God of Fishing

Chapter 1798: Piaoxiang can be sold for money

   Six masters want to break through, this is a matter of course.

   This breakthrough was mainly shot by the king's blow. It was almost shot to death, can it not panic?

   However, I only listen to Han Fei: "You break through when you break through, but you are not allowed to use the power in your door. You are not allowed to use a drop! That power is more useful than you think."

   The six big eyes of the six-door starfish can't help but turn up: "What does it do?"

   Han Fei saw the thief look of the six-door starfish, he knew that this guy was not at ease, and immediately said: "What is the specific use? After you break through, I will tell you."

  Six-door starfish: "……"

   Xia Xiaochan was also cursed with curiosity. However, she just knows: this thing is related to the degree of Reiki dismantling. Let's wait for this, then make good use of it.

   Six-door starfish said that a breakthrough would be a breakthrough. There were too many resources in his door. Not to mention one breakthrough, even if you give him a breakthrough ten times, I'm afraid it won't be a problem.

  Han Fei is preparing to wait for the completion of the breakthrough of the six starfish, and then look for these people in Beitangxuan...

   However, Han Fei subconsciously pinched his fingers and felt it. Suddenly, he saw someone quietly touching, rushing towards this side in an invisible state.


   Han Fei frowned slightly: "Someone is coming."

   Xia Xiaochan said in astonishment: "There are still people here? I'm afraid it's a bad brain, right?"

   The power that Han Fei showed cannot be underestimated.

   After seeing this, ordinary people don't dare to commit the crime again. After all, it is the consequence of death at will, who can not be surprised?

   Now, there are still people coming here on purpose?

   Didn't these people leave the undersea palace in a hurry? Even if they didn't leave after coming out, they had to fight each other and compete for the keys to the imperial palace, it shouldn't be near the sea bottom palace.

   Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan did not move, and did not take the initiative to intercept them. Because there are only two of them.

   In Han Fei's view, it does not pose a threat at all.

   after a moment.

   The two men broke through the void and rushed directly towards Han Fei.


  As soon as the void opened, Han Fei saw: a figure appeared in the two slightly twisted void barriers.

  Han Fei: "What do you intend to do here?"

   However, only two "kaka" sounds were heard, and the twisted space on the two of them shattered.

   The next moment, Han Fei saw an acquaintance appear in front of him.

   Han Fei couldn't help but smiled and said, "I! It turned out to be Brother Bai. This one, should be your brother Dongfang Ming, right?"

   Just now, Han Fei robbed these two people.

   But, just now, Bai Jingjiu lost two keys to the underground palace, and then the two of them left. Therefore, Han Fei and this Dongfang Ming had just met each other.

   At this moment, the two came again, and Han Fei actually knew what the purpose of the two was.

   Just now, when everyone was vomiting stinky, the two of them retched while collecting the odor. Here, it is definitely for the stench.

Sure enough, Dongfang Ming slightly arched his hands: "Friends of Taoism, I are the people of the poisonous heavens. Friends of Taoism are both humans, and they have not rushed to exterminate them. It can be seen that Friends of Taoism are not bloodthirsty. Both of me, I just wanted Ask a fellow Taoist for something."

   I just listened to Han Fei leisurely saying: "You two, you need to pay a price if you ask me for something."

   Just listen to Dongfang Ming said: "Understood. The key to the imperial palace is only, we can exchange all the resources on our body."

   Han Fei: "……"

  Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other, and said to their hearts: These two people, are they stunned by poison and evil? Why did you take the initiative to exchange everything on your body?

   Actually, at this time, Han Fei, robbing the two of them is easy, it's nothing more than that these two people may master the poison.

  If the ancestors of Wan Poison gave them special poisons, besides blocking them with time spells, they might not be able to stop them.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "Oh! It seems that the fragrance in my hand... In the eyes of both of you, it is very valuable!"

   "Scent of thousands of miles?"

   Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming looked at each other, and immediately thought of something.

   He only listened to Dongfang Ming said: "Friends of Taoism, that... really can't be called fragrance, only smelly."

  Han Fei rolls his eyes: There is no humorous cell at all, it is really hard to speak!

   Bai toasted and said; "Friends, since you already know our intentions. Then, can this smelly liquid be changed?"

Han Fei nodded and smiled: "Change, of course you can change. But the premise is that you have to come up with enough resources. You have also seen the power of my fragrance. That half-king state, wipe out a piece, basically Can’t bear it. At this level, this is still pure raw material. If it is refined into a pill, how powerful is it? I don’t dare to think... Balabala... So, what are you going to trade for?"

  Han Fei's last sentence, he asked simply and neatly. Want to take something from me for nothing? That is impossible.

   Just listen to Dongfang Ming said: "We found a broken Dinghai treasure during our trip. I wonder if it can be used as a bargaining chip in exchange?"

