God of Fishing

Chapter 1844: Invincible Eye

outside world.

More than 150 breaths have passed since the second trial began. After all these more breaths, many people have a premonition.

Someone sighed: "If you didn't come out, you didn't come out. You don't need to watch, those people must have fallen into it."

Someone said: "I believe it if you insist on 30 breaths. After seeing the princess, I also believe that you insist on 80 breaths. However, this is almost 160 breaths. It is impossible."

Someone shook his head: "Han Fei from the Avengers Pirates, he is considered strong, but he is not tyrannical, right? The challenges inside are extremely difficult. I guess he will not be able to come out."

Someone sneered: "What do you know? This challenge is not over yet! Although I am not familiar with Han Fei, I am optimistic about him. At least, he can kidnap the princess of the human clan. Who else can do this?"

Xia Xiaochan was calm and composed at this moment, and her heart was very certain: Han Fei could not fall.

The same Nine Star Orb, the person Han Fei met should be equal to himself.

It stands to reason that Xia Xiaochan didn't think that man could beat Han Fei. She even felt that Han Fei's winning rate was even greater. The reason why it hasn't come out now can only show that Han Fei is still fighting.

From childhood to fight, Han Fei has always been the first. This time, there will be no exception.

The dragon dance and pearl of the witch pirate group, as well as a few others, were suspected in the first battle. After passing Liulitian, in fact, at least the four generals knew Han Fei's identity.

The only people who have had contact with Han Fei are Dragon Dance and Pearl. Both of these people lasted more than 20 breaths. However, they all only lasted to 21 breaths before they lost.

Now, the two looked at each other.

Long Wu looked at Pearl and said, "Is it okay?"

Pearl shook his head slightly: "If you have seen it yourself, you should know that in this world, there is a strong player in the world. I don't think he has fallen."

Suddenly, someone said: "Look, the door shadow begins to blur."

Someone exclaimed: "Hey! I haven't come out yet, I'm afraid there is no chance, right?"

Even Zhang Luotian and the others frowned: Could it be that he had miscalculated? This Han Fei, who can be so noisy, will he fall here?


When everyone exclaimed, they only saw one hand, sticking out directly from the void of the fourth door.


"Hi! There are still people inside?"

At this moment, the corners of Xia Xiaochan's mouth turned up: I knew this guy was fine. It's horrible to come out at the last second!

I only saw that Han Fei even opened the door of the black mist, stepped out with a calm expression. With a smile on his face.

However, the third eye on the forehead disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Zhang Luotian and others were very moved. Everyone looked at each other and couldn't hide their inner surprise.

But Ling Yuan said: "The record is broken! This Han Fei is just the contemporary palace lord of Yin Yang Tian, ​​why is he so tyrannical? He broke the record of King Wu."

Yan Meng: "This is a good thing. It shows that Emperor Wu's inheritance is worth seeing this time. It also shows that... this person is extremely strong."

Zhang Luotian: "It's interesting. The only pity is that he didn't get ten-star gold beads."

Everyone shrugged slightly, and only listened to Bai Yue said: "Maybe, he still has a chance below? In the end, the specific degree of completion depends on the next two trials."

After Han Fei came out, he found Xia Xiaochan at first sight. In the eyes of countless people including Jian Hui and Song Kaiyuan, he slapped Xia Xiaochan and declared victory.

Xia Xiaochan's voice: "The Emperor Wu is so powerful, how can you survive now? Now, even I don't know how strong you are?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "So what can I do? How can I get your favor if I am not a strong husband?"

Xia Xiaochan rolled his eyes and said, "Hey! Don't think that it's great to be the first. I'm the second. I will surpass you in minutes and rush to you?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Believe! You now have a skill above me."

Xia Xiaochan was puzzled: "What?"

Han Fei's eyes revealed a hint of triviality: "When you move by yourself."

"Puff...cough cough!"

Suddenly, Han Fei raised his head and looked at the place where the kings were. Suddenly, his face turned black: Nima, who are these people? Listening to human ears is very bad.

Xia Xiaochan was stunned for a while, but when he saw the king's reaction, his face was flushed: "I will kill you..."

Yan Meng glanced at Bai Yue, who was not holding back, rolled his eyes, and immediately took a step, with a clear voice resounding through the void: "In this test, all those who have been in the door for 10 breaths or less will be eliminated. Eliminated. The total number of people is 11092. I don’t need to say who it is. The position of your stand can already explain everything."


Suddenly, there was an uproar off the court.

Over 10,000 people were eliminated all at once. Is this serious?

However, the rules have always been set by Emperor Wu. Those who were eliminated, really realized that this second trial was too difficult.

