God of Fishing

Chapter 1842: Group shock

"Boom bang bang~"

The battle between Han Fei and Emperor Wu had lasted for nearly 20 breaths. Now, Han Fei's combat power has reached the limit.


Only a blue halo appeared, time passed, and Han Fei's strength returned to its peak. Of course, Han Fei spent 20 wisps of Chaos Qi.

In this kind of ultra-high-intensity battle, even if Han Fei didn't want to consume this power, that wouldn't work. If your strength is not at the peak, you will have to lose if you meet.

"Teniang's, Emperor Wu inheritance, is it so difficult?"

When they came in this time, Zhang Luotian didn't say how long this second trial would last?

Han Feijue: It's not that there is only 20 breaths, right?

But if they are all opponents of this level, Han Fei can't help but wonder: Who can hold on to the end? If you can't even carry it...I can't imagine how many people can carry it?

It's just that Han Fei didn't know: When he entered, it was only five breaths of time, and the wilderness of the outside world was almost swept away. Every second, dozens or even hundreds of people appeared.

By the fifth breath, the number of people who appeared in the wilderness outside had reached nearly 5,000.

At this moment, everyone is afraid.

Someone was shocked and said: "So strong, too strong! I didn't even see that person, I only felt the breath of death, which has been covering myself."

"It's too strong! I only took a punch, and my body was almost shattered. That person was invincible at all."

"By the way, do you see who that person is? I saw a dark shadow."

Someone was speechless: "What do you look at? All aspects have crushed me. Except for passive resistance, I can't even find a chance to shoot."

Zhang Luotian and others were standing high in the sky, as if they had expected it.

I just heard someone say: "Or, let's take a bet, how long can the longest bet? I bet 20 interest."

Bai Yue said with no anger: "Ling Yuan, do you think it's great to open a casino by yourself? You know gambling? This is the inheritance of Emperor Wu, but it's a big deal. You'd better stay awake."

The man known as Ling Yuan shrugged and said: "I didn't say anything wrong! This level is too difficult. Fighting against the miniature of Emperor Wu, for tens of thousands of years, no one has survived for a hundred breaths."

Zhang Luo said leisurely: "The King Wu once set a battle record of 82 breaths, he is unparalleled. This time, he is also a group of heroes. Here, there are three invincible road powerhouses, the royal family, the hundred monsters and the undersea humans. The absolute arrogant. If you insist on less than 50 breaths, and can support 30 breaths, there should be."

"30 interest?"

Ling Yuan curled his lips and said, "Anyway, I only insisted on 24 breaths. It's too difficult to beat."

Yan Meng: "If you can hold on to 20 breaths, it means that you have a great chance of becoming a king. Let's just take a look!"


At this moment, the world is in the door, and the battle continues.


I saw that the young man who called himself Emperor Wu, after seeing Han Fei playing time, couldn't help saying: "The Avenue of Time. It's just a delay of time! The strong fight for the front, is it delaying victory or defeat?"


At that moment, only the Emperor Wu seemed to erupt.

A mysterious bird hung in the air.

In Han Fei's eyes, the big bird's wings were shining with golden light, and its feathers moved away, Han Fei actually saw a human face above the bird's head.

"Fuck! Human face and bird body, gold-winged roc?"

Han Fei couldn't help swallowing: If it was something he understood...It is said that this bird eats 500 dragons a day! Is this talented soul beast joking?


At this moment, Han Fei regretted leaving all these things like Emperor Sparrow on the yin and yang days. However, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have not yet entered the deity. Even if it merges, it might not be able to defeat this Emperor Wu, right?

However, what surprised Han Fei was that there was no information about the Golden Wing Roc in his eyes.

When this happens, it means that the battle he is experiencing now should be fake.

"Swipe it~"

Han Fei was speculating, but Emperor Wu did not stop. The Golden Wing Roc's first thing is speed, so Emperor Wu's speed at this moment has suddenly soared.

"Boom bang bang..."

Han Fei and Emperor Wu have completely turned into infinite afterimages. In an instant, a thousand blows were not unusual.

Han Fei was horrified: No, I can't keep up quickly! The body's reaction speed can't keep up! The limit of Time Avenue was broken by this person! So strong...

"Boom bang bang~"

In an instant, Han Fei was bombarded hundreds of times, and his body made a muffled sound of "dong dong dong".

Han Fei was caught by Emperor Wu, and saw a series of tens of thousands of serial hits.

Only seeing Han Fei's eyes suddenly furious. The frenzied power of the ancient warrior body broke out, and from the very beginning, Han Fei had cultivated a spirit of fighting spirit.

At this moment, although this spirit of war has not yet been fully developed... However, Han Fei couldn't care much.

If you don't burst at this time, you will lose yourself.

For others, this is a test.