   Han Fei raised his eyebrows, and said to his heart: Is there such a good thing? I don't mind!

   However, Xia Xiaochan immediately said: "Who wants the broken one? Dinghai strange treasures only, my two sets! Except for this broken Dinghai strange treasure?"

   Bai Jinjiu and Dongfang Ming were dumbfounded at that time: Yes, this girl is the princess of the royal family. With that identity, do you want to fix the sea of ​​treasure?

Just when the two of them were entangled that they only had one hole card, they only listened to Han Fei: "Hey, girl, it's broken, it's a different treasure of Dinghai after all. Although the value is quite different, it can be repaired, if it can still be used. ? Even if it can't be used, it can be worth a few superb warriors. It shouldn't be a big problem."

   Dongfang Ming hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it's definitely worth a few of the best soldiers."

   Han Fei grinned and said lightly: "Well, let's not talk about dark flowers. An imperial key can be exchanged for a pound of fragrance. I don't know if you want it or not?"

   "One catty?"

  Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming looked at each other, only to hear Bai Jingjiu say: "Daoist, this is too little, right? The imperial palace key, just to change a catty?"

  Han Fei's eyes were long: "You two, you are here to do business with me. I'm not good at driving people. But don't forget, we are not businessmen!"

  Han Fei had a leisurely tone. Hearing Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming's heart moved, his heart said: This person is one person blocking the way of more than 200 people, and his strength is terrible.

   If you really want to rob, the two brothers will be hard to resist.

   Dongfang Ming frowned: "But, just a few jins, not enough~"

   Han Feixin said: These two people want stinky liquid, and ninety-nine percent of them are used to refine poison. I don't know how to refine poison, I can only use it for anything. However, these two people are masters of poison. The smelly liquid must be extremely useful on them.

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "In this way, I have always had a good impression of the Outer Domain for 13 days. My impression of Wandutian is not bad. I know that you are very proficient in refining poison, so let's do it! Um...you two The poison on your body can be exchanged with me. Every kind of poison can be exchanged for a pound of stinky liquid... However, at least half of the keys to the palace on your body must be taken out and exchanged with me."


  Han Fei was shocked when he saw Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming.

   Speaking of resources, maybe they don't have much. But when it comes to poison, they have everything they need. They are all Poison Dao Tianjiao, who does not have a thousand children and eight hundred kinds of poison?

   Suddenly, only Bai Jingjiu said: "Friends, I have 1,103 kinds of poison, and this is 1,103 kilograms."


   It is Han Fei who was calm as an old Buddha before. At this moment, he couldn't help but be moved: This thing, why are you out of the house and carry so much poison? Not afraid of being poisoned to death.

   And Dongfang Ming was also excited: "Friends of Taoism, my brother and I follow different training routes. The poisons on my body are not the same. I have 1,607 types, which is 1,607 jin."

   Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but looked at Han Fei speechlessly: Is this crazy? When did Han Fei have a hobby of hand poisoning?

   But now, it's hard to ask, Xia Xiaochan can only stare at her.

Just listen to Han Fei smiled and said: "It's easy to say that the poison of Wandutian has been praised throughout the riots. It is most appropriate to poison... but you have to tell me what different poisons do... Only then can I know how to apply poison."

   This time, Bai Jingjiu and Dongfang Ming both smiled confidently: "Of course it's okay. Poison is meant to be used. Friends, please watch Poison..."

   However, the two people at UU Reading www.uukānshu.com thought about it. Thousands of medicine bottles, boxes, jars, and bags appeared in the air.

When    is over, Bai Jingjiu kept a jade slip and said: "Friends of Taoism, you will know at a glance."

   Han Fei took it, glanced away, and saw a mess of poison records.

   For example, Deshun, the flesh is very poisonous, and it blends into the flesh and blood, which can corrupt the flesh and contaminate the soul, and finally cause the Shen Yun to fall, even reincarnation is impossible.

   For example, blood thorns, hemolytic strange poison, after being contaminated, the blood of the whole body gradually stops, and blood thorns are born, which can disrupt the internal meridians.


  Such as these, there are a thousand kinds of messy poisons.

   Han Fei looked at it, and his whole person was refreshed: This time, I've made a profit! In the future, I will definitely go to Wandutian. With the fragrance of thousands of miles, at least an astronomical figure can be sold.

  Han Fei showed a faint expression: "I, a total of 2,710 kg."

   Only when Han Fei raised his hand, a large piece of gray liquid was suspended in the air.

   Xia Xiaochan looked at it and jumped back a lot.

   also Bai Jinjiu and Dongfang Ming, as if seeing a lover, his eyes were straight.

   I just listened to Han Fei leisurely said: "Wh, do you still have the keys to the palace?"

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