God of Fishing

Chapter 1827: Shura Pirates

Three big ships from the Asura pirate group came around.

Even Pei Qianying, the leader of the Shura Pirate Group, had already seen Han Fei's battle with Yaowangtian Patriarch.

Unfortunately, he was a step late.

I only saw the picture of Han Fei being punched back by the ancestor of Yao Wangtian.

Therefore, he only thought in his heart: This son has extraordinary physique, extraordinary strength, and can block a blow from the king.

However, Pei Qianying is not stupid: Since this Avengers pirate group dares to plunder the Yaowangtian ship, it must have some own means.

So, at this moment, the war has not started, just listen to him: "Han Fei of the Avengers Pirates, right?"

Han Fei pretended to be solemn: "Pei Qianying?"

Pei Qianying didn't care, and didn't care that Han Fei called his name directly, and just listened to him: "You know, Yaowangtian is the prey of the Asura Pirates for me?"

Han Fei shrugged: "I don't know, how?"

Just listen to Pei Qianying sneered: "Heh! Boy, your tone is crazy? But that's all, as long as the resources you looted today are all contributed to my Asura Pirate Group, I will let you go. After all, I I prefer pirates."

Han Fei sneered: "What if I don't?"

I saw Pei Qianying sneered: "No? Just relying on the few people in your Avengers Pirate Group, it's really a laugh. Hahaha..."

As Pei Qianying laughed, everyone on the three large ships of the Shura pirate group began to laugh.

Below, Song Kaiyuan and others looked solemn.

They are not laughable.

This is the top ten pirate group! The Shura pirate group is the most cruel, but when plundered, it will not keep alive. Head Pei Qianying was even more murderous.

It can be said that among the top ten pirate groups, the most brutal is this wave of people.

Han Fei's voice was long: "What's wrong with the lack of people? My Avengers pirate group, one will fight ten, do you serve it?"

After speaking, Han Fei quickly looked at Yao Wangtian's ancestor and said, "Pei Qianying belongs to you."

At this time, the ancestor Yaowangtian had no choice but to trust Han Fei.

After all, at the time of the looting, the Avengers did not kill Yaowangtian's people.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to cooperate with Han Fei.

The group of people he brought with him were all the arrogance of Yao Wangtian. If it fell here, it would be Yao Wangtian's loss!

Immediately, the ancestor Yaowangtian nodded, and Han Fei sneered: "Is that Pei Qianying? Dare to laugh at me? I don't know why you are?"

After finishing speaking, I just listened to Han Fei's sound like a dragon chanting, falling into the sea like thunder.

"Kill me! Don't keep alive."

Pei Qianying was stunned and couldn't help smiling "haha": "It turns out that the Avengers Pirate Group is actually a group of brainless people."


Pei Qianying did not pay attention to Han Fei. Since Han Fei toasted and didn't eat or drink fine wine, he killed them easily.


Han Fei took the lead.

The Yin-Yang Samsara Knife took the lead in strangling a big ship, only listening to Han Fei said: "Girl, you and Song Kaiyuan and the others fight a ship."

Just listen to Song Kaiyuan's voice transmission immediately: "Be careful, the ship formation of the Asura Pirate Group should not be easily broken. They have Asura blood poison on board. If they are contaminated by that dirty blood, they may penetrate the bloodline and cause a huge blow to the bloodline."

Han Fei's heart moved: "No problem, just kill it."

Han Fei sneered: What he is least afraid of is filth and evil. With the purifying power of the apocalyptic magic, how can it be contaminated by this area?


Xia Xiaochan directly merged with the Great Xia Longyu, and her combat power increased.

At the moment the yin and yang reincarnation sword cut out, she also killed out one after another.

And Han Fei himself, with this punch, slammed into another big ship.

I saw the big ship of the Shura Pirate Group, and the ship array turned directly into blood fog. Under the blood mist, there seemed to be power, corroding the surrounding area.

"Apocalypse magic~"


Only seeing the sky above the sky, "Swiss", three consecutive white beams of light came crashing down.

The weird ship formation was directly opened with three big holes.


Pei Qianying made a shot with Yaowangtian Patriarch, while waiting to see a joke...Who knows, there is such a scene? The ship formation that he was always proud of couldn't even stop Han Fei's blow? This is... Divine Revelation?

And Yao Wangtian ancestor secretly exclaimed. If you read it right, is this special? I'm afraid it's not apocalypse magic arts?

Song Kaiyuan and Mu Shui Sisi were even more shocked.

Rao was Song Kaiyuan, and he was shocked: This is the great skill of the king?

According to legend, this kind of great technique cannot be mastered by ordinary people. At the time of the Age of Domination, in the entire world, there was only one king who could master the divine art of apocalypse.

But today they saw it.

At this moment, Song Kaiyuan suddenly knew: Why the Four Immortal Palaces would let himself and others act as thugs for Han Fei. It seems, just to get involved with Han Fei! Because Han Fei is very likely to bear the inheritance of the king.