However, to myself, this is an assessment from the Void Temple. However, he will miss the opportunity to join the Void Temple.

Therefore, no matter how much the price is paid in this battle, he must win.


How did Han Fei know: Outside speculation, how long can the longest one last?

When the madness violent, Han Fei's heart moved: "Clone, come here!"

However, on the other side, the body of Xuezhan who was about to collapse suddenly disappeared without a trace. Almost in sync, the power of the clone returns.

At this moment, Han Fei's strength reached its peak state.

Han Fei returned with a thought.

At this time, with the addition of the body that had already cultivated almost impossible to advance, Han Fei had reached the strongest state.

In his eyes, information flashed.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 89 (half king)

Genealogy of Canghaiwan: 2720986

Chaos Air: 2276 wisps

Spiritual power: 323446

Perception: 220,000 miles

Strength: 39999 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 79]

Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 78]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the seventh layer, "Void Landing Technique" [King Grade Artifact]


Although the power of the soul still has a lot of room for growth, in terms of strength, Han Fei has reached the limit. This is a shackle, already difficult to break through.

However, at this moment, Han Fei’s power of the Great Dao is operating, the ancient wilderness battle body erupts, the invincible Lujia body, the time technique assist...Han Fei’s strongest combat power, even if he encounters Bei Xuanbing again, Han Fei is still the same. Dare to fight.

"I fight~"

"Boom bang bang~"

"Boom boom boom~"

I don't know if it was because Han Fei had a more thorough understanding of the power of the Dao. When the two sides fought again, Han Fei was able to keep up with the speed of this Emperor Wu.

Just listen to the emperor Wu bursting out: "Zhan! I am the strongest..."

Han Fei bared his teeth: "With me, you count as a ball?"

Emperor Wu: "I told you, Time Avenue, but it's just delaying time."


outside world.

At this moment, 30 interest has passed.

However, the expressions of Zhang Luotian and others became serious.

But I saw Yan Meng said, "There are 302 people who have not yet come out. Most of them should have fallen. Among them, there should be less than ten people who are very likely to have survived 30 breaths. Among them, there should be Yu Lie, Xia Little cicada; Hundred Monster Race should have a Baililuo; Undersea Human Race should have Mu Qingxue; Wudi City should have Ye Fan, Zhang Heng, and Zheng Shuang; Thirty-six Xuantian should have Wu's opponent, Li Xinghen, Han Fei... Xuezhan should have fallen."

Several people couldn't help but glance at Yan Meng: What identity is Xue Zhan, don't you know?

Yan Meng replied, and several people nodded slightly to express their understanding.

Just after 30 breaths, I saw Bai Liluo and Mu Qingxue appear almost at the same time, in no particular order.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the crowd.

People are basically out. There are very few that can persist until now.

Almost after the two came out, before half a breath, they saw another two appear.

Most of these two people do not know each other. However, the people in Wudi City knew about these two people. Zhang Heng and Zheng Shuang, the most arrogant of the Wudicheng generation.

After four more breaths~www.ltnovel.com~, I saw two figures "swipe" and appeared. A closer look revealed that it was Li Xinghen and a guy that everyone was not familiar with.

Some people wondered: "Li Xinghen came out and insisted for a full 35 breaths. This time, I am afraid that he will be in the top five. But who is the person next to him?"

Someone said: "That person, you don't know that it's normal. This person is the native Tianjiao of Wudi City, and his name is Ye Fan. He is one of the few named Wudicheng children. It's a pity that even the native Tianjiao of Wudi City can't be captured. the first."

Someone sighed: "Wu's opponent hasn't appeared yet."

Someone suddenly said: "Then Han Fei, but he didn't show up either."

Among the people's discussion, after three breaths, they saw a "sweeping" of the ground, and a person's body was rushing to the sky, appearing above the wilderness.

"It's him, the opponent of Taiqing Palace Wu."

"38 breaths, this thing, I couldn't even hold on to three breaths. How did he stick to 38 breaths?"

In the crowd, two people sneered. These are not Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong, but who are they?

Just listen to Bai Muling's words: "I, Yu Lie and Princess Xia Xiaochan of the human clan, haven't come out yet."

Situ Yuhong: "With the strength of a princess, holding on to 50 breaths is more than enough, how can Wu compare to the first?"

As soon as the voices of the two people fell, they saw the colorful rays of light appear, but it was a male shark.

Suddenly, Bai Muling and Situ Yuhong breathed a sigh of relief. Haikou, which I just boasted about, almost exploded.

Even the Eight Kings looked solemn at the moment.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Luotian, and said in shock: "Old Zhang, how long did you hold on? 36 breaths, right?"

Zhang Luotian also looked solemnly: "This time, the strength of the tester completely exceeded our expectations. What surprised me even more is that someone can survive until now!"

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