human form, an undead creature immediately killed Xia Xiaochan.

&emp;&emp; and Han Fei's heart moved, and the holy light enveloped Xia Xiaochan.

&emp;&emp; "Chuff~"

&emp;&emp; Sure enough, the undead energy that escaped was evaporated at the moment of contact with the Holy Light.

&emp;&emp;Light and darkness are always opposites in terms of function.

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan was overjoyed when he saw this, and the two skeletons shattered.

&emp;&emp;An hour later.


&emp;&emp; When Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan came to the yellow building, they were relieved.

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan's body was also dripping with blood, and Han Fei's battle clothes were also torn.

&emp;&emp;At this time, the two looked at each other and smiled.

&emp;&emp; Han Fei said: "It's really tired, although it's not fighting against the Half-king Realm, but the number is actually a bit more, too tired to fight."

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan: "I feel that my strength has gone a step further. It should be soon to break through the half king."

&emp;&emp;Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Oh! Really? I'm fast too."

&emp;&emp;Speaking, the two looked at the arc-shaped building.

&emp;&emp;To be precise, this is not a building.

&emp;&emp;It is built of black stone, covered with large and small grooves. In the groove, there was an orange glow.

&emp;&emp;In this pitch-black deep-sea field, it was originally pitch black, so don't be too dazzling.

&emp;&emp;Under this building, there seems to be a corridor, or passage.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei, the two of them went forward without hesitation, until they reached the inside of the building underground. Suddenly, the two saw the front, a circle of green circle formation flashing.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei immediately said: "This is a teleportation array."

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan said in surprise: "That looks like an experience."

&emp;&emp; Han Fei nodded slightly: "As far as the dangers of the first three levels are concerned, Dream Poison Jellyfish is the easiest. When it comes to Qiansi Mokui, the Venerable Peak should not be able to enter. They are half kings and all have a crisis of fall. At the end of this gorge, I guess, either the person came with a special means, or the strength was like me, or a group of people came in together. It can be like the two of us, all the way in. , I’m afraid it’s very rare."

&emp;&emp; Xia Xiaochan nodded: "If I were to fight alone, it would be 30 miles at most. This is still not considering the situation of immortality... If the immortality is enveloped, I have to fight all the way, ordinary half king. It is already the limit to cover 10 miles in one breath."

&emp;&emp; Han Fei nodded slightly: "You stand still."

&emp;&emp; "Om~"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei has a pair of both hands, the apocalypse magic comes.

&emp;&emp; I have to say that this apocalypse magic is really a must-have at home, the immortality magic.

&emp;&emp; The holy light shone, the injuries were gone, and even the exhaustion was wiped out.

&emp;&emp; straightened his clothes, Han Fei took Xia Xiaochan and said, "Go! Go and see, what is the real experience?"


&emp;&emp;As soon as the teleportation formation opened, Han Fei saw a large pool of blood.

&emp;&emp; "His! Blood pool?"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei couldn't help but stunned: How could there be a pool of blood here? Didn’t it mean the sea bottom palace? Where is Tiangong? Isn't this so funny?

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan was also surprised: "This is the blood pool?"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei's face changed slightly and said, "Yes. Don't touch the water, wait a moment..."

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan wondered: "Waiting for what?"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei: "Wait for the ship."

&emp;&emp;Han Fei is full of questions at this moment: What does the blood pool on the island of taboos and this blood pool here have to do?

&emp;&emp; Most of the secret realms in the Land of the Fallen King may come from imperial palaces.

&emp;&emp; So, does it mean that the island of taboo is also from the imperial palace?

&emp;&emp;In the beginning, mother and the others escaped from the riot and took away that small island together?

&emp;&emp; Only a hundred breaths less, when Xia Xiaochan saw a small wooden boat floating in the blood pool, Han Fei immediately said: "Go!"

&emp;&emp;Until the two stood on the wooden boat, Xia Xiaochan said, "The time you told me, was it very similar?"

&emp;&emp;Han Fei nodded: "It's not a normal image. I want to say... it's exactly the same."

&emp;&emp;Han Fei looked up and looked at the rock mass hanging down from the top of the cave...Some places were carved with murals, and the murals showed a man with a human head and snake body.

&emp;&emp;In the water, soon, there was a blood leopard walking through, surrounding it.

&emp;&emp;Xia Xiaochan frowned: "Bug."

&emp;&emp;Han Fei: "Don't touch, just attack with spirits."

&emp;&emp;In the eyes of Han Fei, information emerges:

&emp;&emp;【Name】Blood Leopard

&emp;&emp;【Introduction】A plankton that feeds on rot poison and blood gas. High temperature and poisonous can't kill them. Their bodies can withstand high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees; their poison sacs are even effective for beings in the Venerable Realm. Once the blood leopard sticks to the body, it will turn into a pool of blood water, become highly poisonous, and merge into the body of the adsorbed person. It will not leave until the energy of the adsorbed person is lost.



&emp;&emp;【Contains Reiki】7943 points

&emp;&emp;【Edible effect】Inedible

&emp;&emp;【Collectable】Blood poison


&emp;&emp;[Remarks] For group creatures, the greater the movement, the easier it is to attract their attention.

&emp;&emp; Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the **** information: He was on the island of forbidden, and the **** blood was not so strong.

&emp;&emp;On the Island of Taboo, where the blood leopards are only law enforcement.

&emp;&emp; And this, it has been the peak of the explorer, even half of it, and it has crossed a large realm.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: Could it be said that the secret realm is in a different environment, and even this kind of ordinary creature has such a big difference in realm?

&emp;&emp;Of course, it is different from Forbidden Island: Forbidden Island found this place, Han Fei dug it from the ground. And here, we have to go through three difficulties.

&emp;&emp; If you understand it from this level, it would be easier to explain.

&emp;&emp;Just listen to Han Feidao: "Next, let's see if there is that bronze door."

&emp;&emp; Last time, Han Fei took advantage of the bronze gate and found the keel.

&emp;&emp;This time, the layout is basically the same. Then, theoretically, bronze doors should also exist.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei controls the endless water all the way, strangling the blood leopards.

&emp;&emp; Along the way, the canoe moved forward, about two small islands, far away, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Han Fei finally saw a huge bronze gate standing in front of him.

&emp;&emp;Under the bronze door, beside the blood pond, a group of people were trying to walk towards the bronze door.

&emp;&emp;At this time, Han Fei understood everything: why these people never come out?

&emp;&emp; I thought that the next fight would become a film... I also waited for two days before coming down!

&emp;&emp; co-authored, coming down early and coming down late are the same!

&emp;&emp;At this moment, I saw a Hundred Demon Race Half King, who directly lifted the spear and threw it towards Han Fei and the others. The strength is so strong that Han Fei's body is collapsed.

&emp;&emp;Han Fei's eyes were cold, he had already used this trick.

&emp;&emp;Want to cheat me and give you a face?

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