God of Fishing

Chapter 1834: Wudicheng Information Trading Center

"Subordinates, see Her Royal Highness."

Xia Xiaochan gestured to a shark tribe who saluted inexplicably. She was speechless for a while: this is already the eighth.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan entered the city grandiosely and did not hide their identities at all. Therefore, there are many people who recognize them, although they do not know any of them.

Xia Xiaochan couldn't help but patted his head and said, "Han Fei, are we too high-profile?"

Han Fei: "Just to be high-profile. Best, now Chun Huangdian can stand in front of me! I can take a bite of him in front of him, believe it or not?"

3001 suddenly interrupted and said, "By the way, spitting is forbidden in Wudi City."

Xia Xiaochan: "..."

Han Fei: "..."


Wudi City Information Center.

This place is like the material war preparation bureau of Broken Star Island, the buildings are all built. Inside, there are nearly one hundred service desks.

Now, it seems to be quite busy inside, and there are people at every service desk.

Some service desks have no place to line up, and even open small private rooms.

Han Fei looked around. The construction pattern of this place is not as gorgeous as the material war readiness bureau! Everywhere, there are black stones.

As soon as he came in, Han Fei heard someone say: "Bring me a copy of the latest information about the Avengers."

As soon as this person's voice fell, suddenly the hall fell silent. Many people looked back.

"Hi! Head of the Avengers pirate group, Han Fei?"

There was a shark human being here. After seeing Xia Xiaochan, he immediately saluted: "I have seen your Royal Highness."

Xia Xiaochan nodded indifferently: "No gift, go ahead!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan: "You are more popular than me!"

Xia Xiaochan rolled her eyes and said, "How about you become a prince of the scorpion clan to come and see? There must be someone saluting you too."

Someone was just stunned in the field, and then the noisy returned.

As long as you enter Wudi City, no matter how awesome you are outside, everyone will not be afraid. Anyway, I can't do it here.

3001 said: "Two please! The information center has arranged an exclusive reception room for the two, and the owner of our information center will personally receive the two."

Han Fei's heart moved: Being able to take charge of such a large information center, one hundred million people per minute, is definitely not small.

Since this person is taking time to receive himself, it is obvious that the information has caught their attention.

In other words, it was mainly the information behind that attracted their attention.

As 3001 entered the inner room directly, many people in the hall outside immediately whispered: "I will buy it later, and wait a minute, maybe there will be new information."

These people are all human beings: Han Fei has come to the intelligence center himself, can there be no intelligence?

After a while, Han Fei was taken to a place similar to a study room in the information center.

Here, bamboo and wooden frames are placed everywhere, and fish skin rolls are placed. The area of ​​this room is not small. There are probably millions of fish skin rolls.

When the two of Han Fei came in, they saw a woman in a bright red robe, holding a fish skin roll and watching.

3001 The girl quietly retreated when sending Han Fei in.

The gazes of Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were directly attracted by this woman.

The face of this woman was extremely cold. The cold temperament is a bit like Luo Xiaobai. But even if you keep the high cold, you can't get rid of the charm of a beautiful woman.

When seeing Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan coming in, the woman did not continue to read the book pretentiously, but directly put down and closed the fish skin map, and said to Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan sternly: "Sit!"

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other and were not polite.

What really surprised them was: they couldn't see the depth of this woman!

Generally speaking, this woman must be the king.

Han Fei never expected: Just the master of an information center in Wudi City would have reached the sea-opening state? How many sea-breaking experts are there in Wudi City?

Seeing the two sitting down, the woman in red said: "My identity is not a secret. I am Yan Meng, the owner of the Wudi City Intelligence Center. Those who can be invited here are usually people with great intelligence. They usually come to conduct bulk intelligence transactions."

Han Fei said, "Isn't the intelligence already sold?"

Yan Meng pushed the two fish skin pictures on the table directly in front of Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan and said, "Look at them first."

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan turned over the first fishskin map in doubt. This fish skin map is the basic information of the Avengers, that is, the basic information that reveals the identity of Han Fei.

The second one, although it still records the basic information of the Avengers, but this one is much more comprehensive.

Above, Han Fei's transaction in Leihuotian Wanbao Pavilion was recorded. Auctions, the first looting, the snow fight under a pseudonym, the snatching of Fengzhu and so on.

When Han Fei was selling information, he did not expect that Wudi City's intelligence capabilities were so terrifying! Some things that should have been looted without a trace, but records can still be found here.

Just listen to Yan Meng said: "You have also seen the intelligence capabilities of Emperor Wu. However, I have not sold this information. Otherwise, the Snow God Palace and Liuli Fourth Palace will definitely cause 36 other Xuantian Enemy. In the short term, although it will not be destroyed, it will definitely cause human strife."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Wu Emperor City, since the content of this information is suppressed, why?"

Yan Meng looked at Xia Xiaochan, and smiled unsparingly: "Pure Emperor's Code, really has the emperor's great skill?"

