God of Fishing

Chapter 1820: Dangerous route

Within the sphere of influence of Supreme Profound Sky, it is likely to be under the control of the kings.

Han Fei is alone and unfamiliar with life, so he naturally has to be careful.

After everyone got on the boat, no one was found on the boat. However, after everyone got on the ship, the ship automatically started the void movement.


When the crowd crossed hundreds of thousands of miles, Song Kaiyuan and others couldn't help being speechless. Mu Shui thought: "Isn't this our Taixuantian route? Someone opened up a new route near our Taixuantian?"

Song Kaiyuan said lightly: "This is not unexpected. Although the routes of our four immortal palaces are relatively hidden, they have not reached the point where they cannot be found."

Although Han Fei and Lu You have reached an agreement on the surface. However, if you don't become a king for a day, you can't compare with the master of these immortal palaces.

Therefore, before becoming a king, Han Fei will never be exposed to other people's spheres of influence.

As for this route, Xuanfeng naturally left it to herself. However, the route left by Xuanfeng was finally turned on the route of the Witch Pirate Group, and finally led to Wudi City.

Han Fei currently does not want to get involved with the Witch Pirates, let alone make more people aware of his relationship with the Witch Pirates...

Therefore, Han Fei intends to use a discarded route on this route map. This is a long silent route.

This route has been abandoned for too long. Even Xuanfeng only occasionally uses this route to take shortcuts, and rarely runs this route completely.

In fact, this route originally belonged to Jiugongtian. The first half of the route has disappeared without a trace, but the second half of the route is still there.

At the beginning, although Yinyangtian and Shuimutian were removed from the rioting sea, Jiugongtian was still there. Jiugongtian didn't enter a closed state at the beginning, but was forced to enter a closed state after being gradually targeted.

Because of this, many villages and towns in Jiugongtian have disappeared, and the population has plummeted.

Jiugongtian once fought, but in the end two fists are hard to beat four hands. Finally, Jiugongtian couldn't even find it. However, their route was retained.

With the disappearance of Jiugongtian, the route was gradually abandoned. Xuanfeng knew quite well about Jiugongtian. Even Xuanfeng still has part of the yin-yang sky route here. However, there seemed to be a problem with the yin-yang route, and it was completely abandoned.

An hour later.

When Song Kaiyuan and others hadn't seen Han Fei himself, they were feeling that something was wrong. Suddenly they heard a "hum" and two figures appeared on the mast.

Everyone was very surprised at the appearance of Han Fei: They are both in the half-king state, why are they so good?

The two people who appeared on the mast were Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth were slightly raised, and his voice was slightly lazy: "Welcome everyone, join my Avengers pirate team. I don't know...Do you still like this meeting ceremony?"

Of course everyone knows what Han Fei is talking about...Apart from the disguise method of "The Deception Art", this supernatural being, what else can there be?

Li Kaitian said: "Captain, this thing is good. But is the price a bit too expensive?"

Among the few people on this trip, Li Kaitian has the most upright character. Even Mu Xi was more active than Li Kaitian.

I saw Han Fei, and his face sank immediately: "You are still too expensive? It's just a mere million of the best spirit stones. To buy the best magic weapon, you only buy 20 or 30 pieces. But, what did you get? A great skill. You have a face, tell me that it is expensive? You, yes, just you... owe me more than one hundred thousand best spirit stones."

Li Kaitian: "???"

Everyone: "..."

Mu Shui Sisi couldn't help but glance at the senior.

Song Kaiyuan immediately smiled and said: "Captain, it's not expensive or expensive. The supernatural skill is extremely rare in my Buddhist scripture tower. How can it be compared with a million top-grade spiritual stones?"

Song Kaiyuan couldn't help being speechless to Li Kaitian: What kind of temper is this man, don't you have any points in your heart? In the entire riot, who else would he dare not rob?

The others didn't speak, and everyone looked at Han Fei differently.

Song Kaiyuan was like a mirror in his heart, grasping this person's identity, strength, and methods with great precision.

Li Kaitian was so naive, he was fined as soon as he boarded the ship, mainly because he challenged the captain's status and prestige.

Jian Hui looked at Han Fei, his eyes filled with fighting spirit, and he treated Han Fei as a powerful opponent.

As for Mu Shui Sisi and Lu Ran, as well as the three of Mu Xi, they discussed in secret.

Mu Shui Sisi: "Hey! I don't believe that this person is a bit like Xuezhan. The temperaments of these two people are clearly different!"

Lu Ran: "Look at the deception technique, and you'll know it. A high-ranking sacred product is the best at hiding yourself. Since your identity has been exposed, then you must have not run away. Otherwise, you will be the four palace masters. Is it wrong?"

Mu Xi: "It's not a good thing at first glance. I had known that he was such a snow fight, that sun and moon shell, I shouldn't have given him it."

After experiencing what happened last time, Mu Xi just felt that Xue Zhan was just a cold-faced person and didn't hold any hate.

However, at first glance, this man is clearly a liar.