Some people regret: "Oh, I'm just a little bit short. I'm just half way short, and I'll make it through."

Someone shook his head: "Even if you can't make it through, what can you do? After all, it's still not strong enough. There are 6164 people left. Which of these people is worse than you?"

There are half-king-level powerhouses, and among those 6164 people, some of them are in the high-ranking state... and even the intermediate-level and low-ranking state. At that time, I felt unbalanced.

However, this is not a test based solely on strength, and those who fail can only give up.

However, some people still asked the question: "Predecessors, if you count by time, why are there four doors? Why are there marks of stars on the golden beads?"

It seems that someone would have expected this question a long time ago, Yan Meng replied indifferently: "Four doors, representing that the chance assessments and opportunities you encounter in different doors are completely different. However, for everyone, it is difficult. But there is no change. The division into four is to prepare for the third assessment. And the gold ball represents your luck. Invincible inheritance test, luck is more important than strength. You lose first, indicating your luck Only reach here...sufficient words, those who are eliminated, within a hundred breaths, leave this place."

Yan Meng's explanation was rather cold.

Han Fei's heart sank slightly after teasing Xia Xiaochan. Because in my mind, a new message emerged.

【Name】Eye of Invincibility

【Introduction】A kind of eye against the sky created by Wudi Road, born out of fearless heart, fearless Dao heart, and invincible heart. Opening this eye can arouse the strongest invincible will. Makes combat power multiplied, comparable to magic. Depending on the strength of the practitioner, the effect varies when used.

[Quality] Dao level

[Consumption] Chaos Qi

[Remarks] The stronger the strength, the smaller the consumption.


The effect of the doubling of strength shocked Han Fei's whole person: If this is the doubling of strength, I am afraid that it will be a real deal, a capable king!

However, what attracted Han Fei's attention more was the grade called "Dao-level".

This is a grade that Han Fei has never seen before.

Han Fei didn't even know: Is this invincible Eye still considered the power of the great power? Because the road of invincibility has dissipated and turned into the heart of invincibility and the eye of invincibility.

But no matter what, this wave has made a lot of money.

Everyone thought: I have lasted for such a long time, but who knows that I have defeated Emperor Wu?

When Han Fei came back to his senses, I only heard Yan Meng say: "The third trial is a trial in the secret realm, and the trial is about comprehension. The entire trial is divided into a physical trial and a divine soul trial and lasts 26 days. Once the time is up, whether it is qualified or not, the secret realm itself will give the answer. In the secret realm, do not harm each other. I will observe the secret realm later, and the offender will be expelled from the secret realm immediately. From now on, you have a rest period of one hour. After an hour, the trial continues..."

As soon as Yan Meng’s voice fell, some people began to communicate with each other. They only heard someone say: “The third trial is called the trial of death. It is said that the pass rate is less than one hundred. Don’t look at the 6000 people here. In fact, It is estimated that very few have passed the third trial."

Someone gritted his teeth: "Anyway, I've already arrived here, I have to try it. What if it's done?"

Some people secretly encouraged ~www.ltnovel.com~ and some people lamented the difficulty of this trial.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Girl, I feel that this so-called trial is like a pure trial. The difficulty of the trial is extremely high. The third scene clearly stated that it is based on comprehension, I guess the danger should not be great. The main thing is to move your mind fast. You have to think of something that others don't dare to think..."

Han Fei recalled the previous battle, who could have thought: Invincible Road is actually just the first step of Invincible. Finding this way does not mean that you have thoroughly understood invincibility. It even has a second form.

Xia Xiaochan said lazily: "I know! You forgot, my understanding has always been higher than you."

Han Fei suddenly stared, "Who said that?"

Xia Xiaochan: "When I was young, as soon as you said it, I realized it."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "Then I won't tell you?"

Xia Xiaochan tilted her head: "If you don't tell me, I will realize it later, and I can still realize it. Besides, since this is a secret realm, we can be together. You can say something at that time, I will definitely realize it."

Han Fei pondered: Yes!

Then, a brain collapsed on Xia Xiaochan's head: "I have to use my brain too. What if I fail to comprehend it?"

This scene where Han Fei's head touched, saw a lot of sharks, and his face was full of anger at the time. Everyone dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, my majestic princess, how can you bully?

But when I saw Xia Xiaochan, she seemed to be very happy, and didn't care at all. At that time, many of the powerful people of the scorpion clan were not good.

The love between the scorpion and the human race, they must break the taboo! In the future, I am afraid it will not end well.


An hour later.

Zhang Luotian flicked his fingers, and the mountain was shaking more than ten miles away. There was a mountain that split open, and a dark path appeared.

Just listen to Zhang Luotian shouting: "The third trial, start."

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