Xia Xiaochan is not stupid. She is now the king of the mackerel, and of course she knows the power of the royal family of the mackerel.

She knew that Han Fei's purpose was to push the Pure Emperor's Code to the forefront of the storm, so that he would be questioned in the Shaman tribe and even the entire riot.

Although Chun Huangdian had a kind of shelter for herself, she also detained her for decades.

Moreover, if Han Fei did this, he would actually not be able to move the Pure Emperor's Code, and it would only cause him to get into trouble. No matter how you look at it, Xia Xiaochan thinks it is feasible.

He only listened to Xia Xiaochan's eyelids without blinking: "Of course, not only that, I also suspect that he has hidden his strength."

Yan Meng said again, "Is there any evidence?"

Xia Xiaochan shook her head: "No!"

Yan Meng: "Then how do you provide this information?"

Xia Xiaochan: "I have my own way. Since Wudi City is so well-informed, why should I know my mother, why sleep still?"

Yan Meng: "This is a mystery."

Xia Xiaochan: "The problem lies in this obsession. There are more, I will not disclose. But my mother's sleep is related to the riots."

Yan Meng fingered the light wooden table and said lightly: "Is this information sold?"

Xia Xiaochan shook his head decisively: "Not for sale."

Yan Meng nodded slightly, and then looked at Han Fei: "As mentioned in this piece of information, Zhenhai God’s oracle rumors are not absent in Wudi City. However, this is only a rumor in the Age of Domination. However, there is no rumor. Speaking of the thaumaturgy of Emperor Cheng, how did you know?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "How much is the information we just provided worth?"

Yan Meng's expression didn't make waves: "5 million superb spiritual stones."

Han Fei said, "What about the question you just asked?"

Yan Meng: "50 million superb spiritual stones."

Han Fei's heart sighed and said: Nima, rich people speak with pride. 50 million, like 5,000 yuan?

However, this thaumaturgy was originally compiled by Han Fei.

Han Fei can deceive most people, but he cannot really deceive Wudi City. Otherwise, once it is exposed, it is deliberately deceiving Emperor Wu.

Therefore, Han Fei sighed slightly: "It's a pity, this news of mine comes from a long time. The specific time is about 120,000 years ago. You let me prove that I can't prove it, and I can't judge this news. The true and false. This 50 million, it seems, I can’t get it."

Yan Meng's eyes lit up slightly: "Time is long? We can also buy information about time, which is expensive."

Han Fei shook his head: "I won't sell the long-term news. Unless one day, I have become a king, and the strength is comparable to most kings in the rioting sea."

Yan Meng nodded slightly.

This is completely understandable.

Since Han Fei's identity has been revealed, he has already become a target of public criticism.

Just listen to her: "Just now, one of your words from a long time and 120,000 years ago is worth 5 million. If nothing else, this transaction is over."

Han Fei said: "Wait, I happen to have information to buy."

Yan Meng: "Oh? Come and listen."

Han Fei said just a few words here and earned 10 million Supreme Spirit Stones. However, I don’t know how much it will cost to buy information?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "I want to know ~www.ltnovel.com~ why the kings and powerful men who are rioting in the ocean cannot enter the Yin and Yang sky?"

Yan Meng was stunned for a moment: "You don't know?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I don't know!"

Yan Meng's expression changed only in a moment, so she said, "5 million."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth shook slightly, and he couldn't help but said, "Does our intelligence center's pricing method all charge at the million level?"

Yan Meng: "The price of intelligence has its own high and low."

Han Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Buy!"

Just listen to Yan Meng said: "Because of the yin-yang grinding disc. In the depths of the wild abyss, a yin-yang grinding disc is formed. This grinding disc is not the yin-yang road and cannot be walked. Otherwise, the emperor will come in person, and under the power of the entire wilderness, it will be crushed. Broken. If you broke into it 80,000 years ago, it might be possible. However, with the passage of time, the yin and yang wheel became stronger and stronger, and it has long been inaccessible.

"Yin and Yang millstone?"

Han Fei couldn't help but think: The millstone-shaped place he saw at the beginning, co-authored, is that thing the real reason why others can't enter?

Han Fei wondered: "Then why, someone can enter the Yin and Yang sky by projection?"

Yan Meng: "2 million."

Han Feixin said: This also requires money?

At that time, Han Fei was not well. However, thinking that I just made 10 million, I spent it. So Han Fei nodded: "Buy."

Yan Meng: "The Avenue of Space can change the form of space. Avenue of Time, you can walk through time gaps. Even, there are ancient methods of sacrifice, ignoring the rhyme of space and Tao... But the most common way is that the strong can use projection to continue The way of projection realizes the grafting and spanning of space. However, if you do this, your strength will be greatly reduced. Even if you can bypass the yin and yang millstone, it will only use the projection without the projection, and the strength is very weak.

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