The three large ships of the Asura pirate group were broken open at the same time.

Those crew members on the ship were also dumbfounded: I never thought that there would be such a situation? The Scarlet Boat Formation, couldn't even stop it for a while?


Xia Xiaochan had already rushed into the boat, a shadow of a person was entangled, and the soul was instantly shattered by a soul stabbing.

Han Fei didn't worry about Xia Xiaochan and the others. In terms of strength, this group of people was definitely the first echelon of Riot Canghai Half-King Realm, and it was definitely not comparable to a miscellaneous army such as the Shura Pirates.

As far as Han Fei is concerned, it will be faster to shoot. I saw Han Fei draw a knife with one hand, and the avenue of gravity was instantly smashed. The majestic combat power, Han Fei would let these people have resistance?

Hearing "pupupupu" sounds one after another, five and a half kings in a row had no resistance in front of Han Fei, and the soul was accused and fell straight away.

When Han Fei stepped on it, Blade Purgatory was once again formed, and the radius of a thousand miles turned into a tide of swords.

Even so, Han Fei did not stop. Compared with other pirate groups, Han Fei had no good impression of this Shura pirate group, and Pei Qianying was just looking for the pleasure of slaughter.

But Pei Qianying is not a good person, is he Han Fei a good person? When it comes to fighting, Han Fei said he had never counseled. In terms of slaughter, could this Pei Qianying still be able to compare with the blood? The scene of Xuefan’s blood sacrifice to the entire Blood Sea God Wooden City is really about to become a king, this Pei Qianying has to kneel down and call his father!

Only seeing Han Fei's hand buckle the void crack, every time someone was cut off with a knife, his soul was too late to escape, so he was blown by Han Fei's finger.

One face to face, the powerhouse who fell on Han Fei's hands was nine people, and on the other ship, Xia Xiaochan and the others had already killed seven and a half king-level powerhouses.

Of course, those who were killed were basically not good at strength, a bit of a level, and already shouted: "Disembark and expand the battlefield."

As for Yao Wangtian's side, their combat power was a bit worrying. Only the guy named Mu Chen and a woman killed two half-king powerhouses and killed six people on their own side.

At this moment, the strength of the strength, the wartime reaction appeared. Although the Yaowang Tianqiang has learned a lot, but the degree of power is limited.

In other words, they are actually very good, but lack of combat experience, otherwise they wouldn't have lost six people in the opening round of rushing.

However, for Pei Qianying, his face is hard to see the extreme at this moment. The only thing he didn't expect was that Han Fei could break through his ship formation so easily, and if he couldn't break through the ship formation, the battle would go in another direction.

At first glance, the Avengers elite brought by Han Fei was so powerful, only to see Pei Qianying's body bursting with blood and blood, showing a figure in the void.

It was a figure composed of black and red blood, and when he fixed his eyes, it turned out to be another Pei Qianying, and he also had the strength of the sea-breaking realm.

Han Fei's heart moved: "Incarnation outside?"

Han Fei laughed at the time, and saw his thoughts move, the surrounding aura was drained instantly, and the invincible fighting spirit was condensed, turning into a giant, and when he pointed out, a man of the highest peak was killed on the spot~www.mtlnovel .com~ I watched the blood man slashing down with a sickle across the sky. The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Apocalypse".

When a pillar of holy light descended, Han Fei buckled with one hand and grabbed a giant blade of holy light with a thousand feet from the pillar of light.


The white light and the blood color meet in the sky, and in the perception of countless people, they saw that the blood color sickle was cut by Han Fei.

This is the restraint of the heavenly sage, even if the blood shadow is in the sea-clearing realm? This is the thing that Tianqi Avenue is least afraid of. I only saw Han Fei stepping thousands of miles, stepping on the void, grasping a piece of holy light, like flying dust, waving his hand, like billions of swords, piercing the void, sweeping toward the **** figure.

The **** blood gas detonated, but the terrifying explosion did not hurt Han Fei at all, but some people were attacked by the blood mist, contaminated with filthy blood.

But Han Fei slapped the blood shadow out.

"Bae Qianying, right?"

After that, Han Feizhen was filled with holy light, and he slapped the ghost head crooked.

"Follow me crazy, right?"

"Do you think you are embarrassed?"

"Let me send you resources?"

Han Fei's peak speed is absolutely dissatisfied, especially when he felt the Avenue of Wind, under the suppression of his attributes, he punched and kicked the blood shadow.

"I make you ugly."

"I make you a pirate."

"Let you insult the profession of pirates"

"Boom bang bang~"

Pei Qianying's external incarnation was completely suppressed, and the filthy blood had no effect. And his body was entangled by the ancestor of Yao Wangtian, he was not afraid of it, but the old man of Yao Wangtian seemed to be knocked out of the medicine, and he entangled himself.

Seeing that if this continues, her external avatar may be slaughtered, Pei Qianying's discoloration immediately changed, and she shouted, "Give me back..."

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