Now, standing in front of him grandly, as if not knowing himself.

Of course, it was because of her gaze that Mu Xi made this statement, she glanced at Xia Xiaochan who was sitting on the mast from time to time.

Today, the people here, who doesn't know: Xia Xiaochan, is the princess of the royal family of Yuren?

Apart from marveling at Han Fei's boldness, everyone was just a few girls who did not have the slightest affection for Xia Xiaochan.

Lu Ran said, "Xixi, do you want to try again?"

Mu Shui Sisi: "You are going to die? Try this now? The princess of the mackerel royal family, alas, give an order to kill the existence of the Quartet. Although I support Xixi very much, but as far as I see it, this matter is forgotten. ."

Han Feixin said: You three, chatting here, when I can’t hear, right?

Immediately, Han Fei set his eyes on the three of them, and the color in his eyes was self-evident.

Immediately, Mu Shui thoughtfully said: "No, he can hear it."

Suddenly, Lu Ran and Mu Xi were shocked and stopped transmitting.

However, a few people were silent: This guy, isn't he still a king? How can even the sound transmission of our realm be heard?


I just heard Han Fei snorted softly: "This trip, your palace masters, let you board the Avengers. Although I don't quite understand his intentions... But starting today, where and what will the Avengers do? , You only need to cooperate unconditionally to do what you need. You can get the effort you deserve. I will share the rewards that should be given to you. Don’t question my judgment, don’t question my orders..."

Han Fei grinned and looked into the distance: "Go!"


After half a month.

In a fog-shrouded place, waves on the sea are surging one after another.

This Jiugongtian... the route that was almost abandoned, really wasn't easy to take. On the way, he encountered marine creatures in the Half-king Realm as many as seven times.

On this day, the sea is full of fog, and the surrounding spiritual energy is thin, and everyone has a bad intuition.

Just listen to Song Kaiyuan: "Captain, there seems to be something wrong with this route. Even the most dangerous route does not usually appear so many powerful creatures in a row. However, there have been so many half-king creatures on this route. Now this one, it feels more difficult to deal with than the other sea monsters!"

Han Fei said indifferently, "What's the **** **** thing? The enemy comes, and it's over. Wait..."


After half the incense, when the Avengers was just about to complete a void movement, suddenly, dozens of large black shadows appeared in the shadow of the sea.

Han Fei frowned slightly: "Preparing to fight. A group of thunder dragon eels dare to provoke the Avengers? If you don't leave one, they will all be killed."


Everyone's faces are green: Is this so special, there must be more than 20? Kill all? Is this something we can do?



I saw huge figures poking out from the sea.

It is no exaggeration to say: a head can catch up with the size of two Avengers. Its body is nearly ten thousand feet long.

At this point, the dragon eel struck across, and Han Fei didn't make a move. What can Song Kaiyuan and others do? Can only shoot.


At the moment when the Thunder Dragon Eel was drawn out of the water, Jianhui exploded with a soaring sword energy.

With a sword, the world fades.

Only the power of that sword, the sword passed without a trace, only a glimmer of glory passed by.


But seeing the dazzling thunder crashing down in front of the Yin Thunder Dragon Eel.


The two fought extremely fast~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, I saw the giant dragon eel, whose body was cut open with a sword. Massive thunderstorms detonated in all directions, and in an instant, this sea area turned into a thunderous ocean.

I saw Li Kaitian burst out with a loud shout, holding a big silver light stick, jumping out. The shadow of the cudgel reaches a great height, and the power is overwhelmed by the angry waves, and the sea is temporarily calm.

"A mere thunderbolt, how can you be fierce...? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...excitingly."

"Boom bang bang!"

But when he saw Li Kaitian, he smashed the head of a thunder dragon eel with a stick. But at least a hundred rays of thunder shrouded him, blowing him into an iron head fish in an instant.

Lu Ran: "I'm yelling... begging oops... boring... thunder..."

The fall of several thunder dragon eels caused the surrounding thunder dragon eels to erupt at the same time.

Not only is the thunder dragon eel itself in a thunderstorm. Above the sky, thunder was also crashing down.

Han Fei looked at the people who had been stunned by the electric shock, knowing that these thunders would not kill them with electricity.

After all, it's impossible for them to be half-kings. Among them, only 7 truly reached the half-king level, and Jianhui and Li Kaitian killed one respectively.


Only one figure was seen, quietly standing on the head of a thunder dragon eel. With a mention of both daggers in both hands, he suddenly saw that the super giant eel, which was more than 600 meters wide, fell apart.


That person, who is Xia Xiaochan?

When countless thunderbolts fell, Xia Xiaochan's Wushou Profound Body was transported and instantly bathed in the terrifying thunderbolt.

Mu Shui Sisi, Lu Ran, and Mu Xi also killed their own goals.

When Han Fei saw that everyone should be fine, he immediately appeared in the sky.

Seeing Han Fei with one hand, the embroidery needle appeared, and he shouted, "It's so big!"

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